package org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.testcases; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.API; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.Factory; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.IAPI; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlClassDecl; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlCompilationUnit; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlMethodDecl; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlVariableDecl; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTreeScanner; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.proverinterface.IProverResult; import org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.JmlTestCase; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.TestName; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** Tests the API class */ public class api extends JmlTestCase { @Rule public TestName name = new TestName(); static String eol = System.getProperty("line.separator"); static String z =; boolean print = false; boolean capture = true; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { } @After public void tearDown() { } /** This is a helper method that runs the compiler on the given set of * command-line arguments, checking the result * @param args the command-line arguments * @param output the expected output as one string */ public void start(boolean capture) { if (capture) collectOutput(true); this.capture = capture; } public void endCapture() { if (!capture) return; collectOutput(false); capture = false; } public void check(String errOutput, String output) { if (!capture) return; boolean cap = capture; endCapture(); // Depending on how the log is setup, error output can go to either bout or berr String actualErr = errorOutput().replace("\r","").replace('\\','/'); String actualOut = output().replace("\r","").replace('\\','/'); errOutput = errOutput == null ? null : errOutput.replace("\r","").replace('\\','/'); output = output == null ? null : output.replace("\r","").replace('\\','/'); while (true) { int k = actualOut.indexOf("Note:"); if (k < 0) break; int p = actualOut.indexOf("\n",k); actualOut = actualOut.substring(0, k) + actualOut.substring(p+1); } if (print) { System.out.println("TEST: " + name.getMethodName()); System.out.println("ERR: " + actualErr); System.out.println("OUT: " + actualOut); } if (cap && errOutput != null) try { compareStrings(errOutput,actualErr); } catch (AssertionError ex) { if (!print) System.out.println("TEST: " + name.getMethodName() + eol + actualErr); throw ex; } if (cap && output != null) try { compareStrings(output,actualOut.replace( "No such file or directory)","The system cannot find the file specified)")); } catch (AssertionError ex) { if (!print) System.out.println("TEST: " + name.getMethodName() + eol + actualOut); throw ex; } } /** A helper routine to compare two Strings and instigating a JUnit test * failure if they are different. This differs from simple assertEquals * in giving more information about the point of difference. * @param expected The expected result * @param actual The actual result */ public void compareStrings(String expected, String actual) { if (expected.equals(actual)) return; int i = 0; String msg = ""; while (i < expected.length() && i < actual.length()) { if (expected.charAt(i) != actual.charAt(i)) { msg = msg + ("Strings differ at character " + i + " " + expected.charAt(i) + " vs. " + actual.charAt(i)) + eol; } i++; } if (expected.length() != actual.length()) msg = msg + ("Lengths differ " + expected.length() + " vs. " + actual.length()) + eol; assertEquals(msg,expected,actual); } String prettyprint = eol + "public class A {" + eol + " @Ghost " + eol + " int i = 0;" + eol + "}" + eol + "// Specifications: test/testNoErrors/" + eol + "// Specification file: test/testNoErrors/" + eol + "" + eol + "public class A {" + eol + " @Ghost " + eol + " int i = 0;" + eol + "}" + eol; String prettyprint2a = eol + "public class A {" + eol + " @Ghost " + eol + " int i = 0;" + eol + "}" + eol + "// Specifications: /" + eol + "// Specification file: /" + eol + "" + eol + "public class A {" + eol + " @Ghost " + eol + " int i = 0;" + eol + "}" + eol; String prettyprint2 = eol + "public class A {" + eol + " @Ghost " + eol + " int i = 0;" + eol + "}"; String prettyprint3 = "package a.b;" + eol + eol + "public class A {" + eol + " @Ghost " + eol + " int i = 0;" + eol + "}" + eol + "// Specifications: /a/b/" + eol + "// Specification file: /a/b/" + eol + "package a.b;" + eol + eol + "public class A {" + eol + " @Ghost " + eol + " int i = 0;" + eol + "}" + eol; String prettyprint4 = prettyprint + "NEXT AST" + eol + "// Specifications: test/testNoErrors/" + eol + "// Specification file: test/testNoErrors/" + eol + eol; String parseAndPrettyPrintFromJavaFileObject() throws Exception { f = new"test/testNoErrors/"); IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(new String[]{}); return m.prettyPrint(m.parseFiles(m.makeJFOfromFile(f)).get(0)); } String parseAndPrettyPrintFromFile() throws Exception { f = new"test/testNoErrors/"); IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(); return m.prettyPrint(m.parseFiles(f).get(0)); } String parseAndPrettyPrintFromMultipleFiles() throws Exception { fa = new"test/testNoErrors/"); fb = new"test/testNoErrors/"); IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(); java.util.List<org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlCompilationUnit> asts = m.parseFiles(fa,fb); return m.prettyPrint(asts,"NEXT AST"); // Pretty prints a list of asts } String parseAndPrettyPrintFromFileArray() throws Exception { fa = new"test/testNoErrors/"); fb = new"test/testNoErrors/"); File[] files = new File[]{fa,fb}; IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(); java.util.List<org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlCompilationUnit> asts = m.parseFiles(files); return m.prettyPrint(asts,"NEXT AST"); // Pretty prints a list of asts } /** Tests that a file parses and pretty prints */ // API(String[]), prettyPrint(JmlCompilationUnit, true), parseFiles @Test public void testParseAndPrettyPrint() { start(true); try { String s = parseAndPrettyPrintFromJavaFileObject(); check("",""); s = s.replace('\\','/'); compareStrings(prettyprint,s); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } /** Tests that a file parses and pretty prints, using the no-argument * API constructor. */ // API(), prettyPrint(JmlCompilationUnit, true), parseFiles @Test public void testParseAndPrettyPrint2() { start(true); try { String s = parseAndPrettyPrintFromFile(); check("",""); s = s.replace('\\','/'); compareStrings(prettyprint,s); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } @Test public void testParseAndPrettyPrint3() { start(true); try { String s = parseAndPrettyPrintFromMultipleFiles(); check("","error: error reading test\\testNoErrors\\; test\\testNoErrors\\ (The system cannot find the file specified)\r\n" ); s = s.replace('\\','/'); compareStrings(prettyprint4,s); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } @Test public void testParseAndPrettyPrint4() { start(true); try { String s = parseAndPrettyPrintFromFileArray(); check("","error: error reading test\\testNoErrors\\; test\\testNoErrors\\ (The system cannot find the file specified)\r\n" ); s = s.replace('\\','/'); compareStrings(prettyprint4,s); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } String parseAndPrettyPrintSingleFile() throws Exception { String f = "test/testNoErrors/"; IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(); return m.prettyPrint(m.parseSingleFile(f)); } String parseAndPrettyPrintSingleFile2() throws Exception { IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(); JavaFileObject f = m.makeJFOfromFilename("test/testNoErrors/"); return m.prettyPrint(m.parseSingleFile(f)); } /** Tests that a file parses and pretty prints */ // API(), prettyPrint(JmlCompilationUnit, true), parseSingleFile @Test public void testParseAndPrettyPrint5() { start(true); try { String s = parseAndPrettyPrintSingleFile(); check("",""); s = s.replace('\\','/'); compareStrings(prettyprint2,s); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } /** Tests that a file parses and pretty prints */ // API(), prettyPrint(JmlCompilationUnit, true), parseSingleFile @Test public void testParseAndPrettyPrint5a() { start(true); try { String s = parseAndPrettyPrintSingleFile2(); check("",""); s = s.replace('\\','/'); compareStrings(prettyprint2,s); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } @Test public void testAttach() { start(true); try { IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI("-no-purityCheck"); String s1 = "public class A { /*@ ensures X;*/ void f() {} }"; //String s2 = "public class A { /*@ requires Z; ensures Y;*/ void f(); }"; JavaFileObject f1 = m.makeJFOfromString("",s1); //JavaFileObject f2 = m.makeJFOfromString("A.jml",s2); JmlCompilationUnit ast1 = m.parseSingleFile(f1); //JmlCompilationUnit ast2 = m.parseSingleFile(f2); m.attachSpecs(ast1,ast1); int n = m.typecheck(ast1); endCapture(); if (n != 1) { System.out.println("Errors: " + n); assertTrue(false); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } @Test public void testAttach2() { start(true); try { IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI("-no-purityCheck"); String s1 = "public class A { /*@ ensures X;*/ void f() {} }"; String s2 = "public class A { /*@ requires Z; ensures Y;*/ void f(); }"; JavaFileObject f1 = m.makeJFOfromString("",s1); JavaFileObject f2 = m.makeJFOfromString("A.jml",s2); JmlCompilationUnit ast1 = m.parseSingleFile(f1); JmlCompilationUnit ast2 = m.parseSingleFile(f2); m.attachSpecs(ast1,ast2); int n = m.typecheck(ast1); endCapture(); if (n != 2) { System.out.println("Errors: " + n); assertTrue(false); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } // @Test // public void testAttach3() { // start(true); // try { // IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI("-no-purityCheck"); // String s1 = "public class A { /*@ ensures true;*/ void f() {} }"; // JavaFileObject f1 = m.makeJFOfromString("",s1); // JmlCompilationUnit ast1 = m.parseSingleFile(f1); // m.attachSpecs(ast1,null); // FIXME - this makes the source file appear to be .jml and not have a binary // int n = m.typecheck(ast1); // endCapture(); // if (n != 0) { // System.out.println("Errors: " + n); // System.out.println(actualOut.toString()); // System.out.println(actualErr.toString()); // assertTrue(false); // } // } catch (Exception e) { // System.out.println(e); // e.printStackTrace(System.out); // assertTrue(false); // } // } @Test public void testAttach5() { start(true); try { IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI("-no-purityCheck"); String s1 = "public class A { void f() {} }"; String s2 = "public class A { void g(); }"; JavaFileObject f1 = m.makeJFOfromString("",s1); JavaFileObject f2 = m.makeJFOfromString("A.jml",s2); JmlCompilationUnit ast1 = m.parseSingleFile(f1); JmlCompilationUnit ast2 = m.parseSingleFile(f2); m.attachSpecs(ast1,ast2); int n = m.typecheck(ast1); endCapture(); // Should be one error - not checking what it is // (the .jml should not declare methods that are not in the .java file) if (n != 1) { System.out.println("Errors: " + n); assertTrue(false); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } String parseAndPrettyPrintString() throws Exception { String prog = "public class A { //@ ghost int i=0;\n }"; IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(); return m.prettyPrint(m.parseString("",prog)); } String parseAndPrettyPrintString2() throws Exception { String prog = "package a.b; public class A { //@ ghost int i=0;\n }"; IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(); return m.prettyPrint(m.parseString("a/b/",prog)); } /** Tests that a String parses and pretty prints */ // API(), prettyPrint(JmlCompilationUnit, true), parseString @Test public void testParseAndPrettyPrint6() { start(true); try { String s = parseAndPrettyPrintString(); check("",""); s = s.replace('\\','/'); compareStrings(prettyprint2a,s); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } /** Tests that a String parses and pretty prints */ // API(), prettyPrint(JmlCompilationUnit, true), parseString @Test public void testParseAndPrettyPrint7() { start(true); try { String s = parseAndPrettyPrintString2(); check("",""); s = s.replace('\\','/'); compareStrings(prettyprint3,s); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } String parseExpression() throws Exception { String expr = "a + b * c"; IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(); return m.prettyPrint(m.parseExpression(expr,false)); } String parseJMLExpression() throws Exception { String expr = "a <==> \\result"; IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(); return m.prettyPrint(m.parseExpression(expr,true)); } String parseStatement() throws Exception { String expr = "a = b;"; IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(); return m.prettyPrint(m.parseStatement(expr,false)); } String parseStatement2() throws Exception { String expr = "while (true) {}"; IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(); return m.prettyPrint(m.parseStatement(expr,false)); } String parseStatement3() throws Exception { String expr = "{ a=b; f(); }"; IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(); return m.prettyPrint(m.parseStatement(expr,false)); } String parseJMLStatement2() throws Exception { String expr = "/*@ assert i < 10;*/"; IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(); return m.prettyPrint(m.parseStatement(expr,false)); } String parseJMLStatement() throws Exception { String expr = "assert i >= 0;"; IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(); return m.prettyPrint(m.parseStatement(expr,true)); } /** Tests parsing an Expression */ @Test public void testParseExpression() { start(true); try { String s = parseExpression(); check("",""); compareStrings("a + b * c",s); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } /** Tests parsing an Expression */ @Test public void testParseJMLExpression() { start(true); try { String s = parseJMLExpression(); check("",""); compareStrings("a <==> \\result",s); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } /** Tests parsing a Statement */ @Test public void testParseStatement() { start(true); try { String s = parseStatement(); check("",""); compareStrings("a = b;",s); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } /** Tests parsing a Statement */ @Test public void testParseStatement2() { start(true); try { String s = parseStatement2(); check("",""); compareStrings("while (true) {" + eol + "}",s); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } /** Tests parsing a Statement */ @Test public void testParseStatement3() { start(true); try { String s = parseStatement3(); check("",""); compareStrings("{" + eol + " a = b;" + eol + " f();" + eol + "}",s); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } /** Tests parsing a Statement */ @Test public void testParseJMLStatement2() { start(true); try { String s = parseJMLStatement2(); check("",""); compareStrings("/*@ assert i < 10;*/",s); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } /** Tests parsing a Statement */ @Test public void testParseJMLStatement() { start(true); try { String s = parseJMLStatement(); check("",""); compareStrings("/*@ assert i >= 0;*/",s); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } /** Tests that a bad option is reported, but ignored */ // API(String), parseFiles, prettyPrint @Test public void testAPI2() { String output = "openjml: invalid flag: -v" + eol + "Usage: openjml <options> <source files>" + eol + "use -help for a list of possible options" + eol; start(true); try { Set<JavaFileObject> set = new HashSet<JavaFileObject>(); IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI("-v"); set.add(m.makeJFOfromFilename("test/testNoErrors/")); //String s = m.prettyPrint(m.parseFiles(set).get(0),true); check(output,""); //s = s.replace('\\','/'); //compareStrings(prettyprint,s); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } // FIXME test API() with writer and diags; test exec; test version; test static execute /** This test builds an AST from a factory and then runs type checking * on the AST. */ // API(), nodeFactory(), context(), node building, prettyPrint(...,false), enterAndCheck(jcu) @Test public void testAPI3() { String out = "/ error: incompatible types: boolean cannot be converted to int"+eol+ "-------------"+eol+ "^"+eol+ "/ error: duplicate class: org.test.A"+eol+ "-------------"+eol+ "^"+eol; String err = ""; try { start(true); IAPI api = Factory.makeAPI("-no-purityCheck"); assertTrue(api.context() != null); JmlTree.Maker f = api.nodeFactory();; // protected int field = 5; JCModifiers mods2 = f.Modifiers(Flags.PROTECTED); Name field = f.Name("field"); JCExpression ty = f.TypeIdent(TypeTag.INT); JCExpression init = f.Literal(true); // Intentional error JCVariableDecl vdecl = f.VarDef(mods2,field,ty,init); // The class declaration JCModifiers mods = f.Modifiers(Flags.PUBLIC); Name a = f.Name("A"); JCClassDecl cldef = f.ClassDef(mods,a,List.<JCTypeParameter>nil(), null, // super class List.<JCExpression>nil(), // List of super interfaces List.<JCTree>of(vdecl)); // An import statement JCExpression n = f.QualIdent("java","io","File"); JCExpression nn = f.QualIdent("java","math","*"); JCImport imp = f.Import(n,false); // import; (false means not static) JCImport imp2 = f.Import(nn,false); // import java.math.*; // The compilation unit JCExpression packageid = f.QualIdent("org","test"); JmlCompilationUnit jcu = f.TopLevel(List.<JCAnnotation>nil(), packageid,List.<JCTree>of(imp,imp2,cldef)); jcu.mode = JmlCompilationUnit.JAVA_SOURCE_FULL; jcu.sourcefile = api.makeJFOfromString("","-------------"); // TODO: docCOmments, endPositions, flags, lineMap, mode, namedImportSCope, // parsedTopLevelModelTypes, starImportScope // refinesClause, specsTopLevelModelTypes, specsSequence // Javadoc comments // FIXME - ressurect doc comments // Map<JCTree,String> doccomments = new HashMap<JCTree,String>(); // doccomments.put(cldef,"/** The class */"); // doccomments.put(vdecl,"/** The field */"); // jcu.docComments = doccomments; //System.out.println(api.prettyPrint(jcu,false)); //FIXME - doc comments do not print Collection<JmlCompilationUnit> coll = new LinkedList<JmlCompilationUnit>(); coll.add(jcu); int errs = api.typecheck(coll); assertEquals(1,errs); java.util.List<JmlCompilationUnit> list = new LinkedList<JmlCompilationUnit>(); list.add(jcu); errs += api.typecheck(list); // Complains about duplicate class check(err,out); //FIXME - i thought the default was to send diags to System.out assertEquals(2,errs); } catch (Exception e) { check(null,null); System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } public void testAPI3a() { String out = "package org.test;"+eol+ eol+ "import;"+eol+ "import java.math.*;"+eol+ eol+ "public class A {"+eol+ " protected int field = true;"+eol+ "}"+eol; String err = "/ incompatible types"+eol+ "-------------"+eol+ "^"+eol+ " required: int"+eol+ " found: boolean"+eol+ "/ duplicate class: org.test.A"+eol+ "-------------"+eol+ "^"+eol; try { start(true); IAPI api = Factory.makeAPI( new PrintWriter(System.err),null,null,"-no-purityCheck"); assertTrue(api.context() != null); JmlTree.Maker f = api.nodeFactory();; // protected int field = 5; JCModifiers mods2 = f.Modifiers(Flags.PROTECTED); Name field = f.Name("field"); JCExpression ty = f.TypeIdent(TypeTag.INT); JCExpression init = f.Literal(true); // Intentional error JCVariableDecl vdecl = f.VarDef(mods2,field,ty,init); // The class declaration JCModifiers mods = f.Modifiers(Flags.PUBLIC); Name a = f.Name("A"); JCClassDecl cldef = f.ClassDef(mods,a,List.<JCTypeParameter>nil(), null, // super class List.<JCExpression>nil(), // List of super interfaces List.<JCTree>of(vdecl)); // An import statement JCExpression n = f.QualIdent("java","io","File"); JCExpression nn = f.QualIdent("java","math","*"); JCImport imp = f.Import(n,false); // import; (false means not static) JCImport imp2 = f.Import(nn,false); // import java.math.*; // The compilation unit JCExpression packageid = f.QualIdent("org","test"); JmlCompilationUnit jcu = f.TopLevel(List.<JCAnnotation>nil(), packageid,List.<JCTree>of(imp,imp2,cldef)); jcu.mode = JmlCompilationUnit.JAVA_SOURCE_FULL; jcu.sourcefile = api.makeJFOfromString("","-------------"); // TODO: docCOmments, endPositions, flags, lineMap, mode, namedImportSCope, // parsedTopLevelModelTypes, starImportScope // refinesClause, specsTopLevelModelTypes, specsSequence // Javadoc comments // FIXME - ressurrect doc comments // Map<JCTree,String> doccomments = new HashMap<JCTree,String>(); // doccomments.put(cldef,"/** The class */"); // doccomments.put(vdecl,"/** The field */"); // jcu.docComments = doccomments; // System.out.println(api.prettyPrint(jcu)); //FIXME - doc comments do not print Collection<JmlCompilationUnit> coll = new LinkedList<JmlCompilationUnit>(); coll.add(jcu); int errs = api.typecheck(coll); assertEquals(1,errs); java.util.List<JmlCompilationUnit> list = new LinkedList<JmlCompilationUnit>(); list.add(jcu); errs += api.typecheck(list); // Complains about duplicate class check(err,out); //FIXME - i thought the default was to send diags to System.out assertEquals(2,errs); } catch (Exception e) { check(null,null); System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } // TODO test enterAndCheck with >1 arguments /** Tests running a scanner over an AST */ // parseString, tree walking // FIXME - document & test different scan modes @Test public void testAPI4() { start(true); try { String program = "public class A { int i; }"; IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(); JCTree ast = m.parseString("",program); TestScanner v = new TestScanner(); v.scanMode = JmlTreeScanner.AST_JAVA_MODE; v.scan(ast); check("",""); assertEquals(1,v.numberClasses); assertEquals(6,v.numberNodes); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } @Test public void testAPI6() { start(true); try { IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(); int exitcode = m.execute(null,"-cp","test/api","test/api/"); assertTrue(exitcode == 0); assertTrue(m.isTypechecked("A")); assertTrue(!m.isTypechecked("B")); m.parseAndCheck(new File("test/api/")); assertTrue(m.isTypechecked("B")); ClassSymbol sym = m.getClassSymbol("B"); m.doESC(sym); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } finally { check("",""); } } @Test public void testAPI5() { start(false); try { IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI("-verbose","-noInternalSpecs"); int exitcode = m.execute(null,"-cp","test/api","test/api/"); assertTrue(exitcode == 0); assertTrue(m.isTypechecked("A")); assertTrue(!m.isTypechecked("B")); m.typecheck(m.parseFiles(new File("test/api/"))); assertTrue(m.isTypechecked("B")); m.doESC(m.getClassSymbol("B")); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } finally { check("",""); } } @Test public void testAPI7() { start(false); try { IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI("-verbose","-noInternalSpecs"); int exitcode = m.execute(null,"-cp","test/api2","test/api2/p1/"); assertTrue(exitcode == 0); assertTrue(m.isTypechecked("p1.A")); assertTrue(!m.isTypechecked("p2.B")); m.typecheck(m.parseFiles(new File("test/api2/p2/"))); assertTrue(m.isTypechecked("p2.B")); ClassSymbol sym = m.getClassSymbol("p2.B"); sym = m.getClassSymbol("p2.B"); m.doESC(sym); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } finally { check("",""); } } public static class TestScanner extends JmlTreeScanner { public int numberClasses = 0; public int numberNodes = 0; public void scan(JCTree node) { if (node != null) numberNodes++; super.scan(node); // Call this to scan child nodes } public void visitJmlClassDecl(JmlClassDecl node) { numberClasses++; super.visitJmlClassDecl(node); // Call this to scan child nodes } } protected boolean deleteAll(File f) { boolean b = true; if (!f.isDirectory()) { return f.delete(); } for (File ff: f.listFiles()) { b = deleteAll(ff) && b; } return b; } /** Test jmldoc through the API */ // FIXME - this and maybe others do not check for errors // jmldoc @Ignore @Test // FIXME - disable until jmldoc is repaired public void testJmldoc() { // File f = new"tempdoc"); // if (f.exists()) { // boolean b = deleteAll(f); // assertTrue(b); // } // try { // int exitcode = API.jmldoc(new String[]{"-d","tempdoc","-notimestamp","-no-purityCheck","-dir","test/jmldoc1/data"}); // assertEquals("Mismatched exit code",0,exitcode); // // FIXME - run the diff program successfully, or do it programmatically //// Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("/usr/bin/diff",new String[]{"-r","-x",".svn","-x","package-tree.html","doc","../test/jmldoc1/expected"}); //// exitcode = p.exitValue(); // assertEquals(0,exitcode); // } catch (Exception e) { // fail(); // } } public final static String program = "public class A { /*@ requires i > 0;*/void m(int i) {} void mm() { m(0); } int ff; int f; public static class B {} }"; /** Tests the enterAndCheck call */ // parseString, enterAndCheck @Test public void testEnterAndCheck() { start(true); try { IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(); m.addOptions("-no-purityCheck"); JmlCompilationUnit jcu = m.parseString("",program); int n = m.typecheck(jcu); check("",""); assertTrue(n == 0); } catch(AssertionError e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { check("",""); System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } @Test public void testOptions() { try { IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(); String s = m.getOption("-x"); assertEquals(null,s); m.addOptions("-x"); s = m.getOption("-x"); assertEquals(null,s); m.main().addUncheckedOption("-x"); s = m.getOption("-x"); assertEquals("",s); m.addUncheckedOption("-x=asd"); s = m.getOption("-x"); assertEquals("asd",s); m.addUncheckedOption("-x=false"); s = m.getOption("-x"); assertEquals(null,s); } catch (Exception e) { fail(); } } @Test public void testClose() { try { IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(); assertTrue(m.context() != null); m.close(); assertTrue(m.context() == null); } catch (Exception e) { fail(); } } // FIXME - test getting symbols by name with outer classes and inheritance /** Tests the symbol utilities call */ // parseString, enterAndCheck, getClassSymbol, getSymbol, getClassDecl, getMethodDecl, getVarDecl @Test public void testSymbolUtilities() { start(true); try { IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(new String[]{"-no-purityCheck"}); JmlCompilationUnit jcu = m.parseString("",program); int n = m.typecheck(new JmlCompilationUnit[]{jcu}); assertTrue(n == 0); check("",""); ClassSymbol csym = m.getClassSymbol("A"); JmlClassDecl cd = m.getClassDecl(csym); JmlClassDecl cdd = m.getClassDecl("A"); ClassSymbol csymm = m.getSymbol(cd); assertEquals(cd,cdd); assertEquals(csym,csymm); assertEquals("A",csym.className().toString()); VarSymbol vsym = m.getVarSymbol(csym,"ff"); assertEquals("ff",vsym.getSimpleName().toString()); JmlVariableDecl vd = m.getVarDecl(vsym); VarSymbol vsymm = m.getSymbol(vd); assertEquals(vsym,vsymm); vsym = m.getVarSymbol(csym,"notexist"); assertEquals(null,vsym); MethodSymbol msym = m.getMethodSymbol(csym,"mm"); assertEquals("mm",msym.getSimpleName().toString()); JmlMethodDecl md = m.getMethodDecl(msym); MethodSymbol msymm = m.getSymbol(md); assertEquals(msym,msymm); msym = m.getMethodSymbol(csym,"notexist"); assertEquals(null,msym); ClassSymbol ccsym = m.getClassSymbol(csym,"B"); assertEquals("B",ccsym.getSimpleName().toString()); JmlClassDecl ccd = m.getClassDecl(ccsym); ClassSymbol ccsymm = m.getSymbol(ccd); assertEquals(ccsym,ccsymm); ccsym = m.getClassSymbol(csym,"notexist"); assertEquals(null,ccsym); PackageSymbol psym = m.getPackageSymbol("java.lang"); assertEquals("java.lang",psym.flatName().toString()); psym = m.getPackageSymbol("org.jmlspecs.lang"); assertEquals("org.jmlspecs.lang",psym.flatName().toString()); psym = m.getPackageSymbol("org.jmlspecs.annotation"); assertEquals("org.jmlspecs.annotation",psym.flatName().toString()); psym = m.getPackageSymbol(""); assertEquals("",psym.flatName().toString()); psym = m.getPackageSymbol("ZZZ"); assertEquals(null,psym); } catch (Exception e) { check("",""); System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } /** Tests the parseAndCheck call */ // parseAndCheck // FIXME test parseAndCheck with errors @Test public void testParseAndCheck() { start(true); try { f = new"test/testNoErrors/"); IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(); m.addOptions("-no-purityCheck"); m.parseAndCheck(f); check("",""); } catch (Exception e) { check("",""); System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } /** Tests the parseAndCheck call */ // parseAndCheck @Test public void testParseAndCheckDuplicate() { start(true); try { DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> dcoll = new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>(); f = new"test/testNoErrors/"); ff = new"test/testNoErrors2/"); IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(new PrintWriter(System.out),dcoll,null); m.addOptions("-no-purityCheck"); m.parseAndCheck(f,ff); // FIXME - expect errors - check for them check("",""); java.util.List<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>> dlist = dcoll.getDiagnostics(); int errs = dlist.size(); assertEquals(1,errs); assertEquals("duplicate class: A",dlist.get(0).getMessage(null)); assertEquals(8,dlist.get(0).getColumnNumber()); assertEquals(1,dlist.get(0).getLineNumber()); assertEquals(7,dlist.get(0).getPosition()); assertEquals(0,dlist.get(0).getStartPosition()); assertEquals(56,dlist.get(0).getEndPosition()); assertEquals("test/testNoErrors2/",dlist.get(0).getSource().getName().toString().replace('\\','/')); } catch (Exception e) { check("",""); System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } /** Tests the parseAndCheck call */ // parseAndCheck @Test public void testParseAndCheckCrash2() { start(true); String out = "error: A class is not defined in the expected file: test\\testNoErrors\\" + eol; try { f = new"test/testNoErrors/"); IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(); m.addOptions("-no-purityCheck"); m.parseAndCheck(f,f); check("",""); } catch (Exception e) { check("",out); // System.out.println(e); // e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } /** Tests the parseAndCheck call */ // parseAndCheck @Test public void testParseAndCheckCrash() { start(true); String out = "error: A class is not defined in the expected file: test\\testNoErrors\\" + eol; try { f = new"test/testNoErrors/"); ff = new"test/testNoErrors/"); IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(); m.addOptions("-no-purityCheck"); m.parseAndCheck(f,ff); check("",""); } catch (Exception e) { check("",out); // System.out.println(e); // e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } /** Tests the parseAndCheck call */ // parseAndCheck @Test public void testParseAndCheck1Errors() { start(true); try { DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> dcoll = new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>(); f = new"test/testSyntaxError/"); IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI( new PrintWriter(System.out),dcoll,null); m.addOptions("-no-purityCheck"); m.parseAndCheck(f); check("",""); java.util.List<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>> dlist = dcoll.getDiagnostics(); int errs = dlist.size(); assertEquals(3,errs); assertEquals("<identifier> expected",dlist.get(0).getMessage(null)); assertEquals("reached end of file while parsing",dlist.get(1).getMessage(null)); assertEquals("cannot find symbol\n symbol: class asdsadads\n location: class A",dlist.get(2).getMessage(null)); } catch (Exception e) { check("",""); System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } /** Tests the parseAndCheck call */ // parseAndCheck // uses specs in the .jml file, not the .java file, so sees no errors @Test public void testParseAndCheck1ErrorsA() { start(true); try { DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> dcoll = new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>(); f = new"test/testJavaErrors/"); IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI( new PrintWriter(System.out),dcoll,null, "-specspath","test/testJavaErrors"); m.addOptions("-no-purityCheck"); m.parseAndCheck(f); check("",""); // FIXME - this does not capture errors java.util.List<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>> dlist = dcoll.getDiagnostics(); int errs = dlist.size(); assertEquals(0,errs); } catch (Exception e) { check("",""); System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } /** Tests the parseAndCheck call */ // parseAndCheck // No specspath so uses the .java file, which has an error @Test public void testParseAndCheck1ErrorsB() { start(true); try { DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> dcoll = new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>(); f = new"test/testJavaErrors/"); IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI( new PrintWriter(System.out),dcoll,null); m.addOptions("-no-purityCheck"); m.parseAndCheck(f); check("",""); java.util.List<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>> dlist = dcoll.getDiagnostics(); int errs = dlist.size(); assertEquals(1,errs); } catch (Exception e) { check("",""); System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } /** Tests the parseAndCheck call */ // parseAndCheck @Test public void testParseAndCheck1ErrorsC() { start(true); try { DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> dcoll = new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>(); f = new"test/testSpecErrors/"); IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI( new PrintWriter(System.out),dcoll,null); m.addOptions("-no-purityCheck"); //m.addOptions("-specspath","test/testSpecErrors"); m.parseAndCheck(f); check("",""); java.util.List<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>> dlist = dcoll.getDiagnostics(); int errs = dlist.size(); assertEquals(0,errs); } catch (Exception e) { check("",""); System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } @Test public void testParseAndCheck1ErrorsD() { start(true); try { DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> dcoll = new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>(); f = new"test/testSpecErrors/"); IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI( new PrintWriter(System.out),dcoll,null,"-specspath","test/testSpecErrors"); m.addOptions("-no-purityCheck"); m.parseAndCheck(f); check("",""); java.util.List<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>> dlist = dcoll.getDiagnostics(); int errs = dlist.size(); assertEquals(1,errs); } catch (Exception e) { check("",""); System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } @Test public void testParseAndCheck1ErrorsE() { start(true); try { DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> dcoll = new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>(); f = new"test/testSpecErrors/"); IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI( new PrintWriter(System.out),dcoll,null); m.addOptions("-no-purityCheck"); m.addOptions("-specspath","test/testSpecErrors"); m.parseAndCheck(f); check("",""); java.util.List<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>> dlist = dcoll.getDiagnostics(); int errs = dlist.size(); assertEquals(1,errs); } catch (Exception e) { check("",""); System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } /** Tests the parseAndCheck call */ // parseAndCheck @Test public void testParseAndCheck2() { start(true); try { f = new"test/testNoErrors/"); IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI(); m.addOptions("-no-purityCheck"); m.parseAndCheck(new File[]{f}); check("",""); } catch (Exception e) { check("",""); System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } // FIXME _ also test various solvers @Test public void testESC() { testESC(""); } @Test @Ignore // FIXME - boogie not implemented public void testESCBoogie() { testESC("-boogie"); } /** Tests ESC */ // doESC [all variations, with and without errors] // getClassSymbol, getMethodSymbol, getProofResult public void testESC(String option) { start(false); try { DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> diags = new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>(); IAPI m = Factory.makeAPI( new PrintWriter(System.out), diags, null, option, "-no-purityCheck"); // if (option.equals("-custom")) { // m.addOptions("openjml.defaultProver","yices"); // } else if (option.equals("-boogie")) { m.addOptions("openjml.defaultProver","z3_4_4"); } else { m.addOptions("openjml.defaultProver","z3_4_4"); } JmlCompilationUnit jcu = m.parseString("",program); int n = m.typecheck(jcu); assertTrue(n==0); ClassSymbol csym = m.getClassSymbol("A"); MethodSymbol mmsym = m.getMethodSymbol(csym,"mm"); MethodSymbol msym = m.getMethodSymbol(csym,"m"); IProverResult res = m.doESC(msym); java.util.List<Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject>> dlist = diags.getDiagnostics(); if (dlist.size() != 0) { // Should be none // Print out observed errors for debugging endCapture(); for (Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject> d: dlist) { System.out.println(d.getMessage(null)); } } //res = m.getProofResult(msym); assertTrue(res != null); assertEquals(0,dlist.size()); assertEquals(IProverResult.UNSAT,res.result()); res = m.doESC(mmsym); endCapture(); //res = m.getProofResult(mmsym); assertTrue(res != null); assertEquals(2,dlist.size()); assertTrue(res.result() == IProverResult.POSSIBLY_SAT || res.result() == IProverResult.SAT); //m.addOptions("-show"); m.doESC(csym); check("",""); assertEquals(4,dlist.size()); } catch(AssertionError e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { check("",""); System.out.println(e); e.printStackTrace(System.out); assertTrue(false); } } /** Tests the makeJFO... methods */ // makeJFO... @Test public void testUtils() { try { IAPI api = Factory.makeAPI(); char[] cb = new char[10000]; FileReader fr = new FileReader(new File("test/testNoErrors/")); int n =,0,cb.length); fr.close(); if (n == -1) fail("Failed to read"); if (n == cb.length) fail("Buffer not large enough"); String fc = new String(cb,0,n); JavaFileObject jfo = api.makeJFOfromFilename("test/testNoErrors/"); assertEquals(JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE,jfo.getKind()); assertEquals(fc,jfo.getCharContent(true).toString()); jfo = api.makeJFOfromString("","public class A{}"); assertEquals(JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE,jfo.getKind()); assertEquals("public class A{}",jfo.getCharContent(true).toString()); jfo = api.makeJFOfromString("A.jml","public class A{}"); assertEquals(JavaFileObject.Kind.OTHER,jfo.getKind()); assertEquals("public class A{}",jfo.getCharContent(true).toString()); jfo = api.makeJFOfromFile(new File("test/testNoErrors/")); assertEquals(JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE,jfo.getKind()); assertEquals(fc,jfo.getCharContent(true).toString()); } catch(AssertionError e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); fail(); } } // TODO: test setProgressReporter, exec // TODO: test enterAndCheck with multiple arguments // TODO: test parseFiles with multiple File arguments // TODO: test parseFiles with multiple JavaFileObject arguments // TODO: test getBasicBlockPRogram // TODO: test collectSuperTypes, collectSuperMethods // TODO: test getSpecs, getAllSpecs for field, method, class // TODO: test getting denested specs // TODO: test prettyprint on list // TODO: what about making mock JFO directories and specspath entries // TODO: test getCEValue // TODO: test copying; test different scan modes // TODO: need a way to reset the context // TODO: test getting specs and symbols // TODO: test combining specs // TODO: comments and javadoc comments }