package org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.testcases; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static; import; import; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.TestName; /** Tests running the tool as if from the command-line (for typechecking); * includes erroneous command-line argument combinations and combinations * of class, source, and specs paths. */ public class compiler { @Rule public TestName name = new TestName(); ByteArrayOutputStream berr; ByteArrayOutputStream bout; PrintStream savederr; PrintStream savedout; static String eol = System.getProperty("line.separator"); static String z =; boolean print = false; boolean capture = true; String projHome = System.getProperty("openjml.eclipseProjectLocation").replace("C:","").replace("\\","/"); String specsHome; { try { specsHome = new"../../Specs").getCanonicalPath().replace("\\", "/"); } catch (Exception e) { specsHome = null; } } String expectedFile = null; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { //capture = false; print = true; savederr = System.err; savedout = System.out; if (capture) System.setErr(new PrintStream(berr=new ByteArrayOutputStream(10000))); if (capture) System.setOut(new PrintStream(bout=new ByteArrayOutputStream(10000))); } @After public void tearDown() { // Do this just in case the test fails without having reset the streams berr = null; bout = null; System.setErr(savederr); System.setOut(savedout); } /** This is a helper method that runs the compiler on the given set of * command-line arguments, checking the result * @param args the command-line arguments * @param expectedExitCode the expected exit code (0=OK, 1=completed with error messages * 2=command-line problems, 3=system errors, 4=abort) * @param all whether the expected output is all of (0) or just the prefix * of (1) or a part of (2) the actual output * @param output the expected output as one string; if there are two Strings, * then they are the expected error and standard output */ public void helper(String[] args, int expectedExitCode, int all, String ... output) { int exitCode = org.jmlspecs.openjml.Main.execute(args); System.err.flush(); System.out.flush(); System.setErr(savederr); System.setOut(savedout); if (berr == null) return; // Depending on how the log is setup, error output can go to either bout or berr String actualOutput = bout.toString(); String errOutput = berr.toString(); actualOutput = actualOutput.replace("\\","/"); //actualOutput = actualOutput.replaceAll("temp-release/", ""); errOutput = errOutput.toString().replace("\\","/"); String expected; if (expectedFile != null) { try { expected = new String(java.nio.file.Files.readAllBytes(java.nio.file.Paths.get(expectedFile))).replace("../testfiles","testfiles"); } catch (Exception ee) { expected = null;; } } else { expected = output[0]; } expected = expected.replace("${PROJ}",projHome).replace("$SPECS", specsHome); actualOutput = actualOutput.replace("\r", ""); errOutput = errOutput.replace("\r", ""); expected = expected.replace("\r", ""); if (print) System.out.println("EXPECTING: " + output[0]); print = true; if (print) System.out.println("ACTUAL OUT: " + actualOutput); if (print) System.out.println("ACTUAL ERR: " + errOutput); if (output.length <= 1 && errOutput.length() == 0 && !actualOutput.startsWith("Note:")) errOutput = actualOutput; if (capture) try { String tail = ""; if (print) System.out.println("TEST: " + name.getMethodName() + " exit=" + exitCode + eol + errOutput); if (all==0) assertEquals("The error message is wrong",expected+tail,errOutput); else if (all == -1) assertEquals("The error message is wrong",expected,errOutput); else if (all == 1 && !actualOutput.startsWith(expected)) { fail("Output does not begin with: " + expected + eol + "Instead is: " + errOutput); } else if (all == 2 && actualOutput.indexOf(expected) == -1 ) { fail("Output does not end with: " + expected + eol + "Instead is: " + errOutput); } if (output.length > 1) { expected = output[1].replace("${PROJ}",projHome).replaceAll("\r", ""); int k = actualOutput.indexOf("Note:"); String actual = k>=0 ? actualOutput.substring(0,k) : actualOutput; if (print) System.out.println("TEST: " + name.getMethodName() + " STANDARD OUT: " + eol + actual); if (all == 0) { assertEquals("The standard out is wrong",expected+tail,actual); } else if (all == -1) { assertEquals("The standard out is wrong",expected,actual); } else if (all == 1 && (actualOutput.indexOf(expected) == -1 && errOutput.indexOf(expected) == -1)) { fail("Output does not contain: " + expected + eol + "Instead is: " + actual); } } assertEquals("The exit code is wrong",expectedExitCode,exitCode); } catch (AssertionError ex) { if (!print) System.out.println("TEST: " + name.getMethodName() + " exit=" + exitCode + eol + berr.toString()); throw ex; } } public String removeNotes(String input) { while (true) { int p = input.indexOf("Note: "); if (p < 0) break; int q = input.indexOf("\n",p); input = input.substring(0, p) + input.substring(q+1); } return input; } /** Tests a null argument for the args */ @Test public void testTopLevelCompiler() throws Exception { String failureMessage = "error: The main entry point org.jmlspecs.openjml.Main.main was called with a null argument" + eol; helper(null,2,-1,failureMessage); } /** Test with no arguments at all (empty array for args), which should * produce the help message. */ @Test public void testNoArgs() throws Exception { String failureMessage = "Usage: openjml <options> <source files>" + eol + "where possible options include:" + eol; helper(new String[]{},2,1,"",failureMessage); } /** Tests an unknown option */ @Test public void testBadOption() throws Exception { String failureMessage = "openjml: invalid flag: -ZZZ" + eol + "Usage: openjml <options> <source files>" + eol + "use -help for a list of possible options" + eol; helper(new String[]{"-ZZZ"},2,0,failureMessage); } /** Tests a bad command */ @Test public void testBadCommand() throws Exception { String failureMessage = "error: Invalid parameter to the -command option: zzz" + eol; helper(new String[]{"-command=zzz"},2,0,failureMessage); } /** Tests setting the specs path through the command-line option, by using non-existent * directories that then get complaints * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testSpecPath() throws Exception { helper(new String[] {"-classpath","cpath"+z+"cpath2","-sourcepath","spath","-specspath","A"+z+"$SY"+z+"$CP"+z+"$SP"+z+"Z","-noPurityCheck","test/testNoErrors/"}, 0, 1, // "openjml: file not found:" + eol + // "Usage: openjml <options> <source files>" + eol + // "use -help for a list of possible options" + eol + "warning: A specification path directory does not exist: A" + eol + "warning: A specification path directory does not exist: cpath" + eol + "warning: A specification path directory does not exist: cpath2" + eol + "warning: A specification path directory does not exist: spath" + eol + "warning: A specification path directory does not exist: Z" + eol ); } /** Tests a recursive definition for the specspath */ @Test public void testRecursiveCP() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","test/testNoErrors"+z+"bin"+z+"$CP", // "-noInternalSpecs", "test/testNoErrors/", },0,0,"warning: $CP is included in the specs path recursively or multiple times"+eol + "1 warning" + eol); } /** Tests the lack of a runtime library */ @Test public void testNoRuntime() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-noInternalRuntime","-noInternalSpecs", "-classpath","test/testNoErrors", "test/testNoErrors/", },3,0, "Fatal Error: Unable to find package org.jmlspecs.lang" + eol); // "test/testNoErrors/ error: package org.jmlspecs.lang does not exist"+eol+ // "public class A {" +eol+ // "^" + eol + // "1 error" + eol); } /** Test verbose with no specs used */ @Test public void testDuplicateParse() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","test/testNoErrors"+z+"bin", "test/testNoErrors/", "-jmlverbose", "-noInternalSpecs" },0,2,"", //"parsing ${PROJ}/test/testNoErrors/" + eol + //"parsing ${PROJ}/test/testNoErrors/A.refines-java" + eol + "entering test/testNoErrors/" + eol + " completed entering test/testNoErrors/" + eol + "typechecking A" + eol + "No specs for java.lang.Object" + eol + "typechecked A" + eol + //"flow checks A" + eol + ""); } /** Test that specs in the java file are ignored */ @Test public void testIgnoreJava() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","test/testJavaErrors"+z+"bin", "test/testJavaErrors/", "-jmlverbose", "-noInternalSpecs" },0,2,"", //"parsing ${PROJ}/test/testJavaErrors/" + eol + // stuff about specs path comes in here //"parsing ${PROJ}/test/testJavaErrors/A.refines-java" + eol + "entering test/testJavaErrors/" + eol + " completed entering test/testJavaErrors/" + eol + "No specs for java.lang.annotation.Annotation" + eol + "No specs for org.jmlspecs.annotation.Ghost" + eol + "typechecking A" + eol + "No specs for java.lang.Object" + eol + "typechecked A" + eol + //"flow checks A" + eol + ""); } /** Test that the source path is used to find input java files */ @Test public void testSourcePath() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-classpath"," ", "-sourcepath","test/testNoErrors"+z+"../OpenJML/runtime", "-specspath","../OpenJML/runtime", "-noInternalSpecs", "test/testNoErrors/", },0,0,"", ""); } /** Tests using source path but including java spec files - may encounter * compilation warnings in the spec files as they evolve. * Uses source for classpath. * @throws Exception */ // FIXME - clean up the unchecked casts @Test public void testSourcePathX() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","../OpenJML/runtime", "-sourcepath","test/testNoErrors", "-specspath","../OpenJML/runtime", "-noPurityCheck", //"-Xlint:unchecked", "test/testNoErrors/" },0,0 ,"" ); } /** Tests using having a .jml file on the command line. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testJML() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","../OpenJML/runtime", "-sourcepath","test/testNoErrors", "-specspath","../OpenJML/runtime", "-noPurityCheck", "test/testNoErrors/A.jml" },0,0 ,"" ); } /** Tests using having a .jml file on the command line, but the corresponding * Java file has a type error. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testJML1() throws Exception { print = true; helper(new String[] { "-classpath","../OpenJML/runtime", "-sourcepath","test/testJavaErrors2", "-specspath","../OpenJML/runtime"+z+"test/testJavaErrors2", "-noPurityCheck", "test/testJavaErrors2/" },1,1 ,"test/testJavaErrors2/ error: incompatible types" ); } /** Tests using having a .jml file on the command line, but the corresponding * Java file has a type error. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testJML1A() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","../OpenJML/runtime", "-sourcepath","test/testJavaParseErrors", "-specspath","../OpenJML/runtime"+z+"test/testJavaParseErrors", "-noPurityCheck", "test/testJavaParseErrors/A.jml" },1,1 ,"test/testJavaParseErrors/ error: illegal start of expression" ); } /** Tests using having a .jml file on the command line, but the corresponding * Java file has a type error - but in the JML, so it is ignored since there * already is a specs file. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testJML1B() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","../OpenJML/runtime", "-sourcepath","test/testJavaErrors", "-specspath","../OpenJML/runtime"+z+"test/testJavaErrors", "-noPurityCheck", "test/testJavaErrors/" },0,0, "" ); } /** Tests having a .jml file on the command line. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testJML2() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","../OpenJML/runtime", "-sourcepath","test/testNoSource", "-specspath","../OpenJML/runtime", "-noPurityCheck", "test/testNoSource/A.jml" },1,1 ,"warning: There is no java file on the sourcepath corresponding to the given jml file: test/testNoSource/A.jml" + eol + "test/testNoSource/A.jml:2: error: This type declaration (A) is not matched by a binary class" + eol + "public class A {}" + eol + " ^" + eol ); } /** Tests using having a .jml file on the command line. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testJML3() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","../OpenJML/runtime", "-sourcepath"," ", "-specspath","../OpenJML/runtime", "-noPurityCheck", "test/testNoErrors/A.jml" },1,1 ,"warning: There is no java file on the sourcepath corresponding to the given jml file: test/testNoErrors/A.jml" + eol + "test/testNoErrors/A.jml:2: error: This type declaration (A) is not matched by a binary class" + eol + "public class A {}" + eol + " ^" + eol ); } @Test public void testJML4() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","../OpenJML/runtime", "-sourcepath"," ", "-specspath","../OpenJML/runtime", "-noPurityCheck", "test/testNoSourceParseError/A.jml" },1,1 ,"test/testNoSourceParseError/A.jml:4: error: illegal start of expression" + eol + "int i = ;" + eol + " ^" + eol + "warning: There is no java file on the sourcepath corresponding to the given jml file: test/testNoSourceParseError/A.jml" + eol + "test/testNoSourceParseError/A.jml:2: error: This type declaration (A) is not matched by a binary class" + eol + "public class A {" + eol + " ^" + eol ); } @Test public void testJML5() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","../OpenJML/runtime", "-sourcepath"," ", "-specspath","../OpenJML/runtime", "-noPurityCheck", "test/testNoSourceTypeError/A.jml" },1,1 ,"warning: There is no java file on the sourcepath corresponding to the given jml file: test/testNoSourceTypeError/A.jml" + eol + "test/testNoSourceTypeError/A.jml:2: error: This type declaration (A) is not matched by a binary class" + eol + "public class A {" + eol + " ^" + eol ); } // FIXME - the jml and class files do not match - we should get type errors @Test public void testJML6() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","../OpenJML/runtime"+z+"test/testNoSourceWithClass", "-sourcepath"," ", "-specspath","../OpenJML/runtime"+z+"test/testNoSourceWithClass", "-noPurityCheck", "test/testNoSourceWithClass/A.jml" },1,1 ,"warning: There is no java file on the sourcepath corresponding to the given jml file: test/testNoSourceWithClass/A.jml" + eol ); } /** Checks that -nowarn turns off warnings. */ @Test public void testJML6nowarn() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","../OpenJML/runtime"+z+"test/testNoSourceWithClass", "-sourcepath"," ", "-specspath","../OpenJML/runtime"+z+"test/testNoSourceWithClass", "-no-purityCheck","-nowarn", "test/testNoSourceWithClass/A.jml" },1,1 ,"test/testNoSourceWithClass/A.jml:2: error: This type declaration (A) is not matched by a binary class" + eol + "public class A {" + eol + " ^" + eol ); } /** Checks that -Werror turns warnings into errors */ @Test public void testJML6Werror() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","../OpenJML/runtime"+z+"test/testNoSourceWithClass", "-sourcepath"," ", "-specspath","../OpenJML/runtime"+z+"test/testNoSourceWithClass", "-no-purityCheck","-Werror", "test/testNoSourceWithClass/A.jml" },1,1 ,"warning: There is no java file on the sourcepath corresponding to the given jml file: test/testNoSourceWithClass/A.jml" + eol + "error: warnings found and -Werror specified" + eol + "test/testNoSourceWithClass/A.jml:2: error: This type declaration (A) is not matched by a binary class" + eol + "public class A {" + eol + " ^" + eol); } /** Tests using source path but including java spec files - may encounter * compilation warnings in the spec files as they evolve. * Uses bin for classpath. * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testSourcePathXB() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","../OpenJML/bin-runtime", // FIXME - needs annotations? "-sourcepath","test/testNoErrors", "-specspath","../OpenJML/runtime", "-noPurityCheck", //"-Xlint:unchecked", "test/testNoErrors/" },0,0 ,"" ); } /** Tests that specs files are not found with empty specs path */ @Test public void testSourcePath3() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-classpath"," ", "-sourcepath","test/testNoErrors"+z+"../OpenJML/runtime", "-specspath","", "-noInternalSpecs", "test/testNoErrors/", },0,0,"", ""); } // This test requires jmlruntime.jar to have been created - run the Makefile // in the OpenJML project /** Tests using the runtime jar */ //@Test // FIXME - try running the build programmatically @Test public void testSourcePath4() throws Exception { if (!new"../OpenJML/tempjars/jmlruntime.jar").exists()) { System.setErr(savederr); System.setOut(savedout); System.out.println("The testSourcePath4 test depends on having a release version of jmlruntime.jar in the jars directory. It will not be run until a release has been built."); } else { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","../OpenJML/tempjars/jmlruntime.jar", "-sourcepath","test/testNoErrors", "-specspath","", "-noInternalSpecs", "test/testNoErrors/", },0,0,"", ""); } } /** Tests using class, source and specs path */ @Test public void testSourcePath5() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","bin", "-sourcepath","test/testNoErrors", "-specspath","", "-noInternalSpecs", "test/testNoErrors/", },0,0,"", ""); } @Test public void testSourcePath2() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","bin", "-sourcepath","test/testNoErrors", "-specspath","../OpenJML/runtime", "-noInternalSpecs", "test/testNoErrors/" },0,0,"", ""); } /** Tests that super files are read and processed */ @Test public void testSuperRead() { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","bin", "-sourcepath","test", "-specspath","test", "-noPurityCheck", "test/testSuperRead/" },1,1 ,"" ,"test/testSuperRead/B.jml:3: error: This JML modifier is not allowed for a type declaration" ); } /** Tests the -java option */ @Test public void testJavaOption() { helper(new String[] { "-java", "-classpath","test", "test/testSpecErrors/" },0,0 ,"" ,""); } /** Tests the -java option must be first*/ @Test public void testJavaOption2() { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","test", "-java", "-noPurityCheck", "test/testNoErrors/" },0,1 ,"" ,"The -java option is ignored unless it is the first command-line argument" ); } /** Tests that we get errors without the -java option */ @Test public void testJavaOption1() { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","test/testSpecErrors", "-noPurityCheck", "test/testSpecErrors/" },1,0 ,"" ,"test/testSpecErrors/A.jml:4: error: incompatible types: boolean cannot be converted to int" + eol +" //@ ghost int i = true; // Error to provoke a message" + eol +" ^" + eol + "1 error" + eol ); } /** Tests an invalid use of key */ @Test public void testKeys0() { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","bin", "-sourcepath","test", "-specspath","test", "-noPurityCheck", "test/testKeys/" },0,0 ,"" ,"" ); } /** Tests a single negative key that guards a line with an error */ @Test public void testKeys1() { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","bin", "-sourcepath","test", "-specspath","test", "-noPurityCheck", "test/testKeys/" },1,1 ,"test/testKeys/ error: cannot find symbol" ,"" ); } /** Tests a single negative key that guards a line with an error */ @Test public void testKeys1a() { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","bin", "-sourcepath","test", "-specspath","test", "-noPurityCheck", "-keys","K2", "test/testKeys/" },1,1 ,"test/testKeys/ error: cannot find symbol" ,"" ); } /** Tests a single negative key that guards a line with an error */ @Test public void testKeys2() { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","bin", "-sourcepath","test", "-specspath","test", "-noPurityCheck", "-keys","K1", "test/testKeys/" },0,1 ,"" ); } /** Tests a single positive key that guards a line with an error */ @Test public void testKeys3() { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","bin", "-sourcepath","test", "-specspath","test", "-noPurityCheck", "-keys","K2", "test/testKeys/" },1,1 ,"test/testKeys/ error: cannot find symbol" ,"" ); } /** Tests a single positive key that guards a line with an error */ @Test public void testKeys4() { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","bin", "-sourcepath","test", "-specspath","test", "-noPurityCheck", "test/testKeys/" },0,0 ,"" ,"" ); } /** Tests a single positive key that guards a line with an error */ @Test public void testKeys4a() { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","bin", "-sourcepath","test", "-specspath","test", "-noPurityCheck", "-keys","K3", "test/testKeys/" },0,0 ,"" ,"" ); } /** Tests a single positive key that guards a line with an error */ @Test public void testKeys5() { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","bin", "-sourcepath","test", "-specspath","test", "-noPurityCheck", "-keys","K4,K2", "test/testKeys/" },0,0 ,"" ,"" ); } /** Tests a single positive key that guards a line with an error */ @Test public void testKeys6() { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","bin", "-sourcepath","test", "-specspath","test", "-noPurityCheck", "-keys","K2,K3", "test/testKeys/" },1,1 ,"test/testKeys/ error: cannot find symbol" ,"" ); } @Test public void testModelBug() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-noPurityCheck", //"-Xlint:unchecked", "test/model1/", "test/model1/", "test/model1/" },1,0 ,"test/model1/ error: non-static type variable E cannot be referenced from a static context" + eol + " public static class SIndexedContents extends ModelClassExampleBug<E>.SContents { // ERROR" + eol + " ^" + eol + "test/model1/ error: non-static type variable E cannot be referenced from a static context" + eol + " public static model class SMIndexedContents extends ModelClassExampleBug<E>.SMContents { // ERROR" + eol + " ^" + eol + "2 errors" + eol ); } @Test public void testModelBug2() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-noPurityCheck", //"-Xlint:unchecked", "test/model2/", "test/model2/", },0,0 ,"" ,"" ); } @Test public void testExtension1() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","../OpenJML/runtime", "-sourcepath","test/testNoErrors", "-specspath","../OpenJML/runtime", "-strictJML", "-extensions=X", // Ignored when strict "test/testNoErrors/A.jml" },0,0 ,"" ); } @Test public void testExtension2() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","../OpenJML/runtime", "-sourcepath","test/testNoErrors", "-specspath","../OpenJML/runtime", "-extensions=X", "test/testNoErrors/A.jml" },1,1 ,"error: Failed to load extension X: No such package found" ,"" ); } @Test @Ignore // FIXME - have not yet fixed how extensions are found public void testExtension3() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-classpath","../OpenJML/runtime", "-sourcepath","test/testext", "-specspath","../OpenJML/runtime", "-extensions=ext", "test/testext/" },0,0 ,"" ); } // FIXME - check the version // FIXME - testOK2, testOK3, testJmlBad2 // FIXME - test RAC-OK, SIMPLE, etc. @Test public void release_testJmlHelp() throws Exception { expectedFile = "releaseTests/testJmlHelp/expected"; helper(new String[] { },2,0 ,"" ); } @Test public void release_testJmlHelp2() throws Exception { expectedFile = "releaseTests/testJmlHelp/expected"; helper(new String[] { "-help" },0,0 ,"" ); } @Test public void release_testJmlBad() throws Exception { expectedFile = "releaseTests/testJmlBad/expected"; helper(new String[] { "-verboseness=" },2,0 ,"" ); } @Test public void release_testJmlBad_A() throws Exception { expectedFile = "releaseTests/testJmlBadA/expected"; helper(new String[] { "-verboseness" },2,0 ,"" ); } @Test public void release_testJmlBad_B() throws Exception { expectedFile = "releaseTests/testJmlBad/expected"; helper(new String[] { "-verboseness", "" },2,0 ,"" ); } @Test public void release_testJmlBad_C() throws Exception { expectedFile = "releaseTests/testJmlBad/expected"; helper(new String[] { "-verboseness= " },2,0 ,"" ); } @Test public void release_testJmlBad3() throws Exception { expectedFile = "releaseTests/testJmlBad3/expected"; helper(new String[] { "-check","-java" },2,0 ,"" ); } @Test public void release_testOK1() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-noPurityCheck","-specspath","releaseTests/testOK1","temp-release/" },0,0 ,"" ); } @Test public void release_testOK4() throws Exception { helper(new String[] { "-noPurityCheck","-specspath","releaseTests/testOK1","temp-release/","-noInternalSpecs" },0,0 ,"" ); } // Testing typechecking without org.jmlspecs.annotation.* @Test public void release_testRuntime1() throws Exception { expectedFile = "releaseTests/testRuntime1/expected"; helper(new String[] { "temp-release/", "-jmltesting", "-classpath", ".", "-no-purityCheck", "-no-internalRuntime" },3,0 ,"" ); } // Testing typechecking with binary files for org.jmlspecs.annotation.* @Test public void release_testRuntime2() throws Exception { expectedFile = "releaseTests/testRuntime2/expected"; helper(new String[] { "temp-release/", "-classpath", "../../JMLAnnotations/bin"+z+"../OpenJML/bin-runtime", "-no-purityCheck", "-no-internalRuntime" },0,0 ,"" ); } // Testing typechecking with source files for org.jmlspecs.annotation.* @Test public void release_testRuntime3() throws Exception { expectedFile = "releaseTests/testRuntime3/expected"; helper(new String[] { "temp-release/", "-classpath", "../../JMLAnnotations/src"+z+"../OpenJML/runtime", "-no-purityCheck", "-no-internalRuntime" },0,0 ,"" ); } // Testing typechecking with normal internal libaries @Test public void release_testRuntime4() throws Exception { expectedFile = "releaseTests/testRuntime4/expected"; helper(new String[] { "temp-release/", "-no-purityCheck", },0,0 ,"" ); } // Testing typechecking with normal internal libaries @Test public void release_testRuntime5() throws Exception { expectedFile = "releaseTests/testRuntime5/expected"; helper(new String[] { "temp-release/", "-no-purityCheck", },0,0 ,"" ); } @Test public void release_testEsc1() throws Exception { expectedFile = "releaseTests/testEsc1/expected"; helper(new String[] { "-no-purityCheck", "-esc", "testfiles/testEsc/", "-classpath", "testfiles/testEsc" },0,0 ,"" ); } @Test public void release_testEsc2() throws Exception { expectedFile = "releaseTests/testEsc2/expected"; helper(new String[] { "-no-purityCheck", "-esc", "testfiles/testEsc/", "-classpath", "testfiles/testEsc" },0,0 ,"" ); } @Test public void release_testPath1() throws Exception { expectedFile = "releaseTests/testPath1/expected"; helper(new String[] { "-jmltesting", "-no-purityCheck", "testfiles/testPath/data/", },1,0 ,"" ); } @Test public void release_testPath2() throws Exception { expectedFile = "releaseTests/testPath2/expected"; helper(new String[] { "-jmltesting", "-no-purityCheck", "testfiles/testPath/data/", "-classpath", "testfiles/testPath/data" },1,1 ,"" ); } @Test public void release_testPath3() throws Exception { expectedFile = "releaseTests/testPath3/expected"; helper(new String[] { "-jmltesting", "-no-purityCheck", "testfiles/testPath/data/", "-specspath", "testfiles/testPath/data-specs" },1,1 ,"" ); } @Test public void release_testPath4() throws Exception { expectedFile = "releaseTests/testPath4/expected"; helper(new String[] { "-jmltesting", "-no-purityCheck", "testfiles/testPath/data/", "-sourcepath", "testfiles/testPath/data-specs" },1,0 ,"" ); } // FIXME - rest of testPath release tests }