package org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.testcases; import org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.EscBase; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import org.junit.runners.ParameterizedWithNames; // Tests the rules about which visibility of identifiers can be used in specification constructs @RunWith(ParameterizedWithNames.class) public class escvisibility1 extends EscBase { public escvisibility1(String options, String solver) { super(options, solver); } @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { //noCollectDiagnostics = true; super.setUp(); String z =; String testspecpath = "$A"+z+"$B"; main.addOptions("-classpath", testspecpath); main.addOptions("-sourcepath", testspecpath); main.addOptions("-specspath", testspecpath); main.addOptions("-quiet"); //JmlEsc.escdebug = true; //org.jmlspecs.openjml.provers.YicesProver.showCommunication = 3; //print = true; main.addOptions("-jmltesting"); } @Test public void testInvariant() { expectedExit = 1; helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"class B { \n" +" public int pb;\n" +" protected int pt;\n" +" int pa;\n" +" private int pv;\n" +" //@ invariant 0 == pb;\n" // Line 7 +" //@ invariant 0 == pt;\n" +" //@ invariant 0 == pa;\n" +" //@ invariant 0 == pv;\n" +" //@ public invariant 0 == pb;\n" +" //@ public invariant 0 == pt;\n" +" //@ public invariant 0 == pa;\n" +" //@ public invariant 0 == pv;\n" +" //@ protected invariant 0 == pb;\n" // Line 15 +" //@ protected invariant 0 == pt;\n" +" //@ protected invariant 0 == pa;\n" +" //@ protected invariant 0 == pv;\n" +" //@ private invariant 0 == pb;\n" +" //@ private invariant 0 == pt;\n" +" //@ private invariant 0 == pa;\n" +" //@ private invariant 0 == pv;\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ An identifier with public visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with package visibility",22 ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with package visibility",22 ,"/tt/ An identifier with private visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with package visibility",22 ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with public visibility",29 ,"/tt/ An identifier with package visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with public visibility",29 ,"/tt/ An identifier with private visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with public visibility",29 ,"/tt/ An identifier with public visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with protected visibility",32 ,"/tt/ An identifier with package visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with protected visibility",32 ,"/tt/ An identifier with private visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with protected visibility",32 ,"/tt/ An identifier with public visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with private visibility",30 ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with private visibility",30 ,"/tt/ An identifier with package visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with private visibility",30 ); } @Test public void testInvariantM() { expectedExit = 1; helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"class B { \n" +" /*@ pure */public int pb(){return 0; };\n" +" /*@ pure */protected int pt(){return 0; };\n" +" /*@ pure */ int pa(){return 0; };\n" +" /*@ pure */private int pv(){return 0; };\n" +" //@ invariant 0 == pb();\n" // Line 7 +" //@ invariant 0 == pt();\n" +" //@ invariant 0 == pa();\n" +" //@ invariant 0 == pv();\n" +" //@ public invariant 0 == pb();\n" +" //@ public invariant 0 == pt();\n" +" //@ public invariant 0 == pa();\n" +" //@ public invariant 0 == pv();\n" +" //@ protected invariant 0 == pb();\n" // Line 15 +" //@ protected invariant 0 == pt();\n" +" //@ protected invariant 0 == pa();\n" +" //@ protected invariant 0 == pv();\n" +" //@ private invariant 0 == pb();\n" +" //@ private invariant 0 == pt();\n" +" //@ private invariant 0 == pa();\n" +" //@ private invariant 0 == pv();\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ An identifier with private visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with package visibility",22 ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with public visibility",29 ,"/tt/ An identifier with package visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with public visibility",29 ,"/tt/ An identifier with private visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with public visibility",29 ,"/tt/ An identifier with package visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with protected visibility",32 ,"/tt/ An identifier with private visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with protected visibility",32 ); } @Test public void testInvariant2() { expectedExit = 1; helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"class B { \n" +" /*@ spec_public */ protected int pt;\n" +" /*@ spec_public */ int pa;\n" +" /*@ spec_public */ private int pv;\n" +" //@ invariant 0 == pt;\n" // Line 6 +" //@ invariant 0 == pa;\n" +" //@ invariant 0 == pv;\n" +" //@ public invariant 0 == pt;\n" +" //@ public invariant 0 == pa;\n" +" //@ public invariant 0 == pv;\n" +" //@ protected invariant 0 == pt;\n" +" //@ protected invariant 0 == pa;\n" +" //@ protected invariant 0 == pv;\n" +" //@ private invariant 0 == pt;\n" +" //@ private invariant 0 == pa;\n" +" //@ private invariant 0 == pv;\n" +" /*@ spec_protected */ int pat;\n" +" /*@ spec_protected */ private int pvt;\n" +" //@ invariant 0 == pat;\n" +" //@ invariant 0 == pvt;\n" +" //@ public invariant 0 == pat;\n" +" //@ public invariant 0 == pvt;\n" +" //@ protected invariant 0 == pat;\n" +" //@ protected invariant 0 == pvt;\n" +" //@ private invariant 0 == pat;\n" +" //@ private invariant 0 == pvt;\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ An identifier with public visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with package visibility",22 ,"/tt/ An identifier with public visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with package visibility",22 ,"/tt/ An identifier with public visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with package visibility",22 ,"/tt/ An identifier with public visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with protected visibility",32 ,"/tt/ An identifier with public visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with protected visibility",32 ,"/tt/ An identifier with public visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with protected visibility",32 ,"/tt/ An identifier with public visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with private visibility",30 ,"/tt/ An identifier with public visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with private visibility",30 ,"/tt/ An identifier with public visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with private visibility",30 ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with package visibility",22 ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with package visibility",22 ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with public visibility",29 ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with public visibility",29 ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with private visibility",30 ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a invariant clause with private visibility",30 ); } @Test public void testInClause() { expectedExit = 1; helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"class B { \n" +" //@ model public int pb;\n" +" //@ model protected int pt;\n" +" //@ model int pa;\n" +" //@ model private int pv;\n" +" public int x1; //@ in pb;\n" // Line 7 +" public int x2; //@ in pt;\n" +" public int x3; //@ in pa;\n" +" public int x4; //@ in pv;\n" +" protected int y1; //@ in pb;\n" +" protected int y2; //@ in pt;\n" +" protected int y3; //@ in pa;\n" +" protected int y4; //@ in pv;\n" +" int z1; //@ in pb;\n" +" int z2; //@ in pt;\n" +" int z3; //@ in pa;\n" +" int z4; //@ in pv;\n" +" private int t1; //@ in pb;\n" +" private int t2; //@ in pt;\n" +" private int t3; //@ in pa;\n" +" private int t4; //@ in pv;\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a in clause with public visibility",25 ,"/tt/ An identifier with package visibility may not be used in a in clause with public visibility",25 ,"/tt/ An identifier with private visibility may not be used in a in clause with public visibility",25 ,"/tt/ An identifier with package visibility may not be used in a in clause with protected visibility",28 ,"/tt/ An identifier with private visibility may not be used in a in clause with protected visibility",28 ,"/tt/ An identifier with private visibility may not be used in a in clause with package visibility",19 ); } @Test public void testRequires1() { expectedExit = 1; helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"class B { \n" +" public boolean pb;\n" +" protected boolean pt;\n" +" boolean pa;\n" +" private boolean pv;\n" +" /*@ spec_public */ protected boolean ptb;\n" +" /*@ spec_public */ boolean pab;\n" +" /*@ spec_public */ private boolean pvb;\n" +" /*@ spec_protected */ boolean pat;\n" +" /*@ spec_protected */ private boolean pvt;\n" +" //@ requires pb && pt && pa && pv && ptb && pab && pvb && pat && pvt;\n" +" //@ also normal_behavior\n" +" //@ requires pb && pt && pa && pv && ptb && pab && pvb && pat && pvt;\n" +" //@ also private normal_behavior\n" +" //@ requires pb && pt && pa && pv && ptb && pab && pvb && pat && pvt;\n" +" //@ also protected normal_behavior\n" +" //@ requires pb && pt && pa && pv && ptb && pab && pvb && pat && pvt;\n" +" //@ also public normal_behavior\n" +" //@ requires pb && pt && pa && pv && ptb && pab && pvb && pat && pvt;\n" +" public void m(){}\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",22 ,"/tt/ An identifier with package visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",28 ,"/tt/ An identifier with private visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",34 ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",61 ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",68 ,"/tt/ An identifier with private visibility may not be used in a requires clause with package visibility",34 ,"/tt/ An identifier with package visibility may not be used in a requires clause with protected visibility",28 ,"/tt/ An identifier with private visibility may not be used in a requires clause with protected visibility",34 ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",22 ,"/tt/ An identifier with package visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",28 ,"/tt/ An identifier with private visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",34 ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",61 ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",68 ); } @Test public void testRequires2() { expectedExit = 1; helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"class B { \n" +" public boolean pb;\n" +" protected boolean pt;\n" +" boolean pa;\n" +" private boolean pv;\n" +" /*@ spec_public */ protected boolean ptb;\n" +" /*@ spec_public */ boolean pab;\n" +" /*@ spec_public */ private boolean pvb;\n" +" /*@ spec_protected */ boolean pat;\n" +" /*@ spec_protected */ private boolean pvt;\n" +" //@ requires pb && pt && pa && pv && ptb && pab && pvb && pat && pvt;\n" +" //@ also normal_behavior\n" +" //@ requires pb && pt && pa && pv && ptb && pab && pvb && pat && pvt;\n" +" //@ also private normal_behavior\n" +" //@ requires pb && pt && pa && pv && ptb && pab && pvb && pat && pvt;\n" +" //@ also protected normal_behavior\n" +" //@ requires pb && pt && pa && pv && ptb && pab && pvb && pat && pvt;\n" +" //@ also public normal_behavior\n" +" //@ requires pb && pt && pa && pv && ptb && pab && pvb && pat && pvt;\n" +" protected void m(){}\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ An identifier with package visibility may not be used in a requires clause with protected visibility",28 ,"/tt/ An identifier with private visibility may not be used in a requires clause with protected visibility",34 ,"/tt/ An identifier with private visibility may not be used in a requires clause with package visibility",34 ,"/tt/ An identifier with package visibility may not be used in a requires clause with protected visibility",28 ,"/tt/ An identifier with private visibility may not be used in a requires clause with protected visibility",34 ,"/tt/ warning: There is no point to a specification case having more visibility than its method",12 ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",22 ,"/tt/ An identifier with package visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",28 ,"/tt/ An identifier with private visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",34 ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",61 ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",68 ); } @Test public void testRequires3() { expectedExit = 1; helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"class B { \n" +" public boolean pb;\n" +" protected boolean pt;\n" +" boolean pa;\n" +" private boolean pv;\n" +" /*@ spec_public */ protected boolean ptb;\n" +" /*@ spec_public */ boolean pab;\n" +" /*@ spec_public */ private boolean pvb;\n" +" /*@ spec_protected */ boolean pat;\n" +" /*@ spec_protected */ private boolean pvt;\n" +" //@ requires pb && pt && pa && pv && ptb && pab && pvb && pat && pvt;\n" +" //@ also normal_behavior\n" +" //@ requires pb && pt && pa && pv && ptb && pab && pvb && pat && pvt;\n" +" //@ also private normal_behavior\n" +" //@ requires pb && pt && pa && pv && ptb && pab && pvb && pat && pvt;\n" +" //@ also protected normal_behavior\n" +" //@ requires pb && pt && pa && pv && ptb && pab && pvb && pat && pvt;\n" +" //@ also public normal_behavior\n" +" //@ requires pb && pt && pa && pv && ptb && pab && pvb && pat && pvt;\n" +" void m(){}\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ An identifier with private visibility may not be used in a requires clause with package visibility",34 ,"/tt/ An identifier with private visibility may not be used in a requires clause with package visibility",34 ,"/tt/ warning: There is no point to a specification case having more visibility than its method",12 ,"/tt/ An identifier with package visibility may not be used in a requires clause with protected visibility",28 ,"/tt/ An identifier with private visibility may not be used in a requires clause with protected visibility",34 ,"/tt/ warning: There is no point to a specification case having more visibility than its method",12 ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",22 ,"/tt/ An identifier with package visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",28 ,"/tt/ An identifier with private visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",34 ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",61 ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",68 ); } @Test public void testRequires4() { expectedExit = 1; helpTCX("tt.TestJava","package tt; \n" +"class B { \n" +" public boolean pb;\n" +" protected boolean pt;\n" +" boolean pa;\n" +" private boolean pv;\n" +" /*@ spec_public */ protected boolean ptb;\n" +" /*@ spec_public */ boolean pab;\n" +" /*@ spec_public */ private boolean pvb;\n" +" /*@ spec_protected */ boolean pat;\n" +" /*@ spec_protected */ private boolean pvt;\n" +" //@ requires pb && pt && pa && pv && ptb && pab && pvb && pat && pvt;\n" +" //@ also normal_behavior\n" +" //@ requires pb && pt && pa && pv && ptb && pab && pvb && pat && pvt;\n" +" //@ also private normal_behavior\n" +" //@ requires pb && pt && pa && pv && ptb && pab && pvb && pat && pvt;\n" +" //@ also protected normal_behavior\n" +" //@ requires pb && pt && pa && pv && ptb && pab && pvb && pat && pvt;\n" +" //@ also public normal_behavior\n" +" //@ requires pb && pt && pa && pv && ptb && pab && pvb && pat && pvt;\n" +" private void m(){}\n" +"}" ,"/tt/ warning: There is no point to a specification case having more visibility than its method",7 ,"/tt/ An identifier with private visibility may not be used in a requires clause with package visibility",34 ,"/tt/ warning: There is no point to a specification case having more visibility than its method",12 ,"/tt/ An identifier with package visibility may not be used in a requires clause with protected visibility",28 ,"/tt/ An identifier with private visibility may not be used in a requires clause with protected visibility",34 ,"/tt/ warning: There is no point to a specification case having more visibility than its method",12 ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",22 ,"/tt/ An identifier with package visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",28 ,"/tt/ An identifier with private visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",34 ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",61 ,"/tt/ An identifier with protected visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",68 ); } @Test public void testThisStarDefault() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A {\n" + "int i; \n" + "public A() { i = 0; } \n}" // ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assignable) in method A: i",16 // ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",8 ); } @Test public void testThisStarDefault1() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A {\n" + "int i; \n" + "//@ requires true;\n" + "public A() { i = 0; } \n}" // ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assignable) in method A: i",16 // ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",5 ); } @Test public void testThisStar0() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A {\n" + "int i; \n" + "//@ assignable this.*;\n" + "public A() { i = 0; } \n}" // ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assignable) in method A: i",16 // ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",5 ); } @Test public void testThisStar1() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A {\n public int i; \n" + "//@ assignable this.*;\n" + "public A() { i = 0; } \n}" ); } @Test public void testThisStar2() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A {\n private int i; \n" + "//@ assignable this.*;\n" + "public A() { i = 0; } \n}" // ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assignable) in method A: i",16 // ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",5 ); } @Test public void testThisStar3() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A {\n protected int i; \n" + "//@ assignable this.*;\n" + "public A() { i = 0; } \n}" // ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assignable) in method A: i",16 // ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",5 ); } @Test public void testThisStar4() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A {\n public int i; \n" + "//@ assignable this.*;\n" + "private A() { i = 0; } \n}" ); } @Test public void testThisStar5() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A {\n private int i; \n" + "//@ assignable this.*;\n" + "private A() { i = 0; } \n}" ); } @Test public void testThisStar6() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A {\n protected int i; \n" + "//@ assignable this.*;\n" + "private A() { i = 0; } \n}" ); } @Test public void testThisStar7() { helpTCX("tt.A","package tt; public class A {\n int i; \n" + "//@ assignable this.*;\n" + "private A() { i = 0; } \n}" ); } @Test public void testThisStar8() { helpTCX2("tx.B","package tx; public class B {\n protected int i;\n}", "tt.A","package tt; public class A extends tx.B {\n \n" + "//@ assignable this.*;\n" + " A() { i = 0; } \n}" // ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assignable) in method A: i",10 // ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",5 ); } @Test public void testThisStar9() { helpTCX2("tx.B","package tx; public class B {\n protected int i;\n}", "tt.A","package tt; public class A extends tx.B {\n \n" + "//@ assignable this.*;\n" + "protected A() { i = 0; } \n}" // ,"/tt/ warning: The prover cannot establish an assertion (Assignable) in method A: i",19 // ,"/tt/ warning: Associated declaration",5 ); } }