package tc.oc.pgm.teams; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Function; import; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.Fraction; import org.bukkit.Sound; import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler; import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority; import org.bukkit.event.Listener; import; import; import tc.oc.commons.core.formatting.StringUtils; import; import tc.oc.commons.core.util.Comparators; import tc.oc.commons.core.util.Optionals; import tc.oc.commons.core.util.Streams; import tc.oc.pgm.Config; import; import; import; import tc.oc.pgm.features.FeatureDefinitionContext; import tc.oc.pgm.features.MatchFeatureContext; import tc.oc.pgm.join.JoinAllowed; import tc.oc.pgm.join.JoinConfiguration; import tc.oc.pgm.join.JoinDenied; import tc.oc.pgm.join.JoinHandler; import tc.oc.pgm.join.JoinMatchModule; import tc.oc.pgm.join.JoinMethod; import tc.oc.pgm.join.JoinQueued; import tc.oc.pgm.join.JoinRequest; import tc.oc.pgm.join.JoinResult; import tc.oc.pgm.join.QueuedParticipants; import tc.oc.pgm.match.Competitor; import tc.oc.pgm.match.Match; import tc.oc.pgm.match.MatchModule; import tc.oc.pgm.match.MatchPlayer; import tc.oc.pgm.match.MatchScope; import tc.oc.pgm.match.Party; import tc.oc.pgm.start.StartMatchModule; import tc.oc.pgm.start.UnreadyReason; import; import static; import static; import static tc.oc.commons.core.util.Functions.memoize; import static tc.oc.commons.core.util.Utils.*; @ListenerScope(MatchScope.LOADED) public class TeamMatchModule extends MatchModule implements Listener, JoinHandler { private static final String CHOOSE_TEAM_PERMISSION = "pgm.join.choose.participating"; class NeedMorePlayers implements UnreadyReason { final @Nullable Team team; final int players; NeedMorePlayers(@Nullable Team team, int players) { = team; this.players = players; } @Override public BaseComponent getReason() { if(team != null) { if(players == 1) { return new TranslatableComponent("", new Component(String.valueOf(players), ChatColor.AQUA), team.getComponentName()); } else { return new TranslatableComponent("", new Component(String.valueOf(players), ChatColor.AQUA), team.getComponentName()); } } else { if(players == 1) { return new TranslatableComponent("start.needMorePlayers.ffa.singular", new Component(String.valueOf(players), ChatColor.AQUA)); } else { return new TranslatableComponent("start.needMorePlayers.ffa.plural", new Component(String.valueOf(players), ChatColor.AQUA)); } } } @Override public boolean canForceStart() { return true; } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + "{players=" + players + " team=" + team + "}"; } }; @Inject private TeamConfiguration config; @Inject private JoinConfiguration joinConfiguration; @Inject private FeatureDefinitionContext definitions; @Inject private MatchFeatureContext features; @Inject private JoinMatchModule jmm; @Inject private StartMatchModule smm; private final Optional<Boolean> requireEven; // Players who autojoined their current team private final Set<MatchPlayer> autoJoins = new HashSet<>(); // Minimum at any time of the number of additional players needed to start the match private int minPlayersNeeded = Integer.MAX_VALUE; public TeamMatchModule(Match match, Optional<Boolean> requireEven) { super(match); this.requireEven = requireEven; } @Override public void load() { super.load(); jmm.registerHandler(this); Streams.consume(teams()); updatePlayerLimits(); updateReadiness(); } protected void updatePlayerLimits() { int min = 0, max = 0; for(Team team : getTeams()) { min += team.getMinPlayers(); max += team.getMaxPlayers(); } getMatch().setPlayerLimits(Range.closed(min, max)); } protected void updateReadiness() { if(getMatch().hasStarted()) return; final int playersQueued = jmm.getQueuedParticipants().getPlayers().size(); final int playersJoined = getMatch().getParticipatingPlayers().size(); Team singleTeam = null; int teamNeeded = 0; for(Team t : getTeams()) { int p = t.getMinPlayers() - t.getPlayers().size(); if(p > 0) { singleTeam = teamNeeded == 0 ? t : null; teamNeeded += p; } } teamNeeded -= playersQueued; int globalNeeded = Config.minimumPlayers() - playersJoined - playersQueued; int playersNeeded; if(globalNeeded > teamNeeded) { playersNeeded = globalNeeded; singleTeam = null; } else { playersNeeded = teamNeeded; } if(playersNeeded > 0) { smm.addUnreadyReason(new NeedMorePlayers(singleTeam, playersNeeded)); // Whenever playersNeeded reaches a new minimum, reset the unready timeout if(playersNeeded < minPlayersNeeded) { minPlayersNeeded = playersNeeded; smm.restartUnreadyTimeout(); } } else { smm.removeUnreadyReason(NeedMorePlayers.class); } } public Stream<Team> teams() { return definitions.all(TeamFactory.class) .map(this::team); } public Set<Team> getTeams() { return teams().collect(Collectors.toImmutableSet()); } public Team team(TeamFactory def) { return features.get(def); } public Stream<Team> shuffledTeams() { final List<Team> list = new ArrayList<>(getTeams()); Collections.shuffle(list, match.getRandom()); return; } public @Nullable Team bestFuzzyMatch(String name) { return bestFuzzyMatch(name, 0.9); } public @Nullable Team bestFuzzyMatch(String name, double threshold) { Map<String, Team> byName = new HashMap<>(); for(Team team : getTeams()) byName.put(team.getName(), team); return StringUtils.bestFuzzyMatch(name, byName, threshold); } public Optional<Team> fuzzyMatch(String name) { return Optional.ofNullable(bestFuzzyMatch(name)); } protected void setAutoJoin(MatchPlayer player, boolean autoJoined) { if(autoJoined) { autoJoins.add(player); } else { autoJoins.remove(player); } } protected boolean isAutoJoin(MatchPlayer player) { return autoJoins.contains(player); } private boolean canSwitchTeams(MatchPlayer joining) { return config.allowSwitch() || !getMatch().hasStarted(); } private boolean canChooseTeam(MatchPlayer joining) { return config.allowChoose() && joining.getBukkit().hasPermission(CHOOSE_TEAM_PERMISSION); } public boolean forceJoin(MatchPlayer joining, @Nullable Competitor forcedParty) { if(forcedParty instanceof Team) { return forceJoin(joining, (Team) forcedParty, false); } else if(forcedParty == null) { final JoinResult result = queryAutoJoin(joining, false); if(result.isAllowed() && result.competitor().isPresent() && result.competitor().get() instanceof Team) { return forceJoin(joining, (Team) result.competitor().get(), true); } } return false; } private boolean forceJoin(MatchPlayer player, Team newTeam, boolean autoJoin) { checkNotNull(newTeam); if(Optionals.equals(newTeam, player.partyMaybe())) return true; if(getMatch().setPlayerParty(player, newTeam)) { setAutoJoin(player, autoJoin); return true; } else { return false; } } private boolean requireEvenTeams() { final boolean requireEven = this.requireEven.orElse(config.requireEven()); if(!requireEven) return false; // If any teams are unequal in size, don't try to even the teams // TODO: This could be done, it's just more complicated int size = -1; for(Team team : getTeams()) { if(size == -1) { size = team.getMaxOverfill(); } else if(size != team.getMaxOverfill()) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Do all teams have equal fullness ratios? */ public boolean areTeamsEven() { return Streams.isUniform(teams().map(team -> team.getFullness(Team::getMaxOverfill))); } /** * Return the most full participating team */ public Team getFullestTeam() { return (Team) shuffledTeams() .max(Comparator.comparing(team -> team.getFullness(Team::getMaxOverfill))) .get(); } /** * Return join query results for all teams, sorted by auto-join preference * i.e. according to the following chain of criteria: * * - Successful joins before failed ones * - Joins that do not require a priority kick before those that do * - Ascending team fullness relative to min-players * - Ascending team fullness relative to max-overfill * - Random order * * It is assumed that the joining player will leave their current team before * joining i.e. they are ignored for all calculations. */ private Stream<JoinResult> autoJoinResults(MatchPlayer joining, boolean priorityKick) { return Team.withChange(joining, null, () -> { final Function<Team, JoinResult> queryJoin = memoize(team -> team.queryJoin(joining, priorityKick, false)); return shuffledTeams() .sorted(Comparator.<Team, JoinResult>comparing(queryJoin, Comparator.comparing(JoinResult::isAllowed, Comparators.firstIf()) .thenComparing(JoinResult::priorityKickRequired, Comparators.lastIf())) .<Fraction>thenComparing((Team team) -> team.getFullness(Team::getMinPlayers)) .<Fraction>thenComparing((Team team) -> team.getFullness(Team::getMaxOverfill))) .map(queryJoin); }); } /** * Return the best team for the given player to join, as determined by {@link #autoJoinResults}. * If no teams can be joined, the result will be the least bad option. */ private JoinResult queryAutoJoin(MatchPlayer joining, boolean priorityKick) { return autoJoinResults(joining, priorityKick) .filter(result -> !(result.competitor().isPresent() && joining.inParty(result.competitor().get()))) .findFirst() .get(); } /** * Get the given player's last joined {@link Team} in this match, * or empty if the player has never joined a team. */ public Optional<Team> lastTeam(PlayerId playerId) { return getInstanceOf(getMatch().getLastCompetitor(playerId), Team.class); } /** * What would happen if the given player tried to join the given team right now? */ @Override public @Nullable JoinResult queryJoin(MatchPlayer joining, JoinRequest request) { if(!request.competitor().isPresent() || request.competitor().get() instanceof Team) { return queryJoin(joining, request, false); } return null; } private JoinResult queryJoin(MatchPlayer joining, JoinRequest request, boolean queued) { final Optional<Team> lastTeam = lastTeam(joining.getPlayerId()); final Optional<Team> chosenTeam = getInstanceOf(request.competitor(), Team.class); if(request.method() == JoinMethod.REMOTE) { // If remote joining, force the player onto a team return JoinAllowed.force(queryAutoJoin(joining, true)); } else if(!request.competitor().isPresent()) { // If autojoining, and the player is already on a team, the request is satisfied if(Optionals.isInstance(joining.partyMaybe(), Competitor.class)) { return JoinDenied.error("command.gameplay.join.alreadyOnTeam", joining.getParty().getComponentName()); } // If team choosing is disabled, and the match has not started yet, defer the join. // Note that this can only happen with autojoin. Choosing a team always fails if // the condition below is true. if(!queued && !config.allowChoose() && !getMatch().hasStarted()) { return new JoinQueued(); } if(lastTeam.isPresent()) { // If the player was previously on a team, try to join that team first final JoinResult rejoin = lastTeam.get().queryJoin(joining, true, true); if(rejoin.isAllowed() || !canSwitchTeams(joining)) return rejoin; // If the join fails, and the player is allowed to switch teams, fall through to the auto-join } // Try to find a team for the player to join final JoinResult auto = queryAutoJoin(joining, true); if(auto.isAllowed()) return auto; if(jmm.canJoinFull(joining) || !joinConfiguration.overfill()) { return JoinDenied.unavailable("autoJoin.teamsFull"); } else { // If the player is not premium, and overfill is enabled, plug the shop return JoinDenied.unavailable("autoJoin.teamsFull") .also(Links.shopPlug("shop.plug.joinFull")); } } else if(chosenTeam.isPresent()) { // If the player is already on the chosen team, there is nothing to do if(joining.hasParty() && contains(chosenTeam, joining.getParty())) { return JoinDenied.error("command.gameplay.join.alreadyOnTeam", joining.getParty().getComponentName()); } // If team switching is disabled and the player is choosing to re-join their // last team, don't consider it a "choice" since that's the only team they can // join anyway. In any other case, check that they are allowed to choose their team. if(config.allowSwitch() || !chosenTeam.equals(lastTeam)) { // Team choosing is disabled if(!config.allowChoose()) { return JoinDenied.error("command.gameplay.join.choiceDisabled"); } // Player is not allowed to choose their team if(!canChooseTeam(joining)) { return JoinDenied.unavailable("command.gameplay.join.choiceDenied") .also(Links.shopPlug("shop.plug.chooseTeam")); } } // If team switching is disabled, check if the player is rejoining their former team if(!canSwitchTeams(joining) && lastTeam.isPresent()) { if(chosenTeam.equals(lastTeam)) { return chosenTeam.get().queryJoin(joining, true, true); } else { return JoinDenied.error("command.gameplay.join.switchDisabled", lastTeam.get().getComponentName()); } } return chosenTeam.get().queryJoin(joining, true, false); } return null; } @Override public boolean join(MatchPlayer joining, JoinRequest request, JoinResult result) { if(result.isAllowed() && isInstanceOf(result.competitor(), Team.class)) { final Optional<Team> lastTeam = lastTeam(joining.getPlayerId()); final Team newTeam = (Team) result.competitor().get(); // FIXME: When a player rejoins their last team, we lose their autojoin status if(!forceJoin(joining, newTeam, !lastTeam.isPresent() && !request.competitor().isPresent())) { return false; } if(result.priorityKickRequired()) {"Bumping a player from " + newTeam.getColoredName() + " to make room for " + joining.getDisplayName()); kickPlayerOffTeam(newTeam, false); } return true; } return false; } @Override public void queuedJoin(QueuedParticipants queue) { final boolean even = requireEvenTeams(); final JoinRequest request = JoinRequest.user(); // First, eliminate any players who cannot join at all, so they do not influence the even teams logic List<MatchPlayer> shortList = new ArrayList<>(); for(MatchPlayer player : queue.getOrderedPlayers()) { JoinResult result = queryJoin(player, request, true); if(result.isAllowed()) { shortList.add(player); } else { // This will send a failure message join(player, request, result); } } for(int i = 0; i < shortList.size(); i++) { MatchPlayer player = shortList.get(i); if(even && areTeamsEven() && shortList.size() - i < getTeams().size()) { // Prevent join if even teams are required, and there aren't enough remaining players to go around player.sendWarning(new TranslatableComponent("command.gameplay.join.uneven")); } else { join(player, request, queryJoin(player, request, true)); } } } /** * Try to balance teams by bumping players to other teams */ public void balanceTeams() { if(!config.autoBalance()) return;"Auto-balancing teams"); for(;;) { Team team = this.getFullestTeam(); if(team == null) break; if(!team.isStacked()) break;"Bumping a player from stacked team " + team.getColoredName()); if(!this.kickPlayerOffTeam(team, true)) break; } } public boolean kickPlayerOffTeam(Team kickFrom, boolean forBalance) { checkArgument(kickFrom.getMatch() == getMatch()); // Find all players who can be bumped List<MatchPlayer> kickable = kickFrom.getPlayers().stream() .filter(player -> !jmm.canPriorityKick(player) || (forBalance && isAutoJoin(player))) .collect(Collectors.toImmutableList()); // Premium players can be auto-balanced if they auto-joined if(kickable.isEmpty()) return false; // Choose an unfortunate cheapskate MatchPlayer kickMe = kickable.get(getMatch().getRandom().nextInt(kickable.size())); // Try to put them on another team final Party kickTo; final JoinResult kickResult = queryAutoJoin(kickMe, false); if(kickResult.isAllowed()) { kickTo = kickResult.competitor().get(); } else { // If no teams are available, kick them to observers, if necessary if(forBalance) return false; kickTo = getMatch().getDefaultParty(); } // Give them the bad news if(jmm.canPriorityKick(kickMe)) { kickMe.sendMessage(new TranslatableComponent("gameplay.kickedForBalance", kickTo.getComponentName())); kickMe.sendMessage(new TranslatableComponent("gameplay.autoJoinSwitch")); } else { kickMe.playSound(Sound.ENTITY_VILLAGER_HURT, kickMe.getBukkit().getLocation(), 1, 1); if(forBalance) { kickMe.sendWarning(new TranslatableComponent("gameplay.kickedForBalance", kickTo.getComponentName()), false); kickMe.sendMessage(Links.shopPlug("shop.plug.neverSwitched")); } else { kickMe.sendWarning(new TranslatableComponent("gameplay.kickedForPremium", kickFrom.getComponentName()), false); kickMe.sendMessage(Links.shopPlug("shop.plug.neverKicked")); } }"Bumping " + kickMe.getDisplayName() + " to " + kickTo.getColoredName()); if(kickTo instanceof Team) { return forceJoin(kickMe, (Team) kickTo); } else { return getMatch().setPlayerParty(kickMe, kickTo); } } @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR) public void onPartyChange(PlayerPartyChangeEvent event) { if(event.getNewParty() instanceof Team) { event.getPlayer().sendMessage(new TranslatableComponent("team.join", event.getNewParty().getComponentName())); } updateReadiness(); } @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.MONITOR) public void onTeamResize(TeamResizeEvent event) { updateReadiness(); } }