package tc.oc.pgm.goals; import java.util.Objects; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import; import; import; import; import tc.oc.commons.core.util.Utils; import tc.oc.pgm.match.Competitor; import tc.oc.pgm.match.Match; import tc.oc.pgm.match.MatchPlayer; import tc.oc.pgm.match.Party; import static; /** * Displays the name of a {@link Goal}, with optional status icon, as they appear * in the sidebar. */ public class GoalComponent extends ImmutableComponent implements RenderableComponent { private final Goal<?> goal; private final @Nullable Competitor competitor; private final boolean showStatus; public GoalComponent(Goal<?> goal, @Nullable Competitor competitor, boolean showStatus) { this.goal = goal; this.competitor = competitor; this.showStatus = showStatus; } /** * Display the status of a goal with respect to a particular {@link Competitor}. * * The goal will appear is it does on the sidebar when grouped under that competitor. */ public static GoalComponent forCompetitor(Goal<?> goal, Competitor competitor, boolean showStatus) { return new GoalComponent(goal, checkNotNull(competitor), showStatus); } /** * Display the status of a goal in a generic way. * * The goal will appear as it does on the top of the sidebar, when not grouped under any competitor. */ public static GoalComponent forEveryone(Goal<?> goal, boolean showStatus) { return new GoalComponent(goal, null, showStatus); } public Goal<?> goal() { return goal; } @Nullable public Competitor competitor() { return competitor; } public boolean showStatus() { return showStatus; } @Override public GoalComponent duplicate() { return new GoalComponent(goal, competitor, showStatus); } @Override public BaseComponent render(ComponentRenderContext context, CommandSender viewer) { final Match match = goal.getMatch(); final MatchPlayer player = match.getPlayer(viewer); final Party party = player != null ? player.getParty() : match.getDefaultParty(); final Component c = new Component(goal.renderSidebarLabelColor(competitor, party)); if(showStatus) { c.extra(new Component(goal.renderSidebarStatusText(competitor, party), goal.renderSidebarStatusColor(competitor, party))) .extra(" "); } c.extra(goal.renderSidebarLabelText(competitor, party)); return c; } @Override protected boolean equals(BaseComponent obj) { return Utils.equals(GoalComponent.class, this, obj, that -> goal.equals(that.goal()) && Objects.equals(competitor, that.competitor()) && showStatus == that.showStatus() && super.equals(that) ); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(super.hashCode(), goal, competitor, showStatus); } }