package freeboogie.ast.gen; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.logging.Logger; import freeboogie.util.Err; /** * The template parser. This is where the output is produced. * By default the output is set to {@code null} which means that * the beginning of a template can contain arbitrary comments. * The <tt>\file</tt> macro switches the output to another * destination. (A common trick is to use /dev/stdout as a sink * to inform the user about the progress of the template processing.) * * Some macros must be nested in others. For example \class_name * must be nested in \classes or \normal_classes or \abstract_classes. * If the nesting is incorrect a warning is printed on the console * and <WRONG_MACRO> goes to the output. If there are nested \classes * macros then only the innermost one is considered. (In most * applications nested list macros should not be needed.) * * TODO: consider adding an optional parameter for macros that indicates * a nesting level such that, for example, the following is legal * \classes{(\classes{\ClassName[0],\ClassName[1]})} * and prints all pairs of class names. * * TODO If nested list macros are deemed unnecessary then switch the * context stacks to single (nullable) elements. * * TODO The duplicated code is a bit too much for my taste. * * TODO I may want to add macro definitions such as * \def\Type{\if_primitive{\if_enum{\ClassName.}{}\Membertype}{\MemberType}} * It gets tedious to write it. * * @author rgrig * @author reviewed by TODO */ public class TemplateParser { /* * The function |processTop| is the main loop. It reads a * token and distributes the work to various |process*| methods. * It is also responsible for stopping when a certain closing * } or ] is met (and it reads it). The variables |curlyCnt| * and |bracketCnt| count the nesting (since the beginning * of the template) and are used to identify on which ] or } * we should stop. Notice that the user shouldn't use unbalanaced * paranthesis in the template for this scheme to work. * * The stacks |*Context| contain information about the nested * macros seen in the input. */ private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger("freeboogie.ast.gen"); private TemplateLexer lexer; private Grammar grammar; private Stack<AgClass> classContext; private Stack<AgMember> memberContext; private Stack<AgEnum> enumContext; private Stack<String> valueContext; private Stack<String> invariantContext; private Writer output; private int curlyCnt; // counts {} nesting private int bracketCnt; // counts [] nesting private TemplateToken lastToken; private boolean balancedWarning = true; // classes are processed in alphabetical order private Set<AgClass> orderedClasses; private Set<AgClass> abstractClasses; private Set<AgClass> normalClasses; /** * @param fileName the name of the template file * @throws FileNotFoundException if the template file is not found */ public TemplateParser(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fileName); CharStream cs = new CharStream(fis, fileName); lexer = new TemplateLexer(cs); output = null; lastToken = null; classContext = new Stack<AgClass>(); memberContext = new Stack<AgMember>(); enumContext = new Stack<AgEnum>(); valueContext = new Stack<String>(); invariantContext = new Stack<String>(); orderedClasses = null; abstractClasses = null; normalClasses = null; } /** * Processes the current template using grammar {@code g}. * @param g the grammar * @throws IOException */ public void process(Grammar g) throws IOException { grammar = g; processTop(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE); if (output != null) output.flush(); } /* * For now I will enforce {} and [] to be balanced pretty much * everywhere. * * The function dispatches the work to the appropriate worker. * It also takes care of stoping when a } or a ] with a given * nesting level is seen. */ private void processTop(int curlyStop, int bracketStop) throws IOException { readToken(); while (lastToken != null) { switch (lastToken.type) { case FILE: processFile(); break; case CLASSES: processClasses(); break; case IF_ABSTRACT: processIsAbstract(); break; case ABSTRACT_CLASSES: processAbstractClasses(); break; case NORMAL_CLASSES: processNormalClasses(); break; case CLASS_NAME: processClassName(); break; case BASE_NAME: processBaseName(); break; case MEMBERS: processMembers(); break; case MEMBER_TYPE: processMemberType(); break; case MEMBER_NAME: processMemberName(); break; case IF_PRIMITIVE: processIfPrimitive(); break; case IF_NONNULL: processIfNonnull(); break; case IF_ENUM: processIfEnum(); break; case CHILDREN: processChildren(); break; case PRIMITIVES: processPrimitives(); break; case ENUMS: processEnums(); break; case ENUM_NAME: processEnumName(); break; case VALUES: processValues(); break; case VALUE_NAME: processValueName(); break; case INVARIANTS: processInvariants(); break; case INV: processInv(); break; default: if (curlyStop == curlyCnt || bracketStop == bracketCnt) return; write(lastToken.rep); } if (curlyCnt == 0 && bracketCnt == 0); readToken(); } } /* * Reads { file_name } and makes output point to file_name. * If the file cannot be open then switch to a null output * and give a warning. */ private void processFile() throws IOException { readToken(); if (lastToken.type != TemplateToken.Type.LC) { err("Hey, \\file should be followed by {");"I'm gonna stop producing output."); switchOutput(null); skipToRc(curlyCnt, true); return; } StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); switchOutput(sw); processTop(curlyCnt - 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); String fn = sw.toString().replaceAll("\\s+", "_"); try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(fn); switchOutput(fw);"The output goes to the file " + fn); } catch (IOException e) { err("Cannot write to file " + fn);"I'm gonna stop producing output."); switchOutput(null); } } private <T> void processList(Collection<T> set, Stack<T> stack) throws IOException { readToken(); String separator = ""; if (lastToken.type == TemplateToken.Type.LB) { readToken(); if (lastToken.type != TemplateToken.Type.OTHER) { err("Sorry, you can't use any funny stuff as a separator."); skipToRc(curlyCnt, true); return; } separator = lastToken.rep; readToken(); if (lastToken.type != TemplateToken.Type.RB) { err("The separator is not properly closed by ]."); skipToRb(bracketCnt - 1, true); } if (lastToken.type != TemplateToken.Type.LC) readToken(); } if (lastToken.type != TemplateToken.Type.LC) { err("There should be a { after a list macro."); skipToRc(curlyCnt - 1, true); return; } if (set.isEmpty()) skipToRc(curlyCnt - 1, false); int i = 0; // TODO is there another way to check if I'm looking at the last? for (T el : set) { if (i != 0) { lexer.rewind(); write(separator); ++curlyCnt; } if (++i != set.size()) lexer.mark(); stack.add(el); processTop(curlyCnt - 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); stack.pop(); } } private void processClasses() throws IOException { splitClasses(); processList(orderedClasses, classContext); } private void processYesNo(boolean yes) throws IOException { if (!yes) skipToRc(curlyCnt, false); readToken(); if (lastToken.type != TemplateToken.Type.LC) { err("An if macro should be followed by {yes}{no}.");"I'll act as if <" + lastToken.rep + "> was {."); } processTop(curlyCnt - 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); if (yes) skipToRc(curlyCnt, false); } private void processIsAbstract() throws IOException { if (!checkContext(classContext)) { skipToRc(curlyCnt, true); skipToRc(curlyCnt, true); return; } processYesNo(classContext.peek().members.isEmpty()); } private void splitClasses() { if (abstractClasses != null) return; orderedClasses = new TreeSet<AgClass>(); abstractClasses = new TreeSet<AgClass>(); normalClasses = new TreeSet<AgClass>(); for (AgClass c: grammar.classes.values()) { orderedClasses.add(c); if (c.members.isEmpty()) abstractClasses.add(c); else normalClasses.add(c); } } private void processAbstractClasses() throws IOException { splitClasses(); processList(abstractClasses, classContext); } private void processNormalClasses() throws IOException { splitClasses(); processList(normalClasses, classContext); } private <T> boolean checkContext(Stack<T> context) throws IOException { if (context.isEmpty()) { err("Macro used in a wrong context."); write("<WRONG_MACRO>"); return false; } return true; } private void processClassName() throws IOException { if (checkContext(classContext)) writeId(classContext.peek().name, lastToken.idCase); } private void processBaseName() throws IOException { if (checkContext(classContext)) writeId(classContext.peek().base, lastToken.idCase); } private void processMembers() throws IOException { if (!checkContext(classContext)) { skipToRc(curlyCnt, true); return; } processList(classContext.peek().members, memberContext); } private void processMemberType() throws IOException { if (checkContext(memberContext)) writeId(memberContext.peek().type, lastToken.idCase); } private void processMemberName() throws IOException { if (checkContext(memberContext)) writeId(memberContext.peek().name, lastToken.idCase); } private void processIfPrimitive() throws IOException { if (!checkContext(memberContext)) { skipToRc(curlyCnt, true); skipToRc(curlyCnt, true); return; } processYesNo(memberContext.peek().primitive); } private void processIfNonnull() throws IOException { if (!checkContext(memberContext)) { skipToRc(curlyCnt, true); skipToRc(curlyCnt, true); return; } processYesNo(memberContext.peek().nonNull); } private void processIfEnum() throws IOException { if (!checkContext(memberContext)) { skipToRc(curlyCnt, true); skipToRc(curlyCnt, true); return; } processYesNo(memberContext.peek().isenum); } private void processChildren() throws IOException { if (!checkContext(classContext)) { skipToRc(curlyCnt, true); return; } List<AgMember> children = new ArrayList<AgMember>(23); for (AgMember m : classContext.peek().members) if (!m.primitive) children.add(m); processList(children, memberContext); } private void processPrimitives() throws IOException { if (!checkContext(classContext)) { skipToRc(curlyCnt, true); return; } List<AgMember> primitives = new ArrayList<AgMember>(23); for (AgMember m : classContext.peek().members) if (m.primitive) primitives.add(m); processList(primitives, memberContext); } private void processEnums() throws IOException { if (!checkContext(classContext)) { skipToRc(curlyCnt, true); return; } processList(classContext.peek().enums, enumContext); } private void processEnumName() throws IOException { if (checkContext(enumContext)) writeId(enumContext.peek().name, lastToken.idCase); } private void processValues() throws IOException { if (!checkContext(enumContext)) { skipToRc(curlyCnt, true); return; } processList(enumContext.peek().values, valueContext); } private void processValueName() throws IOException { if (checkContext(valueContext)) writeId(valueContext.peek(), lastToken.idCase); } private void processInvariants() throws IOException { if (!checkContext(classContext)) { skipToRc(curlyCnt, true); return; } processList(classContext.peek().invariants, invariantContext); } private void processInv() throws IOException { if (checkContext(invariantContext)) write(invariantContext.peek()); } private void skipToRc(int cnt, boolean warn) throws IOException { skipToR(cnt, Integer.MAX_VALUE, warn); } private void skipToRb(int cnt, boolean warn) throws IOException { skipToR(Integer.MAX_VALUE, cnt, warn); } /* * This reads the input until either it finishes or the } or ] * with the specified nesting level is encountered. */ private void skipToR(int curlyStop, int bracketStop, boolean w) throws IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (true) { readToken(); if (lastToken == null) break; sb.append(lastToken.rep); if (lastToken.type == TemplateToken.Type.RC && curlyStop == curlyCnt) break; if (lastToken.type == TemplateToken.Type.RB && bracketStop == bracketCnt) break; } if (w)"I'm skipping: " + sb); } private void readToken() throws IOException { lastToken =; if (lastToken == null) return; log.finer("read token <" + lastToken.rep + "> of type " + lastToken.type); if (lastToken.type == TemplateToken.Type.LB) ++bracketCnt; if (lastToken.type == TemplateToken.Type.RB) --bracketCnt; if (lastToken.type == TemplateToken.Type.LC) ++curlyCnt; if (lastToken.type == TemplateToken.Type.RC) --curlyCnt; if (balancedWarning && (curlyCnt < 0 || bracketCnt < 0)) { err("You are on thin ice.");"I don't guarantee what happens if you use unbalaced [] or {}."); balancedWarning = false; } } private void switchOutput(Writer newOutput) throws IOException { if (output != null) output.flush(); output = newOutput; if (output == null) log.fine("Output is turned off."); } /* * Writes |id| using the case convention |cs|. */ // candidate for memoization private void writeId(String id, TemplateToken.Case cs) throws IOException { if (cs == TemplateToken.Case.ORIGINAL_CASE) { write(id); return; } StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(id.length()); boolean first = true; boolean prevIs_ = true; boolean prevIsUpper = false; for (int i = 0; i < id.length(); ++i) { char c = id.charAt(i); if (c == '_') prevIs_ = true; else { boolean thisIsUpper = Character.isUpperCase(c); if (prevIs_ || (thisIsUpper && !prevIsUpper)) { // beginning of word switch (cs) { case CAMEL_CASE: if (first) res.append(Character.toLowerCase(c)); else res.append(Character.toUpperCase(c)); break; case PASCAL_CASE: res.append(Character.toUpperCase(c)); break; case LOWER_CASE: if (!first) res.append('_'); res.append(Character.toLowerCase(c)); break; case UPPER_CASE: if (!first) res.append('_'); res.append(Character.toUpperCase(c)); break; default: Err.fatal("Don't know which case to use for " + id); } } else { // the rest of letters switch (cs) { case UPPER_CASE: res.append(Character.toUpperCase(c)); break; default: res.append(Character.toLowerCase(c)); } } first = false; prevIs_ = false; prevIsUpper = thisIsUpper; } } write(res.toString()); } /* * Sends |s| to the |output|. */ private void write(String s) throws IOException { if (output != null) { output.write(s); } } private void err(String e) { Err.error(lexer.getName() + lexer.getLoc() + ": " + e); } }