package org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.testcases; import static*; import static*; import static org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTokenKind.*; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTokenKind; import org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.JmlTestCase; import org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.TestJavaFileObject; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import; import; import; import; import static org.junit.Assert.*; // TODO - should test unicode, especially with multiple backslashes // TODO - should test errPos for error tokens (is endPos set?) public class scanner extends JmlTestCase { final static JmlTokenKind EJML = ENDJMLCOMMENT; ScannerFactory fac; String[] keys; // TODO - do we need to collect and compare System.out,err /** Initializes a fresh scanner factory for each test */ @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); // Sets up a main program, diagnostic collector fac = ScannerFactory.instance(context); keys = null; } /** This is a helper routine to check tests that are supposed to issue * JUnit test failures. * * @param failureMessage The expected JUnit failure message * @param s The string to parse * @param list The tokens expected * @param positions The expected start and end positions for each token * @param numErrors The expected number of scanning errors */ //@ requires positions != null && list != null ==> positions.length == list.length*2; public void helpFailure(String failureMessage, String s, ITokenKind[] list, /*@nullable*/ int[] positions, int numErrors) { boolean failed = false; try { helpScanner(s,list,positions,numErrors); } catch (AssertionError a) { failed = true; assertEquals("Failure report wrong",failureMessage,a.getMessage()); } if (!failed) fail("Test harness failed to report an error"); } /** This scans the input string and checks whether the tokens obtained * match those in the list array and whether the positions found * match those in the positions array and whether the number of * errors found is 0. The positions array contains a start and end position * for each token. */ public void helpScanner(String s, ITokenKind[] list, int[] positions) { helpScanner(s,list,positions,0); } /** This scans the input string and checks whether the tokens obtained * match those in the list array and whether the positions found * match those in the positions array and whether the number of * errors found is the last argument. The positions array contains a start and end position * for each token. */ public void helpScanner(String s, ITokenKind[] list, int[] positions, int numErrors) { try { Log.instance(context).useSource(new TestJavaFileObject(s) ); JmlScanner sc = (JmlScanner)fac.newScanner(s, true); if (keys != null) { for (String k: keys) { ((JmlScanner)sc).keys().add(k); } } int i = 0; while (i<list.length) { sc.nextToken(); if (print) System.out.println(sc.token() + " " + ((JmlScanner)sc).jmlToken()); Token e = sc.token(); if (e.ikind != list[i]) { fail("Unexpected token at position " + i + " expected: " + list[i] + " actual: " + e.kind ); } if (positions != null && 2*i+1 < positions.length) { assertEquals("pos for token " + i, positions[2*i], e.pos); assertEquals("endpos for token " + i, positions[2*i+1], e.endPos); } i++; } sc.nextToken(); if (sc.token().kind != TokenKind.EOF) { fail("Scanner not at EOF: " + sc.token().kind); } if (collector.getDiagnostics().size() != numErrors) { if (!noExtraPrinting) printDiagnostics(); fail("Saw wrong number of errors: expected " + numErrors + " actual " + collector.getDiagnostics().size()); } if (positions != null && 2*i != positions.length) fail("Number of start/end locations (" + (positions.length) + ") should be double the number of tokens (" + i + ")"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); fail("Exception thrown while processing test: " + e); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Test scanning something very simple */ @Test public void testSomeJava() { helpScanner("",new TokenKind[]{},null); helpScanner("A",new TokenKind[]{IDENTIFIER},new int[]{0,1}); } /** Test some unicode */ @Test public void testSomeUnicode() { helpScanner("\\u0041\\u0020\\u0041", new TokenKind[]{IDENTIFIER,IDENTIFIER}, new int[]{5,11,17,18}); // Current behavior but wrong - BUG - FIXME //new int[]{0,6,12,18}); // This is what it should be } /** Test some unicode - multiple u*/ @Test public void testSomeUnicode2() { helpScanner("\\uuuu0041 A", new TokenKind[]{IDENTIFIER,IDENTIFIER}, null); } /** Test some unicode - multiple backslash*/ @Ignore // FIXME - understand correct unicode behavior here @Test public void testSomeUnicode3() { helpScanner("\\\\u0041 A",new ITokenKind[]{ERROR,IDENTIFIER,IDENTIFIER}, new int[]{0,1,2,7,8,9}); } /** This tests that the test harness records if not enough tokens are listed */ @Test public void testHarness1() { helpFailure("Scanner not at EOF: token.identifier", "A A",new ITokenKind[]{IDENTIFIER},null,0); } /** This tests that the test harness records if too many tokens are listed */ @Test public void testHarness2() { helpFailure("Unexpected token at position 1 expected: token.identifier actual: token.end-of-input", "A",new ITokenKind[]{IDENTIFIER,IDENTIFIER},null,0); } /** This tests that the test harness records if a wrong token is listed */ @Test public void testHarness3() { helpFailure("Unexpected token at position 0 expected: public actual: token.identifier", "A",new ITokenKind[]{PUBLIC},null,0); } /** This tests that the test harness records if too many tokens are listed */ @Test public void testHarness4() { helpFailure("Unexpected token at position 2 expected: token.identifier actual: token.end-of-input", "A",new ITokenKind[]{IDENTIFIER,EOF,IDENTIFIER},null,0); } /** This tests that the test harness records if wrong start position is given */ @Test public void testHarness5() { helpFailure("pos for token 0 expected:<1> but was:<0>", "A",new ITokenKind[]{IDENTIFIER,EOF},new int[]{1,2,3,4},0); } /** This tests that the test harness fails if wrong end position is given */ @Test public void testHarness6() { helpFailure("endpos for token 0 expected:<2> but was:<1>", "A",new ITokenKind[]{IDENTIFIER,EOF},new int[]{0,2,3,4},0); } /** This tests that the test harness fails if wrong number of errors is given */ @Test public void testHarness7() { noExtraPrinting = true; helpFailure("Saw wrong number of errors: expected 1 actual 0", "A",new ITokenKind[]{IDENTIFIER,EOF},new int[]{0,1,1,1},1); } /** This tests that the test harness fails if too few positions are given */ @Test public void testHarness8() { helpFailure("Number of start/end locations (1) should be double the number of tokens (2)", "A",new ITokenKind[]{IDENTIFIER,EOF},new int[]{0},0); } /** This tests that the test harness fails if too few positions are given */ @Test public void testHarness9() { helpFailure("Number of start/end locations (2) should be double the number of tokens (2)", "A",new ITokenKind[]{IDENTIFIER,EOF},new int[]{0,1},0); } /** This tests that the test harness fails if too few positions are given */ @Test public void testHarness10() { helpFailure("Number of start/end locations (0) should be double the number of tokens (2)", "A",new ITokenKind[]{IDENTIFIER,EOF},new int[]{},0); } /** This tests that the test harness fails if too many positions are given */ @Test public void testHarness11() { helpFailure("Number of start/end locations (7) should be double the number of tokens (2)", "A",new ITokenKind[]{IDENTIFIER,EOF},new int[]{0,1,1,1,4,5,6},0); } /** Tests that JML keywords are not found in Java */ @Test public void testJmlKeywordsNotInJml() { helpScanner("requires ensures pure", new ITokenKind[]{IDENTIFIER,IDENTIFIER,IDENTIFIER,}, new int[]{0,8,9,16,17,21}); } /** Tests that JML keywords are found in a JML comment */ @Test public void testJmlKeywordsInJml() { helpScanner("/*@requires ensures pure */", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,ENSURES,PURE,EJML,}, new int[]{3,11,12,19,20,24,25,27}); } /** Tests that JML keywords are found in a JML comment */ @Test public void testJmlKeywordsInJmlA() { helpScanner("//@requires ensures pure \n ", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,ENSURES,PURE,EJML,EOF}, new int[]{3,11,12,19,20,24,25,26,26,26}); // FIXME - review postion of EOF } /** Tests that JML keywords are found in a JML comment with nowarn */ @Test public void testJmlKeywordsInJmlWithNoWarn() { helpScanner("/*@nowarn A; nowarn B,requires,C; requires ensures pure */", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,ENSURES,PURE,EJML,}, new int[]{34,42,43,50,51,55,56,58}); } /** Tests that JML keywords are not found in a Java comment */ @Test public void testJmlKeywordsNotInJavaComment() { helpScanner("/* requires */ /*@requires */", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,EJML,}, new int[]{18,26,27,29}); } /** Tests that JML keywords are not found after a JML comment ends */ @Test public void testJmlKeywordsAfterJml() { helpScanner("/*@requires */requires ensures pure", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,EJML,IDENTIFIER,IDENTIFIER,IDENTIFIER,}, new int[]{3,11,12,14,14,22,23,30,31,35}); } /** Tests JML operators */ @Test public void testOperators() { helpScanner("/*@ ==> <== <: <==> <=!=> -> <- */", new ITokenKind[]{IMPLIES,REVERSE_IMPLIES,SUBTYPE_OF,EQUIVALENCE,INEQUIVALENCE,RIGHT_ARROW,LEFT_ARROW,EJML}, new int[]{4,7, 8,11, 12,14, 15,19, 20,25, 26,28, 29,31, 32,34}); } /** Tests the Java operators related to JML operators */ @Test public void testOperators1() { helpScanner("/*@ == <= < */", new ITokenKind[]{EQEQ,LTEQ,LT,EJML}, new int[]{4,6,8,10,12,13,15,17}); } /** Tests JML operators when in Java land */ @Test public void testOperators2() { helpScanner(" ==> <== <: <==> <=!=> ", new ITokenKind[]{EQEQ,GT, LTEQ,EQ, LT,COLON, LTEQ,EQ,GT, LTEQ,BANGEQ,GT}, new int[]{4,6,6,7, 8,10,10,11, 12,13,13,14, 15,17,17,18,18,19, 20,22,22,24,24,25}); } @Test public void testBadOperator() { helpScanner("/*@ <=! + */", new ITokenKind[]{LTEQ,BANG,PLUS,EJML}, new int[]{4,6,6,7,8,9,10,12}); } @Test public void testBadOperator2() { helpScanner("/*@ <=!= + */", new ITokenKind[]{LTEQ,BANGEQ,PLUS,EJML}, new int[]{4,6,6,8,9,10,11,13}); } // NOTE: In the test strings, backslash characters must be escaped. So // within the string you write \\result, not \result, to get the effect of // \result in a test program. /** Test that a backslash token is found */ @Test public void testBackslash() { helpScanner("/*@ \\result */", new ITokenKind[]{BSRESULT,EJML}, null); } /** Test that two immediately consecutive backslash tokens are found */ @Test public void testBackslash1() { helpScanner("/*@ \\result\\result */", new ITokenKind[]{BSRESULT,BSRESULT,EJML}, null); } /** Test that backslash tokens are found immediately after a line termination */ @Test public void testBackslash2() { helpScanner("/*@ \\result \n\\result*/", new ITokenKind[]{BSRESULT,BSRESULT,EJML}, null); } /** Test that a backslash token without the backslash is a regular identifier */ @Test public void testBackslash3() { helpScanner("/*@ \\result result*/", new ITokenKind[]{BSRESULT,IDENTIFIER,EJML}, null); } /** Test for an invalid backslash identifier */ @Test public void testBackslash5() { helpScanner("/*@ \\xyz result*/", new ITokenKind[]{ERROR,IDENTIFIER,EJML}, null, 1); checkMessages(new String[]{"/ This backslash token is unknown: \\xyz"}, new int[]{5}); } /** Test for a JML backslash with no identifier */ @Test public void testBackslash6() { helpScanner("/*@ \\ \\result*/", new ITokenKind[]{ERROR,BSRESULT,EJML}, null, 1); checkMessages("/ A backslash in a JML comment expects to be followed by a valid identifier",5); } /** Test an empty Java line comment */ @Test public void testEmptyJavaComment() { helpScanner("//", new ITokenKind[]{}, new int[]{}); } /** Test a mismatched comment ending */ @Test public void testMisMatchedJMLComment() { helpScanner("//@*/ requires", new ITokenKind[]{STAR,SLASH,REQUIRES,EOF}, null); } /** Test an empty JML line comment */ @Test public void testEmptyJMLComment() { helpScanner("//\n//@requires", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,EOF}, null); } /** Test an embedded JML comment */ @Test public void testEmbeddedJMLComment() { helpScanner("//@requires //@ requires", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,REQUIRES,EOF}, null); } /** Test an embedded JML comment */ @Test public void testEmbeddedJMLComment3() { helpScanner("/*@requires /*@ requires */ requires */ public", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,REQUIRES,EJML,IDENTIFIER,STAR,SLASH,PUBLIC,EOF}, null); } /** Test an embedded JML comment */ @Test public void testEmbeddedJMLComment4() { helpScanner("/*@requires //@ requires \n requires */ public", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,REQUIRES,REQUIRES,EJML,PUBLIC,EOF}, null); } /** Test an embedded JML comment */ @Test public void testEmbeddedJMLComment2() { helpScanner("/*@requires //@ requires */ public", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,REQUIRES,EJML,PUBLIC,EOF}, null); } /** Test an embedded JML comment */ @Test public void testEmbeddedJMLComment5() { helpScanner("//@requires /*@ requires\n requires */ requires", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,REQUIRES,EJML,IDENTIFIER,STAR, SLASH,IDENTIFIER,EOF}, null); } /** Test an embedded Java comment */ @Test public void testEmbeddedJavaComment() { helpScanner("//@requires // requires", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,EOF}, null); } /** Test an embedded JML comment */ @Test public void testEmbeddedJavaComment2() { helpScanner("//@requires /* requires */ ensures ", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,ENSURES,EOF}, null); } /** Test an embedded JML comment */ @Ignore // TODO: DO we really want this style of embedded comment to work? @Test public void testEmbeddedJavaComment3() { helpScanner("//@requires /* requires ensures \n signals */ modifies ", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,ASSIGNABLE,EOF}, new int[]{3,11,45,53,54,54}); } /** Test an embedded Java comment */ @Test public void testEmbeddedJavaComment4() { helpScanner("/*@requires // modifies \n ensures */ signals ", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,ENSURES,EJML,IDENTIFIER,EOF}, new int[]{3,11,26,33,34,36,37,44,44,44}); // FIXME - check position of EOF } /** Test an embedded Java comment */ @Ignore // TODO: DO we really want this style of embedded comment to work? @Test public void testEmbeddedJavaComment6() { helpScanner("/*@requires /* modifies \n ensures */ requires */ signals ", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,IDENTIFIER,STAR,SLASH,IDENTIFIER,EOF}, null); } @Test public void testLineComment1() { helpScanner("//@ requires",new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,EOF},null); } // NOTE: The scanner absorbs ending whitespace into the EOF. @Test public void testLineComment2() { helpScanner("//@ requires\n",new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,EOF},null); } /** Test that a line comment ends with a NL character */ @Test public void testLineComment3() { helpScanner("//@ requires\n ", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,EJML}, new int[]{4,12,12,13}); } /** Test that a line comment ends with a CR character */ @Test public void testLineComment4() { helpScanner("//@ requires\r ", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,EJML}, null); } /** Test that a line comment ends with a CR NL combination */ @Test public void testLineComment5() { helpScanner("//@ requires\r\n", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,EJML}, null); } /** Test that JML identifiers are not found after a JML line comment ends*/ @Test public void testLineComment6() { helpScanner("//@ requires\nrequires", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,EJML,IDENTIFIER}, null); } /** Test that an @ at the end of a line comment is found */ @Test public void testLineComment7() { helpScanner("//@ requires @\n ", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,MONKEYS_AT,EJML}, null); } /** Test an empty line comment */ @Test public void testLineComment8() { helpScanner("//\nrequires ", new ITokenKind[]{IDENTIFIER}, null); } /** Test an empty JML line comment */ @Test public void testLineComment9() { helpScanner("//@\nrequires ", new ITokenKind[]{IDENTIFIER}, null); } /** Test an empty JML line comment */ @Test public void testLineComment10() { helpScanner("//@@@@@\nrequires ", new ITokenKind[]{IDENTIFIER}, null); } /** Test a bad backslash */ @Test public void testLineComment11() { helpScanner("//@@x\\@@@\nrequires ", new ITokenKind[]{IDENTIFIER,ERROR,MONKEYS_AT,MONKEYS_AT,MONKEYS_AT,EJML,IDENTIFIER}, null,1); checkMessages("/ A backslash in a JML comment expects to be followed by a valid identifier",6); } /** Test a bad backslash */ @Test public void testLineComment11a() { helpScanner("//@@\\@x@@\nrequires ", new ITokenKind[]{ERROR,MONKEYS_AT,IDENTIFIER,MONKEYS_AT,MONKEYS_AT,EJML,IDENTIFIER}, null,1); checkMessages("/ A backslash in a JML comment expects to be followed by a valid identifier",5); } @Test public void testMultiLine() { helpScanner("/*@ requires\nrequires@*/", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,REQUIRES,EJML}, null); } @Test public void testMultiLine1() { helpScanner("/*@ requires\n requires@*/", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,REQUIRES,EJML}, null); } @Test public void testMultiLine2() { helpScanner("/*@ requires\n@requires@*/", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,REQUIRES,EJML}, null); } @Test public void testMultiLine3() { helpScanner("/*@ requires\n@@@requires@*/", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,REQUIRES,EJML}, null); } @Test public void testMultiLine4() { helpScanner("/*@ requires\n @requires@*/", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,REQUIRES,EJML}, null); } @Test public void testMultiLine5() { helpScanner("/*@ requires\n @@@requires@*/", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,REQUIRES,EJML}, null); } @Test public void testMultiLineError() { helpScanner("/*@ \\result\n @@@\\xyz@*/", new ITokenKind[]{BSRESULT,ERROR,EJML,EOF}, new int[]{4,11,17,21,21,24,24,24}, 1); checkMessages("/ This backslash token is unknown: \\xyz",6); } @Test public void testInformalComment() { helpScanner("/*@ \\result(* requires *)*/", new ITokenKind[]{BSRESULT,INFORMAL_COMMENT,EJML}, new int[]{4,11,11,25,25,27}, 0); } @Test public void testInformalComment2() { helpScanner("/*@ \\result(* requires *****)*/", new ITokenKind[]{BSRESULT,INFORMAL_COMMENT,EJML}, new int[]{4,11,11,29,29,31}, 0); } @Test public void testInformalComment3() { helpScanner("/*@ \\result(* requires **** *)*/", new ITokenKind[]{BSRESULT,INFORMAL_COMMENT,EJML}, new int[]{4,11,11,30,30,32}, 0); } // Testing an unclosed informal comment in a BLOCK comment @Test public void testInformalComment4() { helpScanner("/*@ \\result(* requires **** */", new ITokenKind[]{BSRESULT,INFORMAL_COMMENT,EJML}, new int[]{4,11,11,28,28,30}, 1); checkMessages("/ The informal expression is not closed",13); } // Testing an unclosed informal comment in a BLOCK comment @Test public void testInformalComment4a() { helpScanner("/*@ \\result(* requires *\n*** */", new ITokenKind[]{BSRESULT,INFORMAL_COMMENT,EJML}, new int[]{4,11,11,29,29,31}, 1); checkMessages("/ The informal expression is not closed",13); } // Testing an unclosed informal comment in a BLOCK comment @Test public void testInformalComment4b() { helpScanner("/*@ \\result(* requires *\n*** ", new ITokenKind[]{ERROR,EOF}, null, //new int[]{4,11,11,30,30,31}, 1); checkMessages("/ unclosed comment",1); } // Testing an unclosed informal comment in a LINE comment @Test public void testInformalComment5() { helpScanner("//@ \\result(* requires **** \n public", new ITokenKind[]{BSRESULT,INFORMAL_COMMENT,EJML,PUBLIC,EOF}, new int[]{4,11,11,28,28,29,30,36,36,36}, 1); checkMessages("/ The informal expression is not closed",13); } // Testing an unclosed informal comment in a LINE comment @Test public void testInformalComment5a() { helpScanner("//@ \\result(* requires *****", new ITokenKind[]{BSRESULT,INFORMAL_COMMENT,EOF}, new int[]{4,11,11,28,28,28}, 1); checkMessages("/ The informal expression is not closed",13); } // Testing an unclosed informal comment in a LINE comment @Test public void testInformalComment6() { helpScanner("//@ \\result(* requires ***\"*) \" requires\n", new ITokenKind[]{BSRESULT,INFORMAL_COMMENT,ERROR,EOF}, new int[]{4,11,11,29,30,40,40,40}, // FIXME - check posiiton of EOF 1); checkMessages("/ unclosed string literal",31); } @Test public void testStringLiteral() { Scanner sc = fac.newScanner("\"\\tA\\\\B\"", true); sc.nextToken(); assertEquals(STRINGLITERAL,sc.token().kind); assertEquals("\tA\\B",sc.token().stringVal()); } @Test public void testCharLiteral() { Scanner sc = fac.newScanner("\'\\t\'", true); sc.nextToken(); assertEquals(CHARLITERAL,sc.token().kind); assertEquals("\t",sc.token().stringVal()); } @Test public void testIntLiteralWithUnderscore() { String v = "123_456"; Scanner sc = fac.newScanner(v, true); sc.nextToken(); assertEquals(INTLITERAL,sc.token().kind); assertEquals("123456",sc.token().stringVal()); assertEquals(123456,Integer.parseInt(sc.token().stringVal())); } @Test public void testIntLiteralWithUnderscoreBin() { String v = "0b0101_1010"; Scanner sc = fac.newScanner(v, true); sc.nextToken(); assertEquals(INTLITERAL,sc.token().kind); assertEquals("01011010",sc.token().stringVal()); assertEquals(90,Integer.parseInt(sc.token().stringVal(),2)); } @Test public void testIntLiteralWithUnderscoreHex() { String v = "0xDE_AF"; Scanner sc = fac.newScanner(v, true); sc.nextToken(); assertEquals(INTLITERAL,sc.token().kind); assertEquals("DEAF",sc.token().stringVal()); assertEquals(57007,Integer.parseInt(sc.token().stringVal(),16)); } @Test public void testIntLiteralWithUnderscoreHexLong() { String v = "0xDEAF_DEAF"; Scanner sc = fac.newScanner(v, true); sc.nextToken(); assertEquals(INTLITERAL,sc.token().kind); assertEquals("DEAFDEAF",sc.token().stringVal()); assertEquals(3736067759L,Long.parseLong(sc.token().stringVal(),16)); } @Test public void testDotDot() { helpScanner("//@..", new ITokenKind[]{DOT_DOT,EOF}, new int[]{3,5,5,5}, 0); } @Test public void testDotDot2() { helpScanner("//@ modifies ..;", new ITokenKind[]{ASSIGNABLE,DOT_DOT,SEMI,EOF}, null, 0); } @Test public void testDotDot2a() { helpScanner("//@ 123..456;", new ITokenKind[]{INTLITERAL,DOT_DOT,INTLITERAL,SEMI,EOF}, null, 0); } @Test public void testDotDot3() { helpScanner("//@ modifies a[b .. c];", new ITokenKind[]{ASSIGNABLE,IDENTIFIER,LBRACKET,IDENTIFIER,DOT_DOT,IDENTIFIER,RBRACKET,SEMI,EOF}, null, 0); } @Test public void testDotDot4() { helpScanner("//@ modifies a[0..4];", new ITokenKind[]{ASSIGNABLE,IDENTIFIER,LBRACKET,INTLITERAL,DOT_DOT,INTLITERAL,RBRACKET,SEMI,EOF}, null, 0); } @Test public void testDotDot4a() { helpScanner("//@ modifies a[0 ..4];", new ITokenKind[]{ASSIGNABLE,IDENTIFIER,LBRACKET,INTLITERAL,DOT_DOT,INTLITERAL,RBRACKET,SEMI,EOF}, null, 0); } @Test public void testDotDot5() { helpScanner("//@ modifies ..234;", new ITokenKind[]{ASSIGNABLE,DOT_DOT,INTLITERAL,SEMI,EOF}, null, 0); } @Test public void testDotDot6() { helpScanner("//@ modifies .234;", new ITokenKind[]{ASSIGNABLE,DOUBLELITERAL,SEMI,EOF}, null, 0); } @Test public void testDotDot7() { helpScanner("//@ modifies 0.234;", new ITokenKind[]{ASSIGNABLE,DOUBLELITERAL,SEMI,EOF}, null, 0); } @Test public void testDotDot8() { helpScanner("//@ modifies a[0. .4];", new ITokenKind[]{ASSIGNABLE,IDENTIFIER,LBRACKET,DOUBLELITERAL,DOUBLELITERAL,RBRACKET,SEMI,EOF}, null, 0); } @Test public void testDotDot9() { helpScanner("//@ 0xApA\n ", new ITokenKind[]{DOUBLELITERAL,IDENTIFIER,EJML,EOF}, null, 1); checkMessages("/ malformed floating point literal",5); } @Test public void testDotDot10() { helpScanner("//@ 1.0eZ \n ", new ITokenKind[]{DOUBLELITERAL,IDENTIFIER,EJML,EOF}, null, 1); checkMessages("/ malformed floating point literal",5); } @Test public void testDotDot11() { helpScanner("//@ 0xA.0pZ\n ", new ITokenKind[]{DOUBLELITERAL,IDENTIFIER,EJML,EOF}, null, 1); checkMessages("/ malformed floating point literal",5); } @Test public void testDotDot12() { helpScanner("//@ 0xA.Z\n ", new ITokenKind[]{DOUBLELITERAL,IDENTIFIER,EJML,EOF}, null, 1); checkMessages("/ malformed floating point literal",5); } @Test public void testConditionalKey1() { helpScanner("//+POS@ requires\n /*+POS@ requires */", new ITokenKind[]{EOF}, null); } @Test public void testConditionalKey2() { helpScanner("//-NEG@ requires\n /*-NEG@ requires */", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,EJML,REQUIRES,EJML,EOF}, null); } @Test public void testConditionalKey3() { keys = new String[]{"POS"}; helpScanner("//+POS@ requires\n /*+POS@ requires */", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,EJML,REQUIRES,EJML,EOF}, null); } @Test public void testConditionalKey4() { keys = new String[]{"NEG"}; helpScanner("//-NEG@ requires\n /*-NEG@ requires */", new ITokenKind[]{EOF}, null); } @Test public void testConditionalKey5() { helpScanner("//-NEG+POS@ requires\n /*-NEG+POS@ requires */", new ITokenKind[]{EOF}, null); } @Test public void testConditionalKey6() { keys = new String[]{"POS"}; helpScanner("//-NEG+POS@ requires\n /*-NEG+POS@ requires */", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,EJML,REQUIRES,EJML,EOF}, null); } @Test public void testConditionalKey7() { keys = new String[]{"NEG"}; helpScanner("//-NEG+POS@ requires\n /*-NEG+POS@ requires */", new ITokenKind[]{EOF}, null); } @Test public void testConditionalKey8() { keys = new String[]{"NEG","POS"}; helpScanner("//-NEG+POS@ requires\n /*-NEG+POS@ requires */", new ITokenKind[]{EOF}, null); } @Test public void testConditionalKey9() { helpScanner("//+@ requires\n /*+@ requires */", new ITokenKind[]{REQUIRES,EJML,REQUIRES,EJML,EOF}, null); } @Test public void testConditionalKey10() { helpScanner("//-@ requires\n /*-@ requires */", new ITokenKind[]{EOF}, null); } }