package org.jmlspecs.openjmltest; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlSpecs; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.Strings; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import; import; import; /** This is a base class for unit test files that exercise the RAC. * It inherits from JmlTestCase the diagnostic collector implementation * and the (optional) collection of System.out and System.err. It * implements as well the mechanisms for running RAC via programmatic * calls to openjml and then executing the resulting program. * * @author David R. Cok * */ public abstract class RacBase extends JmlTestCase { public final static String OpenJMLDemoPath = "../../OpenJMLDemo"; public final static String OpenJMLNonPublicDemoPath = "../../OpenJMLDemoNonPublic"; protected String testspecpath1 = "$A"+z+"$B"; protected String testspecpath; protected int expectedExit = 0; // Expected result of compiler protected int expectedRACExit = 0; // Expected result of RACed program protected int expectedNotes; // Number of messages to ignore (e.g. uninteresting compiler warnings) protected boolean jdkrac = false; // Set to true to do external system tests of RAC (emulating outside of JUnit) protected boolean continueAnyway = false; // If true, attempt to run the program despite compiler warnings or errors protected String expected_compile = "expected-compile"; protected String expected_run = "expected-run"; /** These are the default command-line arguments for running the RACed * program. The first argument is the java executable; the null argument * is replaced by the class name of the class containing the main method. * */ protected String[] defrac = new String[]{jdk, "-ea", "-classpath","../OpenJML/bin"+z+"../OpenJML/bin-runtime"+z+"testdata",null}; /** These are actual command-line arguments, if they are set differently * by a subclass. */ protected String[] rac; // initialized in subclasses @BeforeClass public static void mktempdirectory() { File f = new File("testdata"); if (!f.exists()) { f.mkdir(); } } /** Derived classes can initialize * testspecpath1 - the specspath to use * <BR>jdkrac - default is false; if true, adjusts the classpath??? * <BR>rac - the command-line to run the raced program; default is the contents of defrac * <BR> * After this call, if desired, modify * <BR>print - if true, prints out errors as encountered, for test debugging (and disables failing the JUnit test if the error mismatches) * <BR>expectedExit - the expected exit code from running openjml * <BR>expectedRacExit - the expected exit code from running the RACed program * <BR>expectedErrors - the expected number of errors from openjml (typically and by default 0) */ @Override @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { //System.out.println("Using " + jdk); // Use the default specs path for tests testspecpath = testspecpath1; // Define a new collector that filters out the notes collector = new FilteredDiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>(false); super.setUp(); // Setup the options main.addOptions("-specspath", testspecpath); main.addOptions("-d", "testdata"); // This is where the output program goes main.addOptions("-rac","-racJavaChecks","-racCheckAssumptions"); if (jdkrac) { String sy = Options.instance(context).get(Strings.eclipseProjectLocation); if (sy == null) { fail("The OpenJML project location should be set using -D" + Strings.eclipseProjectLocation + "=..."); } else if (!new File(sy).exists()) { fail("The OpenJML project location set using -D" + Strings.eclipseProjectLocation + " to " + sy + " does not exist"); } else { main.addOptions("-classpath",sy+"/testdata"+z+sy+"/jdkbin"+z+sy+"/bin"); } } main.addOptions("-showNotImplemented"); main.addOptions("-no-purityCheck"); // System specs have a lot of purity errors, so turn this off for now main.addOptions("-no-internalSpecs"); // Faster with this option; should work either way main.addOptions("-no-racShowSource"); specs = JmlSpecs.instance(context); expectedExit = 0; expectedRACExit = 0; expectedNotes = 2; // Two lines to ignore print = false; } @Override public void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); specs = null; } public static String macstring = "Exception in thread \"main\" "; /** This method does the running of a RAC test for tests that supply with body * of a file as a String. * No output is * expected from running openjml to produce the RACed program; * the number of expected diagnostics is set by 'expectedErrors'. * @param classname The fully-qualified classname for the test class * @param compilationUnitText the compilation unit text which will be put in a mock file * @param list any expected diagnostics from openjml, followed by the error messages from the RACed program, line by line */ public void helpTCX(String classname, String compilationUnitText, Object... list) { String term = "\n|(\r(\n)?)"; // any of the kinds of line terminators StreamGobbler out=null,err=null; boolean isMac = System.getProperty("").contains("Mac"); try { ListBuffer<JavaFileObject> files = new ListBuffer<JavaFileObject>(); String filename = classname.replace(".","/")+".java"; JavaFileObject f = new TestJavaFileObject(filename,compilationUnitText); files.append(f); for (JavaFileObject ff: mockFiles) { if (ff.toString().endsWith(".java")) files.append(ff); } Log.instance(context).useSource(files.first()); int ex = main.compile(new String[]{}, null, context, files.toList(), null).exitCode; if (print) printDiagnostics(); int observedMessages = collector.getDiagnostics().size() - expectedNotes; if (observedMessages < 0) observedMessages = 0; for (int i=0; i<observedMessages; i++) { int k = 2*i + 2*expectedNotes; if (k >= list.length) { if (!print) printDiagnostics(); fail("More diagnostics than expected"); } String s = noSource(collector.getDiagnostics().get(i)); if (s.startsWith(macstring) && isMac) s = s.substring(macstring.length()); assertEquals("Message " + i, list[k].toString(), s); assertEquals("Message " + i, ((Integer)list[k+1]).intValue(), collector.getDiagnostics().get(i).getColumnNumber()); } if (ex != expectedExit) fail("Compile ended with exit code " + ex); if (ex != 0 && !continueAnyway) return; if (rac == null) rac = defrac; rac[rac.length-1] = classname; Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(rac); out = new StreamGobbler(p.getInputStream()); err = new StreamGobbler(p.getErrorStream()); out.start(); err.start(); if (timeout(p,10000)) { // 10 second timeout fail("Process did not complete within the timeout period"); } int i = observedMessages*2; if (print) { String data = out.input(); if (data.length() > 0) { String[] lines = data.split(term); for (String line: lines) { System.out.println("OUT: " + line); } } data = err.input(); if (data.length() > 0) { String[] lines = data.split(term); for (String line: lines) { System.out.println("ERR: " + line); } } } String data = out.input(); if (data.length() > 0) { String[] lines = data.split(term); for (String line: lines) { if (i < list.length) assertEquals("Output line " + i, list[i], line); i++; } } data = err.input(); if (data.length() > 0) { String[] lines = data.split(term); for (String line: lines) { if (isMac && !line.equals(list[i]) && line.startsWith(macstring)) line = line.substring(macstring.length()); if (i < list.length) assertEquals("Output line " + i, list[i], line); i++; } if (isMac && i < list.length && list[i].equals(macstring)) i++; } if (i != list.length && !print) { // if print, then we already printed printDiagnostics(); } if (i> list.length) fail("More output than specified: " + i + " vs. " + list.length + " lines"); if (i< list.length) fail("Less output than specified: " + i + " vs. " + list.length + " lines"); if (p.exitValue() != expectedRACExit) fail("Exit code was " + p.exitValue()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); fail("Exception thrown while processing test: " + e); } catch (AssertionError e) { if (!print) printDiagnostics(); if (!print && !noExtraPrinting) { if (out != null) { String[] lines = out.input().split(term); for (String line: lines) { System.out.println("OUT: " + line); } } if (err != null) { String[] lines = err.input().split(term); for (String line: lines) { System.out.println("ERR: " + line); } } } throw e; } finally { // if (r != null) // try { r.close(); } // catch ( e) { // // Give up if there is an exception // } // if (rerr != null) // try { rerr.close(); } // catch ( e) { // // Give up if there is an exception // } } } // The following is for tests based on files protected boolean runrac = true; /** The command-line to use to run RACed programs - note the inclusion of the * RAC-compiled JDK library classes ahead of the regular Java libaray classes * in the boot class path. (This may not work on all platforms) */ String[] sysrac = new String[]{jdk, "-classpath","bin"+z+"../OpenJML/bin-runtime"+z+"testdata",null}; /** Call this as a setup routine, followed by RacBase.setUp for file based tests */ public void setUpForFiles() throws Exception { rac = sysrac; jdkrac = true; runrac = true; } /** This method does the running of a RAC test that is based in an external file. No output is * expected from running openjml to produce the RACed program; * the number of expected diagnostics is set by 'expectedErrors'. * @param dirname The directory containing the test sources, a relative path * from the project folder * @param mainClassname The fully-qualified classname for the test class (where main is) * @param list any expected diagnostics from openjml, followed by the error messages from the RACed program, line by line */ public void helpTCF(String dirname, String outputdir, String mainClassname, String ... opts) { boolean print = false; StreamGobbler out=null,err=null; try { String actCompile = outputdir + "/actual-compile"; String actRun = outputdir + "/actual-run"; new File(outputdir).mkdirs(); new File(actCompile).delete(); new File(actRun).delete(); List<String> args = new LinkedList<String>(); //args.add("-no-jml"); args.add("-d"); args.add("testdata"); args.add("-rac"); args.add("-no-purityCheck"); args.add("-code-math=java"); if (new File(dirname).isDirectory()) args.add("-dir"); args.add(dirname); args.addAll(Arrays.asList(opts)); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(actCompile); int ex = org.jmlspecs.openjml.Main.execute(pw,null,null,args.toArray(new String[args.size()])); pw.close(); String compdiffs = ""; if (new File(outputdir + "/" + expected_compile).exists()) { compdiffs = compareFiles(outputdir + "/" + expected_compile, actCompile); if (compdiffs == null) { new File(actCompile).delete(); } } else { for (String file: new File(outputdir).list()) { if (!file.contains("expected-compile")) continue; compdiffs = compareFiles(outputdir + "/" + file, actCompile); if (compdiffs == null) { new File(actCompile).delete(); break; } } } if (compdiffs != null) { if (compdiffs.isEmpty()) { fail("No expected output file for compiler output"); } else { System.out.println(compdiffs); // fail("Files differ: " + compdiffs); } } if (ex != expectedExit) fail("Compile ended with exit code " + ex); if (runrac) { if (rac == null) rac = defrac; rac[rac.length-1] = mainClassname; Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(rac); out = new StreamGobbler(p.getInputStream()); err = new StreamGobbler(p.getErrorStream()); out.start(); err.start(); if (timeout(p,10000)) { // 10 second timeout fail("Process did not complete within the timeout period"); } String output = out.input().replaceAll("@[0-9abcdef]+", "@########"); ex = p.exitValue(); output = "OUT:" + eol + output + eol + "ERR:" + eol + err.input(); if (print) System.out.println(output); String diffs = ""; for (String file: new File(outputdir).list()) { if (!file.contains("expected-run")) continue; diffs = compareText(outputdir + "/" + file,output); if (diffs == null) break; } if (diffs != null) { BufferedWriter b = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(actRun)); b.write(output); b.close(); } if (ex != expectedRACExit) fail("Execution ended with exit code " + ex + " " + output); if (diffs != null) { if (diffs.isEmpty()) { fail("No expected output file for runtime output"); } else { System.out.println(diffs); fail("Unexpected output: " + diffs); } } } if (compdiffs != null) fail("Files differ: " + compdiffs); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); fail("Exception thrown while processing test: " + e); } catch (AssertionError e) { throw e; } finally { // Should close open objects } } }