/* * Test data strategy for Add. * * Generated by JMLUnitNG 1.4b1 (104), 2013-10-08 22:59 -0700. * (do not modify this comment, it is used by JMLUnitNG clean-up routines) */ import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.jmlspecs.jmlunitng.iterator.InstantiationIterator; import org.jmlspecs.jmlunitng.iterator.IteratorAdapter; import org.jmlspecs.jmlunitng.iterator.NonNullMultiIterator; import org.jmlspecs.jmlunitng.iterator.ObjectArrayIterator; import org.jmlspecs.jmlunitng.iterator.RepeatedAccessIterator; import org.jmlspecs.jmlunitng.strategy.ObjectStrategy; /** * Test data strategy for Add. Provides * instances of Add for testing, using * parameters from constructor tests. * * @author JMLUnitNG 1.4b1 (104) * @version 2013-10-08 22:59 -0700 */ public class Add_InstanceStrategy extends ObjectStrategy { /** * @return local-scope instances of Add. */ public RepeatedAccessIterator<?> localValues() { return new ObjectArrayIterator<Object> (new Object[] { /* add Add values or generators here */ }); } /** * @return default instances of Add, generated * using constructor test parameters. */ public RepeatedAccessIterator<Add> defaultValues() { final List<RepeatedAccessIterator<Add>> iters = new LinkedList<RepeatedAccessIterator<Add>>(); // an instantiation iterator for the default constructor // (if there isn't one, it will fail silently) iters.add(new InstantiationIterator<Add> (Add.class, new Class<?>[0], new ObjectArrayIterator<Object[]>(new Object[][]{{}}))); // parameters for method Add(int, int) iters.add(new InstantiationIterator<Add> (Add.class, new Class<?>[] {int.class, int.class}, Add_JML_Test.p_Add__int_the_x__int_the_y__0().wrapped())); return new NonNullMultiIterator<Add>(iters); } /** * Constructor. The boolean parameter to <code>setReflective</code> * determines whether or not reflection will be used to generate * test objects, and the int parameter to <code>setMaxRecursionDepth</code> * determines how many levels reflective generation of self-referential classes * will recurse. * * @see ObjectStrategy#setReflective(boolean) * @see ObjectStrategy#setMaxRecursionDepth(int) */ public Add_InstanceStrategy() { super(Add.class); setReflective(false); // uncomment to control the maximum reflective instantiation // recursion depth, 0 by default // setMaxRecursionDepth(0); } }