package org.jmlspecs.openjml.esc; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlPretty; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlSpecs; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.Strings; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.Utils; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlClassDecl; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlMethodDecl; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlMethodSpecs; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlStatementExpr; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.proverinterface.IProverResult; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.utils.ExternalProcess; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class MethodProverBoogie extends MethodProverSMT { protected JmlSpecs specs; public MethodProverBoogie(JmlEsc jmlesc) { super(jmlesc); this.specs = JmlSpecs.instance(context); } // FIXME: REVIEW THIS /** Perform an ESC check of the method using boogie+Z3 */ public IProverResult prove(JmlMethodDecl decl) { boolean print = true; //true; PrintWriter noticeWriter = log.getWriter(WriterKind.NOTICE); if (print &&"<init>")) { noticeWriter.println("SKIPPING PROOF OF " +; return null; } utils.progress(1,2,"Starting proof of " + utils.qualifiedMethodSig(decl.sym)+ " with prover " + jmlesc.proverToUse); if (print) { noticeWriter.println(Strings.empty); noticeWriter.println("--------------------------------------"); noticeWriter.println(Strings.empty); noticeWriter.println("STARTING PROOF OF " + decl.sym.owner.getQualifiedName() + "." + decl.sym); noticeWriter.println(JmlPretty.write(decl.body)); } JmlMethodDecl tree = (JmlMethodDecl)decl; JmlClassDecl currentClassDecl = (JmlClassDecl)JmlEnter.instance(context).getEnv((ClassSymbol)decl.sym.owner).tree; // Get the denested specs for the method - FIXME - when might they be null? if (tree.sym == null) { log.error("jml.internal.notsobad", "Unexpected null symbol for " +; } JmlMethodSpecs denestedSpecs = tree.sym == null ? null : specs.getDenestedSpecs(tree.sym); JmlAssertionAdder assertionAdder = new JmlAssertionAdder(context,true,false); JCBlock newblock = assertionAdder.convertMethodBody(tree,currentClassDecl); noticeWriter.println(JmlPretty.write(newblock)); BoogieProgram program = new Boogier(context).convertMethodBody(newblock, decl, denestedSpecs, currentClassDecl, assertionAdder); String filename = "boogie_" + decl.getName() + ".bpl"; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); String programString; try { program.write(sw); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(filename); programString = sw.toString(); fw.append(programString); fw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { noticeWriter.println("Could not write boogie output file"); // FIXME - error return null; } noticeWriter.println(programString); String boogie = Options.instance(context).get("openjml.prover.boogie"); ExternalProcess p = new ExternalProcess(context,null, boogie, "/nologo", "/proverWarnings:1", "/coalesceBlocks:0", "/removeEmptyBlocks:0", filename); try { p.start(); int exitVal = p.readToCompletion(); noticeWriter.println("Boogie exit val " + exitVal); // FIXME - guard or delete verbose output String out = p.outputString.toString(); noticeWriter.println("OUTPUT: " + out); noticeWriter.println("ERROR: " + p.errorString.toString()); if (out.contains("This assertion might not hold")) { int k = out.indexOf('('); int kk = out.indexOf(','); int line = Integer.parseInt(out.substring(k+1,kk)); k = 0; while (--line > 0) k = 1 + programString.indexOf('\n',k); kk = 1 + programString.indexOf("\"",programString.indexOf(":reason",k)); int kkk = programString.indexOf('"',kk); String reason = programString.substring(kk,kkk); kk = 4 + programString.indexOf(":id",k); kkk = programString.indexOf('}',kk); String id = programString.substring(kk,kkk); JmlStatementExpr assertStat = program.assertMap.get(id); Label label = Label.find(reason); // FIXME - defensive chjeck assertStat not null kk = out.lastIndexOf(BasicBlockerParent.RETURN); if (kk < 0) kk = out.lastIndexOf(BasicBlockerParent.THROW); int terminationPos = 0; if (kk >= 0) { kkk = out.lastIndexOf(BasicBlockerParent.blockPrefix,kk) + BasicBlockerParent.blockPrefix.length(); try { terminationPos = Integer.parseInt(out.substring(kkk,kk)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { noticeWriter.println("NO RETURN FOUND"); // FIXME // continue } } if (terminationPos == 0) terminationPos = decl.pos; JavaFileObject prev = null; int pos = assertStat.pos; if (pos == Position.NOPOS || pos == decl.pos) pos = terminationPos; if (assertStat.source != null) prev = log.useSource(assertStat.source); String extra = Strings.empty; JCExpression optional = assertStat.optionalExpression; if (optional != null) { if (optional instanceof JCTree.JCLiteral) extra = ": " + ((JCTree.JCLiteral)optional).getValue().toString(); } log.warning(pos,"esc.assertion.invalid",label,decl.getName(),extra); String loc = utils.locationString(pos); // TODO - above we include the optionalExpression as part of the error message // however, it is an expression, and not evaluated for ESC. Even if it is // a literal string, it is printed with quotes around it. if (prev != null) log.useSource(prev); if (assertStat.associatedPos != Position.NOPOS) { if (assertStat.associatedSource != null) prev = log.useSource(assertStat.associatedSource); log.warning(assertStat.associatedPos, Utils.testingMode ? "jml.associated.decl" :"",loc); if (assertStat.associatedSource != null) log.useSource(prev); } // if (label == Label.POSTCONDITION || label == Label.SIGNALS) { // log.warning(terminationPos,"esc.assertion.invalid",label,decl.getName() + cf, Strings.empty); // log.warning(assertStat.pos, "jml.associated.decl"); // } else if (label == Label.ASSIGNABLE) { // log.warning(assertStat.pos,"esc.assertion.invalid",label,decl.getName() + cf, Strings.empty); // log.warning(assertStat.associatedPos, "jml.associated.decl"); // } else if (label != Label.EXPLICIT_ASSERT && label != Label.EXPLICIT_ASSUME){ // log.warning(assertStat.pos,"esc.assertion.invalid",label,decl.getName() + cf, Strings.empty); // if (assertStat.pos != assertStat.associatedPos && assertStat.associatedPos != Position.NOPOS){ // log.warning(assertStat.associatedPos, "jml.associated.decl"); // } // } else { // log.warning(assertStat.pos,"esc.assertion.invalid",label,decl.getName() + cf, Strings.empty); // } return null; } else if (out.contains(" 0 errors")) { return null; } else { log.error(0,"jml.internal","Unknown result returned from prover"); // FIXME - use a different message } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("EXCEPTION: " + e); // FIXME return null; } return null; } }