package tc.oc.pgm.regions; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import org.bukkit.util.ImVector; import org.bukkit.util.Vector; import org.jdom2.Attribute; import org.jdom2.Element; import tc.oc.pgm.features.FeatureDefinitionParser; import tc.oc.pgm.features.MagicMethodFeatureParser; import tc.oc.pgm.utils.MethodParser; import tc.oc.pgm.utils.XMLUtils; import tc.oc.pgm.xml.InvalidXMLException; import tc.oc.pgm.xml.Node; import static tc.oc.commons.core.exception.LambdaExceptionUtils.rethrowFunction; import static tc.oc.commons.core.exception.LambdaExceptionUtils.rethrowSupplier; public class RegionDefinitionParser extends MagicMethodFeatureParser<Region> implements FeatureDefinitionParser<Region> { @Inject private RegionParser regionParser; private Region parseHalves(Element el, double dir) throws InvalidXMLException { final List<HalfspaceRegion> halves = new ArrayList<>(); XMLUtils.parseNumber(el, "x", Double.class).infinity(true).optional().ifPresent(x -> halves.add(new HalfspaceRegion(new Vector(x, 0, 0), new Vector(dir, 0, 0))) ); XMLUtils.parseNumber(el, "y", Double.class).infinity(true).optional().ifPresent(y -> halves.add(new HalfspaceRegion(new Vector(0, y, 0), new Vector(0, dir, 0))) ); XMLUtils.parseNumber(el, "z", Double.class).infinity(true).optional().ifPresent(z -> halves.add(new HalfspaceRegion(new Vector(0, 0, z), new Vector(0, 0, dir))) ); if(halves.isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidXMLException("Expected at least one of x, y, or z attributes", el); } return new Intersection(halves); } @MethodParser public HalfspaceRegion half(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { Vector normal = XMLUtils.parseVector(XMLUtils.getRequiredAttribute(el, "normal")); if(normal.lengthSquared() == 0) { throw new InvalidXMLException("normal must have a non-zero length", el); } Vector origin = XMLUtils.parseVector(el.getAttribute("origin"), new Vector()); return new HalfspaceRegion(origin, normal); } @MethodParser public Region below(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { return parseHalves(el, -1); } @MethodParser public Region above(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { return parseHalves(el, 1); } @MethodParser public PointRegion point(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { return new PointRegion(XMLUtils.parseVector(new Node(el))); } @MethodParser public CuboidRegion cuboid(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { Vector min = XMLUtils.parseVector(el.getAttribute("min")); Vector max = XMLUtils.parseVector(el.getAttribute("max")); Vector size = XMLUtils.parseVector(el.getAttribute("size")); if(min != null && max != null && size == null) { return new CuboidRegion(min, max); } else if(min != null && max == null && size != null) { return new CuboidRegion(min,; } else if(min == null && max != null && size != null) { return new CuboidRegion(max.clone().subtract(size), max); } else { throw new InvalidXMLException("cuboid must specify exactly two of 'min', 'max', and 'size' attributes", el); } } @MethodParser public CylindricalRegion cylinder(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { Vector base = XMLUtils.parseVector(el.getAttribute("base")); if(base == null) { throw new InvalidXMLException("Cylindrical region must specify valid base vector.", el); } try { final double radius = XMLUtils.parseNumber(Node.fromRequiredAttr(el, "radius"), Double.class, true); final double top = Node.tryAttr(el, "top") .map(rethrowFunction(node -> XMLUtils.parseNumber(node, Double.class, true))) .orElseGet(rethrowSupplier(() -> base.getY() + XMLUtils.parseNumber(Node.fromRequiredAttr(el, "height"), Double.class, true))); return new CylindricalRegion(base, radius, top); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new InvalidXMLException("Cylindrical region must specify valid radius and height.", el); } } @MethodParser public Region rectangle(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { Vector min = XMLUtils.parse2DVector(Node.fromRequiredAttr(el, "min")); Vector max = XMLUtils.parse2DVector(Node.fromRequiredAttr(el, "max")); return new CuboidRegion(ImVector.of(min.getX(), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, min.getZ()), ImVector.of(max.getX(), Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, max.getZ())); } @MethodParser public BlockRegion block(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { // TODO: remove "location" backwards compatibility with next major map proto bump Vector loc = XMLUtils.parseVector(Node.fromAttr(el, "location")); if(loc == null) { loc = XMLUtils.parseVector(new Node(el)); if(loc == null) { throw new InvalidXMLException("Block region must have valid location vector.", el); } } return new BlockRegion(loc); } @MethodParser public Region union(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { return new Union(regionParser.parseChildList(el)); } @MethodParser public Region intersect(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { return new Intersection(regionParser.parseChildList(el, Range.atLeast(1))); } @MethodParser public Region complement(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { final List<Region> regions = regionParser.parseChildList(el, Range.atLeast(2)); return new Complement(regions.get(0), Union.of(regions.subList(1, regions.size()))); } @MethodParser public Region negative(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { return new NegativeRegion(regionParser.parseReferenceAndChildUnion(el)); } @MethodParser public Region circle(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { Vector center = XMLUtils.parse2DVector(Node.fromRequiredAttr(el, "center")); double radius = XMLUtils.parseNumber(Node.fromRequiredAttr(el, "radius"), Double.class, true); return new CylindricalRegion(ImVector.of(center.getX(), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, center.getZ()), radius, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); } @MethodParser public SphereRegion sphere(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { return new SphereRegion(XMLUtils.parseVector(Node.fromRequiredAttr(el, "center", "origin")), XMLUtils.parseNumber(Node.fromRequiredAttr(el, "radius"), Double.class, true)); } @MethodParser public TranslatedRegion translate(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { Attribute offsetAttribute = el.getAttribute("offset"); if(offsetAttribute == null) { throw new InvalidXMLException("Translate region must have an offset", el); } Vector offset = XMLUtils.parseVector(offsetAttribute); return new TranslatedRegion(regionParser.parseReferenceAndChildUnion(el), offset); } @MethodParser public MirroredRegion mirror(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { Vector normal = XMLUtils.parseVector(XMLUtils.getRequiredAttribute(el, "normal")); if(normal.lengthSquared() == 0) { throw new InvalidXMLException("normal must have a non-zero length", el); } Vector origin = XMLUtils.parseVector(el.getAttribute("origin"), new Vector()); return new MirroredRegion(regionParser.parseReferenceAndChildUnion(el), origin, normal); } @MethodParser public EverywhereRegion everywhere(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { return new EverywhereRegion(); } @MethodParser({"empty", "nowhere"}) public EmptyRegion empty(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { return new EmptyRegion(); } }