package org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.testcases; import org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.TCBase; import org.junit.Test; public class matchClasses extends TCBase { @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { // noCollectDiagnostics = true; // jmldebug = true; useSystemSpecs = true; super.setUp(); main.addOptions("-no-purityCheck"); //main.addOptions("-jmldebug"); } /** Test something very simple with no errors*/ @Test public void testSimple() { helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { } class B {}"); } @Test public void testDuplicate() { helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { } class A {}" ,"/$A/ duplicate class: A",21 ); } @Test public void testModel() { helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { } /*@ model class B {} */" ); } @Test public void testModelB() { helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { } /*@ class B {}*/ " ,"/$A/ A method or type declaration within a JML annotation must be model",25 ); } @Test public void testModelC() { helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { } /*@ model */ class B {}" ,"/$A/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",34 ); } @Test public void testModelDup() { helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { } /*@ model class A {} */" // Changed for Java 8 ,"/$A/ duplicate class: A",32 // ,"/$A/ This specification declaration of type A has the same name as a previous JML type declaration",32 // ,"/$A/ Associated declaration: /$A/ ",8 ); } @Test public void testJmlSimple() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { } class B {}"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { } class B {}"); } @Test public void testJmlNoMatch() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { } class B {}"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { } " ,"/$A/A.jml:1: This specification declaration of type B does not match any Java type declaration in /$A/",21 ); } @Test public void testJmlExtra() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { } "); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { } class B {}" ); } @Test public void testJmlDupIgnored() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { } "); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { } /*@ model class A {} */"); } @Test public void testJmlDup() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { } class A {}"); helpTCF("$A/", " public class A { } " // Changed for Java 8 ,"/$A/A.jml:1: duplicate class: A",21 // ,"/$A/A.jml:1: This specification declaration of type A has the same name as a previous JML type declaration",21 // ,"/$A/A.jml:1: Associated declaration: /$A/A.jml:1: ",8 ); } @Test public void testJmlDup2() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { } \n/*@ model class A {} */"); helpTCF("$A/", " public class A { } " // Changed for Java 8 ,"/$A/A.jml:2: duplicate class: A",11 // ,"/$A/A.jml:2: This specification declaration of type A has the same name as a previous JML type declaration",11 // ,"/$A/A.jml:1: Associated declaration: /$A/A.jml:2: ",8 ); } @Test public void testJmlDup3() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { } \n/*@ class A {} */"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { } " // Changed for Java 8 ,"/$A/A.jml:2: duplicate class: A",5 // ,"/$A/A.jml:2: This specification declaration of type A has the same name as a previous JML type declaration",5 // ,"/$A/A.jml:1: Associated declaration: /$A/A.jml:2: ",8 ); // FIXME - missing the missing model complaint } @Test public void testJmlMatch() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { } /*@ model class B {} */"); helpTCF("$A/", " public class A { } class B {}" ,"/$A/A.jml:1: A model type may not match a Java type declaration",31 ,"/$A/ Associated declaration: /$A/A.jml:1: ",23 ); } @Test public void testJmlModel() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { } /*@ model class B {} */"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { } " ); } @Test public void testJmlModel2() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { } /*@ class B {} */"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { } " ,"/$A/A.jml:1: A method or type declaration within a JML annotation must be model",26 ); } @Test public void testJmlModel3() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { } /*@ model */ class B {} "); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { } " ,"/$A/A.jml:1: This specification declaration of type B does not match any Java type declaration in /$A/",34 ,"/$A/A.jml:1: A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",34 ); } @Test public void testSimpleField() { helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j; } "); } @Test public void testSimpleFieldDup() { helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j; int j; } " ,"/$A/ variable j is already defined in class A",29 ); } @Test public void testSimpleFieldModelDup() { helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j; \n/*@ model int j; */ } " ,"/$A/ variable j is already defined in class A",15 ); } @Test public void testSimpleFieldModelDup2() { helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j; \n/*@ model */ int j;} " ,"/$A/ variable j is already defined in class A",18 ,"/$A/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",5 ); } @Test public void testSimpleFieldModelDup3() { helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j; \n/*@ int j; */} " ,"/$A/ variable j is already defined in class A",10 ); } @Test public void testJmlSimpleField() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { int j; }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j; } " ); } @Test public void testJmlSimpleFieldTypeError() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { double j; }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j; } " ,"/$A/A.jml:1: The field j in the specification matches a Java field A.j but they have different types: double vs. int",18 ,"/$A/ Associated declaration: /$A/A.jml:1: ",22 ); } @Test public void testJmlSimpleFieldDup() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { /*@ model int j; */ }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j; } " ,"/$A/A.jml:1: variable j is already defined in class A",32 ); } @Test public void testJmlSimpleFieldDup2() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { int j; /*@ model int j; */ }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j; } " ,"/$A/A.jml:1: variable j is already defined in class A",39 ); } @Test public void testJmlSimpleFieldDup4() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { int j; \n/*@ model */ int j; }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j; } " ,"/$A/A.jml:2: A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",5 ,"/$A/A.jml:2: This specification declaration of field j has the same name as a previous field declaration",18 ,"/$A/A.jml:1: Associated declaration: /$A/A.jml:2: ",22 ); } @Test public void testJmlSimpleFieldDup3() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { \n/*@ int j; */ }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j; } " ,"/$A/A.jml:2: variable j is already defined in class A",9 //,"/$A/A.jml:2: A declaration within a JML annotation must be either ghost or model",4 ); } @Test public void testJmlSimpleFieldNoMatch() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { int k; }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j; } " ,"/$A/A.jml:1: The field k is a Java field (neither ghost nor model) but does not match any fields in the corresponding Java class.",22 ); } @Test public void testJmlSimpleFieldNoMatchOK() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { /*@ model int k; */ }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j; } " ); } @Test public void testJmlSimpleFieldNoMatch2() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { /*@ int k; */ }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j; } " ,"/$A/A.jml:1: A declaration within a JML annotation must be either ghost or model",27 ); // FIXME - missing the missing model complaint } @Test public void testJmlSimpleFieldNoMatch3() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { /*@ model */ int k; }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j; } " ,"/$A/A.jml:1: A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",22 ,"/$A/A.jml:1: The field k is a Java field (neither ghost nor model) but does not match any fields in the corresponding Java class.",35 ); } @Test public void testSimpleMethod() { helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j(){return 0;} } "); } @Test public void testSimpleMethodDup() { helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j(){return 0;} int j(){return 0;} } " ,"/$A/ method j() is already defined in class A",41 ); } @Test public void testSimpleMethodModelDup() { helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j(){return 0;} \n/*@ model int j(){return 0;} */ } " ,"/$A/ method j() is already defined in class A",15 ); } @Test public void testSimpleMethodModelDup2() { helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j(){return 0;} \n/*@ model */ int j(){return 0;} } " ,"/$A/ method j() is already defined in class A",18 ,"/$A/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",5 ); } @Test public void testSimpleMethodModelDup3() { helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j(){return 0;} \n/*@ int j(){return 0;} */} " ,"/$A/ method j() is already defined in class A",9 //,"/$A/ A declaration within a JML annotation must be either ghost or model",9 // Duplicate ignored in Java 8 ); } @Test public void testJmlSimpleMethod() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { int j(); }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j(){return 0;} } " ); } @Test public void testJmlSimpleMethodWithBody() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { int j(){return 0;} }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j(){return 0;} } " ,"/$A/A.jml:1: The specification of the method A.j() must not have a body",25 ); } @Test public void testJmlSimpleMethodTypeError() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { double j(); }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j(){return 0;} } " ,"/$A/A.jml:1: The return types of method A.j() are different in the specification and java files: double vs. int",18 // FIXME - should have an associated declaration ); } @Test public void testJmlSimpleMethodTypeError2() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { int j(int k); }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j(){return 0;} } " ,"/$A/A.jml:1: The method A.j(int) is a Java method (neither ghost nor model) but does not match any methods in the corresponding Java class.",22 ); } @Test public void testJmlSimpleMethodDup() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { /*@ model int j(){return 0;} */ }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j(){return 0;} } " ,"/$A/A.jml:1: method j() is already defined in class A",32 ); } @Test public void testJmlSimpleMethodDup2() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { int j(); \n/*@ model int j(){return 0;} */ }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j(){return 0;} } " ,"/$A/A.jml:2: method j() is already defined in class A",15 ); } @Test public void testJmlSimpleMethodDup4() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { int j(); \n/*@ model */ int j(){return 0;} }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j(){return 0;} } " ,"/$A/A.jml:2: A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",5 ,"/$A/A.jml:2: Method j() is already defined in class A",18 ,"/$A/A.jml:1: Associated declaration: /$A/A.jml:2: ",22 ); } @Test public void testJmlSimpleMethodDup5() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { int j(); \n/*@ model */ int j(int k){return 0;} }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j(){return 0;} } " ,"/$A/A.jml:2: A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",5 ,"/$A/A.jml:2: The method A.j(int) is a Java method (neither ghost nor model) but does not match any methods in the corresponding Java class.",18 ); } @Test public void testJmlSimpleMethodDup3() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { \n/*@ int j(); */ }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j(){return 0;} } " ,"/$A/A.jml:2: method j() is already defined in class A",9 //,"/$A/A.jml:2: A declaration within a JML annotation must be either ghost or model",9 // duplicate ignored in Java 8 ); } @Test public void testJmlSimpleMethodNoMatch() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { int k(){return 0;} }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j(){return 0;} } " ,"/$A/A.jml:1: The method A.k() is a Java method (neither ghost nor model) but does not match any methods in the corresponding Java class.",22 ); } @Test public void testJmlSimpleMethodNoMatchOK() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { /*@ model int k(); */ }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j(){return 0;} } " ); } @Test public void testJmlSimpleMethodNoMatch2() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { \n/*@ int k(){return 0;} */ }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j(){return 0;} } " ,"/$A/A.jml:2: The specification of the method A.k() must not have a body",13 // Added for Java 8 ,"/$A/A.jml:2: A method or type declaration within a JML annotation must be model",10 ); } @Test public void testJmlSimpleMethodNoMatch3() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { \n/*@ model */ int k(){return 0;} }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j(){return 0;} } " ,"/$A/A.jml:2: A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",5 ,"/$A/A.jml:2: The method A.k() is a Java method (neither ghost nor model) but does not match any methods in the corresponding Java class.",18 ); } @Test public void testJmlMethodIgnored() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { \n/*@ model int k(){return 0;} */ }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j(){return 0;} \n/*@ model int j(); */ } " ); } @Test public void testJmlFieldIgnored() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml", "public class A { \n int j; /*@ model int k; */ }"); helpTCF("$A/", "public class A { int j; \n/*@ model int j; */ } " ); } // FIXME - need all these corresponding tests for nested classes }