package org.jmlspecs.openjmltest; import; import; import; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlOption; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlSpecs; import; import; import; import; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** This is a base class for all tests that parse and typecheck a * test string of source code. Mock files are created (or real ones used) * to simulate a set of input files. Any diagnostics are captured with * a listener and compared with the expected diagnostics. * * FIXME - should we be checking the out and err outputs as well? * * @author David R. Cok * */ public abstract class TCBase extends JmlTestCase { protected static String z =; protected static String testspecpath1 = "$A"+z+"$B"+z+"../OpenJML/bin-runtime"; protected String testspecpath; protected int expectedExit = -1; protected boolean useSystemSpecs = false; @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { testspecpath = testspecpath1; collector = new FilteredDiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>(true); super.setUp(); main.addOptions("-specspath", testspecpath + (!useSystemSpecs ? "" : (z + "$SY") )); main.addOptions("-sourcepath", testspecpath); main.addOptions("-classpath", "../OpenJML/bin-runtime"); if (!useSystemSpecs) main.addOptions("-no-internalSpecs"); main.addOptions(JmlOption.PURITYCHECK.optionName()+"=false"); JmlAttr.instance(context); JmlEnter.instance(context); // Needed to avoid circular dependencies in tool constructors that only occur in testing specs = JmlSpecs.instance(context); expectedExit = -1; // -1 means use default: some message==>1, no messages=>0 // this needs to be set manually if all the messages are warnings print = false; } @Override public void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); specs = null; } public void helpFailure(String failureMessage, String s, Object ... list) { noExtraPrinting = true; boolean failed = false; try { helpTC(s,list); } catch (AssertionError a) { failed = true; assertEquals("Failure report wrong",failureMessage,a.getMessage()); } if (!failed) fail("Test Harness failed to report an error"); } public void helpTC(String s, Object ... list) { helpTCX(null,s,list); } public void helpTCF(String filename,String s, Object ... list) { helpTCX(filename,s,list); } public void helpTCX(String filename, String s, Object[] list) { try { JavaFileObject f = new TestJavaFileObject(filename,s); if (filename != null) addMockFile("#B/" + filename,f); Log.instance(context).useSource(f); List<JavaFileObject> files = List.of(f); //comp.compile(files,List.<String>nil(),null); int ex = main.compile(new String[]{ "-Xlint:unchecked" }, null, context, files, null).exitCode; if (print) JmlSpecs.instance(context).printDatabase(); if (print) printDiagnostics(); int i=0; int k = 0; Object p1,p2,p3,p4; for (Diagnostic<? extends JavaFileObject> dd: collector.getDiagnostics()) { if (k >= list.length) break; assertEquals("Message " + i + " mismatch",list[k++],noSource(dd)); p1 = (k < list.length && list[k] instanceof Integer) ? list[k++] : null; p2 = (k < list.length && list[k] instanceof Integer) ? list[k++] : null; p3 = (k < list.length && list[k] instanceof Integer) ? list[k++] : null; p4 = (k < list.length && list[k] instanceof Integer) ? list[k++] : null; if (p4 != null) { assertEquals("Column for message " + i,((Integer)p1).intValue(),dd.getColumnNumber()); assertEquals("Start for message " + i,((Integer)p2).intValue(),dd.getStartPosition()); assertEquals("Position for message " + i,((Integer)p3).intValue(),dd.getPosition()); assertEquals("End for message " + i,((Integer)p4).intValue(),dd.getEndPosition()); } else if (p1 != null) { assertEquals("Column for message " + i,((Integer)p1).intValue(),dd.getColumnNumber()); } else { fail("No positions given for message " + i); } i++; } if (k < list.length) fail("Fewer errors observed (" + collector.getDiagnostics().size() + ") than expected"); if (i < collector.getDiagnostics().size()) fail("More errors observed (" + collector.getDiagnostics().size() + ") than expected (" + i + ")"); if (expectedExit == -1) expectedExit = list.length == 0?0:1; assertEquals("Wrong exit code",expectedExit, ex); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); fail("Exception thrown while processing test: " + e); } catch (AssertionError e) { if (!print && !noExtraPrinting) printDiagnostics(); throw e; } } // /** Used to add a pseudo file to the file system. Note that for testing, a // * typical filename given here might be #B/, where #B denotes a // * mock directory on the specification path // * @param filename the name of the file, including leading directory components // * @param content the String constituting the content of the pseudo-file // */ // protected void addMockFile(/*@ non_null */ String filename, /*@ non_null */String content) { // try { // addMockFile(filename,new TestJavaFileObject(new URI("file:///" + filename),content)); // } catch (Exception e) { // fail("Exception in creating a URI: " + e); // } // } // // /** Used to add a pseudo file to the file system. Note that for testing, a // * typical filename given here might be #B/, where #B denotes a // * mock directory on the specification path // * @param filename the name of the file, including leading directory components // * @param file the JavaFileObject to be associated with this name // */ // protected void addMockFile(String filename, JavaFileObject file) { // specs.addMockFile(filename,file); // } // }