/* * @test /nodynamiccopyright/ * @bug 6939620 7020044 * * @summary Check that diamond fails when inference violates declared bounds * (test with local class, qualified/simple type expressions) * @author mcimadamore * @compile/fail/ref=Neg04.out Neg04.java -XDrawDiagnostics * */ class Neg04 { void test() { class Foo<V extends Number> { Foo(V x) {} <Z> Foo(V x, Z z) {} } Foo<String> n1 = new Foo<>(""); Foo<? extends String> n2 = new Foo<>(""); Foo<?> n3 = new Foo<>(""); Foo<? super String> n4 = new Foo<>(""); Foo<String> n5 = new Foo<>("", ""); Foo<? extends String> n6 = new Foo<>("", ""); Foo<?> n7 = new Foo<>("", ""); Foo<? super String> n8 = new Foo<>("", ""); } }