package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import freeboogie.ast.*; import freeboogie.util.Err; /** * Constructs a {@code SymbolTable} from an AST. * * NOTE: generic types in boogie are a hack so I'll treat them as such. * * @author rgrig * @author reviewed by TODO */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") // lots of unused parameters public class SymbolTableBuilder extends Transformer { private LinkedList<HashMap<String, VariableDecl>> localScopes; private SymbolTable symbolTable; private GlobalsCollector gc; private boolean errors; // for modifies spec we ignore the arguments private boolean lookInLocalScopes; /* * HACK to support `generic' types: Do not warn if we are under * an array because it might be a `type variable'. The typechecker * should enforce that things make sense a bit later on. */ // the number of ArrayType nodes above the current node private int arrayCnt; /** * Builds a symbol table. Reports name clashes (because it * uses {@code GlobalsCollector}. Reports undeclared variables. * @param ast the AST to analyze * @return whether there were any problems detected */ public boolean process(Declaration ast) { errors = false; localScopes = new LinkedList<HashMap<String, VariableDecl>>(); symbolTable = new SymbolTable(); gc = new GlobalsCollector(); arrayCnt = 0; lookInLocalScopes = true; boolean e = gc.process(ast); ast.eval(this); return errors || e; } /** * Returns the symbol table. * @return the symbol table */ public SymbolTable getST() { return symbolTable; } /** * Returns the globals collector, which can be used to resolve global names. * @return the globals collector */ public GlobalsCollector getGC() { return gc; } // === helpers === // reports an error at location l if d s null private <T> T check(T d, String s, AstLocation l) { if (d != null || arrayCnt > 0) return d; Err.error("" + l + ": Undeclared identifier " + s + "."); errors = true; return null; } // the return might by ConstDecl or VariableDecl private Declaration lookup(String s, AstLocation l) { if (lookInLocalScopes) { for (HashMap<String, VariableDecl> scope : localScopes) { VariableDecl d = scope.get(s); if (d != null) return d; } } return check(gc.idDef(s), s, l); } // === visit methods === // Grr, why doesn't Java have functions as parameters or at least macros? @Override public void see(UserType userType, String name) { symbolTable.types.put(userType, check(gc.typeDef(name), name, userType.loc())); } @Override public void see(CallCmd callCmd, String p, Identifiers results, Exprs args) { symbolTable.procs.put(callCmd, check(gc.procDef(p), p, callCmd.loc())); if (results != null) results.eval(this); if (args != null) args.eval(this); } @Override public void see(AtomFun atomFun, String f, Exprs args) { symbolTable.funcs.put(atomFun, check(gc.funDef(f), f, atomFun.loc())); if (args != null) args.eval(this); } @Override public void see(AtomId atomId, String id) { symbolTable.ids.put(atomId, lookup(id, atomId.loc())); } // === collect info from local scopes === @Override public void see(VariableDecl variableDecl, String name, Type type, Declaration tail) { HashMap<String, VariableDecl> scope = localScopes.peekFirst(); if (scope != null && name != null) { // we are in a local scope VariableDecl old = scope.get(name); if (old != null) { Err.error("" + variableDecl.loc() + ": Variable already defined."); errors = true; } else scope.put(name, variableDecl); } type.eval(this); if (tail != null) tail.eval(this); } // === keep track of local scopes === @Override public void see(Procedure procedure, Signature sig, Specification spec, Declaration tail) { symbolTable.procs.seenDef(procedure); HashMap<String, VariableDecl> newScope = new HashMap<String, VariableDecl>(); localScopes.addFirst(newScope); sig.eval(this); if (spec != null) spec.eval(this); localScopes.removeFirst(); if (tail != null) tail.eval(this); } @Override public void see(Implementation implementation, Signature sig, Body body, Declaration tail) { HashMap<String, VariableDecl> newScope = new HashMap<String, VariableDecl>(); localScopes.addFirst(newScope); sig.eval(this); body.eval(this); localScopes.removeFirst(); if (tail != null) tail.eval(this); } @Override public void see(AtomQuant atomQuant, AtomQuant.QuantType quant, Declaration vars, Trigger trig, Expr e) { HashMap<String, VariableDecl> newScope = new HashMap<String, VariableDecl>(); localScopes.addFirst(newScope); vars.eval(this); if (trig != null) trig.eval(this); e.eval(this); localScopes.removeFirst(); } // === remember if we are below a modifies spec === @Override public void see(Specification specification, Specification.SpecType type, Expr expr, boolean free, Specification tail) { if (type == Specification.SpecType.MODIFIES) { assert lookInLocalScopes; // no nesting lookInLocalScopes = false; } expr.eval(this); lookInLocalScopes = true; if (tail != null) tail.eval(this); } // === remember if we are below an ArrayType === @Override public void see(ArrayType arrayType, Type rowType, Type colType, Type elemType) { ++arrayCnt; super.see(arrayType, rowType, colType, elemType); --arrayCnt; } // === do not lok at goto-s === @Override public void see(Block block, String name, Commands cmds, Identifiers succ, Block tail) { if (cmds != null) cmds.eval(this); if (tail != null) tail.eval(this); } }