package org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.testcases; import java.util.Collection; import org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.EscBase; import org.junit.Assume; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import org.junit.runners.ParameterizedWithNames; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; @RunWith(ParameterizedWithNames.class) public class escnew2 extends EscBase { public escnew2(String option, String solver) { super(option,solver); } @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); //JmlEsc.escdebug = true; //org.jmlspecs.openjml.provers.YicesProver.showCommunication = 3; //print = true; } @Test public void testMultiple() { helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"public class TestJava { \n" +" public void m(int i) throws Exception {\n" +" if (i == 1) {\n" +" //@ assert i != 1;\n" +" } else if (i == 2) {\n" +" //@ assert false;\n" +" } else if (i == 3) {\n" +" //@ assert i != 3;\n" +" }\n" +" }\n" +"}" // We should get all three messages, but in some arbitrary order. We hack it by making some of them optional ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assert) in method m",-15 ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assert) in method m",-15 ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assert) in method m",-15 ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assert) in method m",15 ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assert) in method m",-15 ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assert) in method m",-15 ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assert) in method m",-15 ); } @Test public void testNullReceiver() { helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"public class TestJava { \n" +" public void m() {}; \n" +" public static void sm() {}; \n" +" //@ signals_only Exception; \n" +" public void mm1(/*@ nullable*/TestJava t) throws Exception {\n" +" t.m();\n" +" }\n" +" //@ signals_only Exception; \n" +" public void mm2(/*@ nullable*/TestJava t) throws Exception {\n" +";\n" +" }\n" +" //@ signals_only Exception; \n" +" public void mm3(/*@ nullable*/TestJava t) throws Exception {\n" +";\n" +" }\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (PossiblyNullDeReference) in method mm1",8 ); } @Test public void testReceiver1good() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A { \n" +"public A(int k) { i = k; } \n " +"public int i; \n " +"/*@ requires i == j; ensures \\result; */ public boolean m(int j) { return true; }\n " +"public void mm(A a) { boolean z; \n" +"//@ assume i == 1 && a.i == 2;\n" +"z = a.m(2); \n" +"}}" ); } @Test public void testReceiver1bad() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A { \n" +"public A(int k) { i = k; } \n " +"public int i; \n" +"/*@ requires i == j; ensures \\result; */ public boolean m(int j) { return true; }\n " +"public void mm(A a) { boolean z; \n" +"//@ assume i == 1 && a.i == 2;\n" +"z = a.m(1); \n" +"}}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Precondition) in method mm",8 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",5 ); } @Test public void testReceiver2good() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A { \n" +"public A(int k) { i = k; } \n " +"public int i; \n " +"/*@ requires i == j; ensures \\result; */ public boolean m(int j) { return true; }\n " +"public void mm(A a) { boolean z; \n" +"//@ assume i == 1 && a.i == 2;\n" +"z = m(1); \n" +"}}" ); } @Test public void testReceiver2bad() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A { \n" +"public A(int k) { i = k; } \n " +"public int i; \n" +"/*@ requires i == j; ensures \\result; */ public boolean m(int j) { return true; }\n " +"public void mm(A a) { boolean z; \n" +"//@ assume i == 1 && a.i == 2;\n" +"z = m(2); \n" +"}}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Precondition) in method mm",6 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",5 ); } @Test public void testReceiver3good() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A { \n" +"public A(int k) { i = k; } \n " +"public int i; \n " +"/*@ requires i == j; ensures \\result; */ public boolean m(int j) { return true; }\n " +"public void mm(A a) { boolean z; \n" +"//@ assume i == 1 && a.i == 2;\n" +"z = this.m(1); \n" +"}}" ); } @Test public void testReceiver3bad() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A { \n" +"public A(int k) { i = k; } \n " +"public int i;\n" +"/*@ requires i == j; ensures \\result; */ public boolean m(int j) { return true; }\n " +"public void mm(A a) { boolean z; \n" +"//@ assume i == 1 && a.i == 2;\n" +"z = this.m(2); \n" +"}}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Precondition) in method mm",11 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",5 ); } @Test public void testReceiver4() { //main.addOptions("-show","-method=main"); helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A { \n" +"//@ ensures i == k; \n " +"public A(int k) { i = k; } \n" +" public int i; \n" +"public static void main(String[] args) { \n" +"A a = new A(1);\n" +"//@ assert a.i == 1;\n" +"}}" ); } @Test public void testReceiver4a() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A { \n" +"//@ ensures i == k; \n " +"public A(int k) { i = k; } \n" +" public int i; \n" +"public static void main(String[] args) { \n" +"A a = new A(1);\n" +"//@ assert a != null;\n" +"}}" ); } @Test public void testReceiver4bad() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A { \n" +"//@ ensures i == k; \n " +"public A(int k) { i = k; } \n" +" public int i; \n" +"public static void main(String[] args) { \n" +"A a = new A(1);\n" +"//@ assert a.i == 2;\n" +"}}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assert) in method main",5 ); } @Test public void testReceiver5() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A { \n" +"//@ ensures i == k; \n " +"public A(int k) { i = k; } \n" +" public int i; \n" +"public static void main(String[] args) { \n" +"A a = new A(1);\n" +"A b = new A(2);\n" +"//@ assert a.i == 1;\n" +"//@ assert b.i == 2;\n" +"}}" ); } @Test public void testReceiver6() { Assume.assumeTrue(runLongTests || !"cvc4".equals(solver)); helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A { \n" +"//@ ensures i == k; \n " +"public A(int k) { i = k; } \n" +" public int i; \n" +" public static A x; \n" +"public static void main(String[] args) { \n" +" A a = new A(1);\n" +" A b = new A(1);\n" +" //@ assert a != b; \n" +"}\n" +"public void m() { \n" +" A a = new A(1);\n" +" //@ assert a != this; \n" +"}\n" +"public void m1(A z) { \n" +" A a = new A(1);\n" +" //@ assert a != z; \n" +"}\n" +"public void m2(A z) { \n" +" A a = new A(1);\n" +" //@ assert a != x; \n" // FIXME - I don't believe the axioms support proving this +"}\n" +"public void m2bad(A z) { \n" +" //@ assert this != z; \n" // Not necessarily +"}\n" +"public void m3bad(A z) { \n" +" //@ assert x != z; \n" // Not necessarily +"}\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assert) in method m2bad",7 ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assert) in method m3bad",7 ); } @Test public void testReturn1good() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A { \n" +"public A(int k) { i = k; } \n " +"public int i; \n " +"/*@ requires i == j; ensures \\result; */ public boolean m(int j) { return true; }\n " +"public void mm(A a) { boolean z; \n" +"//@ assume i == 1 && a.i == 2;\n" +"z = a.m(2); \n" +"//@ assert z; \n" +"}}" ); } @Test public void testReturn1bad() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A { \n" +"public A(int k) { i = k; } \n " +"public int i; \n " +"/*@ requires i == j; ensures \\result; */ public boolean m(int j) { return true; }\n " +"public void mm(A a) { boolean z; \n" +"//@ assume i == 1 && a.i == 2;\n" +"z = a.m(2); \n" +"//@ assert !z; \n" +"}}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assert) in method mm",5 ); } @Test public void testSuper() { //main.addOptions("-no-checkAccessible"); helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A { \n" +"static public int i; \n " +"//@ requires k > 0; assignable i; ensures i == k; \n " +"public A(int k) { i = k; } \n" +"static class B extends A {\n" +" //@ assignable i; ensures i == 3;\n" +" public B() { super(3); }\n" +"}}" ); } @Test public void testSuperbad2() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A { \n" +"static public int i; \n " +"//@ requires k > 0; assignable i; ensures i == k; \n " +"public A(int k) { i = k; } \n" +"static class B extends A {\n" +" //@ assignable i; ensures i == 2;\n" +" public B() { super(3); }\n" +"}}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition) in method B",11 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",22 ); } @Test public void testSuperbad() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A { \n" +"static public int i; \n " +"//@ requires k > 0; assignable i; ensures i == k; \n " +"public A(int k) { i = k; } \n" +"static class B extends A {\n" +" //@ assignable i; ensures i == 3;\n" +" public B() { super(0); }\n" +"}}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Precondition) in method B",22 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",6 ); } @Test public void testThis() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A { \n" +"static public int i; \n " +"//@ requires k > 0; assignable i; ensures i == k; \n " +"public A(int k) { i = k; } \n" +"//@ assignable i; ensures i == 1; \n " +"public A() { this(1); } \n" +"}" ); } @Test public void testThisBad() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A { \n" +"static public int i; \n" +"//@ requires k > 0; assignable i; ensures i == k; \n " +"public A(int k) { i = k; } \n" +"//@ ensures i == 2; assignable i; \n" +"public A() { this(1); } \n" +"}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition) in method A",8 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",5 ); } @Test public void testThisBad2() { main.addOptions("-show","-method=A"); helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A { \n" +"static public int i; \n" +"//@ requires k > 0; assignable i; ensures i == k; \n " +"public A(int k) { i = k; }\n" +"//@ ensures i == 0; \n" +"public A() { this(0); }\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Precondition) in method A",18 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",5 ); } @Test public void testNullField() { Assume.assumeTrue(runLongTests || !"cvc4".equals(solver)); helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; import org.jmlspecs.annotation.*; public class A { \n" +"@NonNull static Integer i; \n" +"public void m(@NonNull A a) { \n" +"@Nullable Integer k = a.i; \n" +"//@ assert k != null; \n" +"}\n" +"}" ); } @Test public void testNullField2() { Assume.assumeTrue(runLongTests || !"cvc4".equals(solver)); helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; import org.jmlspecs.annotation.*; public class A { \n" +"@NonNull static Integer i; \n" +"public void m(@NonNull A a) { \n" +"mm(); \n" +"@Nullable Integer k = a.i; \n" +"//@ assert k != null; \n" +"}\n" +"/*@ assignable \\everything; */ public void mm(){}\n" +"}" ); } @Test public void testNullFieldBad() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; import org.jmlspecs.annotation.*; public class A { \n" +"@Nullable static Integer i; \n" +"public void m(@NonNull A a) { \n" +"@Nullable Integer k = a.i; \n" +"//@ assert k != null; \n" +"}\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assert) in method m",5 ); } @Test public void testNullFieldBad2() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; import org.jmlspecs.annotation.*; public class A { \n" +"@Nullable static Integer i; \n" +"public void m(@NonNull A a) { \n" +"@NonNull Integer k = a.i; \n" +"}\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (PossiblyNullInitialization) in method m: k",18 ); } @Test public void testNullFieldAssign() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; import org.jmlspecs.annotation.*; public class A { \n" +"@NonNull static Integer i; \n" +"public void m(@NonNull A a) { \n" +"@NonNull Integer k = 1; \n" +"a.i = k; \n" +"}\n" +"}" ); } @Test public void testNullFieldAssignBad2() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; import org.jmlspecs.annotation.*; public class A { \n" +"@NonNull static Integer i; \n" +"public void m(@NonNull A a) { \n" +"@NonNull Integer k = 1; \n" +"a.i = k; \n" +"a.i = null; \n" +"}\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (PossiblyNullAssignment) in method m",5 ); } @Test public void testNullFieldAssignBad() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; import org.jmlspecs.annotation.*; public class A { \n" +"@NonNull static Integer i; \n" +"public void m(@NonNull A a, @Nullable Integer k) { \n" +"a.i = k; \n" +"}\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (PossiblyNullAssignment) in method m",5 ); } @Test public void testBreak() { helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"public class TestJava { \n" +" //@ ensures i == 0 ==> \\result == 6; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 1 ==> \\result == 1; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 2 ==> \\result == 0; \n" +" public int m1good(int i) throws Exception {\n" +" int k = 0;\n" +" out: {\n" +" in: { if (i ==1) break in;\n" +" if (i ==2) break out;\n" +" k=5;\n" +" } k++; \n" +" } \n" +" return k;\n" +" }\n" +" //@ ensures i == 0 ==> \\result == 7; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 1 ==> \\result == 1; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 2 ==> \\result == 0; \n" +" public int m1bad(int i) throws Exception {\n" // Line 19 +" int k = 0;\n" +" out: {\n" +" in: { if (i ==1) break in;\n" +" if (i ==2) break out;\n" +" k=5;\n" +" } k++; \n" +" } \n" +" return k;\n" +" }\n" +" //@ ensures i == 0 ==> \\result == 6; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 1 ==> \\result == 2; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 2 ==> \\result == 0; \n" +" public int m2bad(int i) throws Exception {\n" +" int k = 0;\n" +" out: {\n" +" in: { if (i ==1) break in;\n" +" if (i ==2) break out;\n" +" k=5;\n" +" } k++; \n" +" } \n" +" return k;\n" +" }\n" +" //@ ensures i == 0 ==> \\result == 6; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 1 ==> \\result == 1; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 2 ==> \\result == 9; \n" +" public int m3bad(int i) throws Exception {\n" +" int k = 0;\n" +" out: {\n" +" in: { if (i ==1) break in;\n" +" if (i ==2) break out;\n" +" k=5;\n" +" } k++; \n" +" } \n" +" return k;\n" +" }\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition) in method m1bad",7 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",7 ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition) in method m2bad",7 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",7 ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition) in method m3bad",7 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",7 ); } @Test public void testSwitch2() { helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"public class TestJava { \n" +" //@ ensures i == 0 ==> \\result == 2; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 1 ==> \\result == 3; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 2 ==> \\result == 5; \n" +" public int m1good(int i) throws Exception {\n" +" int k = 2;\n" +" switch (i) {\n" +" default: if (i==1) { k=3; break;} else break; \n" +" case 2: k = 5; \n" +" } return k;\n" +" }\n" +" //@ ensures i == 0 ==> \\result == 0; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 1 ==> \\result == 3; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 2 ==> \\result == 5; \n" +" public int m1bad(int i) throws Exception {\n" +" int k = 2;\n" +" switch (i) {\n" +" default: if (i==1) { k=3; break;} else break; \n" +" case 2: k = 5; \n" +" } return k;\n" +" }\n" +" //@ ensures i == 0 ==> \\result == 2; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 1 ==> \\result == 0; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 2 ==> \\result == 5; \n" +" public int m2bad(int i) throws Exception {\n" +" int k = 2;\n" +" switch (i) {\n" +" default: if (i==1) { k=3; break;} else break; \n" +" case 2: k = 5; \n" +" } return k;\n" +" }\n" +" //@ ensures i == 0 ==> \\result == 2; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 1 ==> \\result == 3; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 2 ==> \\result == 0; \n" +" public int m3bad(int i) throws Exception {\n" +" int k = 2;\n" +" switch (i) {\n" +" default: if (i==1) { k=3; break;} else break; \n" +" case 2: k = 5; \n" +" } return k;\n" +" }\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition) in method m1bad",10 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",7 ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition) in method m2bad",10 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",7 ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition) in method m3bad",10 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",7 ); } @Test public void testSwitchShort() { helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"public class TestJava { \n" +" //@ ensures i == 0 ==> \\result == 2; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 1 ==> \\result == 3; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 2 ==> \\result == 5; \n" +" public int m1good(short i) throws Exception {\n" +" int k = 2;\n" +" switch (i) {\n" +" default: if (i==1) { k=3; break;} else break; \n" +" case 2: k = 5; \n" +" } return k;\n" +" }\n" +" //@ ensures i == 0 ==> \\result == 0; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 1 ==> \\result == 3; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 2 ==> \\result == 5; \n" +" public int m1bad(short i) throws Exception {\n" +" int k = 2;\n" +" switch (i) {\n" +" default: if (i==1) { k=3; break;} else break; \n" +" case 2: k = 5; \n" +" } return k;\n" +" }\n" +" //@ ensures i == 0 ==> \\result == 2; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 1 ==> \\result == 0; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 2 ==> \\result == 5; \n" +" public int m2bad(short i) throws Exception {\n" +" int k = 2;\n" +" switch (i) {\n" +" default: if (i==1) { k=3; break;} else break; \n" +" case 2: k = 5; \n" +" } return k;\n" +" }\n" +" //@ ensures i == 0 ==> \\result == 2; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 1 ==> \\result == 3; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 2 ==> \\result == 0; \n" +" public int m3bad(short i) throws Exception {\n" +" int k = 2;\n" +" switch (i) {\n" +" default: if (i==1) { k=3; break;} else break; \n" +" case 2: k = 5; \n" +" } return k;\n" +" }\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition) in method m1bad",10 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",7 ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition) in method m2bad",10 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",7 ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition) in method m3bad",10 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",7 ); } @Test public void testSwitchByte() { helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"public class TestJava { \n" +" //@ ensures i == 0 ==> \\result == 2; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 1 ==> \\result == 3; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 2 ==> \\result == 5; \n" +" public int m1good(byte i) throws Exception {\n" +" int k = 2;\n" +" switch (i) {\n" +" default: if (i==1) { k=3; break;} else break; \n" +" case 2: k = 5; \n" +" } return k;\n" +" }\n" +" //@ ensures i == 0 ==> \\result == 0; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 1 ==> \\result == 3; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 2 ==> \\result == 5; \n" +" public int m1bad(byte i) throws Exception {\n" +" int k = 2;\n" +" switch (i) {\n" +" default: if (i==1) { k=3; break;} else break; \n" +" case 2: k = 5; \n" +" } return k;\n" +" }\n" +" //@ ensures i == 0 ==> \\result == 2; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 1 ==> \\result == 0; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 2 ==> \\result == 5; \n" +" public int m2bad(byte i) throws Exception {\n" +" int k = 2;\n" +" switch (i) {\n" +" default: if (i==1) { k=3; break;} else break; \n" +" case 2: k = 5; \n" +" } return k;\n" +" }\n" +" //@ ensures i == 0 ==> \\result == 2; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 1 ==> \\result == 3; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 2 ==> \\result == 0; \n" +" public int m3bad(byte i) throws Exception {\n" +" int k = 2;\n" +" switch (i) {\n" +" default: if (i==1) { k=3; break;} else break; \n" +" case 2: k = 5; \n" +" } return k;\n" +" }\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition) in method m1bad",10 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",7 ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition) in method m2bad",10 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",7 ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition) in method m3bad",10 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",7 ); } @Test public void testSwitchChar() { helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"public class TestJava { \n" +" //@ ensures i == 'z' ==> \\result == 2; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 'a' ==> \\result == 3; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 'b' ==> \\result == 5; \n" +" public int m1good(char i) throws Exception {\n" +" int k = 2;\n" +" switch (i) {\n" +" default: if (i=='a') { k=3; break;} else break; \n" +" case 'b': k = 5; \n" +" } return k;\n" +" }\n" +" //@ ensures i == 'z' ==> \\result == 0; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 'a' ==> \\result == 3; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 'b' ==> \\result == 5; \n" +" public int m1bad(byte i) throws Exception {\n" +" int k = 2;\n" +" switch (i) {\n" +" default: if (i=='a') { k=3; break;} else break; \n" +" case 'b': k = 5; \n" +" } return k;\n" +" }\n" +" //@ ensures i == 'z' ==> \\result == 2; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 'a' ==> \\result == 0; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 'b' ==> \\result == 5; \n" +" public int m2bad(byte i) throws Exception {\n" +" int k = 2;\n" +" switch (i) {\n" +" default: if (i=='a') { k=3; break;} else break; \n" +" case 'b': k = 5; \n" +" } return k;\n" +" }\n" +" //@ ensures i == 'z' ==> \\result == 2; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 'a' ==> \\result == 3; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 'b' ==> \\result == 0; \n" +" public int m3bad(byte i) throws Exception {\n" +" int k = 2;\n" +" switch (i) {\n" +" default: if (i=='a') { k=3; break;} else break; \n" +" case 'b': k = 5; \n" +" } return k;\n" +" }\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition) in method m1bad",10 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",7 ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition) in method m2bad",10 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",7 ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition) in method m3bad",10 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",7 ); } @Test public void testTryNested() { helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"public class TestJava { \n" +" //@ ensures i == 0 ==> \\result == 5; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 1 ==> \\result == 1; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 2 ==> \\result == 2; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 3 ==> \\result == 3; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 4 ==> \\result == 3; \n" +" public int m1good(int i) throws Exception {\n" // Line 8 +" try {\n" +" try { if (i>=1) return 1; \n" +" } finally { \n" +" if (i==2 || i == 4) return 2; \n" +" }\n" +" } finally { \n" +" if (i>=3) return 3; \n" +" }\n" +" return 5;\n" +" }\n" +" //@ ensures i == 0 ==> \\result == 0; \n" // ERROR +" //@ ensures i == 1 ==> \\result == 1; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 2 ==> \\result == 2; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 3 ==> \\result == 3; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 4 ==> \\result == 3; \n" +" public int m1bad(int i) throws Exception {\n" // Line 24 +" try {\n" +" try { if (i>=1) return 1; \n" +" } finally { \n" +" if (i==2 || i == 4) return 2; \n" +" }\n" +" } finally { \n" +" if (i>=3) return 3; \n" +" }\n" +" return 5;\n" // ERROR +" }\n" +" //@ ensures i == 0 ==> \\result == 5; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 1 ==> \\result == 0; \n" // ERROR +" //@ ensures i == 2 ==> \\result == 2; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 3 ==> \\result == 3; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 4 ==> \\result == 3; \n" +" public int m2bad(int i) throws Exception {\n" // Line 40 +" try {\n" +" try { if (i>=1) return 1; \n" // ERROR +" } finally { \n" +" if (i==2 || i == 4) return 2; \n" +" }\n" +" } finally { \n" +" if (i>=3) return 3; \n" +" }\n" +" return 5;\n" +" }\n" +" //@ ensures i == 0 ==> \\result == 5; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 1 ==> \\result == 1; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 2 ==> \\result == 0; \n" // ERROR +" //@ ensures i == 3 ==> \\result == 3; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 4 ==> \\result == 3; \n" +" public int m3bad(int i) throws Exception {\n" // Line 56 +" try {\n" +" try { if (i>=1) return 1; \n" +" } finally { \n" +" if (i==2 || i == 4) return 2; \n" // ERROR +" }\n" +" } finally { \n" +" if (i>=3) return 3; \n" +" }\n" +" return 5;\n" +" }\n" +" //@ ensures i == 0 ==> \\result == 5; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 1 ==> \\result == 1; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 2 ==> \\result == 2; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 3 ==> \\result == 0; \n" // ERROR +" //@ ensures i == 4 ==> \\result == 3; \n" +" public int m4bad(int i) throws Exception {\n" // Line 72 +" try {\n" +" try { if (i>=1) return 1; \n" +" } finally { \n" +" if (i==2 || i == 4) return 2; \n" +" }\n" +" } finally { \n" +" if (i>=3) return 3; \n" // ERROR +" }\n" +" return 5;\n" +" }\n" +" //@ ensures i == 0 ==> \\result == 5; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 1 ==> \\result == 1; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 2 ==> \\result == 2; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 3 ==> \\result == 3; \n" +" //@ ensures i == 4 ==> \\result == 0; \n" // ERROR +" public int m5bad(int i) throws Exception {\n" // Line 88 +" try {\n" +" try { if (i>=1) return 1; \n" +" } finally { \n" +" if (i==2 || i == 4) return 2; \n" +" }\n" +" } finally { \n" +" if (i>=3) return 3; \n" // ERROR +" }\n" +" return 5;\n" +" }\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition) in method m1bad",7 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",7 ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition) in method m2bad",25 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",7 ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition) in method m3bad",31 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",7 ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition) in method m4bad",21 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",7 ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition) in method m5bad",21 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",7 ); } }