/* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package com.sun.tools.doclets.formats.html; import com.sun.javadoc.*; import com.sun.tools.doclets.formats.html.markup.ContentBuilder; import com.sun.tools.doclets.formats.html.markup.HtmlStyle; import com.sun.tools.doclets.formats.html.markup.HtmlTree; import com.sun.tools.doclets.formats.html.markup.RawHtml; import com.sun.tools.doclets.formats.html.markup.StringContent; import com.sun.tools.doclets.internal.toolkit.*; import com.sun.tools.doclets.internal.toolkit.builders.SerializedFormBuilder; import com.sun.tools.doclets.internal.toolkit.taglets.*; import com.sun.tools.doclets.internal.toolkit.util.*; /** * The taglet writer that writes HTML. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> * * @since 1.5 * @author Jamie Ho * @author Bhavesh Patel (Modified) */ public class TagletWriterImpl extends TagletWriter { private final HtmlDocletWriter htmlWriter; private final ConfigurationImpl configuration; public TagletWriterImpl(HtmlDocletWriter htmlWriter, boolean isFirstSentence) { super(isFirstSentence); this.htmlWriter = htmlWriter; configuration = htmlWriter.configuration; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Content getOutputInstance() { return new ContentBuilder(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected Content codeTagOutput(Tag tag) { Content result = HtmlTree.CODE(new StringContent(Util.normalizeNewlines(tag.text()))); return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Content getDocRootOutput() { String path; if (htmlWriter.pathToRoot.isEmpty()) path = "."; else path = htmlWriter.pathToRoot.getPath(); return new StringContent(path); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Content deprecatedTagOutput(Doc doc) { ContentBuilder result = new ContentBuilder(); Tag[] deprs = doc.tags("deprecated"); if (doc instanceof ClassDoc) { if (Util.isDeprecated((ProgramElementDoc) doc)) { result.addContent(HtmlTree.SPAN(HtmlStyle.deprecatedLabel, new StringContent(configuration.getText("doclet.Deprecated")))); result.addContent(RawHtml.nbsp); if (deprs.length > 0) { Tag[] commentTags = deprs[0].inlineTags(); if (commentTags.length > 0) { result.addContent(commentTagsToOutput(null, doc, deprs[0].inlineTags(), false) ); } } } } else { MemberDoc member = (MemberDoc) doc; if (Util.isDeprecated((ProgramElementDoc) doc)) { result.addContent(HtmlTree.SPAN(HtmlStyle.deprecatedLabel, new StringContent(configuration.getText("doclet.Deprecated")))); result.addContent(RawHtml.nbsp); if (deprs.length > 0) { Content body = commentTagsToOutput(null, doc, deprs[0].inlineTags(), false); if (!body.isEmpty()) result.addContent(HtmlTree.SPAN(HtmlStyle.deprecationComment, body)); } } else { if (Util.isDeprecated(member.containingClass())) { result.addContent(HtmlTree.SPAN(HtmlStyle.deprecatedLabel, new StringContent(configuration.getText("doclet.Deprecated")))); result.addContent(RawHtml.nbsp); } } } return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected Content literalTagOutput(Tag tag) { Content result = new StringContent(Util.normalizeNewlines(tag.text())); return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public MessageRetriever getMsgRetriever() { return configuration.message; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Content getParamHeader(String header) { HtmlTree result = HtmlTree.DT(HtmlTree.SPAN(HtmlStyle.paramLabel, new StringContent(header))); return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Content paramTagOutput(ParamTag paramTag, String paramName) { ContentBuilder body = new ContentBuilder(); body.addContent(HtmlTree.CODE(new RawHtml(paramName))); body.addContent(" - "); body.addContent(htmlWriter.commentTagsToContent(paramTag, null, paramTag.inlineTags(), false)); HtmlTree result = HtmlTree.DD(body); return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Content propertyTagOutput(Tag tag, String prefix) { Content body = new ContentBuilder(); body.addContent(new RawHtml(prefix)); body.addContent(" "); body.addContent(HtmlTree.CODE(new RawHtml(tag.text()))); body.addContent("."); Content result = HtmlTree.P(body); return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Content returnTagOutput(Tag returnTag) { ContentBuilder result = new ContentBuilder(); result.addContent(HtmlTree.DT(HtmlTree.SPAN(HtmlStyle.returnLabel, new StringContent(configuration.getText("doclet.Returns"))))); result.addContent(HtmlTree.DD(htmlWriter.commentTagsToContent( returnTag, null, returnTag.inlineTags(), false))); return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Content seeTagOutput(Doc holder, SeeTag[] seeTags) { ContentBuilder body = new ContentBuilder(); if (seeTags.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < seeTags.length; ++i) { appendSeparatorIfNotEmpty(body); body.addContent(htmlWriter.seeTagToContent(seeTags[i])); } } if (holder.isField() && ((FieldDoc)holder).constantValue() != null && htmlWriter instanceof ClassWriterImpl) { //Automatically add link to constant values page for constant fields. appendSeparatorIfNotEmpty(body); DocPath constantsPath = htmlWriter.pathToRoot.resolve(DocPaths.CONSTANT_VALUES); String whichConstant = ((ClassWriterImpl) htmlWriter).getClassDoc().qualifiedName() + "." + ((FieldDoc) holder).name(); DocLink link = constantsPath.fragment(whichConstant); body.addContent(htmlWriter.getHyperLink(link, new StringContent(configuration.getText("doclet.Constants_Summary")))); } if (holder.isClass() && ((ClassDoc)holder).isSerializable()) { //Automatically add link to serialized form page for serializable classes. if ((SerializedFormBuilder.serialInclude(holder) && SerializedFormBuilder.serialInclude(((ClassDoc)holder).containingPackage()))) { appendSeparatorIfNotEmpty(body); DocPath serialPath = htmlWriter.pathToRoot.resolve(DocPaths.SERIALIZED_FORM); DocLink link = serialPath.fragment(((ClassDoc)holder).qualifiedName()); body.addContent(htmlWriter.getHyperLink(link, new StringContent(configuration.getText("doclet.Serialized_Form")))); } } if (body.isEmpty()) return body; ContentBuilder result = new ContentBuilder(); result.addContent(HtmlTree.DT(HtmlTree.SPAN(HtmlStyle.seeLabel, new StringContent(configuration.getText("doclet.See_Also"))))); result.addContent(HtmlTree.DD(body)); return result; } private void appendSeparatorIfNotEmpty(ContentBuilder body) { if (!body.isEmpty()) { body.addContent(", "); body.addContent(DocletConstants.NL); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Content simpleTagOutput(Tag[] simpleTags, String header) { ContentBuilder result = new ContentBuilder(); result.addContent(HtmlTree.DT(HtmlTree.SPAN(HtmlStyle.simpleTagLabel, new RawHtml(header)))); ContentBuilder body = new ContentBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < simpleTags.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { body.addContent(", "); } body.addContent(htmlWriter.commentTagsToContent( simpleTags[i], null, simpleTags[i].inlineTags(), false)); } result.addContent(HtmlTree.DD(body)); return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Content simpleTagOutput(Tag simpleTag, String header) { ContentBuilder result = new ContentBuilder(); result.addContent(HtmlTree.DT(HtmlTree.SPAN(HtmlStyle.simpleTagLabel, new RawHtml(header)))); Content body = htmlWriter.commentTagsToContent( simpleTag, null, simpleTag.inlineTags(), false); result.addContent(HtmlTree.DD(body)); return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Content getThrowsHeader() { HtmlTree result = HtmlTree.DT(HtmlTree.SPAN(HtmlStyle.throwsLabel, new StringContent(configuration.getText("doclet.Throws")))); return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Content throwsTagOutput(ThrowsTag throwsTag) { ContentBuilder body = new ContentBuilder(); Content excName = (throwsTag.exceptionType() == null) ? new RawHtml(throwsTag.exceptionName()) : htmlWriter.getLink(new LinkInfoImpl(configuration, LinkInfoImpl.Kind.MEMBER, throwsTag.exceptionType())); body.addContent(HtmlTree.CODE(excName)); Content desc = htmlWriter.commentTagsToContent(throwsTag, null, throwsTag.inlineTags(), false); if (desc != null && !desc.isEmpty()) { body.addContent(" - "); body.addContent(desc); } HtmlTree result = HtmlTree.DD(body); return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Content throwsTagOutput(Type throwsType) { HtmlTree result = HtmlTree.DD(HtmlTree.CODE(htmlWriter.getLink( new LinkInfoImpl(configuration, LinkInfoImpl.Kind.MEMBER, throwsType)))); return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Content valueTagOutput(FieldDoc field, String constantVal, boolean includeLink) { return includeLink ? htmlWriter.getDocLink(LinkInfoImpl.Kind.VALUE_TAG, field, constantVal, false) : new RawHtml(constantVal); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Content commentTagsToOutput(Tag holderTag, Tag[] tags) { return commentTagsToOutput(holderTag, null, tags, false); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Content commentTagsToOutput(Doc holderDoc, Tag[] tags) { return commentTagsToOutput(null, holderDoc, tags, false); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Content commentTagsToOutput(Tag holderTag, Doc holderDoc, Tag[] tags, boolean isFirstSentence) { return htmlWriter.commentTagsToContent( holderTag, holderDoc, tags, isFirstSentence); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Configuration configuration() { return configuration; } }