package tc.oc.pgm.timelimit; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor; import; import; import org.bukkit.Sound; import org.bukkit.boss.BarColor; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import java.time.Duration; import; import; import tc.oc.pgm.countdowns.MatchCountdown; import tc.oc.pgm.match.Match; import static; /** * Like all countdowns, this one cannot be reused. It is created by a {@link TimeLimit} * and started immediately. It stores the {@link TimeLimit} that created it, and notifies * it when the countdown ends or is cancelled. */ public class TimeLimitCountdown extends MatchCountdown { private static final BukkitSound NOTICE_SOUND = new BukkitSound(Sound.BLOCK_NOTE_PLING, 1f, 1.19f); // Significant moments private static final BukkitSound IMMINENT_SOUND = new BukkitSound(Sound.UI_BUTTON_CLICK, 0.25f, 2f); // Last 30 seconds private static final BukkitSound CRESCENDO_SOUND = new BukkitSound(Sound.BLOCK_PORTAL_TRIGGER, 1f, 0.78f); // Last few seconds private final TimeLimit timeLimit; public TimeLimitCountdown(Match match, TimeLimit timeLimit) { super(match); this.timeLimit = checkNotNull(timeLimit); } public @Nullable Duration remaining() { return remaining; } @Override public BaseComponent barText(Player viewer) { return new Component(new TranslatableComponent("match.timeRemaining", new Component(colonTime(), textColor())), ChatColor.AQUA); } @Override public boolean isVisible(Player viewer) { return super.isVisible(viewer) && this.timeLimit.getShow(); } @Override public BarColor barColor(Player viewer) { long seconds = remaining.getSeconds(); if(seconds > 60) { return BarColor.GREEN; } else if(seconds > 30) { return BarColor.YELLOW; } else { return BarColor.RED; } } protected ChatColor textColor() { long seconds = remaining.getSeconds(); if(seconds > 60) { return ChatColor.GREEN; } else if(seconds > 30) { return ChatColor.YELLOW; } else if(seconds > 5) { return ChatColor.GOLD; } else { return ChatColor.DARK_RED; } } protected boolean shouldBeep() { long secondsLeft = remaining.getSeconds(); return secondsLeft > 0 && (secondsLeft % 300 == 0 || // every 5 minutes (secondsLeft % 60 == 0 && secondsLeft <= 300) || // every minute for the last 5 minutes (secondsLeft % 10 == 0 && secondsLeft <= 30) || // every 10 seconds for the last 30 seconds secondsLeft <= 5); // every second for the last 5 seconds } @Override public void onTick(Duration remaining, Duration total) { super.onTick(remaining, total); if(this.timeLimit.getShow()) { long secondsLeft = remaining.getSeconds(); if(secondsLeft > 30) { if(this.shouldBeep()) { this.getMatch().playSound(NOTICE_SOUND); } } else if(secondsLeft > 0) { // Tick for the last 30 seconds this.getMatch().playSound(IMMINENT_SOUND); } if(secondsLeft == 5) { // Play the portal crescendo sound up to the last moment this.getMatch().playSound(CRESCENDO_SOUND); } } } protected void freeze(Duration remaining) { this.remaining = remaining; bbmm.render(this); } @Override public void onEnd(Duration total) { super.onEnd(total); this.freeze(Duration.ZERO); timeLimit.onEnd(); } @Override public void onCancel(Duration remaining, Duration total, boolean manual) { super.onCancel(remaining, total, manual); if(this.getMatch().isFinished()) { this.freeze(remaining); } else if(manual) { timeLimit.onCancel(manual); } } }