package org.jmlspecs.openjmltest; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlOption; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlSpecs; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.Utils; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.esc.MethodProverSMT; import org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.JmlTestCase.FilteredDiagnosticCollector; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.rules.TestName; import org.junit.rules.Timeout; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; import; import; public abstract class EscBase extends JmlTestCase { public static final String OpenJMLDemoPath = "../../OpenJMLDemo"; @Rule public TestName testname = new TestName(); @Rule public Timeout timeout = new Timeout(15, TimeUnit.MINUTES); // limit on entire test, not on each proof attempt protected static boolean runLongTests = false; static public java.util.List<String> solvers = java.util.Arrays.asList(new String[]{ "z3_4_3", // "z3_4_3_2", // "z3_4_4", // "cvc4", //"yices2", // "yices", // "simplify" }); static public java.util.List<String> solversWithNull; { solversWithNull = new LinkedList<String>(); solversWithNull.add(null); solversWithNull.addAll(solvers); } static public java.util.List<String[]> minQuants = java.util.Arrays.asList(new String[][]{ new String[]{"-minQuant"}, new String[]{"-no-minQuant"}, }); /** The parameters must be a String[] and a String */ @Parameters static public Collection<String[]> parameters() { return minQuantAndSolvers(solvers); } static public Collection<String[]> solversOnly() { return makeParameters(solvers); } public String getMethodName(int i) { return (new RuntimeException()).fillInStackTrace().getStackTrace()[i+1].getMethodName(); } public static final String[] minQuantOptions = new String[]{"-no-minQuant","-minQuant"}; static public Collection<String[]> minQuantAndSolvers(java.util.List<String> solvers) { Collection<String[]> data = new ArrayList<String[]>(10); for (String s: solvers) { data.add(new String[]{"-no-minQuant",s}); data.add(new String[]{"-minQuant",s}); } return data; } static public Collection<String[]> optionsAndSolvers(String[] options, java.util.List<String> solvers) { Collection<String[]> data = new ArrayList<String[]>(10); for (String s: solvers) { for (String opts: options) { data.add(new String[]{opts,s}); } } return data; } static public Collection<String[]> makeParameters(java.util.List<String> options, java.util.List<String> solvers) { Collection<String[]> data = new ArrayList<String[]>(10); for (String s: solvers) { for (String option: options) { data.add(new String[]{option,s}); } } return data; } static public Collection<String[]> makeParameters(java.util.List<String> solvers) { Collection<String[]> data = new ArrayList<String[]>(10); for (String s: solvers) data.add(new String[]{null,s}); return data; } static public Collection<String[]> makeParameters(String... solvers) { Collection<String[]> data = new ArrayList<String[]>(10); for (String s: solvers) data.add(new String[]{null,s}); return data; } static public void addOptionsToArgs(String options, java.util.List<String> args) { if (options != null) { if (options.indexOf(',')>= 0) { for (String o: options.split(",")) if (!o.isEmpty()) args.add(o); } else { for (String o: options.split(" ")) if (!o.isEmpty()) args.add(o); } } } public void addOptions(String options) { if (options != null) { if (options.indexOf(',')>= 0) { main.addOptions(options.split(",")); } else { main.addOptions(options.split(",")); } } } /** options is a comma- or space-separated list of options to be added */ protected String options; protected String solver; protected boolean captureOutput = false; /** options is a comma- or space-separated list of options to be added */ public EscBase(String options, String solver) { this.options = options; this.solver = solver; } public void printDiagnostics() { System.out.println("SOLVER: " + solver + " " + options); super.printDiagnostics(); } protected static String z =; protected static String testspecpath1 = "$A"+z+"$B"; protected static String testspecpath; protected int expectedExit = 0; protected int expectedErrors = 0; protected boolean noAssociatedDeclaration; protected String[] args; // protected String openJmlPropertiesDir = "../OpenJML"; @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { if (captureOutput) collectOutput(true); testspecpath = testspecpath1; collector = new FilteredDiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>(true); super.setUp(); main.addOptions("-specspath", testspecpath); main.addOptions("-command","esc"); main.addOptions("-no-purityCheck"); main.addOptions("-timeout=300"); // seconds main.addOptions("-jmltesting"); main.addUncheckedOption("openjml.defaultProver=z3_4_4"); addOptions(options); if (solver != null) main.addOptions(JmlOption.PROVER.optionName(),solver); specs = JmlSpecs.instance(context); expectedExit = 0; expectedErrors = 0; noAssociatedDeclaration = false; print = false; args = new String[]{}; MethodProverSMT.benchmarkName = (this.getClass() + "." + testname.getMethodName()).replace("[0]", "").substring(6); } public void escOnFiles(String sourceDirname, String outDir, String ... opts) { boolean print = false; try { java.util.List<String> args = setupForFiles(sourceDirname, outDir, opts); String actCompile = outDir + "/actual"; new File(actCompile).delete(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(actCompile); int ex = -1; try { ex = org.jmlspecs.openjml.Main.execute(pw,null,null,args.toArray(new String[args.size()])); } finally { pw.close(); } String diffs = compareFiles(outDir + "/expected", actCompile); int n = 0; while (diffs != null) { n++; String name = outDir + "/expected" + n; if (!new File(name).exists()) break; diffs = compareFiles(name, actCompile); } if (diffs != null) { System.out.println(diffs); fail("Files differ: " + diffs); } if (ex != expectedExit) fail("Compile ended with exit code " + ex); new File(actCompile).delete(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); fail("Exception thrown while processing test: " + e); } catch (AssertionError e) { throw e; } finally { // Should close open objects } } public java.util.List<String> setupForFiles(String sourceDirname, String outDir, String ... opts) { new File(outDir).mkdirs(); java.util.List<String> args = new LinkedList<String>(); args.add("-esc"); args.add("-no-purityCheck"); args.add("-jmltesting"); args.add("-progress"); args.add("-timeout=300"); args.add("-code-math=java"); args.add("-checkFeasibility=all"); if (new File(sourceDirname).isDirectory()) args.add("-dir"); args.add(sourceDirname); if (solver != null) args.add("-prover="+solver); addOptionsToArgs(options,args); args.addAll(Arrays.asList(opts)); return args; } @Override public void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); specs = null; captureOutput = false; MethodProverSMT.benchmarkName = null; } protected void helpTCX2(String classname, String s, String classname2, String s2, Object... list) { try { String filename = classname.replace(".","/")+".java"; JavaFileObject f = new TestJavaFileObject(filename,s); String filename2 = classname2.replace(".","/")+".java"; JavaFileObject f2 = new TestJavaFileObject(filename2,s2); Log.instance(context).useSource(f); helpTCXB(List.of(f,f2),list); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); fail("Exception thrown while processing test: " + e); } } protected void helpTCX(String classname, String s, Object... list) { try { String filename = classname.replace(".","/")+".java"; JavaFileObject f = new TestJavaFileObject(filename,s); Log.instance(context).useSource(f); helpTCXB(List.of(f),list); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); fail("Exception thrown while processing test: " + e); } } protected void helpTCXB(List<JavaFileObject> files, Object... list) { try { for (JavaFileObject f: mockFiles) files = files.append(f); main.addOptions("-checkFeasibility=all"); int ex = main.compile(args, null, context, files, null).exitCode; if (captureOutput) collectOutput(false); if (print) printDiagnostics(); expectedErrors = compareResults(list); assertEquals("Errors seen",expectedErrors,collector.getDiagnostics().size()); if (ex != expectedExit) fail("Compile ended with exit code " + ex); } catch (Exception e) { printDiagnostics(); e.printStackTrace(System.out); fail("Exception thrown while processing test: " + e); } catch (AssertionError e) { if (!print && !noExtraPrinting) printDiagnostics(); throw e; } } protected class Special { public String toString(String head, Object[] list) { String s = head + "("; for (Object o: list) { if (o instanceof Object[]) { s = s + toString("",(Object[])o); } else { s = s + o + ",\n"; } } s = s + ")\n"; return s; } } protected class Optional extends Special { public Object[] list; public Optional(Object... list) { this.list = list; } public String toString() { return toString("optional",list); } } protected class OneOf extends Special { public Object[] list; public OneOf(Object ... list) { this.list = list; } public String toString() { return toString("oneof",list); } } protected class Seq extends Special { public Object[] list; public Seq(Object ... list) { this.list = list; } public String toString() { return toString("seq",list); } } protected class AnyOrder extends Special { public Object[] list; public AnyOrder(Object ... list) { this.list = list; } public String toString() { return toString("anyorder",list); } } protected OneOf oneof(Object ... list) { return new OneOf(list); } protected AnyOrder anyorder(Object ... list) { return new AnyOrder(list); } protected Optional optional(Object ... list) { return new Optional(list); } protected Seq seq(Object ... list) { return new Seq(list); } protected boolean comparePair(Object[] list, int i, int j) { int col = ((Integer)list[i+1]).intValue(); if (collector.getDiagnostics().size() <= j) { failureLocation = j; failureString = null; return false; } String act = noSource(collector.getDiagnostics().get(j)); String exp = list[i].toString().replace("$SPECS", specsdir); if (!exp.equals(act) && !exp.replace('\\','/').equals(act.replace('\\','/'))) { failureLocation = j; failureString = list[i].toString(); return false; } else if (col != Math.abs(collector.getDiagnostics().get(j).getColumnNumber())) { failureLocation = j; failureString = null; failureCol = col; return false; } else { return true; } } /** Compares actual diagnostics against the given list of expected results */ protected int compareResults(Object[] list) { return compareResults(list,0,false); } /** Compares actual diagnostics, beginning at position j, to given list. The * returned result is either the initial value of j, if no match was made, * or the value of j advanced over all matching items. If optional is false, * then error messages are printed if no match is found. */ protected int compareResults(Object list, int j, boolean optional) { return compareResults(new Object[]{list}, j, optional); } protected int compareResults(Object[] list, int j, boolean optional) { int i = 0; while (i < list.length) { if (list[i] == null) { i+=2; continue; } if (!(list[i] instanceof Special)) { int col = ((Integer)list[i+1]).intValue(); if (col < 0) { // allowed to be optional if (j >= collector.getDiagnostics().size()) { // OK - just skip } else if (list[i].equals(noSource(collector.getDiagnostics().get(j))) && -col == Math.abs(collector.getDiagnostics().get(j).getColumnNumber())) { j++; } else { // Not equal and the expected error is optional so just skip } } else { if (noAssociatedDeclaration && list[i].toString().contains("Associated declaration")) { // OK - skip } else { if (j < collector.getDiagnostics().size()) { if (!comparePair(list,i,j)) { if (!optional) { assertEquals("Error " + j, list[i], noSource(collector.getDiagnostics().get(j))); assertEquals("Error " + j, col, collector.getDiagnostics().get(j).getColumnNumber()); } } } j++; } } i += 2; } else if (list[i] instanceof AnyOrder) { j = compareAnyOrder(((AnyOrder)list[i]).list, j, optional); ++i; } else if (list[i] instanceof OneOf) { j = compareOneOf(((OneOf)list[i]).list, j, optional); ++i; } else if (list[i] instanceof Optional) { j = compareOptional(((Optional)list[i]).list, j); ++i; } else if (list[i] instanceof Seq) { j = compareResults(((Seq)list[i]).list, j, optional); ++i; } } return j; } protected int failureLocation; protected String failureString; protected int failureCol; protected int compareOptional(Object[] list, int j) { int i = 0; int jj = j; while (i < list.length) { if (!comparePair(list,i,j)) { // Comparison failed - failureLocation set return jj; } i += 2; j++; } return j; } protected int compareOneOf(Object[] list, int j, boolean optional) { // None of lists[i] may be null or empty int i = 0; int jj = j; int latestFailure = -2; String latestString = null; int latestCol = 0; while (i < list.length) { int jjj = compareResults(list[i],j,true); if (jjj > j) { // Matched return jjj; } i++; if (failureLocation > latestFailure) { latestFailure = failureLocation; latestString = failureString; latestCol = failureCol; } } failureLocation = latestFailure; if (!optional) { // None matched; assertEquals("Error " + failureLocation, latestString, noSource(collector.getDiagnostics().get(failureLocation))); assertEquals("Error " + failureLocation, latestCol, collector.getDiagnostics().get(failureLocation).getColumnNumber()); } return jj; } protected int compareAnyOrder(Object[] list, int j, boolean optional) { // None of lists[i] may be null or empty boolean[] used = new boolean[list.length]; for (int i=0; i<used.length; ++i) used[i] = false; int latestFailure = -2; String latestString = null; int latestCol = 0; int toMatch = list.length; more: while (toMatch > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { if (used[i]) continue; int jjj = compareResults(list[i],j,true); if (jjj > j) { // Matched j = jjj; used[i] = true; toMatch--; continue more; } else { if (failureLocation > latestFailure) { latestFailure = failureLocation; latestString = failureString; latestCol = failureCol; } } } // No options match break; } if (toMatch > 0) { failureLocation = latestFailure; // None matched; if (failureLocation >= collector.getDiagnostics().size()) { fail("Less output than expected"); } else { assertEquals("Error " + failureLocation, latestString, noSource(collector.getDiagnostics().get(failureLocation))); assertEquals("Error " + failureLocation, latestCol, collector.getDiagnostics().get(failureLocation).getColumnNumber()); } } return j; } /** Used to add a pseudo file to the file system. Note that for testing, a * typical filename given here might be #B/, where #B denotes a * mock directory on the specification path * @param filename the name of the file, including leading directory components * @param content the String constituting the content of the pseudo-file */ protected void addMockFile(/*@ non_null */ String filename, /*@ non_null */String content) { try { addMockFile(filename,new TestJavaFileObject(new URI("file:///" + filename),content)); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Exception in creating a URI: " + e); } } /** Used to add a pseudo file to the file system. Note that for testing, a * typical filename given here might be #B/, where #B denotes a * mock directory on the specification path * @param filename the name of the file, including leading directory components * @param file the JavaFileObject to be associated with this name */ protected void addMockJavaFile(String filename, JavaFileObject file) { mockFiles.add(file); } }