package org.jmlspecs.openjmltest; import; import; import; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.Utils; /** This class makes a mock JavaFileObject. It holds a String as its content * and is given a pseudo-filename to use, but does not represent an actual file in * the file system. * <P> * Note that we use Kind.OTHER to designate specification ( files. * * @author David Cok */ public class TestJavaFileObject extends SimpleJavaFileObject { /** The content of the mock file */ //@ non_null protected String content; /** A fake file name, used when the user does not want to be bothered * supplying one. We make and cache this because it is a pain to * deal with exceptions in constructors. */ //@ non_null static final protected URI uritest = makeURI(); /** A utility method to make the URI, so it can handle the exceptions. * We don't try to recover gracefully if the exception occurs - this is * just used in testing anyway. */ private static URI makeURI() { try { return new URI("file:///"); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("CATASTROPHIC EXIT - FAILED TO CONSTRUCT A MOCK URI"); System.exit(3); return null; } } // TODO - will it be a problem if someone makes two of these objects in // the same test (since they will have the same name)? /** A constructor of a JavaFileObject of kind SOURCE, * with the given content and a made-up file name. * @param s The content of the file */ public TestJavaFileObject(/*@ non_null */ String s) { super(uritest,Kind.SOURCE); content = s; } /** Constructs a new JavaFileObject of kind SOURCE or OTHER depending on the * filename extension * @param filename the filename to use (no leading slash) (null indicates to * use the internal fabricated filename) * @param content the content of the pseudo file * @throws Exception if a URI cannot be created */ public TestJavaFileObject(/*@ nullable */String filename, /*@ non_null */String content) throws Exception { // This takes three slashes because the filename is supposed to be absolute. // In our case this is not a real file anyway, so we pretend it is absolute. super(filename == null ? uritest : new URI("file:///" + filename), filename == null || filename.endsWith(".java") ? Kind.SOURCE : Kind.OTHER); this.content = content; } /** Constructs a new JavaFileObject * @param uri the URI to use * @param content the content of the pseudo file */ public TestJavaFileObject(/*@ non_null */URI uri, /*@ non_null */String content) { super(uri,uri.getPath().endsWith(".java") ? Kind.SOURCE : Kind.OTHER); this.content = content; } /** Overrides the parent to provide the content directly from the String * supplied at construction, rather than reading the file. This is called * by the system. */ @Override public CharSequence getCharContent(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors) { return content; } /** Overrides the parent method to allow name compatibility between * pseudo files of different kinds. TODO _ better description of what the system uses this for */ // Don't worry about whether the kinds match, just the file prefix @Override public boolean isNameCompatible(String simpleName, Kind kind) { String s = uri.getPath(); if (kind == Kind.OTHER) { int i = s.lastIndexOf('/'); s = s.substring(i+1); return s.startsWith(simpleName); } else { String baseName = simpleName + kind.extension; return s.endsWith("/" + baseName); } } /** Returns true if the receiver and argument represent the same file */ public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof JavaFileObject)) return false; return Utils.ifSourcesEqual(this, (JavaFileObject)o); } /** A definition of hashCode, since we have a definition of equals */ public int hashCode() { // Two things are equal if they have the same string, so we'll // use that for the hashCode return uri.normalize().getPath().hashCode(); // FIXME -0 this is not right, since if one is a suffix of the other they are equal and should have the same hashCode } public String toString() { //String s = super.toString(); // Something like file:///tt/ from TestJavaFileObject String s = getName(); // Something like tt/ // Note: in stack traces it appears that everything gets dropped up to and including // the last / return s; } }