package tc.oc.pgm.destroyable; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.FireworkEffect; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Sound; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.block.BlockState; import org.bukkit.entity.Firework; import org.bukkit.material.MaterialData; import org.bukkit.util.BlockVector; import; import; import tc.oc.commons.bukkit.util.BlockUtils; import tc.oc.commons.bukkit.util.NMSHacks; import; import tc.oc.commons.core.util.DefaultMapAdapter; import tc.oc.pgm.Config; import tc.oc.pgm.PGM; import tc.oc.pgm.blockdrops.BlockDrops; import tc.oc.pgm.blockdrops.BlockDropsMatchModule; import tc.oc.pgm.blockdrops.BlockDropsRuleSet; import; import tc.oc.pgm.fireworks.FireworkUtil; import tc.oc.pgm.goals.IncrementalGoal; import tc.oc.pgm.goals.ModeChangeGoal; import tc.oc.pgm.goals.TouchableGoal; import; import; import tc.oc.pgm.match.Competitor; import tc.oc.pgm.match.Match; import tc.oc.pgm.match.MatchPlayer; import tc.oc.pgm.match.MatchPlayerState; import tc.oc.pgm.match.ParticipantState; import tc.oc.pgm.match.Parties; import tc.oc.pgm.match.Party; import tc.oc.pgm.regions.FiniteBlockRegion; import tc.oc.pgm.teams.Team; import tc.oc.pgm.utils.MaterialPattern; import tc.oc.pgm.utils.Strings; public class Destroyable extends TouchableGoal<DestroyableFactory> implements IncrementalGoal<DestroyableFactory>, ModeChangeGoal<DestroyableFactory> { // Block replacement rules in this ruleset will be used to calculate destroyable health protected final BlockDropsRuleSet blockDropsRuleSet; protected final FiniteBlockRegion blockRegion; protected final Set<MaterialPattern> materialPatterns = new HashSet<>(); protected final Set<MaterialData> materials = new HashSet<>(); // The percentage of blocks that must be broken for the entire Destroyable to be destroyed. protected double destructionRequired; protected final Duration SPARK_COOLDOWN = Duration.ofMillis(75); protected Instant lastSparkTime; /** * The maximum possible health that this Destroyable can have, which is the sum of the max health * of each block. The max health of a block is the maximum number of breaks between any destroyable * material and any non-destroyable material. Note that blocks are not necessarily at max health when * the match starts. This value can change as the result of mode changes. */ protected int maxHealth; // The current health of the Destroyable protected int health; /** * Map of block -> material -> health i.e. the health level that each material represents * for each block in the destroyable. For example, (1,2,3) -> Gold Block -> 3 means that * when there is a gold block at (1,2,3), it will need to be broken three times to change * into a block that is not a destroyable material. * * This map will have en entry for every destroyable material for every block. If there are * no custom block replacement rules affecting this destroyable, this will be null; */ protected Map<BlockVector, Map<MaterialData, Integer>> blockMaterialHealth; protected final List<DestroyableHealthChange> events = Lists.newArrayList(); protected ImmutableList<DestroyableContribution> contributions; protected Iterable<Location> proximityLocations; public Destroyable(DestroyableFactory definition, Match match) { super(definition, match); for(MaterialPattern pattern : definition.getMaterials()) { addMaterials(pattern); } this.destructionRequired = definition.getDestructionRequired(); final FiniteBlockRegion.Factory regionFactory = new FiniteBlockRegion.Factory(match.getMapInfo().proto); this.blockRegion = regionFactory.fromWorld(definition.getRegion(), match.getWorld(), this.materialPatterns); if(this.blockRegion.blockVolume() == 0) { match.getServer().getLogger().warning("No destroyable blocks found in destroyable " + this.getName()); } this.blockDropsRuleSet = match.needMatchModule(BlockDropsMatchModule.class) .getRuleSet() .subsetAffecting(this.materials) .subsetAffecting(this.blockRegion); this.recalculateHealth(); } // Remove @Nullable @Override public @Nonnull Team getOwner() { return super.getOwner(); } @Override public boolean getDeferTouches() { return true; } @Override public BaseComponent getTouchMessage(@Nullable ParticipantState toucher, boolean self) { if(toucher == null) { return new TranslatableComponent("match.touch.destroyable.owner", Components.blank(), getComponentName(), getOwner().getComponentName()); } else if(self) { return new TranslatableComponent("", Components.blank(), getComponentName(), getOwner().getComponentName()); } else { return new TranslatableComponent("match.touch.destroyable.owner.toucher", toucher.getStyledName(NameStyle.COLOR), getComponentName(), getOwner().getComponentName()); } } @Override public Iterable<Location> getProximityLocations(ParticipantState player) { if(proximityLocations == null) { proximityLocations = Collections.singleton(getBlockRegion().getBounds().center().toLocation(getOwner().getMatch().getWorld())); } return proximityLocations; } void addMaterials(MaterialPattern pattern) { materialPatterns.add(pattern); if(pattern.dataMatters()) { materials.add(pattern.getMaterialData()); } else { // Hacky, but there is no other simple way to deal with block replacement materials.addAll(NMSHacks.getBlockStates(pattern.getMaterial())); } } /** * Calculate maximum/current health */ protected void recalculateHealth() { // We only need blockMaterialHealth if there are destroyable blocks that are // replaced by other destroyable blocks when broken. if(this.isAffectedByBlockReplacementRules()) { this.blockMaterialHealth = new HashMap<>(); this.buildMaterialHealthMap(); } else { this.blockMaterialHealth = null; this.maxHealth = (int) this.blockRegion.blockVolume(); = 0; for(Block block : this.blockRegion.getBlocks(match.getWorld())) { if(this.hasMaterial(block.getState().getData())) {; } } } } protected boolean isAffectedByBlockReplacementRules() { if (this.blockDropsRuleSet.getRules().isEmpty()) { return false; } for(Block block : this.blockRegion.getBlocks(match.getWorld())) { for(MaterialData material : this.materials) { BlockDrops drops = this.blockDropsRuleSet.getDrops(block.getState(), material); if(drops != null && drops.replacement != null && this.hasMaterial(drops.replacement)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Used internally to break out of the below recursive algorithm when a cycle is detected */ protected final static class Indestructible extends Exception { } protected void buildMaterialHealthMap() { this.maxHealth = 0; = 0; Set<MaterialData> visited = new HashSet<>(); try { for(Block block : blockRegion.getBlocks(match.getWorld())) { Map<MaterialData, Integer> materialHealthMap = new HashMap<>(); int blockMaxHealth = 0; for(MaterialData material : this.materials) { visited.clear(); int blockHealth = this.buildBlockMaterialHealthMap(block, material, materialHealthMap, visited); if(blockHealth > blockMaxHealth) { blockMaxHealth = blockHealth; } } this.blockMaterialHealth.put(block.getLocation().toVector().toBlockVector(), materialHealthMap); this.maxHealth += blockMaxHealth; += this.getBlockHealth(block.getState()); } } catch(Indestructible ex) { = this.maxHealth = Integer.MAX_VALUE; PGM.get().getLogger().warning("Destroyable " + this.getName() + " is indestructible due to block replacement cycle"); } } protected int buildBlockMaterialHealthMap(Block block, MaterialData material, Map<MaterialData, Integer> materialHealthMap, Set<MaterialData> visited) throws Indestructible { if(!this.hasMaterial(material)) { return 0; } Integer healthBoxed = materialHealthMap.get(material); if(healthBoxed != null) { return healthBoxed; } if(visited.contains(material)) { throw new Indestructible(); } visited.add(material); int health = 1; if(this.blockDropsRuleSet != null) { BlockDrops drops = this.blockDropsRuleSet.getDrops(block.getState(), material); if(drops != null && drops.replacement != null) { health += this.buildBlockMaterialHealthMap(block, drops.replacement, materialHealthMap, visited); } } materialHealthMap.put(material, health); return health; } /** * Return the number of breaks required to change the given block to a non-objective material */ public int getBlockHealth(BlockState blockState) { if(!this.getBlockRegion().contains(blockState)) { return 0; } if(this.blockMaterialHealth == null) { return this.hasMaterial(blockState.getData()) ? 1 : 0; } else { Map<MaterialData, Integer> materialHealthMap = this.blockMaterialHealth.get(blockState.getLocation().toVector().toBlockVector()); if(materialHealthMap == null) { return 0; } Integer health = materialHealthMap.get(blockState.getData()); return health == null ? 0 : health; } } public int getBlockHealthChange(BlockState oldState, BlockState newState) { return this.getBlockHealth(newState) - this.getBlockHealth(oldState); } /** * Update the state of this Destroyable to reflect the given block being changed by the given player. * @param oldState State of the block before the change * @param newState State of the block after the change * @param player Player responsible for the change * @return An object containing information about the change, including the health delta, * or null if this Destroyable was not affected by the block change */ public DestroyableHealthChange handleBlockChange(BlockState oldState, BlockState newState, @Nullable ParticipantState player) { if(this.isDestroyed() || !this.getBlockRegion().contains(oldState)) return null; int deltaHealth = this.getBlockHealthChange(oldState, newState); if(deltaHealth == 0) return null; this.addHealth(deltaHealth); DestroyableHealthChange changeInfo = new DestroyableHealthChange(oldState, newState, player, deltaHealth);; if(deltaHealth < 0) { touch(player); if(this.definition.hasSparks()) { Location blockLocation =; Instant now =; // Probability of a spark is time_since_last_spark / cooldown_time float chance = this.lastSparkTime == null ? 1.0f : ((float) Duration.between(lastSparkTime, now).toMillis()) / (float) SPARK_COOLDOWN.toMillis(); if(this.match.getRandom().nextFloat() < chance) { this.lastSparkTime = now; // Spawn a firework where the block was Firework firework = FireworkUtil.spawnFirework(blockLocation, FireworkEffect.builder() .with(FireworkEffect.Type.BURST) .withFlicker() .withColor(this.getOwner().getFullColor()) .build(), 0); NMSHacks.skipFireworksLaunch(firework); // Players more than 64m away will not see or hear the fireworks, so just play the sound for them for(MatchPlayer listener : this.getOwner().getMatch().getPlayers()) { if(listener.getBukkit().getLocation().distance(blockLocation) > 64) { listener.getBukkit().playSound(listener.getBukkit().getLocation(), Sound.ENTITY_FIREWORK_BLAST, 0.75f, 1f); listener.getBukkit().playSound(listener.getBukkit().getLocation(), Sound.ENTITY_FIREWORK_TWINKLE, 0.75f, 1f); } } } } } match.callEvent(new DestroyableHealthChangeEvent(this.getMatch(), this, changeInfo)); match.callEvent(new GoalStatusChangeEvent(this)); if(this.isDestroyed()) { match.callEvent(new DestroyableDestroyedEvent(this.match, this)); match.callEvent(new GoalCompleteEvent(this, true, c -> false, c -> !c.equals(getOwner()), this.getContributions())); } return changeInfo; } @Override protected void playTouchEffects(ParticipantState toucher) { // We make our own touch sounds } /** * Test if the given block change is allowed by this Destroyable * @param oldState State of the block before the change * @param newState State of the block after the change * @param player Player responsible for the change * @return A player-readable message explaining why the block change is not allowed, or null if it is allowed */ public String testBlockChange(BlockState oldState, BlockState newState, @Nullable ParticipantState player) { if(this.isDestroyed() || !this.getBlockRegion().contains(oldState)) return null; int deltaHealth = this.getBlockHealthChange(oldState, newState); if(deltaHealth == 0) return null; if(deltaHealth < 0) { // Damage if(player != null && player.getParty() == this.getOwner()) { return "match.destroyable.damageOwn"; } } else if(deltaHealth > 0) { // Repair if(player != null && player.getParty() != this.getOwner()) { return "match.destroyable.repairOther"; } else if(!this.definition.isRepairable()) { return "match.destroyable.repairDisabled"; } } return null; } public FiniteBlockRegion getBlockRegion() { return this.blockRegion; } public boolean hasMaterial(MaterialData data) { for(MaterialPattern material : materialPatterns) { if(material.matches(data)) return true; } return false; } public void addHealth(int delta) { = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.maxHealth, + delta)); } public int getMaxHealth() { return this.maxHealth; } public int getHealth() { return; } public float getHealthPercent() { return (float) / this.maxHealth; } public int getBreaks() { return this.maxHealth -; } @Override public boolean isAffectedByModeChanges() { return this.definition.hasModeChanges(); } public double getDestructionRequired() { return this.destructionRequired; } public String renderDestructionRequired() { return Math.round(this.destructionRequired * 100) + "%"; } private int getBreaksRequired(double destructionRequired) { return (int) Math.round(this.maxHealth * destructionRequired); } public int getBreaksRequired() { return this.getBreaksRequired(this.destructionRequired); } public void setDestructionRequired(double destructionRequired) { if(this.destructionRequired != destructionRequired) { if(this.getBreaks() >= this.getBreaksRequired(destructionRequired)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Destroyable is already destroyed that much"); } else if(destructionRequired > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot require more than 100% destruction"); } this.destructionRequired = destructionRequired; this.getOwner().getMatch().getPluginManager().callEvent(new FeatureChangeEvent(this.getMatch(), this)); } } public void setBreaksRequired(int breaks) { this.setDestructionRequired((double) breaks / this.getMaxHealth()); } @Override public double getCompletion() { return (double) this.getBreaks() / this.getBreaksRequired(); } @Override public String renderCompletion() { return Strings.progressPercentage(this.getCompletion()); } @Override public String renderPreciseCompletion() { return this.getBreaks() + "/" + this.getBreaksRequired(); } @Override public String renderSidebarStatusText(@Nullable Competitor competitor, Party viewer) { if(this.getShowProgress() || Parties.isObservingType(viewer)) { String text = this.renderCompletion(); if(Config.Scoreboard.preciseProgress()) { String precise = this.renderPreciseCompletion(); if(precise != null) { text += " " + ChatColor.GRAY + precise; } } return text; } else { return super.renderSidebarStatusText(competitor, viewer); } } @Override public boolean getShowProgress() { return this.definition.getShowProgress(); } public boolean isDestroyed() { return this.getBreaks() >= this.getBreaksRequired(); } @Override public boolean canComplete(Competitor team) { return team != this.getOwner(); } @Override public boolean isCompleted() { return this.isDestroyed(); } @Override public boolean isCompleted(Competitor team) { return this.isDestroyed() && this.canComplete(team); } public @Nonnull List<DestroyableHealthChange> getEvents() { return ImmutableList.copyOf(; } public @Nonnull ImmutableList<DestroyableContribution> getContributions() { if(this.contributions != null) { return this.contributions; } Map<MatchPlayerState, Integer> playerDamage = new DefaultMapAdapter<>(new HashMap<MatchPlayerState, Integer>(), 0); int totalDamage = 0; for(DestroyableHealthChange change : { if(change.getHealthChange() < 0) { MatchPlayerState player = change.getPlayerCause(); if(player != null) { playerDamage.put(player, playerDamage.get(player) - change.getHealthChange()); } totalDamage -= change.getHealthChange(); } } ImmutableList.Builder<DestroyableContribution> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for(Map.Entry<MatchPlayerState, Integer> entry : playerDamage.entrySet()) { builder.add(new DestroyableContribution( entry.getKey(), (double) entry.getValue() / totalDamage, entry.getValue() )); } ImmutableList<DestroyableContribution> contributions =; if(this.isDestroyed()) { // Only cache if completely destroyed this.contributions = contributions; } return contributions; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public void replaceBlocks(MaterialData newMaterial) { // Calling this method causes all non-destroyed blocks to be replaced, and the material // list to be replaced with one containing only the new block. If called on a multi-stage // destroyable, i.e. one which is affected by block replacement rules, it effectively ceases // to be multi-stage. Even if there are block replacement rules for the new block, the // replacements will not be in the material list, and so those blocks will be considered // destroyed the first time they are mined. This can have some strange effects on the health // of the destroyable: individual block health can only decrease, while the total health // percentage can only increase. double oldCompletion = getCompletion(); for (Block block : this.getBlockRegion().getBlocks(match.getWorld())) { BlockState oldState = block.getState(); int oldHealth = this.getBlockHealth(oldState); if (oldHealth > 0) { block.setTypeIdAndData(newMaterial.getItemTypeId(), newMaterial.getData(), true); } } // Update the materials list on switch this.materialPatterns.clear(); this.materials.clear(); addMaterials(new MaterialPattern(newMaterial)); // If there is a block health map, get rid of it, since there is now only one material in the list this.blockMaterialHealth = null; this.recalculateHealth(); if(oldCompletion != getCompletion()) { match.callEvent(new DestroyableHealthChangeEvent(match, this, null)); } } @Override public boolean isObjectiveMaterial(Block block) { return this.hasMaterial(block.getState().getData()); } @Override public String getModeChangeMessage() { return ""; } @Override public MatchDoc.Destroyable getDocument() { return new Document(); } class Document extends TouchableGoal.Document implements MatchDoc.Destroyable { @Override public int total_blocks() { return getMaxHealth(); } @Override public int breaks_required() { return getBreaksRequired(); } @Override public int breaks() { return getBreaks(); } @Override public double completion() { return getCompletion(); } } }