package freeboogie.ast.utils; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.HashMap; import freeboogie.ast.*; import freeboogie.util.Err; /** * Prints AST nodes in a readable (and parseable) way. * * @author rgrig * @author reviewed by TODO */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") // lots of unused parameters public class PrettyPrinter extends Transformer { private static final int indent = 2; // indentation spaces private Writer writer; // where the output is sent /** * The nesting level: * Should be zero when I start and when I finish printing. */ private int indentLevel; private int skipVar; // if >0 then skip "var " // ready made strings to be printed for enums private static final HashMap<AssertAssumeCmd.CmdType,String> cmdRep = new HashMap<AssertAssumeCmd.CmdType,String>(5); private static final HashMap<AtomLit.AtomType,String> atomRep = new HashMap<AtomLit.AtomType,String>(5); private static final HashMap<AtomQuant.QuantType,String> quantRep = new HashMap<AtomQuant.QuantType,String>(5); private static final HashMap<BinaryOp.Op,String> binRep = new HashMap<BinaryOp.Op,String>(29); private static final HashMap<PrimitiveType.Ptype,String> typeRep = new HashMap<PrimitiveType.Ptype,String>(11); private static final HashMap<Specification.SpecType,String> specRep = new HashMap<Specification.SpecType,String>(5); private static final HashMap<UnaryOp.Op,String> unRep = new HashMap<UnaryOp.Op,String>(5); static { cmdRep.put(AssertAssumeCmd.CmdType.ASSERT, "assert "); cmdRep.put(AssertAssumeCmd.CmdType.ASSUME, "assume "); atomRep.put(AtomLit.AtomType.FALSE, "false"); atomRep.put(AtomLit.AtomType.TRUE, "true"); atomRep.put(AtomLit.AtomType.NULL, "null"); quantRep.put(AtomQuant.QuantType.EXISTS, "exists "); quantRep.put(AtomQuant.QuantType.FORALL, "forall "); binRep.put(BinaryOp.Op.AND, " && "); binRep.put(BinaryOp.Op.DIV, " / "); binRep.put(BinaryOp.Op.EQ, " == "); binRep.put(BinaryOp.Op.EQUIV, " <==> "); binRep.put(BinaryOp.Op.GE, " >= "); binRep.put(BinaryOp.Op.GT, " > "); binRep.put(BinaryOp.Op.IMPLIES, " ==> "); binRep.put(BinaryOp.Op.LE, " <= "); binRep.put(BinaryOp.Op.LT, " < "); binRep.put(BinaryOp.Op.MINUS, " - "); binRep.put(BinaryOp.Op.MOD, " % "); binRep.put(BinaryOp.Op.MUL, " * "); binRep.put(BinaryOp.Op.NEQ, " != "); binRep.put(BinaryOp.Op.OR, " || "); binRep.put(BinaryOp.Op.PLUS, " + "); binRep.put(BinaryOp.Op.SUBTYPE, " <: "); typeRep.put(PrimitiveType.Ptype.ANY, "any"); typeRep.put(PrimitiveType.Ptype.BOOL, "bool"); typeRep.put(PrimitiveType.Ptype.INT, "int"); typeRep.put(PrimitiveType.Ptype.NAME, "name"); typeRep.put(PrimitiveType.Ptype.REF, "ref"); specRep.put(Specification.SpecType.ENSURES, "ensures "); specRep.put(Specification.SpecType.MODIFIES, "modifies "); specRep.put(Specification.SpecType.REQUIRES, "requires "); unRep.put(UnaryOp.Op.MINUS, "-"); unRep.put(UnaryOp.Op.NOT, "!"); } /** * Initialize the pretty printer with a writer. * @param w the writer */ public PrettyPrinter(Writer w) { assert w != null; writer = w; indentLevel = 0; skipVar = 0; } /** Swallow exceptions. */ private void say(String s) { try { writer.write(s); } catch (IOException e) {"Can't pretty print. Nevermind."); } } /** Send a newline to the writer. */ private void nl() { say("\n"); // TODO: handle Windows? for (int i = indent * indentLevel; i > 0; --i) say(" "); } /** End command. */ private void semi() { say(";"); nl(); } // === the visiting methods === @Override public void see(ArrayType arrayType, Type rowType, Type colType, Type elemType) { say("["); rowType.eval(this); if (colType != null) { say(", "); colType.eval(this); } say("]"); elemType.eval(this); } @Override public void see(AssertAssumeCmd assertAssumeCmd, AssertAssumeCmd.CmdType type, Expr expr) { say(cmdRep.get(type)); expr.eval(this); semi(); } @Override public void see(AssignmentCmd assignmentCmd, Expr lhs, Expr rhs) { lhs.eval(this); say(" := "); rhs.eval(this); semi(); } @Override public void see(AtomCast atomCast, Expr e, Type type) { say("cast("); e.eval(this); say(", "); type.eval(this); say(")"); } @Override public void see(AtomFun atomFun, String function, Exprs args) { say(function); say("("); if (args != null) args.eval(this); say(")"); } @Override public void see(AtomId atomId, String id) { say(id); } @Override public void see(AtomIdx atomIdx, Atom atom, Index idx) { atom.eval(this); idx.eval(this); } @Override public void see(AtomLit atomLit, AtomLit.AtomType val) { say(atomRep.get(val)); } @Override public void see(AtomNum atomNum, BigInteger val) { say(val.toString()); } @Override public void see(AtomOld atomOld, Expr e) { say("old("); e.eval(this); say(")"); } @Override public void see(AtomQuant atomQuant, AtomQuant.QuantType quant, Declaration vars, Trigger trig, Expr e) { ++skipVar; say("("); say(quantRep.get(quant)); vars.eval(this); say(" :: "); if (trig != null) trig.eval(this); e.eval(this); say(")"); --skipVar; } @Override public void see(Axiom axiom, Expr expr, Declaration tail) { say("axiom "); expr.eval(this); semi(); if (tail != null) tail.eval(this); } @Override public void see(BinaryOp binaryOp, BinaryOp.Op op, Expr left, Expr right) { say("("); left.eval(this); say(binRep.get(op)); right.eval(this); say(")"); } @Override public void see(Block block, String name, Commands cmds, Identifiers succ, Block tail) { say(name); say(":"); ++indentLevel; nl(); if (cmds != null) cmds.eval(this); if (succ == null) { say("return"); } else { say("goto "); succ.eval(this); } semi(); --indentLevel; nl(); if (tail != null) tail.eval(this); } @Override public void see(Body body, Declaration vars, Block blocks) { say(" {"); ++indentLevel; nl(); if (vars != null) vars.eval(this); if (blocks != null) blocks.eval(this); --indentLevel; nl(); say("}"); nl(); } @Override public void see(CallCmd callCmd, String function, Identifiers results, Exprs args) { say("call "); if (results != null) { results.eval(this); say(" := "); } say(function); say("("); if (args != null) args.eval(this); say(");"); nl(); } @Override public void see(Commands commands, Command cmd, Commands tail) { cmd.eval(this); if (tail != null) tail.eval(this); } @Override public void see(ConstDecl constDecl, String id, Type type, Declaration tail) { say("const "); say(id); say(" : "); type.eval(this); semi(); if (tail != null) tail.eval(this); } @Override public void see(DepType depType, Type type, Expr pred) { type.eval(this); say(" where "); pred.eval(this); } @Override public void see(Exprs exprs, Expr expr, Exprs tail) { expr.eval(this); if (tail != null) { say(", "); tail.eval(this); } } @Override public void see(Function function, Signature sig, Declaration tail) { say("function "); sig.eval(this); semi(); if (tail != null) tail.eval(this); } @Override public void see(GenericType genericType, Type param, Type type) { say("<"); param.eval(this); say(">"); type.eval(this); } @Override public void see(HavocCmd havocCmd, AtomId id) { say("havoc "); id.eval(this); semi(); } @Override public void see(Identifiers identifiers, AtomId id, Identifiers tail) { id.eval(this); if (tail != null) { say(", "); tail.eval(this); } } @Override public void see(Implementation implementation, Signature sig, Body body, Declaration tail) { say("implementation "); sig.eval(this); body.eval(this); nl(); if (tail != null) tail.eval(this); } @Override public void see(Index index, Expr a, Expr b) { say("["); a.eval(this); if (b != null) { say(", "); b.eval(this); } say("]"); } @Override public void see(PrimitiveType primitiveType, PrimitiveType.Ptype ptype) { say(typeRep.get(ptype)); } @Override public void see(Procedure procedure, Signature sig, Specification spec, Declaration tail) { say("procedure "); sig.eval(this); say(";"); if (spec != null) { ++indentLevel; nl(); spec.eval(this); --indentLevel; nl(); } nl(); if (tail != null) tail.eval(this); } @Override public void see(Signature signature, String name, Declaration args, Declaration results) { ++skipVar; say(name); say("("); if (args != null) args.eval(this); say(")"); if (results != null) { say(" returns ("); results.eval(this); say(")"); } --skipVar; } @Override public void see(Specification specification, Specification.SpecType type, Expr expr, boolean free, Specification tail) { if (free) say("free "); say(specRep.get(type)); expr.eval(this); semi(); if (tail != null) tail.eval(this); } @Override public void see(TupleType tupleType, Type type, TupleType tail) { type.eval(this); if (tail != null) { say(", "); tail.eval(this); } } @Override public void see(TypeDecl typeDecl, String name, Declaration tail) { say("type "); say(name); semi(); tail.eval(this); } @Override public void see(UnaryOp unaryOp, UnaryOp.Op op, Expr e) { say(unRep.get(op)); e.eval(this); } @Override public void see(UserType userType, String name) { say(name); } @Override public void see(VariableDecl variableDecl, String name, Type type, Declaration tail) { if (skipVar==0) say("var "); if (name != null) { say(name); say(" : "); } type.eval(this); if (skipVar>0) { if (tail != null) say(", "); } else semi(); if (tail != null) tail.eval(this); } @Override public void see(Trigger trigger, String label, Exprs exprs, Trigger tail) { say("{"); if (label != null) { say(":"); say(label); say(" "); } if (exprs != null) exprs.eval(this); say("} "); if (tail != null) tail.eval(this); } }