package org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.testcases; import org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.TCBase; import org.junit.Test; public class typeclauses extends TCBase { String eol = "\n"; // Just newline for Windows also @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { // noCollectDiagnostics = true; // jmldebug = true; super.setUp(); } /** Tests typechecking an invariant clause - OK*/ @Test public void testInvariant() { helpTC(" class A { int k; boolean b; Boolean bb; \n//@ invariant b;\n}"); } /** Tests typechecking an invariant clause - bad type*/ @Test public void testInvariant2() { helpTCF(""," class A { int k; boolean b; Boolean bb; \n//@ invariant k;\n}", "/ incompatible types: int cannot be converted to boolean",15); } /** Tests typechecking an invariant clause - OK from Boolean*/ @Test public void testInvariant3() { helpTC(" class A { int k; boolean b; Boolean bb; \n//@ invariant bb;\n}"); } /** Tests static lookup for invariant */ @Test public void testInvariant4() { helpTC(" class A { int k; boolean b; Boolean bb; \n//@ static invariant bb;\n}" ,"/ non-static variable bb cannot be referenced from a static context",22 ); } /** Tests static lookup for invariant */ @Test public void testInvariant5() { helpTC(" class A { int k; boolean b; static Boolean bb; \n//@ static invariant bb;\n}"); } /** Tests typechecking an constraint clause - OK*/ @Test public void testConstraint() { helpTC(" class A { int k; boolean b; Boolean bb; \n//@ constraint b;\n}"); } /** Tests typechecking an constraint clause - bad type*/ @Test public void testConstraint2() { helpTCF(""," class A { int k; boolean b; Boolean bb; \n//@ constraint k;\n}", "/ incompatible types: int cannot be converted to boolean",16); } /** Tests typechecking an constraint clause - OK from Boolean*/ @Test public void testConstraint3() { helpTC(" class A { int k; boolean b; Boolean bb; \n//@ constraint bb;\n}"); } /** Tests typechecking an constraint clause - OK from Boolean*/ @Test public void testConstraint4() { helpTC(" class A { int k; boolean b; Boolean bb; \n//@ constraint bb for \\everything;\n}"); } /** Tests typechecking an constraint clause - OK from Boolean*/ @Test public void testConstraint5() { helpTC(" class A { public A(){} void m(int i) {} Boolean bb; \n//@ constraint bb for A(), m, m(int), m(Object);\n}" ,"/ Constructors are not allowed as methods in non-static constraint clauses",23 ,"/ incompatible types: java.lang.Object cannot be converted to int",39 ); } /** Tests typechecking an constraint clause - OK from Boolean*/ @Test public void testConstraint5s() { helpTC(" class A { void m(int i) {} static Boolean bb; \n//@ static constraint bb for A();\n}" ); } /** Tests static lookup for constraint */ @Test public void testConstraint6() { helpTC(" class A { void m(int i) {} Boolean bb; \n//@ static constraint bb ;\n}" ,"/ non-static variable bb cannot be referenced from a static context",23 ); } /** Tests static lookup for constraint */ @Test public void testConstraint7() { helpTC(" class A { void m(int i) {} static Boolean bb; \n//@ static constraint bb ;\n}"); } // TODO - the testConstraintM... tests are not implemented @Test public void testConstraintM() { helpTC(" class A { void m(int i) {} Boolean bb; \n//@ constraint bb for m;\n}"); } @Test public void testConstraintM1() { helpTC(" class A { void m(int i) {} Boolean bb; \n//@ constraint bb for mm;\n}"); } @Test public void testConstraintM2() { helpTC(" class A { void m(int i) {} Boolean bb; \n//@ constraint bb for this.m;\n}"); } @Test public void testConstraintM3() { helpTC(" class A { void m(int i) {} Boolean bb; \n//@ constraint bb for A.m;\n}"); } @Test public void testConstraintMA() { helpTC(" class A { void m(int i) {} Boolean bb; \n//@ constraint bb for m(int);\n}"); } @Test public void testConstraintMA1() { helpTC(" class A { void m(int i) {} Boolean bb; \n//@ constraint bb for mm(int);\n}" ,"/ cannot find symbol\n symbol: method mm(int)\n location: class A",23 ); } @Test public void testConstraintMA2() { helpTC(" class A { void m(int i[],Object o) {} void m(int i) {} Boolean bb; \n//@ constraint bb for this.m(int[],Object);\n}"); } @Test public void testConstraintMA3() { helpTC(" class A { void m(Integer i) {} A a; Boolean bb; \n//@ constraint bb for a.m(java.lang.Integer);\n}"); } @Test public void testConstraintMA3s() { helpTC(" class A { static void m(Integer i) {} Boolean bb; \n//@ constraint bb for A.m(java.lang.Integer);\n}"); } @Test public void testConstraintMA3e() { helpTC(" class A { void m(Integer i) {} A a; Boolean bb; \n//@ constraint bb for A.m(java.lang.Integer);\n}" ,"/ non-static method m(java.lang.Integer) cannot be referenced from a static context",25 ); } @Test public void testConstraintMA3se() { helpTC(" class A { static void m(Integer i) {} A a; Boolean bb; \n//@ constraint bb for a.m(java.lang.Integer);\n}"); } @Test public void testConstraintMA4() { helpTC(" class A extends B { Boolean bb; \n//@ constraint bb for m(java.lang.Integer);\n} class B { void m(Integer i) {} }" ,"/ The method must be a direct member of the class containing the constraint clause",23 ); } @Test public void testConstraintMA5() { helpTC(" class A { Boolean bb; \n//@ constraint bb for B.m(java.lang.Integer);\n} class B { void m(Integer i) {} }" ,"/ non-static method m(java.lang.Integer) cannot be referenced from a static context",25 // FIXME - not sure this error is correct ,"/ The method must be a direct member of the class containing the constraint clause",23 ); } /** Tests typechecking an axiom clause - OK*/ @Test public void testAxiom() { helpTC(" class A { int k; boolean b; Boolean bb; \n//@ axiom b;\n}"); } /** Tests typechecking an axiom clause - bad type*/ @Test public void testAxiom2() { helpTCF(""," class A { int k; boolean b; Boolean bb; \n//@ axiom k;\n}", "/ incompatible types: int cannot be converted to boolean",11); } /** Tests typechecking an axiom clause - OK from Boolean*/ @Test public void testAxiom3() { helpTC(" class A { int k; boolean b; Boolean bb; \n//@ axiom bb;\n}"); } /** Tests typechecking an initially clause - OK*/ @Test public void testInitially() { helpTC(" class A { int k; boolean b; Boolean bb; \n//@ initially b;\n}"); } /** Tests typechecking an initially clause - bad type*/ @Test public void testInitially2() { helpTCF(""," class A { int k; boolean b; Boolean bb; \n//@ initially k;\n}", "/ incompatible types: int cannot be converted to boolean",15); } /** Tests typechecking an initially clause - OK from Boolean*/ @Test public void testInitially3() { helpTC(" class A { int k; boolean b; Boolean bb; \n//@ initially bb;\n}"); } /** Tests typechecking an initially clause - OK from Boolean*/ @Test public void testInitially4() { helpTCF(""," class A { int k; boolean b; Boolean bb; \n//@ initially x;\n}", "/ cannot find symbol\n symbol: variable x\n location: class A",15); } /** Tests initially may be static */ @Test public void testInitially5() { helpTCF(""," class A { int k; boolean b; Boolean bb; \n//@ static initially b;\n}" ,"/ non-static variable b cannot be referenced from a static context",22 ); } @Test public void testRepresents() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ model int i; represents i = true;\n}" ,"/ incompatible types: boolean cannot be converted to int",34 ); } @Test public void testRepresents1() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ model int i; represents i <- true;\n}" ,"/ incompatible types: boolean cannot be converted to int",35 ); } @Test public void testRepresents2() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ model int i; represents i \\such_that 0;\n}" ,"/ incompatible types: int cannot be converted to boolean",43 ); } @Test public void testRepresents3() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ model int i; represents j = 0;\n}" ,"/ cannot find symbol\n symbol: variable j\n location: class A",30 ); } @Test public void testRepresents4() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ model int i; represents i :0;\n}" ,"/ A represents clause must have a = or \\such_that after the identifier",32 ); } @Test public void testRepresents5() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ model int j; represents j = ;\n}" ,"/ illegal start of expression",34 ); } @Test public void testRepresents6() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ model int i; represents j = 0\n}" ,"/ The expression is invalid or not terminated by a semicolon",35 ,"/ cannot find symbol"+eol+" symbol: variable j"+eol+" location: class A",30 ); } @Test public void testRepresents7() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ model int i; represents x = 0\n}" ,"/ The expression is invalid or not terminated by a semicolon",35 ,"/ cannot find symbol"+eol+" symbol: variable x"+eol+" location: class A",30 ); } @Test public void testRepresents8() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ model int i; represents x.* = 0\n}" ,"/ Expected an identifier after the dot in this context",32 ,"/ A represents clause must have a = or \\such_that after the identifier",37 ,"/ cannot find symbol"+eol+" symbol: variable x"+eol+" location: class A",30 ); } @Test // FIXME - why is strict on here? isn't the default false public void testRepresents9() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ model int i; represents x[*] = 0\n}" ,"/ Strict JML does not allow the [*] syntax",32 ,"/ The expression is invalid or not terminated by a semicolon",38 ,"/ cannot find symbol"+eol+" symbol: variable x"+eol+" location: class A",30 ); } @Test public void testRepresents10() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ model int i; represents x[3] = 0;\n}" ,"/ cannot find symbol\n symbol: variable x\n location: class A",30 ); } @Test public void testRepresents11() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ model int i; static represents i = 0;\n}" ,"/ A represents clause and its associated model field must both be static or both not be static",26 ); } @Test public void testRepresents12() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ model static int i; represents i = 0;\n}" ,"/ A represents clause and its associated model field must both be static or both not be static",26 ); } @Test public void testRepresents13() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ ghost int i; represents i = 0;\n}" ,"/ The target of a represents clause must be a model field",19 ); } @Test public void testRepresents14() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n int i; //@ represents i = 0;\n}" ,"/ The target of a represents clause must be a model field",13 ); } @Test public void testRepresents13a() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml","public class A {\n //@ ghost int i; represents i = 0;\n}"); helpTCF("","public class A {\n }" ,"/$A/A.jml:2: The target of a represents clause must be a model field",19 ); } @Test public void testRepresents14a() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml","public class A {\n //@ represents i = 0;\n}"); helpTCF("","public class A {\n int i; \n}" ,"/$A/A.jml:2: The target of a represents clause must be a model field",6 ); } /** Check that the target of a static represents clause is in the same class */ @Test public void testRepresents15() { helpTCF("","public class A extends B {\n //@ static represents i = 0;\n} class B { //@ static model int i; \n}" ,"/ A represents clause must be declared in the same class as the static model field it represents",13 ); } /** Check that the rhs of a static represents clause contains only static fields */ @Test public void testRepresents16() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n static int k; int j; //@ model static int i; static represents i = k;\n}" ); } /** Check that the rhs of a static represents clause contains only static fields */ @Test public void testRepresents16a() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n static int k; int j; //@ model static int i; static represents i = j;\n}" ,"/ non-static variable j cannot be referenced from a static context",69 ); } /** Check that warning that <- is deprecated */ @Test public void testRepresents17() { expectedExit = 0; main.addOptions("-deprecation"); helpTCF("","public class A {\n static int j; //@ model static int i; static represents i <- j;\n}" ,"/ warning: The left arrow is deprecated in represents clauses, use = instead",61 ); } @Test public void testMisc() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ ensures ((boolean)\\result);\n int m() { return 0; }}" ,"/ incompatible types: int cannot be converted to boolean",24 ); } @Test public void testMisc2() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ ensures ((short)\\result) == 0;\n int m() { return 0; }}" ); } @Test public void testMisc3() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ public normal_behavior ensures true; public model boolean m(); \n }" ); } @Test public void testForall() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ forall int i,j; old boolean k=true, m = false; requires i == 0; \n public void m() {}}" ); } @Test public void testForall2() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ forall int i=0,j; old boolean k, m = false; requires i == 0; \n public void m() {}}" ,"/ A forall method clause declaration must not have initializers",19 ,"/ A old method clause variable must have an initializer",36 ); } @Test public void testForall3() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ old int i=true; old boolean m=0; requires i == 0; \n public void m() {}}" ,"/ incompatible types: boolean cannot be converted to int",16 ,"/ incompatible types: int cannot be converted to boolean",36 ); } @Test public void testForall4() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ forall int j; old int k=0; requires i+j<k; \n public void m(int i) {}}" ); // OK } @Test public void testForall5() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ forall boolean j; old boolean k=true; requires i+j<k; \n public void m(boolean i) {}}" ,"/ bad operand types for binary operator '+'\n first type: boolean\n second type: boolean",55 ); } @Test public void testForall6() { helpTCF("","public class A { int i,j,k; \n //@ forall boolean j; old boolean k=true; requires i+j<k; \n public void m(boolean i) {}}" ,"/ bad operand types for binary operator '+'\n first type: boolean\n second type: boolean",54 ); } @Test public void testForall7() { // FIXME - this is not the clearest error message - it should refer to the specifications helpTCF("","public class A { \n //@ forall int i; old int k=0 ; requires i<k; \n public void m(int i) {}}" ,"/ variable i is already defined in method m(int)",17 ); } @Test public void testForall8() { // FIXME - this is not the clearest error message - it should refer to the specifications helpTCF("","public class A { \n //@ forall int k; old int k=0 ; requires i<k; \n public void m(int i) {}}" ,"/ variable k is already defined in method m(int)",28 ); } @Test public void testForall9() { // FIXME - this is not the clearest error message - it should refer to the specifications helpTCF("","public class A { \n //@ forall int j; old int k=0 ; requires i<k; \n//@{| forall int m; ensures k<m; also ensures k<m; |} \n public void m(int i) {}}" ,"/ cannot find symbol\n symbol: variable m\n location: class A",49 ); } @Test public void testForall10() { // FIXME - this is not the clearest error message - it should refer to the specifications helpTCF("","public class A { \n //@ forall int j; old int k=0 ; requires i<k; \n//@{| forall int k; ensures k<m; also ensures i==0; |} \n public void m(int i) {}}" ,"/ variable k is already defined in method m(int)",18 ,"/ cannot find symbol\n symbol: variable m\n location: class A",31 ); } @Test public void testSignals() { //OK helpTCF("","public class A {\n//@signals(Exception e) true; \n void m(){}}"); } @Test public void testSignals1() {//OK helpTCF("","public class A {\n//@signals(Exception) true; \n void m(){}}"); } @Test public void testSignals2() { //Bad type helpTCF("","public class A {\n//@signals(Object e) true; \n void m(){}}", "/ incompatible types: java.lang.Object cannot be converted to java.lang.Exception",12); } @Test public void testSignals3() { //Bad syntax helpTCF("","public class A {\n//@signals true; \n void m(){}}", "/ Expected a left parenthesis after a signals keyword",12); } @Test public void testSignals4() { //OK helpTCF("","public class A {\n//@signals(RuntimeException ) ; \n void m(){}}" ); } @Test public void testSignals5() { //Bad type helpTCF("","public class A {\n//@signals( e) 2; \n void m(){}}", "/ incompatible types: int cannot be converted to boolean",35); } @Test public void testSignals6() { //Bad type helpTCF("","public class A {\n//@signals(int e) true; \n void m(){}}", "/ incompatible types: int cannot be converted to java.lang.Exception",12); } @Test public void testSignals7() { //OK - scoping helpTCF("","public class A {\n//@signals( e) e==null; \n void m(){}}"); } @Test public void testSignalsOnly() { //OK helpTCF("","public class A {\n//@signals_only \\nothing;\nvoid m() {}}"); } @Test public void testSignalsOnly1() { //OK helpTCF("","public class A {\n//@signals_only RuntimeException;\nvoid m() {}}"); } @Test public void testSignalsOnly2() { //OK helpTCF("","public class A {\n//@signals_only RuntimeException,Exception;\nvoid m() {}}"); } @Test public void testSignalsOnly3() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n//@signals_only ;\nvoid m() {}}", "/ Use \\nothing to denote an empty list of exceptions in a signals_only clause",17); } @Test public void testSignalsOnly4() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n//@signals_only RuntimeException java.lang.Exception;\nvoid m() {}}", "/ Missing comma or otherwise ill-formed type name",34); } @Test public void testSignalsOnly5() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n//@signals_only RuntimeException,;\nvoid m() {}}", "/ illegal start of type",34); } @Test public void testSignalsOnly6() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n//@signals_only RuntimeException,,RuntimeException;\nvoid m() {}}", "/ illegal start of type",34); } @Test public void testSignalsOnly7() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n//@signals_only RuntimeException\nvoid m() {}}", "/ Invalid expression or missing semicolon here",33); } @Test public void testSignalsOnly8() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n//@signals_only RuntimeException[];\nvoid m() {}}", "/ incompatible types: java.lang.RuntimeException[] cannot be converted to java.lang.Exception",33); } @Test public void testSignalsOnly9() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n//@signals_only int;\nvoid m() {}}", "/ incompatible types: int cannot be converted to java.lang.Exception",17); } @Test public void testSignalsOnly10() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n//@signals_only Q;\nvoid m() {}}", "/ cannot find symbol\n symbol: class Q\n location: class A",17); } @Test public void testIn() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ model JMLDataGroup k; \n int n; //@ in k; \n}" ); } @Test public void testIn2() { helpTCF("","public class A extends B{\n /*@ spec_public */ protected int k; \n int n; //@ in k, this.k, super.kk; \n} class B { //@ model int kk; \n}" ,"/ Datagroups in \"in\" and \"maps\" clauses must be model variables",16 ,"/ Datagroups in \"in\" and \"maps\" clauses must be model variables",19 ); } @Test public void testIn3() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n /*@ spec_public */ protected int k; \n int n; //@ in m; \n}" ,"/ cannot find symbol\n symbol: variable m\n location: class A",16 ); } @Test public void testIn4() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ model static int m; \n int n; //@ in m; \n}" ,"/ A non-static variable may not be in a static datagroup",16 ); } @Test public void testMaps() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ model JMLDataGroup k; \n A next; //@ maps \\into k; \n}" ); } @Test public void testMaps2() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ model JMLDataGroup k; \n A[] next; //@ maps next[*].next \\into k; \n}" ); } @Test public void testMaps2b() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ model JMLDataGroup k; \n A[] next; //@ maps next[*] \\into k; \n}" ); } @Test public void testMaps3() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ model JMLDataGroup k; \n A[] next; //@ maps next[2 .. 3].next \\into k,k; \n}" ); } @Test public void testMaps4() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ model JMLDataGroup k; \n A[] next; //@ maps next[2].next \\into this.k; \n}" ); } // TODO - should have some tests checking recovery in maps clauses @Test public void testInitializer() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@initializer static_initializer \n}" ); } @Test public void testInitializer1() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@initializer static_initializer initializer static_initializer\n}" ,"/ Only one initializer specification and one static_initializer specification are allowed",36 ,"/ Only one initializer specification and one static_initializer specification are allowed",48 ); } /** Tests that specs get associated with the initializer */ @Test public void testInitializer2() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n public int i; public static int j; //@ ensures i==0; initializer ensures j == 0; static_initializer \n}" ); } /** Tests that variable references in a static initializer must be static */ @Test public void testInitializer3() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n public int i; public static int j; //@ ensures i == 0; static_initializer \n}" ,"/ non-static variable i cannot be referenced from a static context",49 ); } @Test public void testInitializer4() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml","public class A {\n public int i; public static int j; //@ ensures i == 0; static_initializer \n}"); helpTCF("","public class A {\n public int i; public static int j; \n}" ,"/$A/A.jml:2: non-static variable i cannot be referenced from a static context",49 ); } @Test public void testInitializer5() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml","public class A {\n int i; static int j; static {} \n}"); helpTCF("","public class A {\n int i; static int j; \n}" ,"/$A/A.jml:2: Initializer blocks are not allowed in specifications",30 ); } @Test public void testInitializer6() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n {} static {} \n}" ); } @Test public void testInitializer7() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n //@ {} static {} {} static {}\n}" ); } /** Tests that specs are parsed with the Java initializer */ @Test public void testInitializer8() { helpTCF("","public class A {\n public int i; static public int j; //@ ensures i==0; \n {} //@ ensures i==0; \n static {} \n}" ,"/ non-static variable i cannot be referenced from a static context",17 ); } @Test public void testInitializer9() { helpTCF("","public class A {int i; static int j; \n \n static { i = 0; } \n}" ,"/ non-static variable i cannot be referenced from a static context",11 ); } @Test public void testInitializer10() { helpTCF("","public class A {public int i; public static int j; \n //@ ensures i==0; \n static { i = 0; } \n}" ,"/ non-static variable i cannot be referenced from a static context",11 ,"/ non-static variable i cannot be referenced from a static context",14 ); } // OK @Test public void testMonitorsFor() { helpTCF("","public class A {A a; Object i,j,k; //@ monitors_for i = j,a.k,Object.class; \n }" ); } @Test public void testMonitorsFor1() { helpTCF("","public class A {Object i,j,k; int m; //@ monitors_for i = 5; \n }" ,"/ The expression in a monitors_for clause must have reference type",59 ); } @Test public void testMonitorsFor2() { helpTCF("","public class A {Object i,j,k; int m; //@ monitors_for i <- m; \n }" ,"/ The expression in a monitors_for clause must have reference type",60 ); } // OK - static does not matter @Test public void testMonitorsFor3() { helpTCF("","public class A {Object i,j; static Object k; //@ monitors_for k = i,A.k; \n }" ); } @Test public void testMonitorsFor4() { helpTCF("","public class A {Object i,j; static Object k; //@ monitors_for k = Object; \n }" ,"/ cannot find symbol\n symbol: variable Object\n location: class A",68 ); } @Test public void testMonitorsFor5() { helpTCF("","public class A extends B {Object i,j; static Object k; //@ monitors_for z = i; \n } class B { public Object z; }" ,"/ The identifier must be a member of the enclosing class: z is in B instead of A",74 ); } //OK @Test public void testReadable() { helpTCF("","public class A extends B {Object i,j; static Object k; //@ readable j if i == null; writable j if i == null; \n } class B { public Object z; }" ); } @Test public void testReadable1() { helpTCF("","public class A extends B {Object i,j; static Object k; //@ readable k if i == null; writable k if i == null; \n } class B { public Object z; }" ,"/ non-static variable i cannot be referenced from a static context",75 ,"/ non-static variable i cannot be referenced from a static context",100 ); } @Test public void testReadable2() { helpTCF("","public class A extends B {Object i,j; static Object k; //@ readable z if i == null; writable z if i == null; \n } class B { Object z; }" ,"/ The identifier must be a member of the enclosing class: z is in B instead of A",70 ,"/ The identifier must be a member of the enclosing class: z is in B instead of A",95 ); } //OK @Test public void testReadable3() { helpTCF("","public class A extends B {Object i,j; static Object k; //@ readable k if k == null; writable k if k == null; \n } class B { public Object z; }" ); } //OK @Test public void testReadable4() { helpTCF("","public class A extends B {Object i,j; static Object k; //@ readable i if this == null; writable i if this == null; \n } class B { public Object z; }" ); } @Test public void testReadable5() { helpTCF("","public class A extends B {Object i,j; static Object k; //@ readable k if this == null; writable k if this == null; \n } class B { public Object z; }" ,"/ non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context",75 ,"/ non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context",103 ); } //OK @Test public void testReadable6() { helpTCF("","public class A extends B {Object i,j; static Object k; //@ readable k if Object.class == null; writable k if Object.class == null; \n } class B { public Object z; }" ); } }