package org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.testcases; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.TCBase; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.ParameterizedWithNames; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; /** These tests check various improper declarations of model and ghost * methods and fields. * @author David R. Cok * */ @RunWith(ParameterizedWithNames.class) public class modelghost extends TCBase { @Parameters static public Collection<Boolean[]> parameters() { Collection<Boolean[]> data = new ArrayList<>(2); data.add(new Boolean[]{false}); data.add(new Boolean[]{true}); return data; } public modelghost(Boolean b) { useSystemSpecs = b; } @Test public void testClassSimple() { helpTCF("", "public class A { /*@ model int m() { return B.n; } */ C mm() { return C.nn; }}\n" + "/*@ model class B { public static int n; } */\n" + "class C { public static C nn; }" ); } @Test public void testClassSimple2() { helpTCF("", "public class A { /*@ model int m() { return B.n; } */ B mm() { return B.nn; }}\n" + "/*@ model class B { public static int n; } */\n" ,"/ cannot find symbol\n symbol: class B\n location: class A",55 ,"/ cannot find symbol\n symbol: variable B\n location: class A",71 ); } @Test public void testClassSimple3() { helpTCF("", "public class A { /*@ model B m() { return B.n; } */ }\n" + "/*@ model class B { public static B n; } */\n" ); } @Test public void testMethod() { helpTCF("", "public class A { \n" + " void m() {}\n" + // OK " //@ model int m1() { return 0; }\n" + // OK " /*@ model */ int m2() { return 9; }\n" + // BAD " void p();\n" + // BAD " //@ model int p1();\n" + // OK " /*@ model */ int p2();\n" + // BAD " //@ int q();\n" + // BAD " static public class II {\n" + // Line 9 " void m() {}\n" + // OK " //@ model int m1() { return 0; }\n" + // OK " /*@ model */ int m2() { return 9; }\n" + // BAD " void p();\n" + // BAD " //@ model int p1();\n" + // OK " /*@ model */ int p2();\n" + // BAD " //@ int q();\n" + // BAD " }\n" + " /*@ static model public class III {\n" + // Line 18 " void m() {}\n" + // OK " model int m1() { return 0; }\n" + // NO NESTING " void p();\n" + // OK - FIXME - resolve the rules about model methods and embedded model declarations " model int p1();\n" + // NO NESTING " }*/\n" + "}\n" + "/*@ model class B { \n" + // Line 25 " void m() {}\n" + // OK " model int m1() { return 0; }\n" + // NO NESTING " void p();\n" + // OK -- FIXME - as above " model int p1();\n" + // NO NESTING "}\n*/" + " class C { \n" + // Line 31 " void m() {}\n" + // OK " //@ model int m1() { return 0; }\n" + // OK " /*@ model */ int m2() { return 9; }\n" + // BAD " void p();\n" + // BAD " //@ model int p1();\n" + // OK " /*@ model */ int p2();\n" + // BAD " //@ int q();\n" + // BAD "}" // errors in a different order in Java 8 ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",20 ,"/ missing method body, or declare abstract",8 ,"/ missing method body, or declare abstract",20 ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",20 ,"/ A method or type declaration within a JML annotation must be model",11 ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",20 ,"/ missing method body, or declare abstract",8 ,"/ missing method body, or declare abstract",20 ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",20 ,"/ A method or type declaration within a JML annotation must be model",11 ,"/ A model type may not contain model declarations",13 //,"/ missing method body, or declare abstract",8 //,"/ missing method body, or declare abstract",13 ,"/ A model type may not contain model declarations",13 ,"/ A model type may not contain model declarations",14 //,"/ missing method body, or declare abstract",8 //,"/ missing method body, or declare abstract",14 ,"/ A model type may not contain model declarations",14 ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",20 ,"/ missing method body, or declare abstract",8 ,"/ missing method body, or declare abstract",20 ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",20 ,"/ A method or type declaration within a JML annotation must be model",11 // FIXME - beginning of declaration? // ,"/ A JML annotation must start with a JML keyword or have a Model or Ghost annotation: int",7 // ,"/ A JML annotation must start with a JML keyword or have a Model or Ghost annotation: int",7 // ,"/ A JML annotation must start with a JML keyword or have a Model or Ghost annotation: int",7 // ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",20 // ,"/ missing method body, or declare abstract",8 // ,"/ missing method body, or declare abstract",20 // ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",20 // ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",20 // ,"/ missing method body, or declare abstract",8 // ,"/ missing method body, or declare abstract",20 // ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",20 // ,"/ A model type may not contain model declarations",13 // ,"/ missing method body, or declare abstract",8 // ,"/ missing method body, or declare abstract",13 // ,"/ A model type may not contain model declarations",13 // ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",20 // ,"/ missing method body, or declare abstract",8 // ,"/ missing method body, or declare abstract",20 // ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",20 // ,"/ A model type may not contain model declarations",14 // ,"/ missing method body, or declare abstract",8 // ,"/ missing method body, or declare abstract",14 // ,"/ A model type may not contain model declarations",14 ); } @Test public void testUseMethod() { helpTCF("", "public class A { \n" + " boolean m() {}\n" + // OK " //@ model boolean m1() { return true; }\n" + // OK " //@ invariant m() && m1();\n" + " //@ requires m() && m1();\n" + " void p() {} ;\n" + " //@ requires m() && m1();\n" + // BAD - VISIBILITY PROBLEMS " public void pp() {} ;\n" + "}\n" ,"/ An identifier with package visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",16 ,"/ An identifier with package visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",23 ); } @Test public void testUseMethod2() { helpTCF("", "public class A { \n" + " //@ requires B.m() && B.m1();\n" + " static void p() {};\n" + " //@ requires B.m() && B.m1();\n" + // BAD - VISIBILITY PROBLEMS " public static void pp() {} ;\n" + "}\n" + "class B { \n" + " static boolean m() {}\n" + // OK " //@ model static boolean m1() { return true; }\n" + // OK " //@ static invariant m() && m1();\n" + "}\n" ,"/ An identifier with package visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",17 ,"/ An identifier with package visibility may not be used in a requires clause with public visibility",26 ); } @Test public void testUseJML() { if (!useSystemSpecs) return; // Irrelevant if useSystemSpecs is false helpTCF("", "import org.jmlspecs.lang.JML; public class A { \n" + " //@ requires JML.erasure(\\typeof(this)) == JML.erasure(\\type(A));\n" + " void p() {};\n" + "}\n" ); } @Test public void testClass() { helpTCF("", "public class A { \n" + " //@ model static public class B{}\n" + " /*@ model */ static public class C{}\n" + // NOT MODEL " //@ static public class D{}\n" + // SHOULD BE MODEL " public class AA { \n" + " //@ model public class B{}\n" + " /*@ model */ public class C{}\n" + // NOT MODEL " //@ public class D{}\n" + // SHOULD BE MODEL " }\n" + " /*@ model public class M { \n" + // Line 10 " model public class B{}\n" + // NO POINT " public class C{}\n" + " }*/\n" + "}\n" + "/*@ model */ class Y { \n" + // BAD "}\n" + "/*@ model class Q { \n" + " model public class C{}\n" + // NO POINT " public class D{}\n" + "}*/\n" + // Line 20 "class Z { \n" + " //@ model public class B{}\n" + " /*@ model */ public class C{}\n" + // BAD " //@ public class D{}\n" + // BAD "}\n" // Java 8 ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",30 ,"/ A method or type declaration within a JML annotation must be model", 21 ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",26 ,"/ A method or type declaration within a JML annotation must be model", 17 ,"/ A model type may not contain model declarations",19 ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",14 ,"/ A model type may not contain model declarations",17 ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",24 ,"/ A method or type declaration within a JML annotation must be model", 15 // Java 7 // ,"/ A JML annotation must start with a JML keyword or have a Model or Ghost annotation: class",21 // ,"/ A JML annotation must start with a JML keyword or have a Model or Ghost annotation: class",17 // ,"/ A JML annotation must start with a JML keyword or have a Model or Ghost annotation: class",15 // ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",30 // ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",26 // ,"/ A model type may not contain model declarations",19 // ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",14 // ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",24 // ,"/ A model type may not contain model declarations",17 ); } @Test public void testField() { helpTCF("", "public class A { \n" + " int m;\n" + // OK " //@ model int m1;\n" + // OK " //@ ghost int m1a;\n" + // OK " /*@ model */ int m2;\n" + // BAD " /*@ ghost */ int m2a;\n" + // BAD " //@ int q;\n" + // BAD " static public class II {\n" + // Line 8 " int m;\n" + // OK " //@ model int m1;\n" + // OK " //@ ghost int m1a;\n" + // OK " /*@ model */ int m2;\n" + // BAD " /*@ ghost */ int m2a;\n" + // BAD " //@ int q;\n" + // BAD " }\n" + " /*@ static model public class III {\n" + // Line 16 " int m;\n" + // OK " model int m1;\n" + // NO NESTING " ghost int m1a;\n" + // NO NESTING " \n" + " }*/\n" + "}\n" + "/*@ model class B { \n" + // Line 23 " int m;\n" + // OK " model int m1; ghost int m2; \n" + // NO NESTING "}\n*/" + " class C { \n" + // Line 31 " int m;\n" + // OK " //@ model int m1;\n" + // OK " //@ ghost int m1a;\n" + // OK " /*@ model */ int m2;\n" + // BAD " /*@ ghost */ int m2a;\n" + // BAD " //@ int q;\n" + // BAD "}" // Order changed for Java8 ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",20 ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",20 ,"/ A declaration within a JML annotation must be either ghost or model",11 ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",20 ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",20 ,"/ A declaration within a JML annotation must be either ghost or model",11 ,"/ A model type may not contain model declarations",15 ,"/ A model type may not contain ghost declarations",15 ,"/ A model type may not contain model declarations",14 ,"/ A model type may not contain ghost declarations",28 ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",20 ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",20 ,"/ A declaration within a JML annotation must be either ghost or model",11 // FIXME - beginning of declaration? // ,"/ A JML annotation must start with a JML keyword or have a Model or Ghost annotation: int",7 // ,"/ A JML annotation must start with a JML keyword or have a Model or Ghost annotation: int",7 // ,"/ A JML annotation must start with a JML keyword or have a Model or Ghost annotation: int",7 // ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",20 // ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",20 // ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",20 // ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",20 // ,"/ A model type may not contain model declarations",15 // ,"/ A model type may not contain ghost declarations",15 // ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",20 // ,"/ A Java declaration (not within a JML annotation) may not be either ghost or model",20 // ,"/ A model type may not contain model declarations",14 // ,"/ A model type may not contain ghost declarations",28 ); } @Test public void testInitializer() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml","public class A { { i = 2; } }"); helpTCF("","public class A { int i; { i = 1; } } " ,"/$A/A.jml:1: Initializer blocks are not allowed in specifications",18 ); } @Test public void testInitializer2() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml","public class A { } /*@ model class B { int i; { i = 2; } } */ "); helpTCF("","public class A { int i; { i = 1; } } " ); } @Test public void testInitializer2a() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml","public class A { } /*@ model public class B { int i; { i = 2; } } */ "); helpTCF("","public class A { int i; { i = 1; } } " ,"/ class B is public, should be declared in a file named",37 ); } @Test public void testPackage() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml","package p; public class A { /*@ model public class B { int i; { i = 2; } } */ }"); helpTCF("","package p; public class A { int i; { i = 1; } } " ); } @Test public void testPackage2() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml","package pp; public class A { /*@ model public class B { int i; { i = 2; } } */ }"); helpTCF("","package p; public class A { int i; { i = 1; } } " ); } @Test public void testInterface() { helpTCF("","package tt; \n" +"public interface TestJava { \n" +" //@ public model int z;\n" +" //@ static model int z2;\n" +" public static int zz = 0;\n" +"}" ); } }