package org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.testcases; import java.util.Collection; import org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.EscBase; import org.junit.Assume; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import org.junit.runners.ParameterizedWithNames; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; import; // FIXME - these were old tests - are they duplicates? should we use them? @RunWith(ParameterizedWithNames.class) public class escconstructor extends EscBase { // public esc() { // super("",isWindows?null:"cvc4"); // } public escconstructor(String options, String solver) { super(options, solver); } @Parameters static public Collection<String[]> parameters() { return minQuantAndSolvers(solvers); } // FIXME = significant failures in boogie @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { // noCollectDiagnostics = true; super.setUp(); // main.addOptions("-trace"); // JmlEsc.escdebug = true; // org.jmlspecs.openjml.provers.YicesProver.showCommunication = 3; // print = true; } @Test public void testAssignable() { helpTCX("tt.TestJava", "package tt; \n" + "public class TestJava { \n" + " public int a;\n" + " static public int b;\n" + " //@ assignable a; \n" + " public TestJava() {\n" + " a = 10; \n" + " b = 10; \n" // Not allowed + " }\n" + "}\n" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assignable) in method TestJava: b", 7 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration", 7 ); } @Test public void testAssignableDefault() { helpTCX("tt.TestJava", "package tt; \n" + "public class TestJava { \n" + " int a;\n" + " static int b;\n" + " \n" + " public TestJava() {\n" + " a = 10; \n" + " b = 10; \n" // Not allowed + " }\n" + "}\n" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assignable) in method TestJava: b", 7 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration", 10 ); } @Test public void testAssignableDefault2() { helpTCX("tt.TestJava", "package tt; \n" + "public class TestJava { \n" + " int a;\n" + " static int b;\n" + " //@ assignable \\nothing; \n" + " public TestJava() {\n" + " a = 10; \n" + " b = 10; \n" // Not allowed + " }\n" + "}\n" ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assignable) in method TestJava: b", 7 ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration", 7 ); } @Test public void testCheckFields() { helpTCX("tt.TestJava", "package tt; \n" + "public class TestJava { \n" + " public int a;\n" + " public int b = 0;\n" + " public int c = 10;\n" + " public int cc; { cc = 15; }\n" + " //@ ghost public int d = 20;\n" + " //@ initially a == 0 && b == 0 && c == 10 && cc == 15 && d == 20;" + " //@ assignable \\nothing; \n" + " //@ ensures a == 0 && b == 0 && c == 10 && cc == 15; \n" + " public TestJava() {\n" + " //@ assert a == 0; \n" + " //@ assert b == 0; \n" + " //@ assert c == 10; \n" + " }\n" + "}\n" ); } @Test public void testInvariants() { helpTCX("tt.TestJava", "package tt; \n" + "public class TestJava { \n" + " public int b = 10;\n" + " //@ public invariant b == 10;\n" + " //@ assignable \\nothing; \n" + " public TestJava(TestJava arg) {\n" + " //@ assert arg != this; \n" + " //@ assert b == 10; \n" + " //@ assert arg.b == 10; \n" + " }\n" + "}\n" ); } }