/* * Copyright (c) 1998, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package com.sun.tools.doclets.internal.toolkit.util; import java.util.*; import com.sun.javadoc.*; /** * Map all class uses for a given class. * * <p><b>This is NOT part of any supported API. * If you write code that depends on this, you do so at your own risk. * This code and its internal interfaces are subject to change or * deletion without notice.</b> * * @since 1.2 * @author Robert G. Field */ public class ClassUseMapper { private final ClassTree classtree; /** * Mapping of ClassDocs to set of PackageDoc used by that class. * Entries may be null. */ public Map<String,Set<PackageDoc>> classToPackage = new HashMap<String,Set<PackageDoc>>(); /** * Mapping of Annotations to set of PackageDoc that use the annotation. */ public Map<String,List<PackageDoc>> classToPackageAnnotations = new HashMap<String,List<PackageDoc>>(); /** * Mapping of ClassDocs to set of ClassDoc used by that class. * Entries may be null. */ public Map<String,Set<ClassDoc>> classToClass = new HashMap<String,Set<ClassDoc>>(); /** * Mapping of ClassDocs to list of ClassDoc which are direct or * indirect subclasses of that class. * Entries may be null. */ public Map<String,List<ClassDoc>> classToSubclass = new HashMap<String,List<ClassDoc>>(); /** * Mapping of ClassDocs to list of ClassDoc which are direct or * indirect subinterfaces of that interface. * Entries may be null. */ public Map<String,List<ClassDoc>> classToSubinterface = new HashMap<String,List<ClassDoc>>(); /** * Mapping of ClassDocs to list of ClassDoc which implement * this interface. * Entries may be null. */ public Map<String,List<ClassDoc>> classToImplementingClass = new HashMap<String,List<ClassDoc>>(); /** * Mapping of ClassDocs to list of FieldDoc declared as that class. * Entries may be null. */ public Map<String,List<FieldDoc>> classToField = new HashMap<String,List<FieldDoc>>(); /** * Mapping of ClassDocs to list of MethodDoc returning that class. * Entries may be null. */ public Map<String,List<MethodDoc>> classToMethodReturn = new HashMap<String,List<MethodDoc>>(); /** * Mapping of ClassDocs to list of MethodDoc having that class * as an arg. * Entries may be null. */ public Map<String,List<ExecutableMemberDoc>> classToMethodArgs = new HashMap<String,List<ExecutableMemberDoc>>(); /** * Mapping of ClassDocs to list of MethodDoc which throws that class. * Entries may be null. */ public Map<String,List<ExecutableMemberDoc>> classToMethodThrows = new HashMap<String,List<ExecutableMemberDoc>>(); /** * Mapping of ClassDocs to list of ConstructorDoc having that class * as an arg. * Entries may be null. */ public Map<String,List<ExecutableMemberDoc>> classToConstructorArgs = new HashMap<String,List<ExecutableMemberDoc>>(); /** * Mapping of ClassDocs to list of ConstructorDoc which throws that class. * Entries may be null. */ public Map<String,List<ExecutableMemberDoc>> classToConstructorThrows = new HashMap<String,List<ExecutableMemberDoc>>(); /** * The mapping of AnnotationTypeDocs to constructors that use them. */ public Map<String,List<ConstructorDoc>> classToConstructorAnnotations = new HashMap<String,List<ConstructorDoc>>(); /** * The mapping of AnnotationTypeDocs to Constructor parameters that use them. */ public Map<String,List<ExecutableMemberDoc>> classToConstructorParamAnnotation = new HashMap<String,List<ExecutableMemberDoc>>(); /** * The mapping of ClassDocs to Constructor arguments that use them as type parameters. */ public Map<String,List<ExecutableMemberDoc>> classToConstructorDocArgTypeParam = new HashMap<String,List<ExecutableMemberDoc>>(); /** * The mapping of ClassDocs to ClassDocs that use them as type parameters. */ public Map<String,List<ClassDoc>> classToClassTypeParam = new HashMap<String,List<ClassDoc>>(); /** * The mapping of AnnotationTypeDocs to ClassDocs that use them. */ public Map<String,List<ClassDoc>> classToClassAnnotations = new HashMap<String,List<ClassDoc>>(); /** * The mapping of ClassDocs to ExecutableMemberDocs that use them as type parameters. */ public Map<String,List<MethodDoc>> classToExecMemberDocTypeParam = new HashMap<String,List<MethodDoc>>(); /** * The mapping of ClassDocs to ExecutableMemberDocs arguments that use them as type parameters. */ public Map<String,List<ExecutableMemberDoc>> classToExecMemberDocArgTypeParam = new HashMap<String,List<ExecutableMemberDoc>>(); /** * The mapping of AnnotationTypeDocs to ExecutableMemberDocs that use them. */ public Map<String,List<MethodDoc>> classToExecMemberDocAnnotations = new HashMap<String,List<MethodDoc>>(); /** * The mapping of ClassDocs to ExecutableMemberDocs that have return type * with type parameters of that class. */ public Map<String,List<MethodDoc>> classToExecMemberDocReturnTypeParam = new HashMap<String,List<MethodDoc>>(); /** * The mapping of AnnotationTypeDocs to MethodDoc parameters that use them. */ public Map<String,List<ExecutableMemberDoc>> classToExecMemberDocParamAnnotation = new HashMap<String,List<ExecutableMemberDoc>>(); /** * The mapping of ClassDocs to FieldDocs that use them as type parameters. */ public Map<String,List<FieldDoc>> classToFieldDocTypeParam = new HashMap<String,List<FieldDoc>>(); /** * The mapping of AnnotationTypeDocs to FieldDocs that use them. */ public Map<String,List<FieldDoc>> annotationToFieldDoc = new HashMap<String,List<FieldDoc>>(); public ClassUseMapper(RootDoc root, ClassTree classtree) { this.classtree = classtree; // Map subclassing, subinterfacing implementing, ... for (Iterator<ClassDoc> it = classtree.baseclasses().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { subclasses(it.next()); } for (Iterator<ClassDoc> it = classtree.baseinterfaces().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { // does subinterfacing as side-effect implementingClasses(it.next()); } // Map methods, fields, constructors using a class. ClassDoc[] classes = root.classes(); for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { PackageDoc pkg = classes[i].containingPackage(); mapAnnotations(classToPackageAnnotations, pkg, pkg); ClassDoc cd = classes[i]; mapTypeParameters(classToClassTypeParam, cd, cd); mapAnnotations(classToClassAnnotations, cd, cd); FieldDoc[] fields = cd.fields(); for (int j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) { FieldDoc fd = fields[j]; mapTypeParameters(classToFieldDocTypeParam, fd, fd); mapAnnotations(annotationToFieldDoc, fd, fd); if (! fd.type().isPrimitive()) { add(classToField, fd.type().asClassDoc(), fd); } } ConstructorDoc[] cons = cd.constructors(); for (int j = 0; j < cons.length; j++) { mapAnnotations(classToConstructorAnnotations, cons[j], cons[j]); mapExecutable(cons[j]); } MethodDoc[] meths = cd.methods(); for (int j = 0; j < meths.length; j++) { MethodDoc md = meths[j]; mapExecutable(md); mapTypeParameters(classToExecMemberDocTypeParam, md, md); mapAnnotations(classToExecMemberDocAnnotations, md, md); if (! (md.returnType().isPrimitive() || md.returnType() instanceof TypeVariable)) { mapTypeParameters(classToExecMemberDocReturnTypeParam, md.returnType(), md); add(classToMethodReturn, md.returnType().asClassDoc(), md); } } } } /** * Return all subclasses of a class AND fill-in classToSubclass map. */ private Collection<ClassDoc> subclasses(ClassDoc cd) { Collection<ClassDoc> ret = classToSubclass.get(cd.qualifiedName()); if (ret == null) { ret = new TreeSet<ClassDoc>(); List<ClassDoc> subs = classtree.subclasses(cd); if (subs != null) { ret.addAll(subs); for (Iterator<ClassDoc> it = subs.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ret.addAll(subclasses(it.next())); } } addAll(classToSubclass, cd, ret); } return ret; } /** * Return all subinterfaces of an interface AND fill-in classToSubinterface map. */ private Collection<ClassDoc> subinterfaces(ClassDoc cd) { Collection<ClassDoc> ret = classToSubinterface.get(cd.qualifiedName()); if (ret == null) { ret = new TreeSet<ClassDoc>(); List<ClassDoc> subs = classtree.subinterfaces(cd); if (subs != null) { ret.addAll(subs); for (Iterator<ClassDoc> it = subs.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ret.addAll(subinterfaces(it.next())); } } addAll(classToSubinterface, cd, ret); } return ret; } /** * Return all implementing classes of an interface (including * all subclasses of implementing classes and all classes * implementing subinterfaces) AND fill-in both classToImplementingClass * and classToSubinterface maps. */ private Collection<ClassDoc> implementingClasses(ClassDoc cd) { Collection<ClassDoc> ret = classToImplementingClass.get(cd.qualifiedName()); if (ret == null) { ret = new TreeSet<ClassDoc>(); List<ClassDoc> impl = classtree.implementingclasses(cd); if (impl != null) { ret.addAll(impl); for (Iterator<ClassDoc> it = impl.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ret.addAll(subclasses(it.next())); } } for (Iterator<ClassDoc> it = subinterfaces(cd).iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ret.addAll(implementingClasses(it.next())); } addAll(classToImplementingClass, cd, ret); } return ret; } /** * Determine classes used by a method or constructor, so they can be * inverse mapped. */ private void mapExecutable(ExecutableMemberDoc em) { Parameter[] params = em.parameters(); boolean isConstructor = em.isConstructor(); List<Type> classArgs = new ArrayList<Type>(); for (int k = 0; k < params.length; k++) { Type pcd = params[k].type(); // primitives don't get mapped, also avoid dups if ((! params[k].type().isPrimitive()) && ! classArgs.contains(pcd) && ! (pcd instanceof TypeVariable)) { add(isConstructor? classToConstructorArgs :classToMethodArgs, pcd.asClassDoc(), em); classArgs.add(pcd); mapTypeParameters(isConstructor? classToConstructorDocArgTypeParam : classToExecMemberDocArgTypeParam, pcd, em); } mapAnnotations( isConstructor ? classToConstructorParamAnnotation : classToExecMemberDocParamAnnotation, params[k], em); } ClassDoc[] thr = em.thrownExceptions(); for (int k = 0; k < thr.length; k++) { add(isConstructor? classToConstructorThrows : classToMethodThrows, thr[k], em); } } private <T> List<T> refList(Map<String,List<T>> map, ClassDoc cd) { List<T> list = map.get(cd.qualifiedName()); if (list == null) { List<T> l = new ArrayList<T>(); list = l; map.put(cd.qualifiedName(), list); } return list; } private Set<PackageDoc> packageSet(ClassDoc cd) { Set<PackageDoc> pkgSet = classToPackage.get(cd.qualifiedName()); if (pkgSet == null) { pkgSet = new TreeSet<PackageDoc>(); classToPackage.put(cd.qualifiedName(), pkgSet); } return pkgSet; } private Set<ClassDoc> classSet(ClassDoc cd) { Set<ClassDoc> clsSet = classToClass.get(cd.qualifiedName()); if (clsSet == null) { Set<ClassDoc> s = new TreeSet<ClassDoc>(); clsSet = s; classToClass.put(cd.qualifiedName(), clsSet); } return clsSet; } private <T extends ProgramElementDoc> void add(Map<String,List<T>> map, ClassDoc cd, T ref) { // add to specified map refList(map, cd).add(ref); // add ref's package to package map and class map packageSet(cd).add(ref.containingPackage()); classSet(cd).add(ref instanceof MemberDoc? ((MemberDoc)ref).containingClass() : (ClassDoc)ref); } private void addAll(Map<String,List<ClassDoc>> map, ClassDoc cd, Collection<ClassDoc> refs) { if (refs == null) { return; } // add to specified map refList(map, cd).addAll(refs); Set<PackageDoc> pkgSet = packageSet(cd); Set<ClassDoc> clsSet = classSet(cd); // add ref's package to package map and class map for (Iterator<ClassDoc> it = refs.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ClassDoc cls = it.next(); pkgSet.add(cls.containingPackage()); clsSet.add(cls); } } /** * Map the ClassDocs to the ProgramElementDocs that use them as * type parameters. * * @param map the map the insert the information into. * @param doc the doc whose type parameters are being checked. * @param holder the holder that owns the type parameters. */ private <T extends ProgramElementDoc> void mapTypeParameters(Map<String,List<T>> map, Object doc, T holder) { TypeVariable[] typeVariables; if (doc instanceof ClassDoc) { typeVariables = ((ClassDoc) doc).typeParameters(); } else if (doc instanceof WildcardType) { Type[] extendsBounds = ((WildcardType) doc).extendsBounds(); for (int k = 0; k < extendsBounds.length; k++) { addTypeParameterToMap(map, extendsBounds[k], holder); } Type[] superBounds = ((WildcardType) doc).superBounds(); for (int k = 0; k < superBounds.length; k++) { addTypeParameterToMap(map, superBounds[k], holder); } return; } else if (doc instanceof ParameterizedType) { Type[] typeArguments = ((ParameterizedType) doc).typeArguments(); for (int k = 0; k < typeArguments.length; k++) { addTypeParameterToMap(map, typeArguments[k], holder); } return; } else if (doc instanceof ExecutableMemberDoc) { typeVariables = ((ExecutableMemberDoc) doc).typeParameters(); } else if (doc instanceof FieldDoc) { Type fieldType = ((FieldDoc) doc).type(); mapTypeParameters(map, fieldType, holder); return; } else { return; } for (int i = 0; i < typeVariables.length; i++) { Type[] bounds = typeVariables[i].bounds(); for (int j = 0; j < bounds.length; j++) { addTypeParameterToMap(map, bounds[j], holder); } } } /** * Map the AnnotationType to the ProgramElementDocs that use them as * type parameters. * * @param map the map the insert the information into. * @param doc the doc whose type parameters are being checked. * @param holder the holder that owns the type parameters. */ private <T extends ProgramElementDoc> void mapAnnotations(Map<String,List<T>> map, Object doc, T holder) { AnnotationDesc[] annotations; boolean isPackage = false; if (doc instanceof ProgramElementDoc) { annotations = ((ProgramElementDoc) doc).annotations(); } else if (doc instanceof PackageDoc) { annotations = ((PackageDoc) doc).annotations(); isPackage = true; } else if (doc instanceof Parameter) { annotations = ((Parameter) doc).annotations(); } else { throw new DocletAbortException("should not happen"); } for (int i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) { AnnotationTypeDoc annotationDoc = annotations[i].annotationType(); if (isPackage) refList(map, annotationDoc).add(holder); else add(map, annotationDoc, holder); } } /** * Map the AnnotationType to the ProgramElementDocs that use them as * type parameters. * * @param map the map the insert the information into. * @param doc the doc whose type parameters are being checked. * @param holder the holder that owns the type parameters. */ private <T extends PackageDoc> void mapAnnotations(Map<String,List<T>> map, PackageDoc doc, T holder) { AnnotationDesc[] annotations; annotations = doc.annotations(); for (int i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) { AnnotationTypeDoc annotationDoc = annotations[i].annotationType(); refList(map, annotationDoc).add(holder); } } private <T extends ProgramElementDoc> void addTypeParameterToMap(Map<String,List<T>> map, Type type, T holder) { if (type instanceof ClassDoc) { add(map, (ClassDoc) type, holder); } else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) { add(map, ((ParameterizedType) type).asClassDoc(), holder); } mapTypeParameters(map, type, holder); } }