package tc.oc.commons.bukkit.punishment; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.Instant; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Singleton; import; import; import; import; import; import; import tc.oc.api.model.IdFactory; import tc.oc.api.model.ModelService; import; @Singleton public class PunishmentCreator { private final ReportConfiguration config; private final ModelService<Punishment, PunishmentDoc.Partial> punishmentService; private final IdFactory idFactory; private final Server localServer; @Inject PunishmentCreator(ReportConfiguration config, ModelService<Punishment, PunishmentDoc.Partial> punishmentService, IdFactory idFactory, Server localServer) { this.config = config; this.punishmentService = punishmentService; this.idFactory = idFactory; this.localServer = localServer; } public boolean offRecord() { return !config.crossServer(); } public ListenableFuture<Punishment> create(@Nullable PlayerId punisher, PlayerId punished, String reason, @Nullable PunishmentDoc.Type type, @Nullable Duration duration, boolean silent, boolean auto, boolean offrecord) { final String id = idFactory.newId(); final Instant time =; final MatchDoc match = localServer.current_match(); return punishmentService.update(new PunishmentDoc.Creation() { public String punisher_id() { return punisher != null ? punisher._id() : null; } public String punished_id() { return punished._id(); } public String match_id() { return match != null ? match._id() : null; } public String server_id() { return localServer._id(); } public String family() { return; } public String reason() { return reason; } public PunishmentDoc.Type type() { return type; } public Instant date() { return time; } public Instant expire() { return duration != null ? date().plus(duration) : null; } public boolean off_record() { return offRecord() || offrecord; } public boolean debatable() { return true; } public boolean silent() { return silent; } public boolean automatic() { return auto; } public boolean active() { return true; } public String _id() { return id; } }); } public ListenableFuture<Punishment> repeat(Punishment base, PlayerId punished) { return create( base.punisher(), punished, base.reason(), base.type(), base.expire() == null ? null : Duration.between(, base.expire()), base.silent(), base.automatic(), false // Since off the record punishments are destroyed, this can never be true ); } }