package org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.testcases; import org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.TCBase; import org.junit.Test; /** This tests that for_example and implies_that sections parse properly; * checks the proper use of keywords in them; checks restrictions on * normal and exceptional spec cases * @author David R. Cok * */ public class redundant extends TCBase { // FIXME - what about redundantly keywords @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { // noCollectDiagnostics = true; // jmldebug = true; super.setUp(); } /** basic implies_that and for_example */ @Test public void testRedundant() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ ensures true; implies_that ensures false; for_example ensures true; */\n void m(){} }"); } /** implies_that and for_example with behavior, example */ @Test public void testRedundant1() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ ensures true; implies_that behavior ensures false; for_example example ensures true; */\n void m(){} }"); } /** implies_that and for_example with normal_behavior, normal_example */ @Test public void testRedundant1a() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ ensures true; implies_that normal_behavior ensures false; for_example normal_example ensures true; */\n void m(){} }"); } /** implies_that and for_example with exceptional_behavior, exceptional_example */ @Test public void testRedundant1b() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ ensures true; implies_that exceptional_behavior signals_only Exception; for_example exceptional_example requires true; */\n void m(){} }"); } /** mixed up behavior and example */ @Test public void testRedundant2() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ ensures true; implies_that example ensures false; for_example behavior ensures true; */\n void m(){} }" ,"/ warning: A example specification case must appear in a for_example section",49 ,"/ warning: A behavior specification case must not appear in a for_example section",84 ); } /** mixed up normal_behavior and normal_example */ @Test public void testRedundant2a() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ ensures true; implies_that normal_example ensures false; for_example normal_behavior ensures true; */\n void m(){} }" ,"/ warning: A normal_example specification case must appear in a for_example section",49 ,"/ warning: A normal_behavior specification case must not appear in a for_example section",91 ); } /** mixed up exceptional_behavior and exceptional_example */ @Test public void testRedundant2b() { expectedExit = 0; helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ ensures true; implies_that exceptional_example requires false; for_example exceptional_behavior requires true; */\n void m(){} }" ,"/ warning: A exceptional_example specification case must appear in a for_example section",49 ,"/ warning: A exceptional_behavior specification case must not appear in a for_example section",97 ); } /** also connectors */ @Test public void testRedundant3() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ ensures true; implies_that ensures false; also requires true; for_example ensures true; also normal_example ensures false; */\n void m(){} }"); } /** visibility */ @Test public void testRedundant4() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ ensures true; implies_that public behavior ensures false; */\n void m(){} }"); } /** visibility */ @Test public void testRedundant4b() { helpTCF("","public class A { /*@ ensures true; for_example public normal_example ensures false; */\n void m(){} }"); } }