package; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.HashMap; import freeboogie.ast.*; import freeboogie.ast.utils.PrettyPrinter; import freeboogie.util.Closure; import freeboogie.util.Err; /** * Typechecks an AST. Errors are reported using the class {@code Err}. * It maps expressions to types. * * It also acts more-or-less as a Facade for the whole package. * * @author rgrig * @author reviewed by TODO */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") // many unused parameters public class TypeChecker extends Evaluator<Type> { // used for primitive types private PrimitiveType boolType, intType, refType, nameType, anyType; // used to signal an error in a subexpression. // the content is the same as for anyType but it's a different reference // (unique while typechecking) private PrimitiveType errType; private SymbolTable st; private GlobalsCollector gc; private BlockFlowGraphs flowGraphs; // where there any type errors? private boolean errors; // maps expressions to their types private HashMap<Expr, Type> typeOf; // maps implementations to procedures private UsageToDefMap<Implementation, Procedure> implProc; // maps implementation params to procedure params private UsageToDefMap<VariableDecl, VariableDecl> paramMap; // Maps type variables to the real types. // Gets set by the |check| functions. private HashMap<String, Type> typeVar; // to get unique names for the type variables private int typeVarCnt; private static final String TYPE_VAR_PREFIX = " tv"; // contains space so that it can't come from parsing // === public interface === /** * Typechecks an AST. * @param ast the AST to check * @return whether there were any errors while typechecking (or in earlier phases) */ public boolean process(Declaration ast) { boolType =; intType =; refType =; nameType =; anyType =; errType =; typeOf = new HashMap<Expr, Type>(); typeVar = new HashMap<String, Type>(); errors = false; typeVarCnt = 0; // build symbol table SymbolTableBuilder stb = new SymbolTableBuilder(); if (stb.process(ast)) return true; st = stb.getST(); gc = stb.getGC(); // check implementations ImplementationChecker ic = new ImplementationChecker(); if (ic.process(ast, gc)) return true; implProc = ic.getImplProc(); paramMap = ic.getParamMap(); // check blocks flowGraphs = new BlockFlowGraphs(); if (flowGraphs.process(ast)) return true; // do the typecheck ast.eval(this); return errors; } /** * Returns the flow graph of {@code impl}. * @param impl the implementation whose flow graph is requested * @return the flow graph of {@code impl} */ public SimpleGraph<Block> getFlowGraph(Implementation impl) { return flowGraphs.getFlowGraph(impl); } /** * Returns the map of expressions to types. * @return the map of expressions to types. */ public HashMap<Expr, Type> getTypes() { return typeOf; } /** * Returns the map from implementations to procedures. * @return the map from implementations to procedures */ public UsageToDefMap<Implementation, Procedure> getImplProc() { return implProc; } /** * Returns the map from implementation parameters to procedure parameters. * @return the map from implementation parameters to procedure parameters */ public UsageToDefMap<VariableDecl, VariableDecl> getParamMap() { return paramMap; } /** * Returns the symbol table. * @return the symbol table */ public SymbolTable getST() { return st; } // === helper methods === // report an error and set the errors flag // TODO: perhaps do some smarter formating private void report(AstLocation l, String s) { Err.error("" + l + ": " + s + "."); errors = true; } // assumes |d| is a list of |VariableDecl| // gives a TupleType with the types in that list private TupleType tupleTypeOfDecl(Declaration d) { if (d == null) return null; assert d instanceof VariableDecl; VariableDecl vd = (VariableDecl)d; return, tupleTypeOfDecl(vd.getTail())); } // TODO: don't forget to check that the where expressions are booleans // strip DepType since only the prover can handle the where clauses // transform one element tuples into the types they contain private Type strip(Type t) { if (t instanceof DepType) return strip(((DepType)t).getType()); else if (t instanceof TupleType) { TupleType tt = (TupleType)t; if (tt.getTail() == null) return strip(tt.getType()); } return t; } // replaces all occurrences of UserType(a) with UserType(b) private Type subst(Type t, String a, String b) { if (t instanceof UserType) { UserType tt = (UserType)t; if (tt.getName().equals(a)) return, tt.loc()); return t; } else if (t instanceof ArrayType) { ArrayType tt = (ArrayType)t; return subst(tt.getRowType(), a, b), subst(tt.getColType(), a, b), subst(tt.getElemType(), a, b), tt.loc()); } else if (t instanceof GenericType) { GenericType tt = (GenericType)t; return subst(tt.getParam(), a, b), subst(tt.getType(), a, b), tt.loc()); } else if (t instanceof DepType) { DepType tt = (DepType)t; return subst(tt.getType(), a, b); } assert t == null || t instanceof PrimitiveType; return t; } // returns the name of the type variable or null if |t| is not a type variable private String typeVarName(Type t) { if (t instanceof UserType) { UserType s = (UserType)t; if (typeVar.containsKey(s.getName())) return s.getName(); } return null; } // If |a| is a type variable, then unify it with b. // Returns whether a unification was performed. private boolean unify(Type a, Type b) { String an = typeVarName(a); if (an == null) return false; String bn; while ((bn = typeVarName(b)) != null && typeVar.get(bn) != null) b = typeVar.get(bn); Type c = typeVar.get(an); sub(c, b); sub(b, c); typeVar.put(an, b); return true; } private boolean sub(PrimitiveType a, PrimitiveType b) { return a.getPtype() == b.getPtype(); } private boolean sub(ArrayType a, ArrayType b) { if (!sub(b.getRowType(), a.getRowType())) return false; if (a.getColType()==null ^ b.getColType() == null) return false; else if (a.getColType() != null) if (!sub(b.getColType(), a.getColType())) return false; return sub(a.getElemType(), b.getElemType()); } // TODO: Is this OK? private boolean sub(UserType a, UserType b) { return a.getName().equals(b.getName()); } private boolean sub(GenericType a, GenericType b) { if (!sub(a.getParam(), b.getParam()) || !sub(b.getParam(), a.getParam())) return false; return sub(a.getType(), b.getType()); } private boolean sub(TupleType a, TupleType b) { if (!sub(a.getType(), b.getType())) return false; TupleType ta = a.getTail(); TupleType tb = b.getTail(); if (ta == tb) return true; if (ta == null ^ tb == null) return false; return sub(ta, tb); } // returns (a <: b) private boolean sub(Type a, Type b) { // get rid of where clauses and make tuples with one element non-tuples a = strip(a); b = strip(b); if (a == b) return true; // the common case if (a == errType || b == errType) return true; // don't trickle up errors // an empty tuple is only the same with an empty tuple if (a == null ^ b == null) return false; // check if b is ANY if (b instanceof PrimitiveType) { PrimitiveType sb = (PrimitiveType)b; if (sb.getPtype() == PrimitiveType.Ptype.ANY) return true; } // the `generics' hack if (unify(a, b) || unify(b, a)) return true; // allow T to be used when <tv>T is needed and tv is a type variable if (b instanceof GenericType && !(a instanceof GenericType)) { GenericType sb = (GenericType)b; if (typeVarName(sb.getParam()) != null && sub(a, sb.getType())) return unify(sb.getParam(), anyType); } // allow <x>T to be used where T is expected if (a instanceof GenericType && !(b instanceof GenericType)) { GenericType sa = (GenericType)a; if (sub(sa.getType(), b)) return true; } // the main check if (a instanceof PrimitiveType && b instanceof PrimitiveType) return sub((PrimitiveType)a, (PrimitiveType)b); else if (a instanceof ArrayType && b instanceof ArrayType) return sub((ArrayType)a, (ArrayType)b); else if (a instanceof UserType && b instanceof UserType) return sub((UserType)a, (UserType)b); else if (a instanceof GenericType && b instanceof GenericType) return sub((GenericType)a, (GenericType)b); else if (a instanceof TupleType && b instanceof TupleType) return sub((TupleType)a, (TupleType)b); else return false; } /** * If {@code a} cannot be used where {@code b} is expected then an error * at location {@code l} is produced and {@code errors} is set. */ private void check(Type a, Type b, AstLocation l) { if (sub(a, b)) return; report(l, "Found type " + TypeUtils.typeToString(a) + " instead of " + TypeUtils.typeToString(b)); } /** * Same as {@code check}, except it is more picky about the types: * They must be exactly the same. */ private void checkExact(Type a, Type b, AstLocation l) { if (sub(a, b) || sub(b, a)) return; report(l, "Unrelated types: " + TypeUtils.typeToString(a) + " and " + TypeUtils.typeToString(b)); } // === visiting operators === @Override public PrimitiveType eval(UnaryOp unaryOp, UnaryOp.Op op, Expr e) { Type t = strip(e.eval(this)); switch (op) { case MINUS: check(t, intType, e.loc()); typeOf.put(unaryOp, intType); return intType; case NOT: check(t, boolType, e.loc()); typeOf.put(unaryOp, boolType); return boolType; default: assert false; return null; // dumb compiler } } @Override public PrimitiveType eval(BinaryOp binaryOp, BinaryOp.Op op, Expr left, Expr right) { Type l = strip(left.eval(this)); Type r = strip(right.eval(this)); switch (op) { case PLUS: case MINUS: case MUL: case DIV: case MOD: // integer arguments and integer result check(l, intType, left.loc()); check(r, intType, right.loc()); typeOf.put(binaryOp, intType); return intType; case LT: case LE: case GE: case GT: // integer arguments and boolean result check(l, intType, left.loc()); check(r, intType, right.loc()); typeOf.put(binaryOp, boolType); return boolType; case EQUIV: case IMPLIES: case AND: case OR: // boolean arguments and boolean result check(l, boolType, left.loc()); check(r, boolType, right.loc()); typeOf.put(binaryOp, boolType); return boolType; case SUBTYPE: // l subtype of r and boolean result (TODO: a user type is a subtype of a user type) check(l, r, left.loc()); typeOf.put(binaryOp, boolType); return boolType; case EQ: case NEQ: // typeOf(l) == typeOf(r) and boolean result checkExact(l, r, binaryOp.loc()); typeOf.put(binaryOp, boolType); return boolType; default: assert false; return errType; // dumb compiler } } // === visiting atoms, including arrays with that `generic' hack === @Override public Type eval(AtomId atomId, String id) { Declaration d = st.ids.def(atomId); Type t = errType; if (d == null) // HACK for `generics' t =; else { if (d instanceof VariableDecl) t = ((VariableDecl)d).getType(); else if (d instanceof ConstDecl) t = ((ConstDecl)d).getType(); else assert false; } typeOf.put(atomId, t); return t; } @Override public PrimitiveType eval(AtomNum atomNum, BigInteger val) { typeOf.put(atomNum, intType); return intType; } @Override public PrimitiveType eval(AtomLit atomLit, AtomLit.AtomType val) { switch (val) { case TRUE: case FALSE: typeOf.put(atomLit, boolType); return boolType; case NULL: typeOf.put(atomLit, refType); return refType; default: assert false; return errType; // dumb compiler } } @Override public Type eval(AtomOld atomOld, Expr e) { Type t = e.eval(this); typeOf.put(atomOld, t); return t; } @Override public PrimitiveType eval(AtomQuant atomQuant, AtomQuant.QuantType quant, Declaration vars, Trigger trig, Expr e) { Type t = e.eval(this); check(t, boolType, e.loc()); typeOf.put(atomQuant, boolType); return boolType; } @Override public Type eval(AtomFun atomFun, String function, Exprs args) { Function d = st.funcs.def(atomFun); Signature sig = d.getSig(); Declaration fargs = sig.getArgs(); Type at = strip(args == null? null : (TupleType)args.eval(this)); Type fat = strip(tupleTypeOfDecl(fargs)); check(at, fat, args == null? atomFun.loc() : args.loc()); Type rt = strip(tupleTypeOfDecl(sig.getResults())); typeOf.put(atomFun, rt); return rt; } @Override public Type eval(AtomCast atomCast, Expr e, Type type) { e.eval(this); typeOf.put(atomCast, type); return type; } @Override public Type eval(AtomIdx atomIdx, Atom atom, Index idx) { Type t = strip(atom.eval(this)); if (t == errType) return errType; if (!(t instanceof ArrayType)) { Err.error("" + atom.loc() + ": Must be an array."); errors = true; return null; } ArrayType at = (ArrayType)t; Type et = at.getElemType(); // the bulk of the `generic' hack String resultTypeVar = null; String freshTypeVar = null; if (et instanceof UserType) { UserType uet = (UserType)et; if (st.types.def(uet) == null) { // make uet a type variable resultTypeVar = uet.getName(); freshTypeVar = TYPE_VAR_PREFIX + typeVarCnt++; at = (ArrayType)subst(at, resultTypeVar, freshTypeVar); typeVar.put(freshTypeVar, null); } } // look at indexing types check(idx.getA().eval(this), at.getRowType(), idx.getA().loc()); if (idx.getB() != null) check(idx.getB().eval(this), at.getColType(), idx.getB().loc()); // get the result type in case it was a type variable if (resultTypeVar != null) { et = typeVar.get(freshTypeVar); if (et == null) { report(atomIdx.loc(), "Can't deduce array type"); et = errType; } typeVar.remove(freshTypeVar); } typeOf.put(atomIdx, et); return et; } // === visit commands === @Override public Type eval(AssignmentCmd assignmentCmd, Expr lhs, Expr rhs) { Type lt = strip(lhs.eval(this)); Type rt = strip(rhs.eval(this)); check(rt, lt, assignmentCmd.loc()); return null; } @Override public Type eval(AssertAssumeCmd assertAssumeCmd, AssertAssumeCmd.CmdType type, Expr expr) { Type t = expr.eval(this); check(t, boolType, assertAssumeCmd.loc()); return null; } @Override public Type eval(CallCmd callCmd, String procedure, Identifiers results, Exprs args) { Procedure p = st.procs.def(callCmd); Signature sig = p.getSig(); Declaration fargs = sig.getArgs(); // check the actual arguments against the formal ones Type at = strip(args == null? null : args.eval(this)); Type fat = strip(tupleTypeOfDecl(fargs)); check(at, fat, (args == null? callCmd.loc() : args.loc())); // check the assignment of the results Type lt = strip(results == null? null : results.eval(this)); Type rt = strip(tupleTypeOfDecl(sig.getResults())); check(rt, lt, callCmd.loc()); return null; } // === visit dependent types === @Override public DepType eval(DepType depType, Type type, Expr pred) { Type t = pred.eval(this); check(t, boolType, pred.loc()); return null; } // === visit Exprs and Identifiers to make TupleType-s === @Override public TupleType eval(Exprs exprs, Expr expr, Exprs tail) { Type t = expr.eval(this); assert t != null; // shouldn't have nested tuples TupleType tt = tail == null? null : (TupleType)tail.eval(this); TupleType rt =, tt); typeOf.put(exprs, rt); return rt; } @Override public TupleType eval(Identifiers identifiers, AtomId id, Identifiers tail) { Type t = id.eval(this); TupleType tt = tail == null? null : (TupleType)tail.eval(this); TupleType rt =, tt); // TODO: put this in typeOf? return rt; } // === visit various things that must have boolean params === @Override public Type eval(Axiom axiom, Expr expr, Declaration tail) { Type t = expr.eval(this); check(t, boolType, expr.loc()); if (tail != null) tail.eval(this); return null; } @Override public Type eval(Specification specification, Specification.SpecType type, Expr expr, boolean free, Specification tail) { Type t = null; switch (type) { case REQUIRES: case ENSURES: t = expr.eval(this); check(t, boolType, expr.loc()); case MODIFIES: break; default: assert false; return errType; // dumb compiler } if (tail != null) tail.eval(this); return null; } // === do not look at block successors === @Override public Type eval(Block block, String name, Commands cmds, Identifiers succ, Block tail) { if (cmds != null) cmds.eval(this); if (tail != null) tail.eval(this); return null; } }