package org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.testcases; import org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.TCBase; import org.junit.Test; /** These tests check the use of spec_protected, spec_public and the Java visibility modifiers */ public class access extends TCBase { @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { // noCollectDiagnostics = true; // jmldebug = true; super.setUp(); } @Test public void testSpecPublic() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_public */ static private boolean b; } class B { void m() { \n //@ assume A.b; \n}}" ); } @Test public void testSpecPublic1() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_public */ static private boolean b; } class B { void m() { \n boolean bb = A.b; \n}}" ,"/ b has private access in A",16 ); } @Test public void testSpecProtected() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_protected */ static private boolean b; } class B { void m() { \n //@ assume A.b; \n}}" ); } @Test public void testSpecProtected1() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_protected */ static private boolean b; } class B { void m() { \n boolean bb = A.b; \n}}" ,"/ b has private access in A",16 ); } @Test public void testSpecConflict() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_public spec_protected */ static private boolean b; } " ,"/ A declaration may not be both spec_public and spec_protected",34 ); } @Test public void testSpecConflict1() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_public spec_public */ static private boolean b; } " ,"/ org.jmlspecs.annotation.SpecPublic is not a repeatable annotation type",34 ); } @Test public void testSpecConflict2() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_protected spec_protected */ static private boolean b; } " ,"/ org.jmlspecs.annotation.SpecProtected is not a repeatable annotation type",37 ); } @Test public void testSpecConflict3() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_public */ static public boolean b; } " ,"/ warning: There is no point to a declaration being both public and spec_public",22 ); } @Test public void testSpecConflict4() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_public */ static protected boolean b; } " ); // OK } @Test public void testSpecConflict5() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_protected */ static protected boolean b; } " ,"/ warning: There is no point to a declaration being both protected and spec_protected",22 ); } @Test public void testSpecConflict6() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_protected */ static boolean b; } " ); // OK } @Test public void testSpecConflict7() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_public */ static boolean b; } " ); // OK } @Test public void testSpecConflictM() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_public spec_protected */ static private boolean m(){return true;} } " ,"/ A declaration may not be both spec_public and spec_protected",34 ); } @Test public void testSpecConflictM1() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_public spec_public */ static private boolean m(){return true;} } " ,"/ org.jmlspecs.annotation.SpecPublic is not a repeatable annotation type",34 ); } @Test public void testSpecConflictM2() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_protected spec_protected */ static private boolean m(){return true;} } " ,"/ org.jmlspecs.annotation.SpecProtected is not a repeatable annotation type",37 ); } @Test public void testSpecConflictM3() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_public */ static public boolean m(){return true;} } " ,"/ warning: There is no point to a declaration being both public and spec_public",22 ); } @Test public void testSpecConflictM4() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_public */ static protected boolean m(){return true;} } " ); // OK } @Test public void testSpecConflictM5() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_protected */ static protected boolean m(){return true;} } " ,"/ warning: There is no point to a declaration being both protected and spec_protected",22 ); } @Test public void testSpecConflictM6() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_protected */ static boolean m(){return true;} } " ); // OK } @Test public void testSpecConflictM7() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_public */ static boolean m(){return true;} } " ); // OK } @Test public void testSpecConflictC() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_public spec_protected */ static private class C{} } " ,"/ A declaration may not be both spec_public and spec_protected",34 ); } @Test public void testSpecConflictC1() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_public spec_public */ static private class C{} } " ,"/ org.jmlspecs.annotation.SpecPublic is not a repeatable annotation type",34 ); } @Test public void testSpecConflictC2() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_protected spec_protected */ static private class C{} } " ,"/ org.jmlspecs.annotation.SpecProtected is not a repeatable annotation type",37 ); } @Test public void testSpecConflictC3() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_public */ static public class C{} } " ,"/ warning: There is no point to a declaration being both public and spec_public",22 ); } @Test public void testSpecConflictC4() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_public */ static protected class C{} } " ); // OK } @Test public void testSpecConflictC5() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_protected */ static protected class C{} } " ,"/ warning: There is no point to a declaration being both protected and spec_protected",22 ); } @Test public void testSpecConflictC6() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_protected */ static class C{} } " ); // OK } @Test public void testSpecConflictC7() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ spec_public */ static class C{} } " ); // OK } }