package tc.oc.commons.bukkit.hologram; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.util.LinkedList; /** * Various {@link tc.oc.commons.bukkit.hologram.content.HologramFrame}-related utility methods */ public class HologramUtil { public static final int MAX_CLOSEST = 255 * 255 * 3; /** * The filler content used when transparency is detected inside of an image. * * @see <a href=""> reference</a>. */ public static final String ALPHA_FILLER_CONTENT = ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + " \u23B9"; /** * The character used for non-transparent pixels inside of an image. * * @see <a href=""> reference</a>. */ public static final char PIXEL_CHAR = '\u2588'; /** * A map of Minecraft chat colors to their closest RGB counterparts, created by asdjke. */ public static final ImmutableBiMap<Color, ChatColor> COLOR_MAP = ImmutableBiMap.<Color, ChatColor>builder() .put(Color.BLACK, ChatColor.BLACK) .put(new Color(0, 0, 170), ChatColor.DARK_BLUE) .put(new Color(0, 170, 0), ChatColor.DARK_GREEN) .put(new Color(0, 170, 170), ChatColor.DARK_AQUA) .put(new Color(170, 0, 0), ChatColor.DARK_RED) .put(new Color(170, 0, 170), ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE) .put(new Color(255, 170, 0), ChatColor.GOLD) .put(new Color(170, 170, 170), ChatColor.GRAY) .put(new Color(85, 85, 85), ChatColor.DARK_GRAY) .put(new Color(85, 85, 255), ChatColor.BLUE) .put(new Color(85, 255, 85), ChatColor.GREEN) .put(new Color(85, 255, 255), ChatColor.AQUA) .put(new Color(255, 85, 85), ChatColor.RED) .put(new Color(255, 85, 255), ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE) .put(new Color(255, 255, 85), ChatColor.YELLOW) .put(Color.WHITE, ChatColor.WHITE) .build(); /** * Converts a {@link java.awt.image.BufferedImage} to a multi-line text message, using {@link #COLOR_MAP}. * * @return A {@link java.lang.String[]} containing the message */ public static String[] imageToText(BufferedImage image, boolean trim) { int height = Preconditions.checkNotNull(image, "Image").getHeight(); int width = image.getWidth(); String[][] message = new String[height][width]; LinkedList<Integer> pendingAlpha = new LinkedList<>(); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { boolean fillAlpha = !trim; boolean left = false; for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { Color color = new Color(image.getRGB(x, y), true); if (trim) { if (color.getAlpha() < 1) { pendingAlpha.add(x); left = (left || x == 0); } else { if (!left) { applyPendingAlpha(pendingAlpha, message[y]); } else { pendingAlpha.clear(); left = false; } } } ChatColor minecraftColor = rgbToMinecraft(closestColorMatch(color, COLOR_MAP.keySet())); message[y][x] = minecraftColor == null ? (fillAlpha ? ALPHA_FILLER_CONTENT : "") : minecraftColor.toString() + PIXEL_CHAR; } if (!trim) { applyPendingAlpha(pendingAlpha, message[y]); } } String[] messageFinal = new String[height]; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { messageFinal[y] = StringUtils.join(message[y]); } return messageFinal; } /** * Attempts to find the closest {@link ChatColor} for the given {@link Color}. * * @param color The color * @return The appropriate chat color */ public static @Nullable ChatColor rgbToMinecraft(Color color) { return COLOR_MAP.get(color); } /** * Finds the closest match for the specified {@link Color} from the provided colors. Created by asdjke. * * @param color The color to match * @param colors The possible matches * @return The closest match, or null if alpha is zero */ public static @Nullable Color closestColorMatch(Color color, Iterable<Color> colors) { if (color.getAlpha() < 1) return null; int r = color.getRed(); int g = color.getGreen(); int b = color.getBlue(); int closest = MAX_CLOSEST; Color best = null; for (Color key : colors) { int rDist = Math.abs(r - key.getRed()); int gDist = Math.abs(g - key.getGreen()); int bDist = Math.abs(b - key.getBlue()); int dist = rDist * rDist + gDist * gDist + bDist * bDist; if (dist < closest) { best = key; closest = dist; } } return best; } private static void applyPendingAlpha(LinkedList<Integer> pendingAlpha, String[] message) { for (int x : pendingAlpha) { message[x] = ALPHA_FILLER_CONTENT; } pendingAlpha.clear(); } }