package freeboogie.ast.gen; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * Recognizes abstract grammar (AG) tokens. * * @author rgrig * @author reviewed by TODO */ public class AgLexer extends PeekStream<AgToken> { private static final Map<Character, AgToken.Type> oneCharTokens = new HashMap<Character, AgToken.Type>(17); static { oneCharTokens.put('=', AgToken.Type.EQ); oneCharTokens.put('!', AgToken.Type.BANG); oneCharTokens.put(',', AgToken.Type.COMMA); oneCharTokens.put(';', AgToken.Type.SEMICOLON); oneCharTokens.put('(', AgToken.Type.LP); oneCharTokens.put(')', AgToken.Type.RP); oneCharTokens.put('\n', AgToken.Type.NL); } private CharStream stream; private Character lastChar; private StringBuilder repBuilder; /** * Initializes the lexer. * @param stream the underlying stream * @throws IOException if thrown by the underlying stream */ public AgLexer(CharStream stream) throws IOException { super(new TokenLocation<AgToken>()); = stream; repBuilder = new StringBuilder(); readChar(); } private void readChar() throws IOException { if (lastChar != null) repBuilder.append(lastChar); lastChar =; } private String rep() { String r = repBuilder.toString(); repBuilder = new StringBuilder(); return r; } /* * This method always reads one more character than the recognized * token and also eats the read characters from the underlying stream. * * The method is a bit too complex but lexers usually are. * * @see freeboogie.ast.gen.PeekStream#read() */ @Override protected AgToken read() throws IOException { if (lastChar == null) return null; AgToken.Type type = oneCharTokens.get(lastChar); if (type != null) { readChar(); } else if (Character.isWhitespace(lastChar)) { type = AgToken.Type.WS; do readChar(); while (Character.isWhitespace(lastChar)); } else if (lastChar == ':') { readChar(); if (lastChar == '>') { type = AgToken.Type.SUPERTYPE; readChar(); } else type = AgToken.Type.COLON; } else if (lastChar == '/') { readChar(); if (lastChar != '/') type = AgToken.Type.ERROR; else { type = AgToken.Type.COMMENT; while (lastChar != '\n') readChar(); readChar(); } } else if (Character.isLetter(lastChar)) { do readChar(); while (Character.isLetter(lastChar)); if (repBuilder.toString().equals("enum")) type = AgToken.Type.ENUM; else type = AgToken.Type.ID; } else { type = AgToken.Type.ERROR; readChar(); }; return new AgToken(type, rep()); } /** * Like {@code next}, but skips WS, COMMENT, and ERROR tokens. * It also gives error messages for ERROR tokens. * @return the next good token * @throws IOException if thrown by the underlying stream */ public AgToken nextGood() throws IOException { AgToken r; do r = next(); while (r != null && !r.isGood()); return r; } /** * For testing. (TODO) * * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }