package tc.oc.commons.core.reflect; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; import tc.oc.commons.core.util.CacheUtils; import tc.oc.commons.core.util.ExceptionUtils; public final class Annotations { private Annotations() {} public static Predicate<AnnotatedElement> annotatedWith(Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) { return element -> element.isAnnotationPresent(annotation); } private static final LoadingCache<Class<? extends Annotation>, Class<? extends Annotation>> annotationTypeCache = CacheUtils.newCache(type -> { Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType = null; for(Class<?> cls = type; cls != null; cls = cls.getSuperclass()) { for(Class<?> iface : cls.getInterfaces()) { if(iface.isAnnotation()) { if(annotationType != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Multiple annotation types found for " + type.getSimpleName() + ": " + annotationType.getName() + " and " + iface.getName()); } annotationType = (Class<? extends Annotation>) iface; } } } if(annotationType == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can't find annotation type of " + type.getName()); } return annotationType; }); public static Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType(Class<? extends Annotation> type) { return annotationTypeCache.getUnchecked(type); } /** * Implements {@link Annotation#equals(Object)} as specified */ public static boolean equals(Annotation a, Object obj) { if(!(obj instanceof Annotation)) return false; final Annotation b = (Annotation) obj; if(!a.annotationType().equals(b.annotationType())) return false; try { for(Method method : a.annotationType().getDeclaredMethods()) { method.setAccessible(true); if(!Objects.equals(method.invoke(a), method.invoke(b))) return false; } } catch(ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw ExceptionUtils.propagate(e); } return true; } /** * Implements {@link Annotation#hashCode()} as specified */ public static int hashCode(Annotation annotation) { int hashCode = 0; try { for(Method method : annotation.annotationType().getDeclaredMethods()) { method.setAccessible(true); hashCode += (127 * method.getName().hashCode()) ^ Objects.hashCode(method.invoke(annotation)); } } catch(ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw ExceptionUtils.propagate(e); } return hashCode; } public static String toString(Annotation annotation) { String text = "@" + annotation.annotationType().getSimpleName(); boolean empty = false; try { for(Method method : annotation.annotationType().getDeclaredMethods()) { if(empty) { empty = false; text += "("; } else { text += " "; } text += method.getName() + "=" + String.valueOf(method.invoke(annotation)); } } catch(ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw ExceptionUtils.propagate(e); } if(!empty) { text += ")"; } return text; } }