package gc; import icecaptools.IcecapCompileMe; import reflect.ClassInfo; import reflect.ObjectInfo; import thread.Semaphore; import thread.Thread; import util.LiveSet; import util.ReferenceIterator; import vm.HVMHeap; import vm.Heap; public class GarbageCollector implements Runnable { public boolean GCstopped; private static Semaphore gcFinished; private static GCMonitor monitor; private static Thread gc; private static ReferenceIterator staticRoots; private static LiveSet liveSet; private static BitMap bitMap; private static boolean GCIsRunning; private static Heap heap; private Semaphore startGC; private Semaphore endGC; static { init(); } @IcecapCompileMe private static void init() { GCIsRunning = false; heap = HVMHeap.getHeap(); bitMap = new BitMap(heap.getBlockSize(), heap.getStartAddress(), heap.getHeapSize()); heap.setBitMap(bitMap); Object hack = new Object(); newBarrier(ObjectInfo.getAddress(hack)); writeBarrier(0, 0); short count = ClassInfo.getNumberOfClasses(); do { count--; ClassInfo.getClassInfo(count); } while (count > 0); } public GarbageCollector(Semaphore startGC, Semaphore endGC) { this.startGC = startGC; this.endGC = endGC; GCstopped = false; } @IcecapCompileMe private static void writeBarrier(int source, int oldRef) { if (GCIsRunning) { if (Thread.currentThread() != gc) { if (!bitMap.isRefBlack(source)) { if (oldRef != 0) { if (bitMap.isRefWhite(oldRef)) { liveSet.push(oldRef); } } } } } } @IcecapCompileMe private static void newBarrier(int ref) { if (GCIsRunning) { if (Thread.currentThread() == gc) { bitMap.shadeRefWhite(ref); } else { bitMap.shadeRefBlack(ref); } } else { if (bitMap != null) { bitMap.shadeRefWhite(ref); } } } private void setRoots() { liveSet.clear(); staticRoots = heap.getStaticRef(); while (staticRoots.hasNext()) { int nextRoot =; if (nextRoot != 0) { monitor.addStaticRoot(nextRoot); liveSet.push(nextRoot); } } ReferenceIterator stackRoots = heap.getRefFromStacks(); while (stackRoots.hasNext()) { int possibleRef =; if (possibleRef != 0) { if (bitMap.isWithinRangeOfHeap(possibleRef)) { if (heap.isRefAnObj(possibleRef)) { if (heap.isRefAllocated(possibleRef)) { liveSet.push(possibleRef); monitor.addStackRoot(possibleRef); } } } } } } private void traverse(LiveSet nodes) { ReferenceIterator children; int parent; while (!nodes.isEmpty()) { parent = nodes.pop(); children = heap.getRefFromObj(parent); while (children.hasNext()) { int child =; if (child != 0) { if (bitMap.isWithinRangeOfHeap(child)) { monitor.visitChild(parent, child); if (!bitMap.isRefBlack(child)) { nodes.push(child); } } } } bitMap.shadeRefBlack(parent); } } private void makeFreeList() { ReferenceIterator freeList = bitMap.getFreeList(); while (freeList.hasNext()) { monitor.freeObject(; } } public void run() { while (!GCstopped) { Thread.print("GC wait for next cycle"); // run when signaled from controller thread startGC.acquire(); Thread.print("starting GC cycle"); GCIsRunning = true; Thread.getScheduler().disable(); setRoots(); Thread.getScheduler().enable(); // start incremental traversal of object graph traverse(liveSet); GCIsRunning = false; // stops the write and new barrier - if free is not atomic then // position and relation regarding the free operation to be // considered ... // free unused object - atomic ? makeFreeList(); // signal controller that GC is finished endGC.release(); gcFinished.release(); } } public static void start() { Semaphore startGC = new Semaphore((byte) 0); Semaphore endGC = new Semaphore((byte) 0); gcFinished = new Semaphore((byte) 0); Thread controller = new Thread(new GarbargeCollectorController(startGC, endGC)); gc = new Thread(new GarbageCollector(startGC, endGC)); liveSet = new LiveSet(bitMap); devices.Console.println("Bitmap size = " + bitMap.getSize()); controller.start(); gc.start(); } public static void registerMonitor(GCMonitor m) { monitor = m; } public static void requestCollection() { GarbargeCollectorController.requestCollection(); } public static void waitForNextCollection() { gcFinished.acquire(); } }