package org.jmlspecs.openjml.esc; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTreeScanner; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** This class is a tree walker that finds everything that is the target of * a modification in the tree being walked: assignments, assignment-ops, * increment and decrement operators, fields specified as modified by a * method call. */ // FIXME - is the tree already in reduced BasicBlock form? public class TargetFinder extends JmlTreeScanner { private ListBuffer<JCExpression> vars; public TargetFinder() {} /** Finds variables in the given JCTree, adding them to the list that is the * second argument; the second argument is returned. */ public static /*@Nullable*/ListBuffer<JCExpression> findVars(JCTree that, /*@Nullable*/ListBuffer<JCExpression> v) { if (that == null) return v; TargetFinder vf = new TargetFinder(); return vf.find(that,v); } /** Finds variables in the given JCTrees, adding them to the list that is the * second argument; the second argument is returned. */ public static ListBuffer<JCExpression> findVars(Iterable<? extends JCTree> list, /*@Nullable*/ListBuffer<JCExpression> v) { TargetFinder vf = new TargetFinder(); return vf.find(list,v); } /** Finds variables in the given JCTrees, adding them to the list that is the * second argument; the second argument is returned. */ public ListBuffer<JCExpression> find(Iterable<? extends JCTree> list, /*@Nullable*/ListBuffer<JCExpression> v) { if (v == null) vars = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>(); else vars = v; for (JCTree t: list) t.accept(this); return vars; } /** Finds variables in the given JCTrees, adding them to the list that is the * second argument; the second argument is returned. */ public ListBuffer<JCExpression> find(JCTree that, ListBuffer<JCExpression> v) { if (that == null) return v; if (v == null) vars = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>(); else vars = v; that.accept(this); return vars; } @Override public void visitAssign(JCAssign that) { vars.add(that.lhs); } @Override public void visitAssignop(JCAssignOp that) { vars.add(that.lhs); } @Override public void visitUnary(JCUnary that) { JCTree.Tag op = that.getTag(); if (op == JCTree.Tag.POSTDEC || op == JCTree.Tag.POSTINC || op == JCTree.Tag.PREINC || op == JCTree.Tag.PREDEC) vars.add(that.getExpression()); } // FIXME - also need targets of method calls, update statements of loops, // initialization statements of loops, specs of method calls }