package org.jmlspecs.openjml; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import; import; import org.jmlspecs.annotation.NonNull; import org.jmlspecs.annotation.Nullable; import org.jmlspecs.annotation.Pure; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlSpecs.FieldSpecs; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlSpecs.TypeSpecs; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlClassDecl; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlCompilationUnit; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlMethodDecl; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlMethodSpecs; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlVariableDecl; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.Main.IProgressListener; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.proverinterface.IProverResult; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.proverinterface.ProverResult; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public interface IAPI { //@ public model boolean isOpen; private represents isOpen = main != null; /** Returns the string describing the version of OpenJML that is this * set of classes. * @return the version of this instance of OpenJML */ public @NonNull String version(); /** The compilation context for this API object */ //@ ensures \result == context; @Pure public @Nullable Context context(); /** The compiler object for this context. */ @Pure public Main main(); /** A partial (abstract) implementation of a progress listener to hear * progress on this API's operations. */ public static abstract class AbstractProgressListener implements IProgressListener { protected Context context; public AbstractProgressListener() { } /** Called by the subscribed object when a diagnostic report is made */ @Override public abstract boolean report(int ticks, int level, String message); // FIXME - can we get rid of this? in the meantime, it must be called to set the context to match that of the compilation context being listened to @Override public void setContext(Context context) { this.context = context; } } public static interface IProofResultListener { void reportProofResult(MethodSymbol msym, IProverResult result); } /** Sets a progress listener that hears any progress reports (e.g. names of * files as they are parsed). Any previous listener is forgotten (there is * just one listener at a time). * @param p The listener */ public void setProgressListener(@Nullable Main.IProgressListener p); /** Sets a listener for ESC proof results as they are generated. Any previous * listener is forgotten (there is just one listener at a time). * @param p the listener */ public void setProofResultListener(@Nullable IProofResultListener p); /** This method initializes the Options instance of the current compilation * context. If the options argument is not null, its content is used * to completely initialize the Options instance; if options is null, then * the options are initialized by reading * the options specified in the environment (System properties + * openjml properties files). Then the specified args are processed to make any * further adjustments to the options. Any errors are reported through the * log mechanism. Any non-options in the args list (e.g. files) are * warned about and ignored. * */ public void initOptions(@Nullable Options options, @NonNull String ... args); /** Adds additional command-line options to the current context. Any errors * are reported through the diagnostics Log. */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public void addOptions(String... args); /** Adds a custom option (not checked as a legitimate command-line option); * may have an argument after a = symbol */ public void addUncheckedOption(String arg); /** Gets the value of a command-line option (null if not set) * @param name the option name, including the leading - sign */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public @Nullable String getOption(String name); /** Executes the command-line version of OpenJML, in a newly initialized * Main, with a new compilation context, returning the exit code. * The arguments are used to initialize the options and files just as * described for initOptions(). * @param options an instance of options to use * @param args additional command-line arguments and files to process * @return the exit code (0 is success; other values are various kinds of errors) */ //@ requires isOpen && args != null && \nonnullarguments(args); //@ ensures isOpen; public int execute(@Nullable Options options, @NonNull String ... args); /** Executes the command-line version of OpenJML, in a newly initialized * Main, with a new compilation context, returning the exit code. * The arguments are used to initialize the options and files just as * described for initOptions() and the constructor for Main(). * @param writer the PrintWriter to receive general output * @param diagListener a listener to receive reports of diagnostics (e.g. parse or typechecking errors and warnings) * @param args the command-line arguments * @return the exit code (0 is success; other values are various kinds of errors) */ public int execute(@NonNull PrintWriter writer, @Nullable DiagnosticListener<JavaFileObject> diagListener, @Nullable Options options, @NonNull String ... args); /** Executes the jmldoc tool on the given command-line arguments. This is * NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED and the API may change. */ public int jmldoc(@NonNull String... args); /** Returns true if the class has been type-checked */ public boolean isTypechecked(ClassSymbol csym); /** Returns true if the class has been type-checked */ public boolean isTypechecked(String qualifiedName); /** Enters and typechecks the provided already-parsed compilation unit ASTs. The elements * of the list should all be JmlCompilationUnit nodes. The operation is * performed in the current compilation context, wihth currently set options. * It may add new compilation units to some already checked, but currently * may not check units that have already been checked. * @param trees a varargs list or an array of the ASTs to be checked * @return the number of errors encountered * @throws IOException */ public int typecheck(@NonNull JmlCompilationUnit... trees) throws IOException; /** Enters and typechecks the provided already-parsed compilation unit ASTs. The elements * of the list should all be JmlCompilationUnit nodes. The operation is * performed in the current compilation context, wihth currently set options. * It may add new compilation units to some already checked, but currently * may not check units that have already been checked. * @param trees a collection (java.util.Collection) of the ASTs to be checked * @return the number of errors encountered * @throws IOException */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public int typecheck( @NonNull Collection<? extends JmlCompilationUnit> trees) throws; /** Enters and typechecks the provided already-parsed compilation unit ASTs; * The elements * of the list must all be JmlCompilationUnit nodes (this signature says JCCompilationUnit * to be compatible with the JavaCompiler API). The operation is * performed in the current compilation context, wihth currently set options. * It may add new compilation units to some already checked, but currently * may not check units that have already been checked. * @param list a list ( of the ASTs to be checked * @return the number of errors encountered * @throws IOException */ public int typecheck(@NonNull List<? extends JCCompilationUnit> list) throws IOException; /** Parses each java file and its specs returning a list of the ASTs for corresponding * java files; the spec files are automatically found according to JML rules; * the ASTs of the spec files are contained in the * JmlCompilationUnit.specsSequence. Error messages are reported separately * through the diagnostic listener; * if there are errors, a parse tree may be incomplete. The trees are not * type-checked and do not have any name resolution applied. * @param files the names of the input .java or .jml files * @return a list of corresponding ASTs */ //@ requires \nonnullelements(files); //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; //@ ensures files.length == \result.size(); //@ ensures (* output elements are non-null *); public @NonNull java.util.List<JmlCompilationUnit> parseFiles(@NonNull String... filenames); /** Parses each java file and its specs returning a list of the ASTs for corresponding * java files; the spec files are automatically found according to JML rules; * the ASTs of the spec files are contained in the * JmlCompilationUnit.specsSequence. Error messages are reported separately * through the diagnostic listener; * if there are errors, a parse tree may be incomplete. The trees are not * type-checked and do not have any name resolution applied. * @param inputs a collection of JavaFileObject objects representing inputs * @return a list of corresponding ASTs */ public @NonNull java.util.List<JmlCompilationUnit> parseFiles(@NonNull Collection<? extends JavaFileObject> inputs); /** Parses each java file and its specs returning a list of the ASTs for corresponding * java files; the spec files are automatically found according to JML rules; * the ASTs of the spec files are contained in the * JmlCompilationUnit.specsSequence. Error messages are reported separately * through the diagnostic listener; * if there are errors, a parse tree may be incomplete. The trees are not * type-checked and do not have any name resolution applied. * @param files a list of inputs * @return a list of corresponding ASTs */ //@ requires \nonnullelements(files); //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; //@ ensures files.length == \result.size(); //@ ensures (* output elements are non-null *); public @NonNull java.util.List<JmlCompilationUnit> parseFiles( @NonNull File... files); /** Parses each java file and its specs returning a list of the ASTs for corresponding * java files; the spec files are automatically found according to JML rules; * the ASTs of the spec files are contained in the * JmlCompilationUnit.specsSequence. Error messages are reported separately * through the diagnostic listener; * if there are errors, a parse tree may be incomplete. The trees are not * type-checked and do not have any name resolution applied. * @param inputs an array of JavaFileObject inputs * @return a list of corresponding ASTs */ //@ requires \nonnullelements(inputs); //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; //@ ensures inputs.length == \result.size(); //@ ensures (* output elements are non-null *); public @NonNull java.util.List<JmlCompilationUnit> parseFiles(@NonNull JavaFileObject... inputs); /** Produces a parse tree for a single file without any specifications; the * file may be either a .java or a .jml file. The trees are not * type-checked and do not have any name resolution applied and are not made * part of the compilation context. * @param file the file to be parsed * @return the parse tree for the file */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public @NonNull JmlCompilationUnit parseSingleFile(@NonNull JavaFileObject jfo); /** Produces a parse tree for a single file without any specifications; the * file may be either a .java or a specification file. The trees are not * type-checked and do not have any name resolution applied and are not made * part of the compilation context. * @param filename the name of the file to be parsed * @return the parse tree for the file */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public @NonNull JmlCompilationUnit parseSingleFile(@NonNull String filename); /** Produces a parse tree for the given text; the text must represent a * compilation unit for a .java file or a specification file. The name * is the file path to associate with the text and must include directories * corresponding to the purported package holding the java class. The trees are not * type-checked and do not have any name resolution applied and are not made * part of the compilation context. * @param name the filename to associate with the text * @param content the textual content to parse * @return the parse tree for the file */ // FIXME - resolve whether the package name must be present // TODO: Would like to automatically set the filename, but can't since the // JavaFileObject has to be created before parsing and it is immutable //@ requires name.length() > 0; //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public @NonNull JmlCompilationUnit parseString(@NonNull String name, @NonNull String content) throws Exception; /** Parse input text as a Java/JML expression; the isJML parameter must * be true if the expression contains JML constructs; it is false if the * expression is a Java expression considered to be outside a JML * annotation. */ public JCExpression parseExpression(CharSequence text, boolean isJML); /** Parse input text as a Java/JML statement; the isJML parameter must * be true if the expression contains JML constructs; it is false if the * expression is a Java expression considered to be outside a JML * annotation. */ public JCStatement parseStatement(CharSequence text, boolean isJML); /** Parses, creates symbol table symbols and typechecks the given set of files. * This method may be called multiple times to add new classes to the symbol * table entries. However if any file depends on another file B, file B is sought * on the sourcepath or the specspath. Typically those paths are set to include * the files that are listed in the arguments. * @param files the set of files to parse and check (including referenced files) * @throws */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public void parseAndCheck(File... files) throws; /** Finds the source object, if any, corresponding to the specifications * for the input Java AST, according to the JML language rules. The result * may be the same input file that resulted in the given compilation unit, * if the specs are in the java file itself and not in a .jml file. * @param jmlcu a Java source AST (not a specification AST) * @return the file object of the specifications */ public @Nullable JavaFileObject findSpecs(JmlCompilationUnit jmlcu); /** Attaches specifications to a Java source AST. The second argument may * be identical to the first, in which case the JML annotations directly in * Java source AST are used as the specifications for the Java class. If the * second argument is different, annotations in the Java AST are ignored and * those in the specified specsSource AST are used instead. * @param javaSource the Java source * @param specsSource the specifications AST to attach to the Java source. */ // TODO: instead of or in addition to any existing specs? public void attachSpecs(JmlCompilationUnit javaSource, @Nullable JmlCompilationUnit specsSource); /** Creates a JavaFileObject instance from a pseudo filename and given content * @param name the name to give the 'file' * @param content the content to give the file * @return the resulting JavaFileObject */ // FIXME - comment on whether the package path is needed public JavaFileObject makeJFOfromString(String name, String content) throws Exception; /** Creates a JavaFileObject instance from a real file, by name * @param filepath the path to the file, either absolute or relative to the current working directory * @return the resulting JavaFileObject */ public JavaFileObject makeJFOfromFilename(String filepath); /** Creates a JavaFileObject instance from a File object * @param file the file to wrap * @return the resulting JavaFileObject */ public JavaFileObject makeJFOfromFile(File file); /** Retrieves the symbol table entry for a given package name, based on files already * parsed and present in the symbol table. * @param qualifiedName the dot separated package name * @return the package symbol or null if it is not found */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public @Nullable PackageSymbol getPackageSymbol(@NonNull String qualifiedName); /** Retrieves the symbol table entry for a given Class name, based on files already * parsed and present in the symbol table; value is not usaable unless * isTypechecked(qualifiedName) is true. * @param qualifiedName the dot and dollar (for nested classes) separated * class name * @return the class symbol or null if it is not found */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public @Nullable ClassSymbol getClassSymbol(@NonNull String qualifiedName); /** Retrieves the symbol table entry for a given class name as a member * of the given class, based on files already * parsed and present in the symbol table. * @param csym the owning class * @param name the (simple) name of the nested class * @return the class symbol or null if it is not found */ public @Nullable ClassSymbol getClassSymbol(@NonNull ClassSymbol csym, @NonNull String name); /** Retrieves the symbol table entry for a given method name as a member * of the given class, based on files already * parsed and present in the symbol table. * @param csym the owning class * @param name the (simple) name of the method * @return the method symbol or null if it is not found */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public @Nullable MethodSymbol getMethodSymbol(@NonNull ClassSymbol csym, @NonNull String name); // FIXME - need a way to handle multiple methods with the same name /** Retrieves the symbol table entry for a given variable name as a member * of the given class, based on files already * parsed and present in the symbol table. * @param csym the owning class * @param name the (simple) name of the variable * @return the variable symbol or null if it is not found */ public @Nullable VarSymbol getVarSymbol(@NonNull ClassSymbol csym, @NonNull String name); /** Returns the symbol for a class declaration (if type checked) * @param decl the type-checked ast node * @return the corresponding symbol */ public @Nullable ClassSymbol getSymbol(@NonNull JmlClassDecl decl); /** Returns the symbol for a method declaration (if type checked) * @param decl the type-checked ast node * @return the corresponding symbol */ public @Nullable MethodSymbol getSymbol(@NonNull JmlMethodDecl decl); /** Returns the symbol for a variable declaration (if type checked) * @param decl the type-checked ast node * @return the corresponding symbol */ public @Nullable VarSymbol getSymbol(@NonNull JmlVariableDecl decl); /** Returns the AST for a given class (not compilation unit) * * @param qualifiedName the fully-qualified name of the class whose AST is wanted * @return the AST for that class */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public @NonNull JmlClassDecl getClassDecl(@NonNull String qualifiedName); /** Returns the declaration (the AST) corresponding to the given * class, if there is one. * @param csym the class symbol * @return the corresponding AST, or null */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public JmlClassDecl getClassDecl(ClassSymbol csym); /** Returns the declaration (the AST) corresponding to the given * method, if there is one. * @param msym the method symbol * @return the corresponding AST, or null */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public @Nullable JmlMethodDecl getMethodDecl(MethodSymbol msym); /** Returns the declaration (the AST) corresponding to the given * field, if there is one. * @param vsym the field symbol * @return the corresponding AST, or null */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public @Nullable JmlVariableDecl getVarDecl(VarSymbol vsym); // TODO: document public String getCEValue(int pos, int end, String text, String fileLocation); public API.Finder findMethod(JmlCompilationUnit tree, int pos, int end, String text, String fileLocation); // FIXME _ need a way to determine if a CU has been typechecked (successfully) /** Executes static checking on the given method; assumes that all * relevant ASTs have been typechecked (both the argument and any * methods that it references by direct calls or in its specs) * @param msym the method to check * @return the result of the proof attempt */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public IProverResult doESC(MethodSymbol msym); /** Executes static checking on the methods of the given class; assumes that all * relevant ASTs have been typechecked * @param csym the class to check */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public void doESC(ClassSymbol csym); // /** The proof result of the most recent proof attempt for the given // * method, or null if there has been none. // * @param msym the method in question // * @return the proof result // */ // //@ requires isOpen; // //@ ensures isOpen; // public @Nullable // IProverResult getProofResult(MethodSymbol msym); // // public @Nullable Map<MethodSymbol,IProverResult> getProofResults(); /** Returns the type specs for the given class symbol * * @param sym the class symbol whose specs are wanted * @return the specs for that class */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public @NonNull TypeSpecs getSpecs(@NonNull ClassSymbol sym); /** Returns the type specs for the given class symbol, * including all inherited specs * * @param sym the class symbol whose specs are wanted * @return the specs for that class */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public java.util.List<TypeSpecs> getAllSpecs( @NonNull ClassSymbol sym); /** Returns the specs for a given method * * @param sym the method symbol whose specs are wanted * @return the specs for that method */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public @NonNull JmlSpecs.MethodSpecs getSpecs(@NonNull MethodSymbol sym); /** Returns the specs for a given method, including specs of all overridden * methods. Note that the names of parameters of various methods may be different, * and hence the specs will need some renaming in order to be used together. * * @param msym the method symbol whose specs are wanted * @return the list of specs for that method */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public java.util.List<JmlSpecs.MethodSpecs> getAllSpecs( @NonNull MethodSymbol msym); // FIXME - should this be inherited specs; what about parameter name renaming? /** Returns the specs for a given method in denested form * * @param sym the method symbol whose specs are wanted * @return the specs for that method */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public @NonNull JmlMethodSpecs getDenestedSpecs(@NonNull MethodSymbol sym); /** Returns the specs for a given field * * @param sym the field symbol whose specs are wanted * @return the specs for that field */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public @NonNull FieldSpecs getSpecs(@NonNull VarSymbol sym); /** Returns a node factory for the current compilation context. * @return a node factory */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public @NonNull JmlTree.Maker nodeFactory(); /** Prints out a given parse tree (or subtree). * * @param ast the ast to print * @return a string containing the output * @throws Exception */ // FIXME - allow the option of showing composite specs? //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public @NonNull String prettyPrint(@NonNull JCTree ast) throws; // FIXME - clarify the difference between the above and below call, and what prettyPrint of lists does. /** Prints out a given parse tree (or subtree), attempting to render * the JML as compilable source. * * @param ast the ast to print * @return a string containing the output * @throws Exception */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public @NonNull String prettyPrintJML(@NonNull JCTree ast) throws; /** Prints out a list of parse trees, separated by the given separator String. * * @param astlist a list of asts to print * @param sep a String that is written out as a separator * @return a string containing the output * @throws Exception */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ ensures isOpen; public @NonNull String prettyPrint( @NonNull java.util.List<? extends JCTree> astlist, @NonNull String sep) throws; /** Closes this instance of the compiler, releasing internal memory; * no further use of the instance is permitted (and will likely result in * exceptions thrown). */ //@ requires isOpen; //@ assignable isOpen; //@ ensures !isOpen; public void close(); }