package freeboogie.dumpers; import freeboogie.ast.*; import; import; import freeboogie.util.Closure; import freeboogie.util.Pair; /** * Dumps flow graphs for all implementations in dot format. * * @author rgrig * @author reviewed by TODO */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") // unused parameters public class FlowGraphDumper extends Transformer { private TypeChecker tc; // used to get the flowgraphs for implementations /** * Print to standard output the flowgraphs for the implementations in * {@code ast}, by using the {@code t} to get the flowgraphs. * @param ast * @param t */ public void process(Declaration ast, TypeChecker t) { tc = t; ast.eval(this); } @Override public void see(Implementation implementation, Signature sig, Body body, Declaration tail) { SimpleGraph<Block> fg = tc.getFlowGraph(implementation); System.out.println("digraph \"" + implementation.getSig().getName() + "@" + implementation.loc() + "\" {"); if (body.getBlocks() != null) System.out.println(" " + body.getBlocks().getName() + " [style=bold];"); fg.iterNode(new Closure<Block>() { @Override public void go(Block t) { System.out.println(" " + t.getName() + " [shape=box];"); }}); fg.iterEdge(new Closure<Pair<Block,Block>>() { @Override public void go(Pair<Block,Block> t) { System.out.println(" " + t.first.getName() + " -> " + t.second.getName() + ";"); }}); System.out.println("}"); if (tail != null) tail.eval(this); } }