package org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.testcases; import static; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.EscBase; import org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.TCBase; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.ParameterizedWithNames; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; @RunWith(ParameterizedWithNames.class) public class SFBugs extends EscBase { // @Override // public void setUp() throws Exception { //// noCollectDiagnostics = true; //// jmldebug = true; // super.setUp(); // } public SFBugs(String options, String solver) { super(options, solver); ignoreNotes = true; } @Parameters static public Collection<String[]> parameters() { return minQuantAndSolvers(solvers); } public void helpTCF(String sourceDirname, String outDir, String ... opts) { //; // FIXME - Java8 - long running escOnFiles(sourceDirname,outDir,opts); } public void helpTCG(String ... opts) { String dir = "test/" + getMethodName(1); List<String> a = new LinkedList<>(); a.add(0,"-cp"); a.add(1,dir); a.addAll(Arrays.asList(opts)); escOnFiles(dir, dir, a.toArray(new String[a.size()])); } @Test public void typecheckWithJML() { expectedExit = 1; helpTCF("test/tcWithJml/","test/tcWithJml", "-cp", "test/tcWithJml", "-check"); } @Test public void sfpatch25() { helpTCF("test/sfpatch25/","test/sfpatch25", "-cp", "test/sfpatch25", "-esc","-quiet"); } @Test public void sfbug407() { helpTCF("test/sfbug407","test/sfbug407", "-cp", "test/sfbug407", "-esc", "-progress"); } @Test public void sfbug398() { helpTCF("test/sfbug398","test/sfbug398", "-cp", "test/sfbug398", "-esc", "-progress"); } @Test public void sfbug399() { helpTCF("test/sfbug399","test/sfbug399", "-cp", "test/sfbug399", "-esc","-progress"); } @Ignore // very long running @Test public void sfbug404() { helpTCF("test/sfbug404","test/sfbug404", "-cp", "test/sfbug404", "-esc","-progress","-logic=AUFNIRA"); } @Test public void sfbug408() { helpTCF("test/sfbug408","test/sfbug408", "-cp", "test/sfbug408", "-esc","-progress"); } @Test public void sfbug409() { helpTCF("test/sfbug409","test/sfbug409", "-cp", "test/sfbug409", "-esc","-progress"); } @Test public void sfbug410() { helpTCF("test/sfbug410","test/sfbug410", "-cp", "test/sfbug410", "-esc","-progress"); } @Ignore // Can be very long running @Test public void sfbug414() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/sfbug414","test/sfbug414", "-cp", "test/sfbug414", "-esc","-progress","-logic=AUFNIRA","-escMaxWarnings=5"); } @Ignore // Can be very long running because it uses floating point @Test public void gitbug257() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug257","test/gitbug257", "-cp", "test/gitbug257", "-esc", "-progress", "-logic=AUFNIRA"); } @Test public void gitbug260() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug260","test/gitbug260", "-cp", "test/gitbug260", "-esc", "-progress"); } @Test public void gitbug431() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug431","test/gitbug431", "-cp", "test/gitbug431", "-esc", "-progress"); } @Test public void gitbug450() { expectedExit = 1; ignoreNotes = true; helpTCF("test/gitbug450","test/gitbug450", "-cp", "test/gitbug450", "-esc", "-progress"); } @Test public void gitbug450c() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug450c","test/gitbug450c", "-cp", "test/gitbug450c", "-esc", "-progress"); } @Test public void gitbug454() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug454","test/gitbug454", "-cp", "test/gitbug454", "-esc"); } @Test public void gitbug457() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCG("-nullableByDefault"); } @Test public void gitbug457a() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCG("-nonnullByDefault"); } @Test public void gitbug458() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug458","test/gitbug458", "-cp", "test/gitbug458", "-esc"); } @Test public void gitbug458a() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug458a","test/gitbug458a", "-cp", "test/gitbug458a", "-esc"); } @Test public void gitbug458b() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug458b","test/gitbug458b", "-cp", "test/gitbug458b", "-esc"); } @Test public void gitbug459() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug459","test/gitbug459", "-cp", "test/gitbug459", "-esc"); } @Ignore // FIXME - needs all the model classes - and they need cleaning up @Test public void gitbug461() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCG("-show","-method=makeSequence"); } @Test public void gitbug462() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug462","test/gitbug462", "-cp", "test/gitbug462", "-esc"); } @Test public void gitbug462a() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug462a","test/gitbug462a", "-cp", "test/gitbug462a", "-esc"); } @Test public void gitbug462b() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug462b","test/gitbug462b", "-cp", "test/gitbug462b", "-esc" );//, "-show", "-method=Container.ContainerUser.allocate","-subexpressions"); } @Test public void gitbug462c() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug462c","test/gitbug462c", "-cp", "test/gitbug462c", "-esc"); } @Test public void gitbug456() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug456","test/gitbug456", "-cp", "test/gitbug456", "-esc", "-exclude", "bytebuf.ByteBuf.*"); } @Test public void gitbug456a() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug456a","test/gitbug456a", "-cp", "test/gitbug456a", "-esc", "-exclude", "bytebuf.ByteBuf.*"); } @Test public void gitbug455() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug455","test/gitbug455", "-cp", "test/gitbug455", "-esc"); } @Ignore // Cannot reproduce the issue until the error's reporter gets back to us @Test public void gitbug446() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug446","test/gitbug446", "-cp", "test/gitbug446", "-esc"); } @Test public void gitbug445() { expectedExit = 1; helpTCG(); } @Ignore // FIXME - model specs @Test public void gitbug445a() { helpTCG(); } @Test public void gitbug463() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug463","test/gitbug463", "-cp", "test/gitbug463","-purityCheck"); } @Test public void gitbug463a() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug463a","test/gitbug463a", "-cp", "test/gitbug463a"); } @Test public void gitbug444() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug444","test/gitbug444", "-cp", "test/gitbug444"); } @Test public void gitbug444a() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug444a","test/gitbug444a", "-cp", "test/gitbug444a"); } @Test public void gitbug466() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug466","test/gitbug466", "-cp", "test/gitbug466",""); } @Test public void gitbug467() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCG(); } @Test public void gitbug470() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug470/","test/gitbug470", "-cp", "test/gitbug470","-code-math=java"); } @Test public void gitbug471() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCG(); } @Test public void gitbug469() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCG(); } @Test public void gitbug474() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCG(); } @Test public void gitbug476() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCG(); } @Test public void gitbug477() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCG(); } @Test public void gitbug478() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCG(); } @Test public void gitbug480() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCG(); } @Test public void gitbug497() { expectedExit = 1; helpTCG(); } @Test public void gitbug498() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCG(); } @Test public void gitbug499() { expectedExit = 1; helpTCG(); } @Ignore @Test public void gitbug500a() { helpTCG(); } @Ignore @Test public void gitbug500b() { helpTCG(); } @Test public void gitbug500c() { helpTCG("-rac"); // Just RAC compilation } @Test public void gitbug502() { helpTCG(); } @Test public void gitbug503() { helpTCG("-logic=AUFNIA"); } // Check everything in apache commons library! @Test @Ignore public void gitbug481() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug481b","test/gitbug481", "-cp", "test/gitbug481b","-progress"); } // Just one method, but parse and typecheck all files first @Ignore @Test public void gitbug481c() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug481b","test/gitbug481c", "-cp", "test/gitbug481b","-method=org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayFieldVector.getEntry"); } // Just one method in one file @Ignore // FIXME - timeout @Test public void gitbug481b() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug481b/org/apache/commons/math3/linear/","test/gitbug481b", "-cp", "test/gitbug481b","-method=org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayFieldVector.getEntry"); } static String p = "org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayFieldVector."; static String m1 = p + "ArrayFieldVector(org.apache.commons.math3.Field<T>)"; static String m2 = p + "ArrayFieldVector(org.apache.commons.math3.Field<T>,int)"; static String m3 = p + "ArrayFieldVector(int,T)"; static String m4 = p + "ArrayFieldVector(org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayFieldVector<T>,boolean)"; static String m5 = p + "ArrayFieldVector(org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayFieldVector<T>,org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayFieldVector<T>)"; static String m6 = p + "ArrayFieldVector(org.apache.commons.math3.linear.FieldVector<T>,org.apache.commons.math3.linear.FieldVector<T>)"; static String m7 = p + "ArrayFieldVector(org.apache.commons.math3.linear.FieldVector<T>,T[])"; static String m8 = p + "ArrayFieldVector(T[],org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayFieldVector<T>)"; static String m9 = p + "ArrayFieldVector(T[],org.apache.commons.math3.linear.FieldVector<T>)"; static String m10 = p + "ArrayFieldVector(T[],T[])"; static String all = m1+";"+m2+";"+m3+";"+m4+";"+m5+";"+m6+";"+m7+";"+m8+";"+m9+";"+m10; @Test public void gitbug481a1() { helpTCF("test/gitbug481b/org/apache/commons/math3/linear/","test/gitbug481a1", "-cp", "test/gitbug481b","-method="+m1); } @Test public void gitbug481a2() { helpTCF("test/gitbug481b/org/apache/commons/math3/linear/","test/gitbug481a2", "-cp", "test/gitbug481b","-method="+m2); } @Test public void gitbug481a3() { helpTCF("test/gitbug481b/org/apache/commons/math3/linear/","test/gitbug481a3", "-cp", "test/gitbug481b","-method="+m3); } @Ignore // FIXME - timeout @Test public void gitbug481a4() { helpTCF("test/gitbug481b/org/apache/commons/math3/linear/","test/gitbug481a4", "-cp", "test/gitbug481b","-method="+m4); } @Ignore // FIXME - timeout @Test public void gitbug481a5() { helpTCF("test/gitbug481b/org/apache/commons/math3/linear/","test/gitbug481a5", "-cp", "test/gitbug481b","-method="+m5); } @Ignore // FIXME - timeout @Test public void gitbug481a6() { helpTCF("test/gitbug481b/org/apache/commons/math3/linear/","test/gitbug481a6", "-cp", "test/gitbug481b","-method="+m6); } @Ignore // FIXME - timeout @Test public void gitbug481a7() { helpTCF("test/gitbug481b/org/apache/commons/math3/linear/","test/gitbug481a7", "-cp", "test/gitbug481b","-method="+m7); } @Test public void gitbug481a8() { helpTCF("test/gitbug481b/org/apache/commons/math3/linear/","test/gitbug481a8", "-cp", "test/gitbug481b","-method="+m8); } @Ignore // FIXME - timeout @Test public void gitbug481a9() { helpTCF("test/gitbug481b/org/apache/commons/math3/linear/","test/gitbug481a9", "-cp", "test/gitbug481b","-method="+m9); } @Ignore // FIXME - timeout @Test public void gitbug481a10() { helpTCF("test/gitbug481b/org/apache/commons/math3/linear/","test/gitbug481a10", "-cp", "test/gitbug481b","-method="+m10); } @Ignore // FIXME - timeout @Test public void gitbug481arest() { expectedExit = 1; helpTCF("test/gitbug481b/org/apache/commons/math3/linear/","test/gitbug481a", "-cp", "test/gitbug481b","-exclude="+all); } @Test public void gitbug482() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("test/gitbug482/checkers/src/main","test/gitbug482", "-cp", "test/gitbug482/checkers/src/main","-check"); // check only, not esc } public void gitbug999() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCG(); } }