package tc.oc.pgm.teams; import java.util.Optional; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor; import; import; import; import; import tc.oc.pgm.features.FeatureDefinition; import tc.oc.pgm.features.FeatureFactory; import tc.oc.pgm.features.FeatureInfo; import tc.oc.pgm.features.SluggedFeatureDefinition; import tc.oc.pgm.match.Match; import tc.oc.pgm.module.ModuleLoadException; import tc.oc.pgm.xml.InvalidXMLException; import tc.oc.pgm.xml.finder.Attributes; import tc.oc.pgm.xml.finder.ParentText; import tc.oc.pgm.xml.validate.NonBlank; import tc.oc.pgm.xml.validate.Validatable; /** * Immutable class to represent a team in a map that is not tied to any * specific match. */ @FeatureInfo(name = "team") @ImplementedBy(TeamFactoryImpl.class) public interface TeamFactory extends SluggedFeatureDefinition, Validatable, FeatureFactory<Team> { /** Gets this team's default name as set by the map creator. * @return Default team name. */ @Property(name="name") @Nodes({Attributes.class, ParentText.class}) @Validate(NonBlank.class) String getDefaultName(); @Property(name="plural") default boolean isDefaultNamePlural() { return false; } /** Gets this team's default color as set by the map creator. * @return Default team color. */ @Property(name="color") default ChatColor getDefaultColor() { return ChatColor.WHITE; } default BaseComponent getComponentName() { return new Component(getDefaultName(), getDefaultColor()); } @Property(name="min") Optional<Integer> getMinPlayers(); /** Gets the maximum players that may be on this team. * @return Maximum players for this team. */ @Property(name="max") int getMaxPlayers(); /** * Gets the maximum overfill players that may be on this team. * * @return Maximum team overfill size for this team always >= maxPlayers */ @Property(name="max-overfill") Optional<Integer> getMaxOverfill(); @Property(name="show-name-tags") default org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team.OptionStatus getNameTagVisibility() { return org.bukkit.scoreboard.Team.OptionStatus.ALWAYS; } @Property(name="lives") Optional<Integer> getLives(); MapDoc.Team getDocument(); @Override default void validate() throws InvalidXMLException { if(getMaxOverfill().isPresent() && getMaxOverfill().get() < getMaxPlayers()) { throw new InvalidXMLException("Max overfill cannot be less than max players"); } if(getLives().isPresent() && getLives().get() <= 0) { throw new InvalidXMLException("Lives must be at least 1"); } } } abstract class TeamFactoryImpl extends FeatureDefinition.Impl implements TeamFactory { @Inject private Team.Factory factory; private final Document document = new Document(); @Override public Team createFeature(Match match) throws ModuleLoadException { final Team team = factory.create(this); match.addParty(team); return team; } @Override public Optional<String> inspectIdentity() { return Optional.of(getDefaultName()); } @Override public MapDoc.Team getDocument() { return document; } @Override public String defaultSlug() { return TeamFactory.super.defaultSlug() + "--" + slugify(getDefaultName()); } public class Document implements MapDoc.Team { @Override public String _id() { return defaultSlug(); } @Override public String name() { return getDefaultName(); } @Override public @Nullable Integer min_players() { return getMinPlayers().orElse(0); } @Override public @Nullable Integer max_players() { return getMaxPlayers(); } @Override public @Nullable net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor color() { return ChatUtils.convert(getDefaultColor()); } } }