package org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.testcases; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.Utils; import org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.EscBase; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import org.junit.runners.ParameterizedWithNames; /** This class of JUnit tests checks that nowarn works for esc tests. * @author David R. Cok * */ @RunWith(ParameterizedWithNames.class) public class escnowarn extends EscBase { public escnowarn(String options, String solver) { super(options,solver); } public void setUp() throws Exception { //noCollectDiagnostics = true; super.setUp(); main.addOptions("-nullableByDefault"); // Because the tests were written this wasy //JmlEsc.escdebug = true; } @Test public void testNowarnRequires() { helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"public class TestJava { public boolean b; \n" +" //@ requires b;\n" +" public void mm() {}\n" +" public void m() {\n" +" mm(); \n" +" }\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Precondition) in method m",7 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",9 ); } @Test public void testNowarnRequiresNW() { helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"public class TestJava { public boolean b; \n" +" //@ requires b;\n" +" public void mm() {}\n" +" public void m() {\n" +" mm(); //@ nowarn Precondition; \n" +" }\n" +"}" ); } @Test public void testNowarnEnsures() { helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"public class TestJava { \n" +" //@ ensures false;\n" +" public void mm() {} \n" +" public void m() {\n" +" mm(); \n " +" }\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition) in method mm",15 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",9 ); } @Test public void testNowarnEnsuresNW() { helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"public class TestJava { \n" +" //@ ensures false;\n" +" public void mm() {} //@ nowarn Postcondition; \n" +" public void m() {\n" +" mm(); \n" +" }\n" +"}" ); } // FIXME - disabled tests @Test public void testLocationEnsures2() { addMockFile("$A/tt/TestJava.jml","package tt; public class TestJava {\n" +" //@ ensures false;\n" +" public void m();\n" +"}" ); helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"public class TestJava { \n" +" public void m() {\n" +" return;\n" +" }\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Postcondition) in method m",5 ,"/$A/tt/TestJava.jml:2: warning: Associated declaration",9 ); } @Test public void testLocationSignals() { addMockFile("$A/tt/TestJava.jml","package tt; public class TestJava {\n" +" //@ signals (Exception) false;\n" +" public void m();\n" +"}" ); helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"public class TestJava { \n" +" public void m() {\n" +" throw new RuntimeException();\n" +" }\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (ExceptionalPostcondition) in method m",5 ,"/$A/tt/TestJava.jml:2: warning: Associated declaration",9 ); } @Test public void testLocationInvariant() { addMockFile("$A/tt/TestJava.jml","package tt; public class TestJava {\n" +" //@ public static invariant i>=0;\n" +" //@ assignable i;\n" +" public void m();\n" +"}" ); helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"public class TestJava { \n" +" static public int i;\n" +" public void m() {\n" +" i = -1; return; \n" +" }\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (InvariantExit) in method m",13 ,"/$A/tt/TestJava.jml:2: warning: Associated declaration",21 ); } @Test public void testLocationInitially() { helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"public class TestJava { \n" +" static public int i;\n" +" //@ public initially i>=0;\n" +" //@ assignable i;\n" +" public TestJava() {\n" +" i = -1; return; \n" +" }\n" +"}" // Change (improvement) in output for Java8 //,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Initially) in method TestJava",21 ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Initially) in method TestJava",13 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",14 ); } @Test public void testLocationInitiallyNW1() { helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"public class TestJava { \n" +" static public int i;\n" +" //@ public initially i>=0;\n" +" //@ assignable i;\n" +" public TestJava() { //@ nowarn Initially;\n" +" i = -1; return; \n" +" }\n" +"}" ); } @Test public void testLocationInitiallyNW2() { helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"public class TestJava { \n" +" static public int i;\n" +" //@ public initially i>=0; nowarn Initially;\n" +" //@ assignable i;\n" +" public TestJava() {\n" +" i = -1; return; \n" +" }\n" +"}" ); } @Test public void testLocationConstraint() { addMockFile("$A/tt/TestJava.jml","package tt; public class TestJava {\n" +" //@ public constraint i>=\\old(i);\n" +"}" ); helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"public class TestJava { \n" +" static public int i;\n" +" public void m() {\n" +" i = -1; return; \n" +" }\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Constraint) in method m",13 ,"/$A/tt/TestJava.jml:2: warning: Associated declaration",14 ); } @Test public void testLocationConstraintNW1() { addMockFile("$A/tt/TestJava.jml","package tt; public class TestJava {\n" +" //@ public constraint i>=\\old(i);\n" +"}" ); helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"public class TestJava { \n" +" static public int i;\n" +" public void m() {//@ nowarn Constraint;\n" +" i = -1; return; \n" +" }\n" +"}" ); } @Test public void testLocationConstraintNW2() { addMockFile("$A/tt/TestJava.jml","package tt; public class TestJava {\n" +" //@ public constraint i>=\\old(i); //@ nowarn Constraint;\n" +"}" ); helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"public class TestJava { \n" +" static public int i;\n" +" public void m() {\n" +" i = -1; return; \n" +" }\n" +"}" ); } // TODO: represents, non_null field, non_null parameter, non_null method // TODO: non_null local, any local // TODO: signals_only, diverges, assignable // TODO: called preconditions // TODO: called undefined: div by 0, array index neg, array index too big // TODO: code undefined }