package org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.testcases; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlSpecs; import org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.TCBase; import org.junit.Test; public class generics extends TCBase { // TODO - review @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { // noCollectDiagnostics = true; // jmldebug = true; super.setUp(); } /** Test something very simple with no errors*/ @Test public void testSimpleGeneric() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml","public class A<T> { /*@ non_null*/ T t; /*@ non_null pure*/ T item(); }"); helpTCF("","public class A<T> { T t; T item() { return t; }}"); } /** Test with a binary class*/ @Test public void testBinaryGeneric() { JmlSpecs.instance(context).setSpecsPath(new String[]{"$A","$B","$CP"}); addMockFile("$A/java/util/Collection.jml","package java.util; public interface Collection<E> extends java.lang.Iterable<E> { public boolean add(E t); }"); helpTCF("","public class A<X> { java.util.Collection<X> t() { return null; }}"); } /** Test mismatched type parameters*/ @Test public void testSimpleGeneric1() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml","public class A { }"); //specs.printDatabase(); helpTCF("","public class A<T> { T t; T item() { return t; }}" ,"/$A/A.jml:1: The type A in the specification matches a Java type A<T> with a different number of type arguments",8 ); } /** Test with a binary class*/ @Test public void testBinaryGeneric2() { JmlSpecs.instance(context).setSpecsPath(new String[]{"$A","$B","$CP"}); addMockFile("$A/java/util/Collection.jml","package java.util;\npublic interface Collection extends java.lang.Iterable { }"); helpTCF("","public class A<X> { java.util.Collection<X> t; }" ,"/$A/java/util/Collection.jml:2: The type Collection in the specification matches a Java type java.util.Collection<E> with a different number of type arguments",8 ); } /** Test with a binary class*/ // OK @Test public void testBinaryGeneric3() { JmlSpecs.instance(context).setSpecsPath(new String[]{"$A","$B","$CP"}); addMockFile("$A/java/util/Collection.jml","package java.util;\npublic interface Collection<E> extends java.lang.Iterable<E> { }"); helpTCF("","public class A<X> { java.util.Collection<X> t; }" ); } /** Test with a binary class - type name not matching*/ // FIXME @Test public void testBinaryGeneric3c() { JmlSpecs.instance(context).setSpecsPath(new String[]{"$A","$B","$CP"}); addMockFile("$A/java/util/Collection.jml","package java.util;\npublic interface Collection<E> extends java.lang.Iterable<Z> { }"); helpTCF("","public class A<X> { java.util.Collection<X> t; }" ,"/$A/java/util/Collection.jml:2: cannot find symbol\n symbol: class Z",59 ); } /** Test with a binary class - mismatched names*/ @Test public void testBinaryGeneric3b() { JmlSpecs.instance(context).setSpecsPath(new String[]{"$A","$B","$CP"}); addMockFile("$A/java/util/Collection.jml","package java.util;\npublic interface Collection<Z> extends java.lang.Iterable<Z> { }"); helpTCF("","public class A<X> { java.util.Collection<X> t; }" ,"/$A/java/util/Collection.jml:2: The specification type named Collection (java.util.Collection) has a type parameter named Z but the Java declaration has that type parameter named E",29 ); } /** Test with a binary class -- wrong package*/ @Test public void testBinaryGeneric3a() { JmlSpecs.instance(context).setSpecsPath(new String[]{"$A","$B","$CP"}); addMockFile("$A/java/util/Collection.jml","public interface Collection<Z> extends java.lang.Iterable<Z> { }"); helpTCF("","public class A<X> { java.util.Collection<X> t; }" ,"/$A/java/util/Collection.jml:1: This type declaration (Collection) is not matched by a binary class",8 ); } /** Test with a binary class*/ @Test public void testBinaryGeneric4() { JmlSpecs.instance(context).setSpecsPath(new String[]{"$A","$B","$CP"}); addMockFile("$A/java/util/Collection.jml","package java.util;\npublic interface Collection<E,Z> extends java.lang.Iterable<E> { }"); helpTCF("","public class A<X> { java.util.Collection<X> t; }" ,"/$A/java/util/Collection.jml:2: The type Collection in the specification matches a Java type java.util.Collection<E> with a different number of type arguments",8 ); } @Test public void testMethod() { helpTCF("","public class A<X> {\n <T>T doit(T t) { return t; } }" ); } @Test public void testMethod2() { addMockFile("$A/java/util/Vector.jml","package java.util;\npublic class Vector<E> extends java.util.AbstractList<E> implements java.util.List<E>, java.util.RandomAccess, java.lang.Cloneable, { \npublic <T> T[] toArray(T[] t); }"); helpTCF("","public class A<X> { java.util.Vector<X> t; }" // OK in Java8 ,"/$A/java/util/Vector.jml:3: The method toArray in the specification matches a Java method <T>toArray(T[]) with different modifiers: synchronized",16 ); } @Test public void testForEach1() { helpTCF(""," class A { void m(java.util.List<Integer> list) { " + " //@ loop_invariant o != null; decreasing 6; \n" + " for (Integer o: list) {} \n" + "}}" ); } @Test public void testForEach2() { helpTCF(""," class A { void m(Integer[] list) { \n" + " //@ loop_invariant o != 0; decreasing 6; \n" + " for (Integer o: list) {} \n" + "}}" ); } @Test public void testForEach3() { helpTCF(""," class A { void m(java.util.List<Integer> list) { \n" + " //@ loop_invariant o != 0; decreasing 6; \n" + " for (int o: list) {} \n" + "}}" ); } @Test public void testForEach4() { helpTCF("", " class A { void m(Integer[] list) { \n" + " //@ loop_invariant o != 0; decreasing 6; \n" + " for (int o: list) {} \n" + "}}" ); } }