/* * This file is part of the OpenJML project. * Author: David R. Cok */ package com.sun.tools.javac.comp; import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags.ABSTRACT; import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags.BLOCK; import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags.INTERFACE; import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags.NATIVE; import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags.STATIC; import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags.STRICTFP; import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags.SYNTHETIC; import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags.UNATTRIBUTED; import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Kinds.MTH; import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Kinds.TYP; import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Kinds.VAL; import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.Kinds.VAR; import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.TypeTag.FORALL; import static com.sun.tools.javac.code.TypeTag.METHOD; import static com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.Tag.ASSIGN; import static org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTokenKind.*; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind; import javax.tools.JavaFileObject; import org.jmlspecs.annotation.NonNull; import org.jmlspecs.annotation.Nullable; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.*; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlSpecs.MethodSpecs; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlSpecs.FieldSpecs; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlSpecs.TypeSpecs; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlAnnotation; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlBinary; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlBlock; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlChoose; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlClassDecl; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlCompilationUnit; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlDoWhileLoop; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlEnhancedForLoop; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlExpression; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlForLoop; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlGroupName; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlImport; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlLabeledStatement; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlLblExpression; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlMethodClause; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlMethodClauseCallable; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlMethodClauseConditional; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlMethodClauseDecl; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlMethodClauseExpr; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlMethodClauseGroup; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlMethodClauseSignals; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlMethodClauseSignalsOnly; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlMethodClauseStoreRef; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlMethodDecl; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlMethodInvocation; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlMethodSig; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlMethodSpecs; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlModelProgramStatement; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlPrimitiveTypeTree; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlQuantifiedExpr; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlSetComprehension; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlSingleton; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlSpecificationCase; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlStatementLoop; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlStoreRefArrayRange; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlStoreRefKeyword; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlStoreRefListExpression; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlTypeClause; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlTypeClauseConditional; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlTypeClauseConstraint; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlTypeClauseDecl; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlTypeClauseExpr; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlTypeClauseIn; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlTypeClauseInitializer; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlTypeClauseMaps; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlTypeClauseMonitorsFor; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlTypeClauseRepresents; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlVariableDecl; import org.jmlspecs.openjml.JmlTree.JmlWhileLoop; import com.sun.source.tree.IdentifierTree; import com.sun.tools.javac.code.*; import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Attribute.Compound; import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.ClassSymbol; import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.CompletionFailure; import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.MethodSymbol; import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.PackageSymbol; import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.TypeSymbol; import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Symbol.VarSymbol; import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Type.ArrayType; import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Type.ClassType; import com.sun.tools.javac.comp.Attr.ResultInfo; import com.sun.tools.javac.jvm.ClassReader; import com.sun.tools.javac.parser.ExpressionExtension; import com.sun.tools.javac.parser.JmlScanner; import com.sun.tools.javac.parser.JmlTokenizer; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.EndPosTable; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.*; import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.TreeInfo; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Context; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.JCDiagnostic.DiagnosticPosition; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.List; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.ListBuffer; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Log; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Log.WriterKind; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Name; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Names; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Pair; import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Position; /** * This class is an extension of the Attr class; it adds visitors methods so * that as the Attr class walks the entire AST, attributing all nodes * (i.e., doing name lookup and type assignment), the JML parts of the source tree are * attributed and checked as well. * <P> * On input to this class all top-level types and all their members, * recursively, are already entered into the symbol table (but local classes and * declarations are not). Also, the types of all annotations and of member * fields and member methods (return type, arguments and type arguments) are * already attributed. * <P> * The class has the responsibility of attributing the rest of the AST (e.g., * method bodies, field initializers, expressions within JML annotations, etc.). * It also checks that JML modifiers are used correctly. * * @author David Cok */ /* Note on the visitor class: Each node visitor is responsible to * do the following: * a) any attribution of its subtrees, by calling an appropriate * attrib... method (e.g., attribExpr or attribType), * b) checking that the types of those subtrees are correct, * c) determining the type of the node itself, * d) checking that against the value of pt. If a check call is * used to do this, then tree.type is set for you. If you do the * checking yourself, then you have to set tree.type directly. * The check call handles casting, widening etc. for you, and * e) set the value of result to the resulting type (if it is needed * by the containing expression). * * This design appears to involve a lot of extra work. Instead of * having the attrib calls pass in an expected type, which is set as * a member of the Attr class, why not just check it upon return? * That would save the stacking that is necessary in attribTree. */ public class JmlAttr extends Attr implements IJmlVisitor { /** This is the compilation context for which this is the unique instance */ @NonNull final protected Context context; /** The Name version of resultVarString in the current context */ @NonNull final public Name resultName; /** The Name version of exceptionVarString in the current context */ @NonNull final public Name exceptionName; /** The fully-qualified name of the Utils class */ // Use .class on the class name instead of a string so that an error happens if the class is renamed // This class is in the runtime library @NonNull final public static String utilsClassName = org.jmlspecs.utils.Utils.class.getCanonicalName(); /** Cached value of the org.jmlspecs.utils.Utils class */ @NonNull final protected ClassSymbol utilsClass; /** Cached identifier of the org.jmlspecs.utils.Utils class */ @NonNull final protected JCIdent utilsClassIdent; /** Cached value of the JMLDataGroup class */ @NonNull final protected ClassSymbol datagroupClass; /** The JmlSpecs instance for this context */ @NonNull final protected JmlSpecs specs; /** The Utils instance for this context */ @NonNull final protected Utils utils; /** The Types instance for this context */ @NonNull final public JmlTypes jmltypes; /** The Names table from the compilation context, initialized in the constructor */ @NonNull final protected Names names; /** The tool used to read binary classes */ @NonNull final protected ClassReader classReader; /** The factory used to create AST nodes, initialized in the constructor */ @NonNull final protected JmlTree.Maker factory; /** A JmlCompiler instance */ @NonNull final protected JmlCompiler jmlcompiler; /** A JmlResolve instance */ @NonNull final protected JmlResolve jmlresolve; /** An instance of the tree utility class */ @NonNull final protected JmlTreeUtils treeutils; /** A Literal for a boolean true */ @NonNull final protected JCLiteral trueLit; /** A Literal for a boolean false */ @NonNull final protected JCLiteral falseLit; /** A Literal for a null constant */ @NonNull final protected JCLiteral nullLit; /** A Literal for an int zero */ @NonNull final protected JCLiteral zeroLit; /** Cached value of the @Model annotation symbol */ public ClassSymbol modelAnnotationSymbol = null; /** Cached value of the @Pure annotation symbol */ public ClassSymbol pureAnnotationSymbol = null; /** Cached value of the @NonNull annotation symbol */ public ClassSymbol nonnullAnnotationSymbol = null; /** Cached value of the @Nullable annotation symbol */ public ClassSymbol nullableAnnotationSymbol = null; /** Cached value of the @NonNullByDefault annotation symbol */ public ClassSymbol nonnullbydefaultAnnotationSymbol = null; /** Cached value of the @NullableByDefault annotation symbol */ public ClassSymbol nullablebydefaultAnnotationSymbol = null; // Unfortunately we cannot increase the number of primitive // type tags without modifying the TypeInfo file. These // type tags are out of range, so we cannot use the usual // initType call to initialize them. // FIXME - may need to revisit this for boxing and unboxing final public Type Lock;// = new Type(1003,null); final public Type LockSet;// = new Type(1004,null); final public Type JMLValuesType; final public Type JMLIterType; final public Type JMLSetType; // The following fields are stacked as the environment changes as one // visits down the tree. /** When true, we are visiting subtrees that allow only pure methods and * pure operations */ protected boolean pureEnvironment = false; /** Holds the env of the enclosing method for subtrees of a MethodDecl. */ protected Env<AttrContext> enclosingMethodEnv = null; /** Holds the env of the enclosing class for subtrees of a ClassDecl. */ protected Env<AttrContext> enclosingClassEnv = null; /** Set to true when we are within a JML declaration */ protected boolean isInJmlDeclaration = false; /** This field stores the clause type when a clause is visited (before * visiting its components), in order that various clause-type-dependent * semantic tests can be performed (e.g. \result can only be used in some * types of clauses). */ protected JmlTokenKind currentClauseType = null; /** * Holds the visibility of JML construct that is currently being visited. * Values are 0=package, Flags.PUBLIC=public, Flags.PROTECTED=protected, * Flags.PRIVATE=private, -1=not in JML */ // FIXME - isa this Java visibility or JML visibility? protected long jmlVisibility = -1; /** This value is valid within a Signals clause */ protected Type currentExceptionType = null; /** Queued up classes to be attributed */ protected java.util.List<ClassSymbol> todo = new LinkedList<ClassSymbol>(); /** A counter that indicates a level of nesting of attribClass calls */ protected int level = 0; /** Registers a singleton factory for JmlAttr against the attrKey, so that there is * just one instance per context. * @param context the context in which to register the instance */ public static void preRegister(final Context context) { context.put(Attr.attrKey, new Context.Factory<Attr>() { public Attr make(Context context) { return new JmlAttr(context); // Registers itself on construction } }); } /** Returns the instance for the given context * * @param context the context in which we are working * @return the non-null instance of JmlAttr for this context */ public static JmlAttr instance(Context context) { Attr instance = context.get(attrKey); if (instance == null) instance = new JmlAttr(context); // Registers itself in the super constructor return (JmlAttr)instance; // If the registered instance is only an Attr, something is catastrophically wrong } /** Constructor of a JmlAttr tool for the given context * * @param context the compilation context in which we are working */ protected JmlAttr(Context context) { super(context); this.context = context; this.utils = Utils.instance(context); this.specs = JmlSpecs.instance(context); this.factory = JmlTree.Maker.instance(context); this.names = Names.instance(context); this.classReader = ClassReader.instance(context); this.jmltypes = JmlTypes.instance(context); this.classReader.init(syms); this.jmlcompiler = (JmlCompiler)JmlCompiler.instance(context); this.jmlresolve = (JmlResolve)rs; this.treeutils = JmlTreeUtils.instance(context); // Caution, because of circular dependencies among constructors of the // various tools, it can happen that syms is not fully constructed at this // point and syms.objectType will be null. if (syms.objectType == null) { System.err.println("INTERNAL FAILURE: A circular dependency among constructors has caused a failure to correctly construct objects. Please report this internal problem."); // Stack trace is printed inside the constructor throw new JmlInternalError(); } initAnnotationNames(context); utilsClass = createClass(utilsClassName); utilsClassIdent = ((JmlTree.Maker)make).Ident(utilsClassName); utilsClassIdent.type = utilsClass.type; utilsClassIdent.sym = utilsClassIdent.type.tsym; datagroupClass = createClass(Strings.jmlSpecsPackage + ".JMLDataGroup"); JMLSetType = createClass(Strings.jmlSpecsPackage + ".JMLSetType").type; JMLValuesType = createClass(Strings.jmlSpecsPackage + ".JMLList").type; JMLIterType = createClass("java.util.Iterator").type; Lock = syms.objectType; LockSet = JMLSetType; nullablebydefaultAnnotationSymbol = createClass("org.jmlspecs.annotation.NullableByDefault"); // FIXME - use defined Strings nonnullbydefaultAnnotationSymbol = createClass("org.jmlspecs.annotation.NonNullByDefault"); nonnullAnnotationSymbol = createClass("org.jmlspecs.annotation.NonNull"); nullableAnnotationSymbol = createClass("org.jmlspecs.annotation.Nullable"); pureAnnotationSymbol = createClass("org.jmlspecs.annotation.Pure"); modelAnnotationSymbol = createClass("org.jmlspecs.annotation.Model"); this.resultName = names.fromString(Strings.resultVarString); this.exceptionName = names.fromString(Strings.exceptionVarString); trueLit = makeLit(syms.booleanType,1); falseLit = makeLit(syms.booleanType,0); nullLit = makeLit(syms.botType,null); zeroLit = makeLit(syms.intType,0); } /** Returns (creating if necessary) a class symbol for a given fully-qualified name */ public ClassSymbol createClass(String fqName) { return classReader.enterClass(names.fromString(fqName)); } /** Overrides the super class call in order to perform JML checks on class * modifiers. (Actually, the work was moved to attribClassBody since attribClass * gets called multiple times for a Class). * @param c The class to check * @throws CompletionFailure */ @Override public void attribClass(ClassSymbol c) throws CompletionFailure { if (c.type instanceof Type.IntersectionClassType) { // FIXME - what should we do in this case? super.attribClass(c); return; } boolean isUnattributed = (c.flags_field & UNATTRIBUTED) != 0; if (utils.jmlverbose >= Utils.JMLDEBUG) log.getWriter(WriterKind.NOTICE).println("Attributing-requested " + c + " specs="+(specs.get(c)!=null) + " env="+(enter.getEnv(c)!=null)); // FIXME - can we make the following more efficient - this gets called a lot for classes already attributed /*@Nullable*/ JmlSpecs.TypeSpecs classSpecs = specs.get(c); // Get null if there are none yet if (classSpecs == null) { jmlcompiler.loadSpecsForBinary(env,c); classSpecs = specs.get(c); if (classSpecs == null) { // loadSpecsForBinary should always result in a TypeSpecs for the // class symbol, even if the TypeSpecs is empty log.warning("jml.internal.notsobad","loadSpecsForBinary failed for class " + c); c.complete(); // At least complete it } } if (utils.jmlverbose >= Utils.JMLDEBUG) log.getWriter(WriterKind.NOTICE).println("Attributing specs for " + c + " " + level); level++; if (c != syms.predefClass) { if (utils.jmlverbose >= Utils.JMLVERBOSE) context.get(Main.IProgressListener.class).report(0,2,"typechecking " + c); } // classSpecs.file is only useful for the modifiers/annotations // the specs themselves might come from any specification file JavaFileObject prev = classSpecs == null ? null : log.useSource(classSpecs.file); // We track pureEnvironment since calls can be nested - // we can enter a pure environment from either an impure or pure // environment and we need to restore it properly. Also, when in a // pure environment we may need to attribute a class, not all of which // is pure. boolean prevPureEnvironment = pureEnvironment; pureEnvironment = false; try { Env<AttrContext> eee = typeEnvs.get(c); if (eee != null) { // FIXME - is null an error? is null for annotations like SpecPublic, for example, but no attribution is needed either, since there are no spec files. JavaFileObject prevv = log.useSource(eee.toplevel.sourcefile); try { super.attribClass(c); // No need to attribute the class itself if it was binary attribFieldSpecs(eee,c); } finally { log.useSource(prevv); } } if (!isUnattributed) return; // FIXME - do we still need this? // Binary files with specs had entries put in the Env map so that the // specs had environments against which to be attributed. However, the // presence of envs for non-.java files confuses later compiler phases, // and we no longer need that mapping since all the specs are now // attributed and entered into the JmlSpecs database. Hence we remove // the entry. Env<AttrContext> e = enter.getEnv(c); if (e != null) { // SHould be non-null the first time, but subsequent calls will have e null and so we won't do duplicate checking // // FIXME - RAC should take advantage of the same stuff as ESC // if (true || !JmlOptionName.isOption(context,JmlOptionName.RAC)) { // new JmlTranslator(context).translate(e.tree); // } if (e.tree != null && e.tree instanceof JmlClassDecl) { Symbol thissym = thisSym(e.tree.pos(),e); if (thissym instanceof VarSymbol) ((JmlClassDecl)e.tree).thisSymbol = (VarSymbol)thissym; // //((JmlClassDecl)e.tree).thisSymbol = (VarSymbol)rs.resolveSelf(e.tree.pos(),e,c,names._this); // if (!((JmlClassDecl)e.tree).sym.isInterface() && c != syms.objectType.tsym) ((JmlClassDecl)e.tree).superSymbol = (VarSymbol)rs.resolveSelf(e.tree.pos(),e,c,names._super); } if (e.toplevel.sourcefile.getKind() != JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE) { // If not a .java file enter.typeEnvs.remove(c); // FIXME - after flow checking of model methods and classes for binary classes? } } } finally { pureEnvironment = prevPureEnvironment; if (prev != null) log.useSource(prev); level--; if (c != syms.predefClass) { if (utils.jmlverbose >= Utils.JMLVERBOSE) context.get(Main.IProgressListener.class).report(0,2,"typechecked " + c); } if (utils.jmlverbose >= Utils.JMLDEBUG) log.getWriter(WriterKind.NOTICE).println("Attributing-complete " + c.fullname + " " + level); if (level == 0) completeTodo(); } } public void attribFieldSpecs(Env<AttrContext> env, ClassSymbol csym) { Env<AttrContext> prev = this.env; this.env = env; try { JmlClassDecl cdecl = (JmlClassDecl)env.tree; for (JCTree t: cdecl.defs) { if (t instanceof JCVariableDecl) { JCVariableDecl vdecl = (JCVariableDecl)t; if (vdecl.sym != null) { // FIXME - WHY WOULD THIS SYM EVER BE NULL? FieldSpecs fspecs = specs.getSpecs(vdecl.sym); if (fspecs != null) { for (JmlTypeClause spec: fspecs.list) { if (spec instanceof JmlTypeClauseIn) spec.accept(this); if (spec instanceof JmlTypeClauseMaps) spec.accept(this); } } } } } } finally { this.env = prev; } } /** Attribute all classes whose attribution was deferred (while in the middle of attributing another class) */ public void completeTodo() { level++; while (!todo.isEmpty()) { ClassSymbol sym = todo.remove(0); if (utils.jmlverbose >= Utils.JMLDEBUG) log.getWriter(WriterKind.NOTICE).println("Retrieved for attribution " + sym + " " + todo.size()); attribClass(sym); } level--; } /** Adds a class symbol to the list of classes to be attributed later */ public void addTodo(ClassSymbol c) { if (!todo.contains(c)) { if (!utils.isTypeChecked(c)) todo.add(c); if (utils.jmlverbose >= Utils.JMLDEBUG) log.getWriter(WriterKind.NOTICE).println("Queueing for attribution " + result.tsym + " " + todo.size()); } } /** Overrides in order to attribute class specs appropriately. */ @Override protected void attribClassBody(Env<AttrContext> env, ClassSymbol c) { Env<AttrContext> prevClassEnv = enclosingClassEnv; enclosingClassEnv = env; // FIXME - for a binary class c, env.tree appears to be the tree of the specs // FIXME - why should we attribute the Java class body in the case of a binary class boolean prevIsInJmlDeclaration = isInJmlDeclaration; isInJmlDeclaration = isInJmlDeclaration || utils.isJML(c.flags()); // REMOVED implementationAllowed || ((JmlCheck)chk).setInJml(isInJmlDeclaration); if (utils.jmlverbose >= Utils.JMLDEBUG) log.getWriter(WriterKind.NOTICE).println("ATTRIBUTING-BODY " + c.fullname + " " + (isInJmlDeclaration?"inJML":"notInJML") + " WAS " + (prevIsInJmlDeclaration?"inJML":"notInJML")); // JavaFileObject prev = log.useSource(((JmlClassDecl)env.enclClass).toplevel.sourcefile); // FIXME - no write for multiple source files boolean oldRelax = relax; try { // If the class is binary only, then we have not yet attributed the super/extending/implementing classes in the source AST for the specifications JmlClassDecl cd = (JmlClassDecl)env.tree; { JCExpression e = cd.extending; if (e != null && e.type == null) attribType(e,env); } if (cd != null) for (JCExpression e: cd.implementing) { if (e.type == null) attribType(e,env); } // The JML specs to check are are in the TypeSpecs structure relax = true; // Turns off some bogus lack of overriding warnings super.attribClassBody(env,c); attribClassBodySpecs(env,c,prevIsInJmlDeclaration); } finally { relax = oldRelax; isInJmlDeclaration = prevIsInJmlDeclaration; enclosingClassEnv = prevClassEnv; ((JmlCheck)chk).setInJml(isInJmlDeclaration); // log.useSource(prev); } } // FIXME - do not need this is we can avoid having invariants in the class body @Override public Type attribStat(JCTree tree, Env<AttrContext> env) { if (tree instanceof JmlTypeClause && relax) return null; return super.attribStat(tree,env); } /** Attributes the specs (in the TypeSpecs structure) for the given class * * @param env the current class environment * @param c the current class * @param prevIsInJmlDeclaration true if we are in a non-model JML declaration (FIXME - this needs better evaluation) */ public void attribClassBodySpecs(Env<AttrContext> env, ClassSymbol c, boolean prevIsInJmlDeclaration) { JmlSpecs.TypeSpecs tspecs = JmlSpecs.instance(context).get(c); JmlClassDecl classDecl = (JmlClassDecl)env.tree; JavaFileObject prev = log.currentSourceFile(); // if (c.flatName().toString().equals("java.lang.Throwable")) Utils.stop(); // This is not recursive within a class, but we can call out to attribute // another class while in the middle of a clause JmlTokenKind prevClauseType = currentClauseType; try { if (tspecs != null) { Env<AttrContext> prevEnv = this.env; this.env = env; // The modifiers and annotations are checked in checkClassMods // which is part of checking the class itself // clauses and declarations for (JmlTypeClause clause: tspecs.clauses) { currentClauseType = clause.token; clause.accept(this); } currentClauseType = null; // model types, which are not in clauses // for (JmlClassDecl mtype: tspecs.modelTypes) { // mtype.accept(this); // } // // Do the specs for JML initialization blocks // FIXME - test the need for this - for initializatino blocks and JML initializations // for (JCTree.JCBlock m: tspecs.blocks.keySet()) { // m.accept(this); // } if (tspecs.modifiers != null) { log.useSource(tspecs.file); attribAnnotationTypes(tspecs.modifiers.annotations,env); isInJmlDeclaration = prevIsInJmlDeclaration; ((JmlCheck)chk).setInJml(isInJmlDeclaration); if (tspecs.file != null) log.useSource(tspecs.file); checkClassMods(c,classDecl,tspecs); } else { // log.warning("jml.internal.notsobad","Unexpected lack of modifiers in class specs structure for " + c); // FIXME - testJML2 } // Checking all the in and maps clauses is delayed until all the fields have been processed for (JCTree t: classDecl.defs) { if (t instanceof JmlVariableDecl) { checkVarMods2((JmlVariableDecl)t); } } this.env = prevEnv; } else if (c.type instanceof Type.IntersectionClassType){ // FIXME - what should really be done here } else { log.warning("jml.internal.notsobad","Unexpected lack of class specs structure for " + c); } } finally { currentClauseType = prevClauseType; log.useSource(prev); } } public Env<AttrContext> localEnv(Env<AttrContext> env, JCTree tree) { return env.dup(tree, env.info.dup(env.info.scope.dupUnshared())); } /** This is overridden to attribute the specs for the method, * if there are any. The specs are walked at the * time the block that is the method body is walked so that the scope * is right. */ @Override public void visitBlock(JCBlock tree) { Env<AttrContext> prevEnclosingMethodEnv = enclosingMethodEnv; // FIXME - what about initializer blocks - they also need an old environment if (env.info.scope.owner.kind == TYP) { // FIXME - if we are in a spec source file that is not Java, we may not have one of these - error super.visitBlock(tree); JmlSpecs.MethodSpecs msp = JmlSpecs.instance(context).getSpecs(env.enclClass.sym,tree); //if (attribSpecs && sp != null) { if (msp != null) { JmlMethodSpecs sp = msp.cases; Env<AttrContext> localEnv = localEnv(env,tree); localEnv.info.scope.owner = new MethodSymbol(tree.flags | BLOCK, names.empty, null, env.info.scope.owner); if (isStatic(tree.flags)) localEnv.info.staticLevel++; //boolean prev = attribSpecs; //attribSpecs = true; attribStat(sp,localEnv); //attribSpecs = prev; } } else { // Method blocks boolean topMethodBodyBlock = env.enclMethod != null && env.enclMethod.body == tree; if (topMethodBodyBlock) { // Scope is not duplicated enclosingMethodEnv = env.dup(env.tree,env.info.dupUnshared()); } super.visitBlock(tree); //if (!isStatic(env.enclMethod.mods.flags)) { if (env.info.staticLevel == 0 && topMethodBodyBlock) { ((JmlMethodDecl)env.enclMethod)._this = (VarSymbol)thisSym(tree.pos(),enclosingMethodEnv); } if (env.enclMethod != null && env.enclMethod.body == tree) { // Note: we cannot just cache the current value of env for use later. // This is because the envs are presumed to be nested and share their // symbol tables. Access to scopes is presumed to be nested - in Java // a reference to an identifier is always resolved in the current scope first, // not in an enclosing scope. However, JML has the \old operator which gives // access to the scope at method definition time from within other nestings. boolean prevAllowJML = jmlresolve.setAllowJML(true); try { JmlSpecs.MethodSpecs sp = ((JmlMethodDecl)env.enclMethod).methodSpecsCombined; //specs.getSpecs(env.enclMethod.sym); currentSecretContext = sp.secretDatagroup; currentQueryContext = null; // if (enclosingMethodEnv == null) { // FIXME - This can happen for anonymous classes, so I expect that // specs (or at least \old) in anonymous classes will cause disaster // log.getWriter(WriterKind.NOTICE).println("DISASTER-2 AWAITS: " + env.enclMethod.name); // log.getWriter(WriterKind.NOTICE).println(env.enclMethod); // } if (sp != null && sp.cases != null) sp.cases.accept(this); // if (enclosingMethodEnv == null) { // log.getWriter(WriterKind.NOTICE).println("DODGED-2: " + env.enclMethod.name); deSugarMethodSpecs(((JmlMethodDecl)env.enclMethod),sp); // } } finally { jmlresolve.setAllowJML(prevAllowJML); } } } enclosingMethodEnv = prevEnclosingMethodEnv; } @Override public void visitUnary(JCUnary tree) { super.visitUnary(tree); if (pureEnvironment) { // FIXME - this and the next two happen in pure model methods - should probably treat them as pure methods and not pureEnvironments if (tree.arg instanceof JCIdent && ((JCIdent)tree.arg).sym.owner.kind == Kinds.MTH) return; JCTree.Tag op = tree.getTag(); if (op == JCTree.Tag.PREINC || op == JCTree.Tag.POSTINC || op == JCTree.Tag.PREDEC || op == JCTree.Tag.POSTDEC) log.error(tree.pos,"jml.no.incdec.in.pure"); } } @Override public void visitAssign(JCAssign tree) { super.visitAssign(tree); if (pureEnvironment) { // The following checks that the assignment is local (the symbol being assigned is owned by the method) if (tree.lhs instanceof JCIdent && ((JCIdent)tree.lhs).sym.owner.kind == Kinds.MTH) return; log.error(tree.pos,"jml.no.assign.in.pure"); } if (currentSecretContext != null) checkWritable(tree.lhs); } @Override public void visitAssignop(JCAssignOp tree) { super.visitAssignop(tree); if (pureEnvironment) { // The following checks that the assignment is local (the symbol being assigned is owned by the method) if (tree.lhs instanceof JCIdent && ((JCIdent)tree.lhs).sym.owner.kind == Kinds.MTH) return; log.error(tree.pos,"jml.no.assign.in.pure"); } if (currentSecretContext != null) checkWritable(tree.lhs); } protected void checkWritable(JCTree lhs) { Type saved = result; Symbol s = null; if (lhs instanceof JCArrayAccess) { // FIXME - shuold this be while instead of if lhs = ((JCArrayAccess)lhs).indexed; } if (lhs instanceof JCIdent) { if ((s=((JCIdent)lhs).sym) instanceof VarSymbol) checkSecretWritable(lhs.pos(),(VarSymbol)s); // FIXME - else not writable? } else if (lhs instanceof JCFieldAccess) { if ((s=((JCFieldAccess)lhs).sym) instanceof VarSymbol) checkSecretWritable(lhs.pos(),(VarSymbol)s); // FIXME - else not writable? } if (s == null || (!(s instanceof VarSymbol) && !(lhs instanceof JmlSingleton))) { log.error(lhs.pos(),"jml.not.writable.in.secret"); // FIXME - see what relaxed rules we can support; rely on assignable? } result = saved; } public JmlTokenKind[] allowedTypeModifiers = new JmlTokenKind[]{ CODE_JAVA_MATH, CODE_SAFE_MATH, CODE_BIGINT_MATH, SPEC_JAVA_MATH, SPEC_SAFE_MATH, SPEC_BIGINT_MATH, OPTIONS, PURE, MODEL, QUERY, SKIP_RAC, NULLABLE_BY_DEFAULT, NON_NULL_BY_DEFAULT, IMMUTABLE}; public JmlTokenKind[] allowedNestedTypeModifiers = new JmlTokenKind[]{ CODE_JAVA_MATH, CODE_SAFE_MATH, CODE_BIGINT_MATH, SPEC_JAVA_MATH, SPEC_SAFE_MATH, SPEC_BIGINT_MATH, OPTIONS, PURE, MODEL, QUERY, SPEC_PUBLIC, SPEC_PROTECTED, NULLABLE_BY_DEFAULT, NON_NULL_BY_DEFAULT, IMMUTABLE}; public JmlTokenKind[] allowedNestedModelTypeModifiers = new JmlTokenKind[]{ CODE_JAVA_MATH, CODE_SAFE_MATH, CODE_BIGINT_MATH, SPEC_JAVA_MATH, SPEC_SAFE_MATH, SPEC_BIGINT_MATH, OPTIONS, PURE, MODEL, QUERY, NULLABLE_BY_DEFAULT, NON_NULL_BY_DEFAULT, IMMUTABLE}; public JmlTokenKind[] allowedLocalTypeModifiers = new JmlTokenKind[]{ CODE_JAVA_MATH, CODE_SAFE_MATH, CODE_BIGINT_MATH, SPEC_JAVA_MATH, SPEC_SAFE_MATH, SPEC_BIGINT_MATH, OPTIONS, PURE, MODEL, QUERY, IMMUTABLE}; /** Checks the JML modifiers so that only permitted combinations are present. */ public void checkClassMods(ClassSymbol classSymbol, /*@ nullable */ JmlClassDecl javaDecl, TypeSpecs tspecs) { //System.out.println("Checking " + javaDecl.name + " in " + owner); checkTypeMatch(classSymbol, tspecs.decl); Symbol owner = classSymbol.owner; JCModifiers specsModifiers = tspecs.modifiers; JmlClassDecl specsDecl = tspecs.decl; boolean inJML = utils.isJML(specsModifiers); JCAnnotation model = findMod(specsModifiers,JmlTokenKind.MODEL); boolean isModel = model != null; if (specsModifiers == null) { // no annotations to check } else if (owner.kind == Kinds.PCK) { // Top level type declaration allAllowed(specsModifiers.annotations,allowedTypeModifiers,"type declaration"); } else if (owner.kind != Kinds.TYP) { // Local allAllowed(specsModifiers.annotations,allowedLocalTypeModifiers,"local type declaration"); } else if (!isModel) { // Nested/inner type declaration allAllowed(specsModifiers.annotations,allowedNestedTypeModifiers,"nested type declaration"); } else { // Nested model type declaration allAllowed(specsModifiers.annotations,allowedNestedModelTypeModifiers,"nested model type declaration"); } if (isInJmlDeclaration && isModel) { log.error(specsDecl,"jml.no.nested.model.type"); } else if (inJML && !isModel && !isInJmlDeclaration) { log.error(specsDecl,"jml.missing.model"); } else if (!inJML && isModel) { log.error(specsDecl,"jml.ghost.model.on.java"); } if (!isModel) { checkForConflict(specsModifiers,SPEC_PUBLIC,SPEC_PROTECTED); checkForRedundantSpecMod(specsModifiers); } checkForConflict(specsModifiers,NON_NULL_BY_DEFAULT,NULLABLE_BY_DEFAULT); checkForConflict(specsModifiers,PURE,QUERY); { // FIXME - this attribution should be done in the Enter or MemberEnter phase? attribAnnotationTypes(specsModifiers.annotations,env); JavaFileObject prev = log.useSource(tspecs.file); if (javaDecl != null) { checkSameAnnotations(javaDecl.mods,specsModifiers,"class",classSymbol.toString()); } else { long flags = classSymbol.flags(); JCModifiers m = factory.Modifiers(flags, null); // FIXME - should check annotations checkSameAnnotations(m,specsModifiers,"class",classSymbol.toString()); } log.useSource(prev); } } //public void checkTypeMatch(JmlClassDecl javaDecl, JmlClassDecl specsClassDecl) { public void checkTypeMatch(ClassSymbol javaClassSym, JmlClassDecl specsClassDecl) { //ClassSymbol javaClassSym = javaDecl.sym; JmlSpecs.TypeSpecs combinedTypeSpecs = specs.get(javaClassSym); // If these are the same declaration we don't need to check // that the spec decl matches the java decl //if (javaDecl == specsClassDecl) return; // Check annotations // Check that every specification class declaration (e.g. class decl in a .jml file) has // Java modifiers that match the modifiers in the Java soursce or class file. JmlClassDecl specsDecl = combinedTypeSpecs.refiningSpecDecls; if (specsDecl != null) { // FIXME - no way to skip the loop if the specsDecl is the javaDecl // Check that modifiers are the same long matchf = javaClassSym.flags(); long specf = specsDecl.mods.flags; long diffs = (matchf ^ specf)&Flags.ClassFlags; // Includes whether both are class or both are interface if (diffs != 0) { boolean isInterface = (matchf & Flags.INTERFACE) != 0; boolean isEnum = (matchf & Flags.ENUM) != 0; if ((Flags.ABSTRACT & matchf & ~specf) != 0 && (isInterface||isEnum)) diffs &= ~Flags.ABSTRACT; // FIXME - why for enum? if ((Flags.STATIC & matchf & ~specf) != 0 && isEnum) diffs &= ~Flags.STATIC; if ((Flags.FINAL & matchf & ~specf) != 0 && isEnum) diffs &= ~Flags.FINAL; if ((Flags.FINAL & matchf & ~specf) != 0 && javaClassSym.name.isEmpty()) diffs &= ~Flags.FINAL; // Anonymous classes are implicitly final if (diffs != 0) { //JavaFileObject prev = log.useSource(specsClassDecl.source()); Log.instance(context).error(specsDecl.pos(),"jml.mismatched.modifiers", specsClassDecl.name, javaClassSym.fullname, Flags.toString(diffs)); // FIXME - test this //log.useSource(prev); } // FIXME - how can we tell where in which specs file the mismatched modifiers are // SHould probably check this in the combining step } // FIXME - this is needed, but it is using the environment from the java class, not the // spec class, and so it is using the import statements in the .java file, not those in the .jml file attribAnnotationTypes(specsClassDecl.mods.annotations, Enter.instance(context).typeEnvs.get(javaClassSym)); // FIXME - this is done later; is it needed here? //checkSameAnnotations(javaDecl.mods,specsClassDecl.mods); // FIXME - check that both are Enum; check that both are Annotation } if (combinedTypeSpecs.file == null || combinedTypeSpecs.file.getKind() == JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE){ // This is already checked in enterTypeParametersForBinary (for binary classes) List<Type> t = ((Type.ClassType)javaClassSym.type).getTypeArguments(); if (specsClassDecl != null) { // FIXME List<JCTypeParameter> specTypes = specsClassDecl.typarams; if (t.size() != specTypes.size()) { Log.instance(context).error(specsClassDecl.pos(),"jml.mismatched.type.arguments",javaClassSym.fullname,javaClassSym.type.toString()); } // FIXME - check that the names and bounds are the same } } } // FIXME - this should be done in MemberEnter, not here -- needed for JmlVariableDecl, checking class mods protected boolean checkSameAnnotations(JCModifiers javaMods, JCModifiers specMods, String kind, String name) { //if (javaMods == specMods) return true; PackageSymbol p = annotationPackageSymbol; boolean r = false; for (JCAnnotation a: javaMods.getAnnotations()) { // if sourcefile is null, the annotation was inserted to make an implicit annotation explicit; we don't complain about those, as the default may be superseded by a different explicit annotation TypeSymbol tsym = a.annotationType.type.tsym; if (((JmlTree.JmlAnnotation)a).sourcefile != null && tsym.owner.equals(p) && utils.findMod(specMods,tsym) == null) { JavaFileObject prev = log.useSource(((JmlTree.JmlAnnotation)a).sourcefile); log.warning(a.pos,"jml.java.annotation.superseded",kind,name,a); log.useSource(prev); r = true; } } return r; } VarSymbol currentSecretContext = null; VarSymbol currentQueryContext = null; boolean implementationAllowed = false; @Override public void visitNewClass(JCNewClass tree) { boolean prev = implementationAllowed; boolean prevJml = isInJmlDeclaration; isInJmlDeclaration = true; // FIXME - why is this true try { implementationAllowed= true; super.visitNewClass(tree); if (pureEnvironment) { Symbol sym = tree.constructor; MethodSymbol msym = null; if (sym instanceof MethodSymbol) msym = (MethodSymbol)sym; boolean isPure = msym == null || isPureMethod(msym); if (!isPure && JmlOption.isOption(context,JmlOption.PURITYCHECK)) { log.warning(tree.pos,"jml.non.pure.method",utils.qualifiedMethodSig(msym)); } } Type saved = result; TypeSymbol tsym = tree.clazz.type.tsym; if (tsym instanceof ClassSymbol) { isInJmlDeclaration = false; attribClass((ClassSymbol)tsym); // FIXME - perhaps this needs to be checked when specs are retrieved } result = saved; } finally { implementationAllowed = prev; isInJmlDeclaration = prevJml; } } /** This is overridden in order to do correct checking of whether a method body is * present or not. */ @Override public void visitMethodDef(JCMethodDecl m) { // if (m.name.toString().equals("nonNullCheck") ){//&& m.sym.owner.toString().equals("java.lang.Object")) { // log.getWriter(WriterKind.NOTICE).println(m.sym.owner + ":" + m.sym); // } // Setting relax to true keeps super.visitMethodDef from complaining // that a method declaration in a spec file does not have a body // FIXME - what else is relaxed? We should do the check under the right conditions? if (m.sym == null) return; // Guards against specification method declarations that are not matched - FIXME JmlMethodDecl jmethod = (JmlMethodDecl)m; Map<Name,Env<AttrContext>> prevLabelEnvs = labelEnvs; labelEnvs = new HashMap<Name,Env<AttrContext>>(); boolean oldrelax = relax; relax = true; VarSymbol previousSecretContext = currentSecretContext; VarSymbol previousQueryContext = currentQueryContext; JavaFileObject prevSource = null; try { if (jmethod.methodSpecsCombined == null) { //log.getWriter(WriterKind.NOTICE).println("METHOD SPECS NOT COMBINED " + m.sym.owner + " " + m.sym); // The following line does happen with anonymous classes implementing an interface, with no constructor given // but what about FINISHING SPEC CLASS // FIXME: this also causes the Java file's specs to be used when the specs AST has been set to null jmethod.methodSpecsCombined = new JmlSpecs.MethodSpecs(jmethod); // BUG recovery? FIXME - i think this happens with default constructors specs.putSpecs(m.sym,jmethod.methodSpecsCombined); } // Do this before we walk the method body determineQueryAndSecret(jmethod,jmethod.methodSpecsCombined); if (utils.jmlverbose >= Utils.JMLDEBUG) log.getWriter(WriterKind.NOTICE).println("ATTRIBUTING METHOD " + env.enclClass.sym + " " + m.sym); prevSource = log.useSource(jmethod.source()); attribAnnotationTypes(m.mods.annotations,env); // This is needed at least for the spec files of binary classes annotate.flush(); for (JCAnnotation a : m.mods.annotations) a.type = a.annotationType.type; // It seems we need this, but it seems this should happen while walking the tree - FIXME JmlSpecs.MethodSpecs mspecs = specs.getSpecs(m.sym); if (mspecs != null) { // FIXME - is mspecs allowed to be null? currentSecretContext = mspecs.secretDatagroup; currentQueryContext = mspecs.queryDatagroup; if (currentQueryContext != null) currentSecretContext = currentQueryContext; } boolean prevRelax = relax; // FIXME - need a better test than this // Set relax to true if this method declaration is allowed to have no body // because it is a model declaration or it is in a specification file. boolean isJavaFile = jmethod.sourcefile != null && jmethod.sourcefile.getKind() == JavaFileObject.Kind.SOURCE; boolean isJmlDecl = utils.isJML(m.mods); relax = isJmlDecl || !isJavaFile; boolean prevAllowJML = jmlresolve.allowJML(); if (isJmlDecl) prevAllowJML = jmlresolve.setAllowJML(true); // boolean prevChk = ((JmlCheck)chk).noDuplicateWarn; // ((JmlCheck)chk).noDuplicateWarn = false; super.visitMethodDef(m); // ((JmlCheck)chk).noDuplicateWarn = prevChk; if (isJmlDecl) jmlresolve.setAllowJML(prevAllowJML); relax = prevRelax; if (jmethod.methodSpecsCombined != null) { // FIXME - should we get the specs to check from JmlSpecs? if (m.body == null) { currentSecretContext = mspecs.secretDatagroup; currentQueryContext = null; checkMethodSpecsDirectly(jmethod); } // If the body is null, the specs are checked in visitBlock //else deSugarMethodSpecs(jmethod,jmethod.methodSpecs); } if (isJavaFile && !isJmlDecl) { // Java methods in Java files must have a body (usually) if (m.body == null) { ClassSymbol owner = env.enclClass.sym; // Empty bodies are only allowed for // abstract, native, or interface methods, or for methods // in a retrofit signature class. if ((owner.flags() & INTERFACE) == 0 && (m.mods.flags & (ABSTRACT | NATIVE)) == 0 && !oldrelax) log.error(m.pos(), "missing.meth.body.or.decl.abstract"); } } else if (m.body != null && !isJmlDecl && !isJavaFile && !isInJmlDeclaration && (m.mods.flags & (Flags.GENERATEDCONSTR|Flags.SYNTHETIC)) == 0) { // Java methods not in Java files may not have bodies (generated constructors do) //log.error(m.pos(),"jml.no.body.allowed",m.sym); // A warning is appropriate, but this is a duplicate. // A warning is already given in JmlMemberEnter.checkMethodMatch } checkMethodModifiers(jmethod); } finally { currentSecretContext = previousSecretContext; currentQueryContext = previousQueryContext; relax = oldrelax; if (prevSource != null) log.useSource(prevSource); labelEnvs.clear(); labelEnvs = prevLabelEnvs; } } /** The annotations allowed on non-model non-constructor methods */ public final JmlTokenKind[] allowedMethodAnnotations = new JmlTokenKind[] { MODEL, PURE, NONNULL, NULLABLE, OPTIONS, SPEC_PUBLIC, SPEC_PROTECTED, HELPER, EXTRACT, QUERY, SECRET, FUNCTION, CODE_JAVA_MATH, CODE_SAFE_MATH, CODE_BIGINT_MATH, SPEC_JAVA_MATH, SPEC_SAFE_MATH, SPEC_BIGINT_MATH, PEER, REP, READONLY, SKIP_ESC, SKIP_RAC // FIXME - allowing these until the rules are really implemented }; /** The annotations allowed on non-model non-constructor methods in interfaces */ public final JmlTokenKind[] allowedInterfaceMethodAnnotations = new JmlTokenKind[] { MODEL, PURE, NONNULL, NULLABLE, OPTIONS, SPEC_PUBLIC, SPEC_PROTECTED, HELPER, QUERY, FUNCTION, CODE_JAVA_MATH, CODE_SAFE_MATH, CODE_BIGINT_MATH, SPEC_JAVA_MATH, SPEC_SAFE_MATH, SPEC_BIGINT_MATH, PEER, REP, READONLY // FIXME - allowing these until the rules are really implemented }; /** The annotations allowed on model non-constructor methods */ public final JmlTokenKind[] allowedModelMethodAnnotations = new JmlTokenKind[] { MODEL, PURE, NONNULL, NULLABLE, OPTIONS, HELPER, EXTRACT, QUERY, SECRET, FUNCTION, CODE_JAVA_MATH, CODE_SAFE_MATH, CODE_BIGINT_MATH, SPEC_JAVA_MATH, SPEC_SAFE_MATH, SPEC_BIGINT_MATH, PEER, REP, READONLY, SKIP_ESC // FIXME - allowing these until the rules are really implemented }; /** The annotations allowed on model non-constructor interface methods */ public final JmlTokenKind[] allowedInterfaceModelMethodAnnotations = new JmlTokenKind[] { MODEL, PURE, NONNULL, NULLABLE, OPTIONS, HELPER, QUERY, SECRET, FUNCTION, CODE_JAVA_MATH, CODE_SAFE_MATH, CODE_BIGINT_MATH, SPEC_JAVA_MATH, SPEC_SAFE_MATH, SPEC_BIGINT_MATH, PEER, REP, READONLY // FIXME - allowing these until the rules are really implemented }; /** The annotations allowed on non-model constructors */ public final JmlTokenKind[] allowedConstructorAnnotations = new JmlTokenKind[] { MODEL, PURE, SPEC_PUBLIC, SPEC_PROTECTED, HELPER, EXTRACT, CODE_JAVA_MATH, CODE_SAFE_MATH, CODE_BIGINT_MATH, SPEC_JAVA_MATH, SPEC_SAFE_MATH, SPEC_BIGINT_MATH, PEER, REP, READONLY, OPTIONS, SKIP_ESC // FIXME - allowing these until the rules are really implemented }; /** The annotations allowed on model constructors */ public final JmlTokenKind[] allowedModelConstructorAnnotations = new JmlTokenKind[] { MODEL, PURE, HELPER, EXTRACT , CODE_JAVA_MATH, CODE_SAFE_MATH, CODE_BIGINT_MATH, SPEC_JAVA_MATH, SPEC_SAFE_MATH, SPEC_BIGINT_MATH, OPTIONS, PEER, REP, READONLY // FIXME - allowing these until the rules are really implemented }; /** Does the various checks of method/constructor modifiers */ public void checkMethodModifiers(JmlMethodDecl javaMethodTree) { if ((javaMethodTree.sym.flags() & SYNTHETIC) != 0) return; JavaFileObject prev = log.currentSourceFile(); try { JmlSpecs.MethodSpecs mspecs = specs.getSpecs(javaMethodTree.sym); //javaMethodTree.methodSpecsCombined; JCModifiers mods = mspecs.mods; boolean inJML = utils.isJML(mods); boolean classIsModel = isModel(javaMethodTree.sym.owner); boolean model = isModel(mods); boolean synthetic = mods != null && (mods.flags & Flags.SYNTHETIC) != 0; boolean anon = javaMethodTree.sym.owner.isAnonymous(); if (classIsModel && model && !synthetic) { log.useSource(javaMethodTree.sourcefile); log.error(javaMethodTree.pos,"jml.no.nested.model.type"); } else if (inJML && !model && !isInJmlDeclaration) { if (!anon) { log.useSource(javaMethodTree.sourcefile); log.error(javaMethodTree.pos,"jml.missing.model"); } } else if (!inJML && model) { log.useSource(javaMethodTree.sourcefile); log.error(javaMethodTree.pos,"jml.ghost.model.on.java"); } // FIXME - this test is in the wrong place (NPE would happen above) and needs review inany case if (mods == null) mods = javaMethodTree.mods; // FIXME - this can happen for JML synthesized methods, such as are added for RAC - perhaps we should properly initialize the modifiers, but for now we just say they are OK // Check that any annotations are allowed and no conflicting pairs occur if (javaMethodTree.getReturnType() != null) { if (javaMethodTree.sym.enclClass().isInterface()) { if (model) { allAllowed(mods.annotations,allowedInterfaceModelMethodAnnotations,"interface model method declaration"); } else { allAllowed(mods.annotations,allowedInterfaceMethodAnnotations,"interface method declaration"); } } else { if (model) { allAllowed(mods.annotations,allowedModelMethodAnnotations,"model method declaration"); } else { allAllowed(mods.annotations,allowedMethodAnnotations,"method declaration"); } } checkForConflict(mods,NONNULL,NULLABLE); checkForConflict(mods,PURE,QUERY); } else { // Constructor if (model) { allAllowed(mods.annotations,allowedModelConstructorAnnotations,"model constructor declaration"); } else { allAllowed(mods.annotations,allowedConstructorAnnotations,"constructor declaration"); } } // Check rules about Function JCAnnotation a=utils.findMod(mods,tokenToAnnotationSymbol.get(FUNCTION)); if (a != null && !utils.isJMLStatic(javaMethodTree.sym)) { Symbol sym = javaMethodTree.sym.owner; if (sym instanceof ClassSymbol && !isImmutable((ClassSymbol)sym)) { log.error(a.pos,"jml.function.must.have.immutable",javaMethodTree.name.toString()); } } // Check rules about helper if ( (a=utils.findMod(mods,tokenToAnnotationSymbol.get(HELPER))) != null && utils.findMod(mods,tokenToAnnotationSymbol.get(PURE)) == null && ( (mods.flags & Flags.PRIVATE) == 0 || utils.findMod(mods,tokenToAnnotationSymbol.get(SPEC_PUBLIC)) != null || utils.findMod(mods,tokenToAnnotationSymbol.get(SPEC_PROTECTED)) != null ) ) { log.useSource(((JmlTree.JmlAnnotation)a).sourcefile); log.error(a.pos,"jml.helper.must.be.private",javaMethodTree.name.toString()); } if (!model) { checkForConflict(mods,SPEC_PUBLIC,SPEC_PROTECTED); checkForRedundantSpecMod(mods); } } finally { log.useSource(prev); } } protected void determineQueryAndSecret(JmlMethodDecl tree, JmlSpecs.MethodSpecs mspecs) { // Query // If no datagroup is named in a Query annotation, and the // default datagroup does not exist for the method, then a datagroup // is created for it. However, if a datagroup is named in a Query annotation // then it is not created if it does not exist, even if it is the // name of the default datagroup. The same rule applies to a // Secret annotation for the method - but in some cases the Query // annotation will have created it, making for a bit of an anomaly. // TODO: clarify what the behavior should be and implement here and in the tests JCAnnotation query = findMod(tree.mods,JmlTokenKind.QUERY); VarSymbol queryDatagroup = null; if (query != null) { List<JCExpression> args = query.getArguments(); Name datagroup = null; int pos = 0; if (args.isEmpty()) { // No argument - use the name of the method datagroup = tree.name; pos = query.pos; } else { datagroup = getAnnotationStringArg(query); pos = args.get(0).pos; } if (datagroup != null) { // Find the field with that name boolean prev = jmlresolve.setAllowJML(true); Symbol v = rs.findField(env,env.enclClass.type,datagroup,env.enclClass.sym); // FIXME - test that this does not look outside the class and supertypes jmlresolve.setAllowJML(prev); if (v instanceof VarSymbol) { //OK queryDatagroup = (VarSymbol)v; // Don't require datagroups to be model fields // if (!isModel(v)) { // // TODO - ideally would like this to point to the declaration of the VarSymbol - but it might not exist and we have to find it // log.error(pos,"jml.datagroup.must.be.model"); // } } else if (args.size() == 0) { // Create a default: public model secret JMLDataGroup JmlTree.Maker maker = JmlTree.Maker.instance(context); JCTree.JCModifiers nmods = maker.Modifiers(Flags.PUBLIC); JCTree.JCAnnotation a = maker.Annotation(maker.Type(tokenToAnnotationSymbol.get(JmlTokenKind.MODEL).type),List.<JCExpression>nil()); JCTree.JCAnnotation aa = maker.Annotation(maker.Type(tokenToAnnotationSymbol.get(JmlTokenKind.SECRET).type),List.<JCExpression>nil()); nmods.annotations = List.<JCAnnotation>of(a,aa); JCTree.JCExpression type = maker.Type(datagroupClass.type); JCTree.JCVariableDecl vd = maker.VarDef(nmods,datagroup,type,null); JmlMemberEnter.instance(context).memberEnter(vd,enclosingClassEnv); JmlTree.JmlTypeClauseDecl td = maker.JmlTypeClauseDecl(vd); utils.setJML(vd.mods); vd.accept(this); // attribute it queryDatagroup = vd.sym; specs.getSpecs(enclosingClassEnv.enclClass.sym).clauses.append(td); } else { log.error(pos,"jml.no.such.field",datagroup); } } } mspecs.queryDatagroup = queryDatagroup; // Secret JCAnnotation secret = findMod(tree.mods,JmlTokenKind.SECRET); VarSymbol secretDatagroup = null; if (secret != null) { List<JCExpression> args = secret.getArguments(); int pos = 0; Name datagroup = null; if (args.size()!=1) { // No argument - error log.error(secret.pos(),"jml.secret.method.one.arg"); datagroup = null; } else { // FIXME - what if the string is a qualified name? datagroup = getAnnotationStringArg(secret); pos = args.get(0).pos; } if (datagroup != null) { // Find the model field with that name boolean prev = jmlresolve.setAllowJML(true); Symbol v = rs.findField(env,env.enclClass.type,datagroup,env.enclClass.sym); jmlresolve.setAllowJML(prev); if (v instanceof VarSymbol) { secretDatagroup = (VarSymbol)v; //OK // if (!isModel(v)) { // // TODO - ideally would like this to point to the declaration of the VarSymbol - but it might not exist and we have to find it // log.error(pos,"jml.datagroup.must.be.model"); // } } else { log.error(pos,"jml.no.such.field",datagroup); } } } mspecs.secretDatagroup = secretDatagroup; if (queryDatagroup != null && queryDatagroup.equals(secretDatagroup)) { log.error(query.pos,"jml.not.both.query.and.secret"); } } public void checkMethodSpecsDirectly(JmlMethodDecl tree) { // Copying what is done in super.visitMethodDef to setup an environment // This is only done if the method body is null, otherwise, it is quicker // to check the method specs with the body boolean isInJml = ((JmlCheck)chk).setInJml(true); MethodSymbol m = tree.sym; Lint lint = env.info.lint.augment(m); Lint prevLint = chk.setLint(lint); MethodSymbol prevMethod = chk.setMethod(m); try { deferredLintHandler.flush(tree.pos()); chk.checkDeprecatedAnnotation(tree.pos(), m); // Create a new environment with local scope // for attributing the method. Env<AttrContext> localEnv = memberEnter.methodEnv(tree, env); localEnv.info.lint = lint; // Enter all type parameters into the local method scope. for (List<JCTypeParameter> l = tree.typarams; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) localEnv.info.scope.enterIfAbsent(l.head.type.tsym); // Attribute all value parameters if needed and add them into the scope for (List<JCVariableDecl> l = tree.params; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) { attribStat(l.head, localEnv); } { // Both method specs and specs in statements in the method body use enclosingMethodEnv to resolve \old and \pre // references against the environment present when the method is called. For method specs this does not change since // there are no introduced declarations, but it is convenient to use the same variable anyway. // In this case we don't need to dup it because it does not change. Env<AttrContext> prevEnv = enclosingMethodEnv; enclosingMethodEnv = localEnv; // Note: we cannot just cache the current value of env for use later. // This is because the envs are presumed to be nested and share their // symbol tables. Access to scopes is presumed to be nested - in Java // a reference to an identifier is always resolved in the current scope first, // not in an enclosing scope. However, JML has the \old operator which gives // access to the scope at method definition time from within other nestings. boolean prevAllowJML = jmlresolve.setAllowJML(true); Env<AttrContext> prevEnv2 = env; try { env = localEnv; JmlSpecs.MethodSpecs sp = tree.methodSpecsCombined; // OR specs.getSpecs(env.enclMethod.sym); if we don't have a tree - FIXME if (sp != null) sp.cases.accept(this); deSugarMethodSpecs(tree,tree.methodSpecsCombined); } finally { env = prevEnv2; jmlresolve.setAllowJML(prevAllowJML); enclosingMethodEnv = prevEnv; } } localEnv.info.scope.leave(); result = tree.type = m.type; } finally { ((JmlCheck)chk).setInJml(isInJml); chk.setLint(prevLint); } } /** Makes an attributed binary operation node * @param optag the kind of operation (e.g. JCTree.AND) * @param lhs the left-hand operand * @param rhs the right-hand operand * @param pos the soursce position of the node (e.g. of the operator) * @return the constructed node */ protected JCExpression makeBinary(JCTree.Tag optag, JCExpression lhs, JCExpression rhs, int pos) { if (optag == JCTree.Tag.OR && lhs == falseLit) return rhs; if (optag == JCTree.Tag.AND && lhs == trueLit) return rhs; JCBinary tree = make.at(pos).Binary(optag, lhs, rhs); tree.operator = predefBinOp(optag, lhs.type); tree.type = tree.operator.type.getReturnType(); return tree; } /** Makes an attributed JCIdent node * @param decl the declaration whose variable is being used in the Ident node * @param pos the source position at which to place the new node * @return the constructed node */ protected JCIdent makeIdent(JCVariableDecl decl, int pos) { JCIdent id = make.at(pos).Ident(decl.name); id.sym = decl.sym; id.type = decl.type; return id; } /** Makes an attributed node representing a new variable declaration * such as a local declaration within the body of a method; * a new symbol is created, though not entered as a member in any scope; * the sourcefile (if it is a JmlVariableDecl) is not filled in; * @param name the name of the variable * @param type the type of the variable * @param init the (attributed) initialization expression or null * @param pos the preferred position indication * @return the AST node */ protected JCVariableDecl makeVariableDecl(Name name, Type type, /*@Nullable*/ JCExpression init, int pos) { JmlTree.Maker factory = JmlTree.Maker.instance(context); VarSymbol vsym = new VarSymbol(0, name, type, null); vsym.pos = pos; JCVariableDecl decl = factory.at(pos).VarDef(vsym,init); return decl; } /** Make an attributed node representing a literal (no node position is set); * the value is an Integer for boolean (0=false, 1=true) or char types * @param type The literal's type. * @param value The literal's value (0/1 for boolean) */ protected JCLiteral makeLit(Type type, Object value) { return make.Literal(type.getTag(), value).setType(type); } /** Make an attributed node representing an literal of type int * @param value the value of the literal * @param pos the equivalent source location for the node * @return the constructed node */ protected JCLiteral makeIntLiteral(int value, int pos) { JmlTree.Maker factory = JmlTree.Maker.instance(context); JCLiteral lit = factory.at(pos).Literal(TypeTag.INT,value); lit.type = syms.intType; return lit; } // FIXME - is there a faster way to do this? /** Returns a Symbol (in the current compilation context) for the given operator * with the given (lhs) type * @param op the operator (e.g. JCTree.AND) * @param type the type of the lhs, for disambiguation * @return the method Symbol for the operation */ protected Symbol predefBinOp(JCTree.Tag op, Type type) { Name n = TreeInfo.instance(context).operatorName(op); Scope.Entry e = syms.predefClass.members().lookup(n); while (e.sym != null) { if (e.sym instanceof MethodSymbol) { MethodSymbol msym = (MethodSymbol)e.sym; Type t = msym.getParameters().head.type; if (t == type || (!type.isPrimitive() && t == syms.objectType)) return e.sym; } e = e.next(); } return null; } /** Does a custom desugaring of the method specs. It adds in the type * restrictions (non_null) and purity, desugars lightweight and heavyweight * to behavior cases, adds in defaults, desugars signals_only and denests. * It does not merge multiple specification cases (so we can give better * error messages) and it does not pull in inherited specs. So in the end * the desugared specs consist of a set of specification cases, each of * which consists of a series of clauses without nesting; there is no * combining of requires or other clauses and no insertion of preconditions * into the other clauses. * <BR> * A method specification can have * some preliminary clauses and then fork into multiple specification cases * or into the elements of a clause group. We accumulate a prefix - a list * of clauses that are common to all subsequent specification cases. Then * we replicate the list and append the subsequent clauses to the appropriate * replicate. Note that the replication is shallow, so the replicates contain * equal object references to the common clauses. * @param decl the method declaration whose specs are being desugared * @param msp the method specs being desugared */ // FIXME - base this on symbol rather than decl, but first check when all // the modifiers are added into the symbol // FIXME - check everything for position information public void deSugarMethodSpecs(JmlMethodDecl decl, JmlSpecs.MethodSpecs msp) { //log.getWriter(WriterKind.NOTICE).println("DESUGARING " + decl.sym.owner + " " + decl.sym + decl.toString()); if (msp == null) return; JmlMethodSpecs methodSpecs = msp.cases; Env<AttrContext> prevEnv = env; Symbol owner = decl.sym.owner; boolean specsCompletelyEmpty = methodSpecs.cases.isEmpty(); env = enter.getEnv((ClassSymbol)decl.sym.owner); JCMethodDecl prevEnclMethod = env == null ? null : env.enclMethod; if (env != null) env.enclMethod = decl; // This is here to handle the situation when deSugarMethodSPecs // is called from JmlSpecs to provide on demand desugaring. In that case we are not within // a tree hierarchy, so we have to set the enclosing method declaration directly. If we were only // calling deSugarMethodSpecs during AST attribution, then we would not need to set env or adjust // env.enclMethod. if (env == null) env = enclosingMethodEnv; // DO a defensive check if (methodSpecs.decl != decl) { // FIXME this fails //log.error("jml.internal","UNEXPECTED MISMATCH when desugaring specs " + decl.sym + " " + methodSpecs.decl.sym); } JavaFileObject prevSource = log.useSource(decl.sourcefile); EndPosTable endPosTable = log.currentSource().getEndPosTable(); try { JmlTree.Maker jmlMaker = (JmlTree.Maker)make; JCAnnotation pure = findMod(msp.mods,JmlTokenKind.PURE); if (pure == null) pure = findMod(msp.mods,JmlTokenKind.FUNCTION); desugaringPure = pure != null; if (!desugaringPure) { if (enclosingClassEnv != null) desugaringPure = (pure = findMod(enclosingClassEnv.enclClass.mods,JmlTokenKind.PURE)) != null; } if (specsCompletelyEmpty && !desugaringPure && !decl.sym.isConstructor()) { // If the local specs are completely empty, then the desugaring depends on what is inherited: // If the method at hand does not override anything, then we go on to add the default specs; // If the method at hand does override some parent methods, then we add no additional specs here if (utils.parents(decl.sym).size() > 1) { // The override list will always include the method itself JmlMethodSpecs newspecs = jmlMaker.at(methodSpecs.pos).JmlMethodSpecs(List.<JmlTree.JmlSpecificationCase>nil()); newspecs.decl = methodSpecs.decl; methodSpecs.deSugared = newspecs; return; } } JCLiteral nulllit = make.Literal(TypeTag.BOT, null).setType(syms.objectType.constType(null)); // A list in which to collect clauses ListBuffer<JmlMethodClause> clauses = new ListBuffer<JmlMethodClause>(); // Add a precondition for each nonnull parameter for (JCVariableDecl p : decl.params) { if (p.type == null && p.sym != null) p.type = p.sym.type; // FIXME - A hack - why is p.type null - has the corresponding class not been Attributed? if (!p.type.isPrimitive()) { JmlVariableDecl jp = (JmlVariableDecl)p; boolean isNonnull = specs.isNonNull(jp); JCAnnotation nonnull = jp.specsDecl == null ? null : findMod(jp.specsDecl.mods,JmlTokenKind.NONNULL); // FIXME - this is not necessarily the correct position - could be in a .jml file if (nonnull == null) nonnull = findMod(jp.mods,JmlTokenKind.NONNULL); // FIXME - this is not necessarily the correct position - could be in a .jml file if (isNonnull) { JCTree treeForPos = nonnull == null ? jp : nonnull; int endPos = treeForPos.getEndPosition(endPosTable); JCIdent id = makeIdent(p,treeForPos.pos); endPosTable.storeEnd(id, endPos); JCExpression e = makeBinary(JCTree.Tag.NE,id,nulllit,treeForPos.pos); endPosTable.storeEnd(e, endPos); JmlMethodClauseExpr clause = jmlMaker.JmlMethodClauseExpr(JmlTokenKind.REQUIRES,e); clause.pos = e.pos; clause.sourcefile = decl.source(); // FIXME - should be set by where the nonnull annotation is endPosTable.storeEnd(clause,endPos); clauses.append(clause); } } } // Add a nonnull postcondition on the return type JCAnnotation nonnullAnnotation = findMod(decl.mods,JmlTokenKind.NONNULL); int annotationPos = (nonnullAnnotation != null) ? nonnullAnnotation.getPreferredPosition() : decl.getPreferredPosition(); int annotationEnd = (nonnullAnnotation != null) ? nonnullAnnotation.getEndPosition(endPosTable) : decl.getPreferredPosition()+1; // restype is null for constructors, possibly void for methods if (decl.restype != null && decl.restype.type.getTag() != TypeTag.VOID && !decl.restype.type.isPrimitive()) { boolean isNonnull = specs.isNonNull(decl.sym,decl.sym.enclClass()); if (isNonnull) { JCExpression id = jmlMaker.JmlSingleton(JmlTokenKind.BSRESULT); id.type = decl.restype.type; JCExpression e = makeBinary(JCTree.Tag.NE,id,nulllit,0); id.pos = annotationPos; e.pos = annotationPos; endPosTable.storeEnd(e,annotationEnd); endPosTable.storeEnd(id,annotationEnd); JmlTokenKind prev = currentClauseType; currentClauseType = JmlTokenKind.ENSURES; attribExpr(e,env); currentClauseType = prev; JmlMethodClauseExpr cl = jmlMaker.at(annotationPos).JmlMethodClauseExpr(JmlTokenKind.ENSURES,e); cl.sourcefile = decl.source(); endPosTable.storeEnd(cl,annotationEnd); clauses.append(cl); } } // Add an assignable clause if the method is pure and has no assignable clause JmlMethodClause clp = null; if (desugaringPure) { if (decl.sym.isConstructor()) { // JCIdent t = jmlMaker.Ident(names._this); // t.type = decl.sym.owner.type; // t.sym = decl.sym.owner; // clp = jmlMaker.JmlMethodClauseStoreRef(JmlTokenKind.ASSIGNABLE, // List.<JCExpression>of(jmlMaker.Select(t,(Name)null))); clp = jmlMaker.JmlMethodClauseStoreRef(JmlTokenKind.ASSIGNABLE, List.<JCExpression>of(jmlMaker.JmlStoreRefKeyword(JmlTokenKind.BSNOTHING))); } else { clp = jmlMaker.JmlMethodClauseStoreRef(JmlTokenKind.ASSIGNABLE, List.<JCExpression>of(jmlMaker.JmlStoreRefKeyword(JmlTokenKind.BSNOTHING))); } if (pure != null) { clp.pos = pure.pos; endPosTable.storeEnd(clp,pure.getEndPosition(endPosTable)); } else { // This branch is defensive - should never happen clp.pos = Position.NOPOS; endPosTable.storeEnd(clp,Position.NOPOS); } // clauses.append(clp); // clp = null; } // We already have some implicit method spec clauses in 'clauses' // Desugar any specification cases JmlMethodSpecs newspecs; if (!methodSpecs.cases.isEmpty()) { ListBuffer<JmlSpecificationCase> allcases = new ListBuffer<JmlSpecificationCase>(); ListBuffer<JmlSpecificationCase> allitcases = new ListBuffer<JmlSpecificationCase>(); ListBuffer<JmlSpecificationCase> allfecases = new ListBuffer<JmlSpecificationCase>(); for (JmlSpecificationCase c: methodSpecs.cases) { ListBuffer<JmlMethodClause> cl = new ListBuffer<JmlMethodClause>(); cl.appendList(clauses); JCModifiers mods = c.modifiers; if (c.token == null) mods = decl.mods; ListBuffer<JmlSpecificationCase> newcases = deNest(cl,List.<JmlSpecificationCase>of(c),null,decl,mods); for (JmlSpecificationCase cs: newcases) { // Note: a model program spec case has no clauses if (cs.clauses != null) { boolean hasAssignableClause = false; boolean hasAccessibleClause = false; for (JmlMethodClause clm: cs.clauses) { if (clm.token == JmlTokenKind.ASSIGNABLE) { hasAssignableClause = true; } if (clm.token == JmlTokenKind.ACCESSIBLE) { hasAccessibleClause = true; } } if (!hasAssignableClause && clp != null) { cs.clauses = cs.clauses.append(clp); } if (!hasAccessibleClause) { JmlMethodClause defaultClause; if (decl.sym.isConstructor()) { JCIdent t = jmlMaker.Ident(names._this); t.type = decl.sym.owner.type; t.sym = decl.sym.owner; defaultClause = jmlMaker.JmlMethodClauseStoreRef(JmlTokenKind.ACCESSIBLE, List.<JCExpression>of(t,jmlMaker.Select(t,(Name)null))); } else { defaultClause = jmlMaker.JmlMethodClauseStoreRef(JmlTokenKind.ACCESSIBLE, List.<JCExpression>of(jmlMaker.JmlStoreRefKeyword(JmlTokenKind.BSEVERYTHING))); } cs.clauses = cs.clauses.append(defaultClause); } } } allcases.appendList(newcases); } for (JmlSpecificationCase c: methodSpecs.impliesThatCases) { ListBuffer<JmlMethodClause> cl = new ListBuffer<JmlMethodClause>(); cl.appendList(clauses); JCModifiers mods = c.modifiers; if (c.token == null) mods = decl.mods; ListBuffer<JmlSpecificationCase> newcases = deNest(cl,List.<JmlSpecificationCase>of(c),null,decl,mods); for (JmlSpecificationCase cs: newcases) { // Note: a model program spec case has no clauses if (cs.clauses != null) { boolean hasAssignableClause = false; boolean hasAccessibleClause = false; for (JmlMethodClause clm: cs.clauses) { if (clm.token == JmlTokenKind.ASSIGNABLE) { hasAssignableClause = true; } if (clm.token == JmlTokenKind.ACCESSIBLE) { hasAccessibleClause = true; } } if (!hasAssignableClause && clp != null) { cs.clauses = cs.clauses.append(clp); } if (!hasAccessibleClause) { JmlMethodClause defaultClause; if (decl.sym.isConstructor()) { JCIdent t = jmlMaker.Ident(names._this); t.type = decl.sym.owner.type; t.sym = decl.sym.owner; defaultClause = jmlMaker.JmlMethodClauseStoreRef(JmlTokenKind.ACCESSIBLE, List.<JCExpression>of(t,jmlMaker.Select(t,(Name)null))); } else { defaultClause = jmlMaker.JmlMethodClauseStoreRef(JmlTokenKind.ACCESSIBLE, List.<JCExpression>of(jmlMaker.JmlStoreRefKeyword(JmlTokenKind.BSEVERYTHING))); } cs.clauses = cs.clauses.append(defaultClause); } } } allitcases.appendList(newcases); } for (JmlSpecificationCase c: methodSpecs.forExampleCases) { ListBuffer<JmlMethodClause> cl = new ListBuffer<JmlMethodClause>(); cl.appendList(clauses); JCModifiers mods = c.modifiers; if (c.token == null) mods = decl.mods; ListBuffer<JmlSpecificationCase> newcases = deNest(cl,List.<JmlSpecificationCase>of(c),null,decl,mods); for (JmlSpecificationCase cs: newcases) { // Note: a model program spec case has no clauses if (cs.clauses != null) { boolean hasAssignableClause = false; boolean hasAccessibleClause = false; for (JmlMethodClause clm: cs.clauses) { if (clm.token == JmlTokenKind.ASSIGNABLE) { hasAssignableClause = true; } if (clm.token == JmlTokenKind.ACCESSIBLE) { hasAccessibleClause = true; } } if (!hasAssignableClause && clp != null) { cs.clauses = cs.clauses.append(clp); } if (!hasAccessibleClause) { JmlMethodClause defaultClause; if (decl.sym.isConstructor()) { JCIdent t = jmlMaker.Ident(names._this); t.type = decl.sym.owner.type; t.sym = decl.sym.owner; defaultClause = jmlMaker.JmlMethodClauseStoreRef(JmlTokenKind.ACCESSIBLE, List.<JCExpression>of(t,jmlMaker.Select(t,(Name)null))); } else { defaultClause = jmlMaker.JmlMethodClauseStoreRef(JmlTokenKind.ACCESSIBLE, List.<JCExpression>of(jmlMaker.JmlStoreRefKeyword(JmlTokenKind.BSEVERYTHING))); } cs.clauses = cs.clauses.append(defaultClause); } } } allfecases.appendList(newcases); } newspecs = jmlMaker.at(methodSpecs.pos).JmlMethodSpecs(allcases.toList()); newspecs.impliesThatCases = allitcases.toList(); newspecs.forExampleCases = allfecases.toList(); } else { if (clp != null) clauses.append(clp); if (!clauses.isEmpty()) { JCModifiers mods = jmlMaker.at(decl.pos).Modifiers(decl.mods.flags & Flags.AccessFlags); JmlSpecificationCase c = jmlMaker.JmlSpecificationCase(mods,false,null,null,clauses.toList()); newspecs = jmlMaker.JmlMethodSpecs(List.<JmlSpecificationCase>of(c)); } else { newspecs = methodSpecs; } } newspecs.decl = methodSpecs.decl; methodSpecs.deSugared = newspecs; } finally { if (env != null) env.enclMethod = prevEnclMethod; env = prevEnv; log.useSource(prevSource); } } // public void addDefaultClauses(List<JmlMethodClause> clauses) { // ListBuffer<JmlMethodClause> cl = new ListBuffer<JmlMethodClause>(); // cl.appendList(clauses); // JCModifiers mods = c.modifiers; // if (c.token == null) mods = decl.mods; // ListBuffer<JmlSpecificationCase> newcases = deNest(cl,List.<JmlSpecificationCase>of(c),null,decl,mods); // for (JmlSpecificationCase cs: newcases) { // // Note: a model program spec case has no clauses // if (cs.clauses != null) { // boolean hasAssignableClause = false; // boolean hasAccessibleClause = false; // for (JmlMethodClause clm: cs.clauses) { // if (clm.token == JmlTokenKind.ASSIGNABLE) { // hasAssignableClause = true; // } // if (clm.token == JmlTokenKind.ACCESSIBLE) { // hasAccessibleClause = true; // } // } // if (!hasAssignableClause && clp != null) { // cs.clauses = cs.clauses.append(clp); // } // if (!hasAccessibleClause) { // JmlMethodClause defaultClause = jmlMaker.JmlMethodClauseStoreRef(JmlTokenKind.ACCESSIBLE, // List.<JCExpression>of(jmlMaker.JmlStoreRefKeyword(JmlTokenKind.BSEVERYTHING))); // cs.clauses = cs.clauses.append(defaultClause); // } // } // } // // } boolean desugaringPure = false; // FIXME - this ignores anything after a clause group. That is OK in strict JML. DO we want it? There is no warning. public ListBuffer<JmlSpecificationCase> deNest(ListBuffer<JmlMethodClause> prefix, List<JmlSpecificationCase> cases, /*@ nullable */JmlSpecificationCase parent, JmlMethodDecl decl, JCModifiers mods) { ListBuffer<JmlSpecificationCase> newlist = new ListBuffer<JmlSpecificationCase>(); if (cases.isEmpty()) { if (parent != null) { addDefaultSignalsOnly(prefix,parent,decl); newlist.append(((JmlTree.Maker)make).at(parent.pos).JmlSpecificationCase(mods,parent.code,parent.token,parent.also,prefix.toList())); } else { // ERROR - not allowed to have an empty collection of specification cases // at the top level log.error("jml.internal","Unexpected empty set of specification cases at the top-level in JmlAttr"); } } else if (cases.size() == 1) { // common case that just avoids copying the prefix JmlSpecificationCase c = cases.get(0); handleCase(parent, decl, newlist, c, prefix, mods); } else { for (JmlSpecificationCase cse: cases) { ListBuffer<JmlMethodClause> pr = copy(prefix); handleCase(parent, decl, newlist, cse, pr, mods); } } return newlist; } // FIXME - document; remove parent protected void addDefaultSignalsOnly(ListBuffer<JmlMethodClause> prefix, JmlSpecificationCase parent, JmlMethodDecl decl) { boolean anySOClause = false; for (JmlMethodClause cl: prefix) { if (cl.token == JmlTokenKind.SIGNALS_ONLY) anySOClause = true; } if (!anySOClause) { DiagnosticPosition p = decl.pos(); if (decl.thrown != null && !decl.thrown.isEmpty()) p = decl.thrown.get(0).pos(); ListBuffer<JCExpression> list = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>(); if (decl.thrown != null) list.addAll(decl.thrown); list.add(factory.at(p).Type(syms.runtimeExceptionType)); JmlMethodClauseSignalsOnly cl = (factory.at(p).JmlMethodClauseSignalsOnly(JmlTokenKind.SIGNALS_ONLY, list.toList())); cl.sourcefile = log.currentSourceFile(); prefix.add(cl); } } /** Makes a copy of the list of clauses. */ public ListBuffer<JmlMethodClause> copy(ListBuffer<JmlMethodClause> p) { ListBuffer<JmlMethodClause> copy = new ListBuffer<JmlMethodClause>(); copy.appendList(p); return copy; } protected void handleCase(JmlSpecificationCase parent, JmlMethodDecl decl, ListBuffer<JmlSpecificationCase> newlist, JmlSpecificationCase cse, ListBuffer<JmlMethodClause> pr, JCModifiers mods) { if (cse.token == JmlTokenKind.MODEL_PROGRAM) { newlist.append(cse); // FIXME - check that model programs are only at the outer level return; } if (parent == null) { JmlTree.Maker jmlF = (JmlTree.Maker)make; JmlTokenKind t = cse.token; if (t == JmlTokenKind.NORMAL_BEHAVIOR || t == JmlTokenKind.NORMAL_EXAMPLE) { JmlMethodClauseSignals cl = jmlF.at(cse.pos).JmlMethodClauseSignals(JmlTokenKind.SIGNALS,null,falseLit); cl.sourcefile = cse.sourcefile; pr.append(cl); } else if (t == JmlTokenKind.EXCEPTIONAL_BEHAVIOR || t == JmlTokenKind.EXCEPTIONAL_EXAMPLE) { JmlMethodClauseExpr cl = jmlF.at(cse.pos).JmlMethodClauseExpr(JmlTokenKind.ENSURES,falseLit); cl.sourcefile = cse.sourcefile; pr.append(cl); } } newlist.appendList(deNestHelper(pr,cse.clauses,parent==null?cse:parent,decl,mods)); } public ListBuffer<JmlSpecificationCase> deNestHelper(ListBuffer<JmlMethodClause> prefix, List<JmlMethodClause> clauses, JmlSpecificationCase parent, JmlMethodDecl decl, JCModifiers mods) { for (JmlMethodClause m: clauses) { if (m instanceof JmlMethodClauseGroup) { return deNest(prefix,((JmlMethodClauseGroup)m).cases, parent,decl, mods); } JmlTokenKind t = m.token; if (t == JmlTokenKind.ENSURES) { if (parent.token == JmlTokenKind.EXCEPTIONAL_BEHAVIOR || parent.token == JmlTokenKind.EXCEPTIONAL_EXAMPLE) { log.error(m.pos,"jml.misplaced.clause","Ensures","exceptional"); continue; } } else if (t == JmlTokenKind.SIGNALS) { if (parent.token == JmlTokenKind.NORMAL_BEHAVIOR || parent.token == JmlTokenKind.NORMAL_EXAMPLE) { log.error(m.pos,"jml.misplaced.clause","Signals","normal"); continue; } } else if (t == JmlTokenKind.SIGNALS_ONLY) { if (parent.token == JmlTokenKind.NORMAL_BEHAVIOR || parent.token == JmlTokenKind.NORMAL_EXAMPLE) { log.error(m.pos,"jml.misplaced.clause","Signals_only","normal"); continue; } int count = 0; for (JmlMethodClause mc: prefix) { if (mc.token == JmlTokenKind.SIGNALS_ONLY) count++; } if (count > 0) { log.error(m.pos,"jml.multiple.signalsonly"); } } else if (desugaringPure && t == JmlTokenKind.ASSIGNABLE) { JmlMethodClauseStoreRef asg = (JmlMethodClauseStoreRef)m; if (decl.sym.isConstructor()) { // A pure constructor allows assigning to class member fields // So if there is an assignable clause the elements of the clause // may only be members of the class for (JCTree tt: asg.list) { if (tt instanceof JmlStoreRefKeyword) { if (((JmlStoreRefKeyword)tt).token == JmlTokenKind.BSNOTHING) { // OK } else { jmlerror(m,"jml.pure.constructor",tt); } } else if (tt instanceof JCIdent) { // non-static Simple identifier is OK // If the owner of the field is an interface, it // is by default static. However, it might be a // JML field marked as instance. VarSymbol sym = (VarSymbol)((JCIdent)tt).sym; if (utils.isJMLStatic(sym)) { jmlerror(tt,"jml.pure.constructor",tt); } } else if (tt instanceof JCTree.JCFieldAccess) { JCFieldAccess fa = (JCFieldAccess)tt; boolean ok = false; if (fa.selected instanceof JCIdent) { Symbol sym = ((JCIdent)fa.selected).sym; if (sym.name == names._this || sym.name == names._super) { Symbol fasym = fa.sym; if (fa.sym == null || !utils.isJMLStatic(fasym)) ok = true; } } if (!ok) jmlerror(tt,"jml.pure.constructor",tt); } else { // FIXME - also allow this.* or super.* ? jmlerror(tt,"jml.pure.constructor",tt); } } } else { for (JCTree tt: asg.list) { if (tt instanceof JmlStoreRefKeyword && ((JmlStoreRefKeyword)tt).token == JmlTokenKind.BSNOTHING) { // OK } else if (isFunction(decl.sym)) { jmlerror(tt,"jml.function.method",tt); } else { jmlerror(tt,"jml.pure.method",tt); } } } } prefix.append(m); } addDefaultSignalsOnly(prefix,parent,decl); ListBuffer<JmlSpecificationCase> newlist = new ListBuffer<JmlSpecificationCase>(); JmlSpecificationCase sc = (((JmlTree.Maker)make).JmlSpecificationCase(parent,prefix.toList())); sc.modifiers = mods; newlist.append(sc); return newlist; } // /** Determines the default nullability for the compilation unit // * @return true if the default is non_null, false if the default is nullable // */ // public boolean determineDefaultNullability() { // return false; // FIXME // } protected void adjustVarDef(JCVariableDecl tree, Env<AttrContext> localEnv) { if (!forallOldEnv) return; // Undo the super class if ((tree.mods.flags & STATIC) != 0 || (env.enclClass.sym.flags() & INTERFACE) != 0) localEnv.info.staticLevel--; // FIXME - actually, any initializer in an interface needs adjustment - might be instance // Redo, just dependent on static // FIXME - actually depends on whether the containing method is static // FIXME - check whetehr all specs are properly checked for stastic/nonstatic use of fields and methods // including material inherited from interfaces where the defaults are different if ((localEnv.enclMethod.mods.flags & STATIC) != 0 || (env.enclClass.sym.flags() & INTERFACE) != 0) localEnv.info.staticLevel++; } // /** This is overridden in order to check the JML modifiers of the variable declaration */ // @Override // public void visitVarDef(JCVariableDecl tree) { // attribAnnotationTypes(tree.mods.annotations,env); // FIXME - we should not need these two lines I think, but otherwise we get NPE faults on non_null field declarations // for (JCAnnotation a: tree.mods.annotations) a.type = a.annotationType.type; // super.visitVarDef(tree); // // Anonymous classes construct synthetic members (constructors at least) // // which are not JML nodes. // FieldSpecs fspecs = specs.getSpecs(tree.sym); // if (fspecs != null) { // boolean prev = jmlresolve.setAllowJML(true); // for (JmlTypeClause spec: fspecs.list) spec.accept(this); // jmlresolve.setAllowJML(prev); // } // // // These are checked later in visitJmlVariableDecl //// // Check the mods after the specs, because the modifier checks depend on //// // the specification clauses being attributed //// if (tree instanceof JmlVariableDecl) { //// checkVarMods((JmlVariableDecl)tree); //// } // } // MAINTENANCE ISSUE - copied from super class @Override protected void checkInit(JCTree tree, Env<AttrContext> env, VarSymbol v, boolean onlyWarning) { if (env.tree instanceof JmlQuantifiedExpr) return; // System.err.println(v + " " + ((v.flags() & STATIC) != 0) + " " + // tree.pos + " " + v.pos + " " + // Resolve.isStatic(env));//DEBUG // A forward reference is diagnosed if the declaration position // of the variable is greater than the current tree position // and the tree and variable definition occur in the same class // definition. Note that writes don't count as references. // This check applies only to class and instance // variables. Local variables follow different scope rules, // and are subject to definite assignment checking. if ((env.info.enclVar == v || v.pos > tree.pos) && v.owner.kind == TYP && enclosingInitEnv(env) != null && // FIXME - this line used to be a check for canOwnInitializer, which was only used here and defined in Attr.java v.owner == env.info.scope.owner.enclClass() && ((v.flags() & STATIC) != 0) == Resolve.isStatic(env) && (!env.tree.hasTag(ASSIGN) || TreeInfo.skipParens(((JCAssign) env.tree).lhs) != tree)) { String suffix = (env.info.enclVar == v) ? "self.ref" : "forward.ref"; if (!onlyWarning || isStaticEnumField(v)) { // DRC - changed the following line to avoid complaints about forward references from invariants if (currentClauseType == null || currentClauseType == JmlTokenKind.JMLDECL) { log.error(tree.pos(), "illegal.forward.ref"); } } else if (useBeforeDeclarationWarning) { log.warning(tree.pos(), suffix, v); } } v.getConstValue(); // ensure initializer is evaluated checkEnumInitializer(tree, env, v); } public JmlTokenKind[] allowedFieldModifiers = new JmlTokenKind[] { SPEC_PUBLIC, SPEC_PROTECTED, MODEL, GHOST, NONNULL, NULLABLE, INSTANCE, MONITORED, SECRET, PEER, REP, READONLY // FIXME - allowing these until the rules are really implemented }; public JmlTokenKind[] allowedGhostFieldModifiers = new JmlTokenKind[] { GHOST, NONNULL, NULLABLE, INSTANCE, MONITORED, SECRET, PEER, REP, READONLY // FIXME - allowing these until the rules are really implemented }; public JmlTokenKind[] allowedModelFieldModifiers = new JmlTokenKind[] { MODEL, NONNULL, NULLABLE, INSTANCE, SECRET, PEER, REP, READONLY // FIXME - allowing these until the rules are really implemented }; public JmlTokenKind[] allowedFormalParameterModifiers = new JmlTokenKind[] { NONNULL, NULLABLE, READONLY, REP, PEER, SECRET, }; public JmlTokenKind[] allowedLocalVarModifiers = new JmlTokenKind[] { NONNULL, NULLABLE, GHOST, UNINITIALIZED, READONLY, REP, PEER, SECRET }; public void checkVarMods(JmlVariableDecl tree) { if (tree.name == names.error || tree.type.isErroneous()) return; JCModifiers mods = tree.mods; String kind = (tree.mods.flags & Flags.PARAMETER) != 0 ? "parameter" : "field"; if (tree.specsDecl != null) { JCModifiers jmlmods = tree.specsDecl.mods; attribAnnotationTypes(jmlmods.annotations,env); // for (JCAnnotation a: tree.mods.annotations) { // Iterating over annotations in .java file // JCAnnotation aa = utils.findMod(jmlmods, a.type.tsym); // CHeck if it is used in .jml file // if (aa == null) { // If not, report that it is ignored // log.warning(a.pos(), "jml.java.annotation.superseded", kind , tree.name.toString(), a.toString()); // } // } mods = tree.specsDecl.mods; log.useSource(tree.specsDecl.source()); } boolean inJML = utils.isJML(mods); boolean ownerInJML = utils.isJML(tree.sym.owner.flags()); boolean ghost = isGhost(mods); boolean model = isModel(mods); boolean modelOrGhost = model || ghost; if (tree.sym.owner.kind == Kinds.TYP) { // Field declarations if (ghost) { allAllowed(mods.annotations, allowedGhostFieldModifiers, "ghost field declaration"); } else if (model) { allAllowed(mods.annotations, allowedModelFieldModifiers, "model field declaration"); } else { allAllowed(mods.annotations, allowedFieldModifiers, "field declaration"); } if (!inJML && isInJmlDeclaration && modelOrGhost) { if (ghost) utils.error(tree.sourcefile,tree.pos,"jml.no.nested.ghost.type"); else utils.error(tree.sourcefile,tree.pos,"jml.no.nested.model.type"); } else if (inJML && !modelOrGhost && !isInJmlDeclaration) { utils.error(tree.sourcefile,tree,"jml.missing.ghost.model"); } else if (!inJML && modelOrGhost) { utils.error(tree.sourcefile,tree.pos,"jml.ghost.model.on.java"); } JmlAnnotation a; if (!model) { checkForConflict(mods,SPEC_PUBLIC,SPEC_PROTECTED); checkForRedundantSpecMod(mods); } a = utils.findMod(mods,INSTANCE); if (a != null && isStatic(tree.mods)) { utils.error(a.sourcefile,a.pos(),"jml.conflicting.modifiers","instance","static"); } // if (model && ((tree.mods.flags & Flags.FINAL)!=0)) { // FIXME - WHy would model and final conflict // a = utils.findMod(tree.mods,MODEL); // utils.error(a.sourcefile,a.pos(),"jml.conflicting.modifiers","model","final"); // } checkForConflict(mods,NONNULL,NULLABLE); if (tree.specsDecl != null) log.useSource(tree.source()); } else if ((tree.mods.flags & Flags.PARAMETER) != 0) { // formal parameters JCModifiers pmods = tree.mods; if (tree.specsDecl != null) { JCModifiers jmlmods = tree.specsDecl.mods; attribAnnotationTypes(jmlmods.annotations,env); // Appropriate use of annotations is checked below. // for (JCAnnotation a: tree.mods.annotations) { // JmlAnnotation aa = utils.findMod(jmlmods, a.type.tsym); // if (aa == null) { // FIXME _ check on sourcefile // JavaFileObject psource = log.useSource(tree.source()); // log.warning(a.pos(), "jml.java.annotation.superseded", "parameter", tree.name.toString(), a.toString()); // log.useSource(psource); // } // } kind = "parameter"; pmods = jmlmods; } if (tree.specsDecl != null) log.useSource(tree.specsDecl.source()); allAllowed(pmods.annotations, allowedFormalParameterModifiers, "formal parameter"); checkForConflict(pmods,NONNULL,NULLABLE); if (tree.specsDecl != null) log.useSource(tree.source()); } else { // local declaration kind = "local variable declaration"; allAllowed(tree.mods.annotations, allowedLocalVarModifiers, kind); if (inJML && !ghost && !isInJmlDeclaration && !ownerInJML) { utils.error(tree.source(),tree.pos,"jml.missing.ghost"); } else if (!inJML && ghost) { utils.error(tree.source(),tree.pos,"jml.ghost.on.java"); } checkForConflict(tree.mods,NONNULL,NULLABLE); } if (tree.specsDecl != null) { JavaFileObject prev = log.useSource(tree.specsDecl.source()); checkSameAnnotations(tree.mods,tree.specsDecl.mods,kind,tree.name.toString()); log.useSource(prev); } // Check that types match if (tree.specsDecl != null) { // tree.specsDecl can be null if there is a parsing error JavaFileObject prev = log.useSource(tree.specsDecl.source()); Type specType = attribType(tree.specsDecl.vartype,env); log.useSource(prev); if (specType != null) { if (!Types.instance(context).isSameType(tree.sym.type,specType)) { if (specType.hasTag(TypeTag.TYPEVAR) && tree.sym.type.hasTag(TypeTag.TYPEVAR)) { if (specType.tsym.name != tree.sym.type.tsym.name) { utils.errorAndAssociatedDeclaration(tree.specsDecl.source(),tree.specsDecl.vartype.pos(), tree.sourcefile, tree.pos(), "jml.mismatched.field.types",tree.name, tree.sym.enclClass().getQualifiedName()+"."+tree.sym.name, specType.tsym, tree.sym.type.tsym); } } else if (!specType.toString().equals(tree.sym.type.toString())) { utils.errorAndAssociatedDeclaration(tree.specsDecl.source(),tree.specsDecl.vartype.pos(), tree.sourcefile, tree.pos(), "jml.mismatched.field.types",tree.name, tree.sym.enclClass().getQualifiedName()+"."+tree.sym.name, specType, tree.sym.type); } } } } } /** This method checks specifications of field declarations that must be checked after all * fields have been initially processed, because they might have forward declarations. */ public void checkVarMods2(JmlVariableDecl tree) { if (tree.name == names.error || tree.type.isErroneous()) return; JCModifiers mods = tree.mods; boolean inJML = utils.isJML(mods); boolean ownerInJML = utils.isJML(tree.sym.owner.flags()); boolean ghost = isGhost(mods); boolean model = isModel(mods); boolean modelOrGhost = model || ghost; inVarDecl = tree; // Secret JmlAnnotation secret = findMod(mods,JmlTokenKind.SECRET); VarSymbol secretDatagroup = null; if (secret != null) { List<JCExpression> args = secret.getArguments(); if (!args.isEmpty()) { utils.error(secret.sourcefile,args.get(0).pos,"jml.no.arg.for.field.secret"); } } // Note that method parameters, which belong to Methods, have // null FieldSpecs if (tree.sym.owner.kind == Kinds.TYP) { // Check all datagroups that the field is in JmlSpecs.FieldSpecs fspecs = specs.getSpecs(tree.sym); long prevVisibility = jmlVisibility; JmlTokenKind prevClauseType = currentClauseType; if (fspecs != null) try { for (JmlTypeClause tc: fspecs.list) { if (tc.token == JmlTokenKind.IN) { JmlTypeClauseIn tcin = (JmlTypeClauseIn)tc; currentClauseType = JmlTokenKind.IN; jmlVisibility = tcin.parentVar.mods.flags & Flags.AccessFlags; for (JmlGroupName g: tcin.list) { attributeGroup(g); if (g.sym == null) continue; // Happens if there was an error in finding g if (hasAnnotation(g.sym,JmlTokenKind.SECRET) != (secret != null)) { if (secret != null) { log.error(tcin.pos,"jml.secret.field.in.nonsecret.datagroup"); } else { log.error(tcin.pos,"jml.nonsecret.field.in.secret.datagroup"); } } } } } } finally { jmlVisibility = prevVisibility; currentClauseType = prevClauseType; inVarDecl = null; } // Allow Java fields to be datagroups // if (secret != null && fspecs.list.isEmpty()) { // // Not in any datagroups // // Had better be model itself // if (!isModel(fspecs.mods)) { // log.error(tree.pos,"jml.secret.field.model.or.in.secret.datagroup"); // } // } } } // // FIXME - this should be done in MemberEnter, not here // protected void checkSameAnnotations(Symbol sym, JCModifiers specsModifiers) { // for (Compound a : sym.getAnnotationMirrors()) { // if (a.type.tsym.owner.equals(annotationPackageSymbol) && utils.findMod(specsModifiers,a.type.tsym) == null) { // log.error(specsModifiers.pos,"jml.missing.annotation",a); // } // } // } /** Overridden in order to be sure that the type specs are attributed. */ public Type attribType(JCTree tree, Env<AttrContext> env) { // FIXME _ it seems this will automatically happen - why not? Type result = super.attribType(tree,env); if (result.getTag() != TypeTag.VOID && result.isErroneous() && result.tsym instanceof ClassSymbol && !result.isPrimitive()) { addTodo((ClassSymbol)result.tsym); } return result; } public void visitJmlGroupName(JmlGroupName tree) { Type saved = result = attribExpr(tree.selection,env,Type.noType); Symbol sym = null; if (tree.selection.type.getTag() == TypeTag.ERROR) return; else if (tree.selection instanceof JCIdent) sym = ((JCIdent)tree.selection).sym; else if (tree.selection instanceof JCFieldAccess) sym = ((JCFieldAccess)tree.selection).sym; else if (tree.selection instanceof JCErroneous) return; if (!(sym instanceof VarSymbol)) { // FIXME - does this happen? emit errors sym = null; } tree.sym = (VarSymbol)sym; if (sym == null) { log.error(tree.pos,"jml.internal","Unexpectedly did not find a resolution for this data group expression"); return; } if (!isModel(sym)) { log.error(tree.pos,"jml.datagroup.must.be.model.in.maps"); } if (inVarDecl != null && utils.isJMLStatic(sym) && !utils.isJMLStatic(inVarDecl.sym)) { log.error(tree.pos,"jml.instance.in.static.datagroup"); } result = saved; } JmlVariableDecl inVarDecl = null; public void visitJmlTypeClauseIn(JmlTypeClauseIn tree) { boolean prev = jmlresolve.setAllowJML(true); boolean prevEnv = pureEnvironment; JmlTokenKind prevClauseType = currentClauseType; JmlVariableDecl prevDecl = inVarDecl; currentClauseType = tree.token; pureEnvironment = true; inVarDecl = tree.parentVar; long prevVisibility = jmlVisibility; try { jmlVisibility = tree.parentVar.mods.flags & Flags.AccessFlags; // FIXME - don't thnk this is needed here if (checkForCircularity(inVarDecl.sym)) { log.error(inVarDecl.pos(),"jml.circular.datagroup.inclusion",inVarDecl.name); } // for (JmlGroupName n: tree.list) { // n.accept(this); // if (n.sym != null && n.sym != inVarDecl.sym && checkForCircularity(n.sym,inVarDecl.sym)) { // log.error(inVarDecl.pos(),"jml.circular.datagroup.inclusion",inVarDecl.name); // continue; // } // } } finally { jmlVisibility = prevVisibility; inVarDecl = prevDecl; pureEnvironment = prevEnv; currentClauseType = prevClauseType; jmlresolve.setAllowJML(prev); result = null; } } public void visitJmlTypeClauseMaps(JmlTypeClauseMaps tree) { boolean prev = jmlresolve.setAllowJML(true); boolean prevEnv = pureEnvironment; JmlTokenKind prevClauseType = currentClauseType; currentClauseType = tree.token; pureEnvironment = true; long prevVisibility = jmlVisibility; // Also check that the member reference field matches the declaration FIXME // FIXME - static environment? // FIXME - check visibility try { // FIXME : jmlVisibility = tree.parentVar.mods.flags & Flags.AccessFlags; attribExpr(tree.expression,env,Type.noType); for (JmlGroupName n: tree.list) { n.accept(this); } } finally { jmlVisibility = prevVisibility; pureEnvironment = prevEnv; currentClauseType = prevClauseType; jmlresolve.setAllowJML(prev); } } public void annotate(final List<JCAnnotation> annotations, final Env<AttrContext> localEnv) { Set<TypeSymbol> annotated = new HashSet<TypeSymbol>(); for (List<JCAnnotation> al = annotations; al.nonEmpty(); al = al.tail) { JCAnnotation a = al.head; Attribute.Compound c = annotate.enterAnnotation(a, syms.annotationType, env); if (c == null) continue; if (!annotated.add(a.type.tsym)) log.error(a.pos, "duplicate.annotation"); } } /** Attributes invariant, axiom, initially clauses */ public void visitJmlTypeClauseExpr(JmlTypeClauseExpr tree) { boolean prev = pureEnvironment; pureEnvironment = true; JavaFileObject old = log.useSource(tree.source); VarSymbol previousSecretContext = currentSecretContext; boolean prevAllowJML = jmlresolve.setAllowJML(true); boolean isStatic = tree.modifiers != null && isStatic(tree.modifiers); long prevVisibility = jmlVisibility; try { // invariant, axiom, initially Env<AttrContext> localEnv = env; // FIXME - here and in constraint, should we make a new local environment? //if (tree.token == JmlToken.AXIOM) isStatic = true; // FIXME - but have to sort out use of variables in axioms in general if (isStatic) localEnv.info.staticLevel++; if (tree.token == JmlTokenKind.INVARIANT) { jmlVisibility = -1; attribAnnotationTypes(tree.modifiers.annotations,env); annotate(tree.modifiers.annotations,env); JCAnnotation a = findMod(tree.modifiers,JmlTokenKind.SECRET); jmlVisibility = tree.modifiers.flags & Flags.AccessFlags; if (a != null) { if (a.args.size() != 1) { log.error(tree.pos(),"jml.secret.invariant.one.arg"); } else { Name datagroup = getAnnotationStringArg(a); if (datagroup != null) { //Symbol v = rs.findField(env,env.enclClass.type,datagroup,env.enclClass.sym); Symbol v = rs.resolveIdent(a.args.get(0).pos(),env,datagroup,VAR); if (v instanceof VarSymbol) currentSecretContext = (VarSymbol)v; else if (v instanceof PackageSymbol) { log.error(a.args.get(0).pos(),"jml.annotation.arg.not.a.field",v.getQualifiedName()); } } } } } attribExpr(tree.expression, localEnv, syms.booleanType); if (isStatic) localEnv.info.staticLevel--; // FIXME - move this to finally, but does not screw up the checks on the next line? checkTypeClauseMods(tree,tree.modifiers,tree.token.internedName() + " clause",tree.token); } finally { jmlVisibility = prevVisibility; currentSecretContext = previousSecretContext; jmlresolve.setAllowJML(prevAllowJML); pureEnvironment = prev; log.useSource(old); } } protected Name getAnnotationStringArg(JCAnnotation a) { // The expression is an assignment of a Literal string to an identifier // We only care about the literal string // FIXME - what if the string is a qualified name? JCExpression e = a.args.get(0); if (e instanceof JCAssign) { e = ((JCAssign)e).rhs; } if (e instanceof JCLiteral) { JCLiteral lit = (JCLiteral)e; // Non-string cases will already have error messages if (lit.value instanceof String) return names.fromString(lit.value.toString()); } // So will non-literal cases return null; } protected VarSymbol getSecretSymbol(JCModifiers mods) { JCAnnotation secret = findMod(mods,JmlTokenKind.SECRET); if (secret == null) return null; if (secret.args.size() == 0) { log.error(secret.pos(),"jml.secret.requires.arg"); return null; } Name n = getAnnotationStringArg(secret); boolean prev = jmlresolve.setAllowJML(true); Symbol sym = rs.resolveIdent(secret.args.get(0).pos(),env,n,VAR); jmlresolve.setAllowJML(prev); if (sym instanceof VarSymbol) return (VarSymbol)sym; log.error(secret.pos(),"jml.no.such.field",n.toString()); return null; } protected VarSymbol getQuerySymbol(JCMethodInvocation tree, JCModifiers mods) { JCAnnotation query = findMod(mods,JmlTokenKind.QUERY); if (query == null) return null; List<JCExpression> args = query.getArguments(); Name datagroup = null; DiagnosticPosition pos = tree.meth.pos(); if (args.isEmpty()) { // No argument - use the name of the method if (tree.meth instanceof JCIdent) datagroup = ((JCIdent)tree.meth).name; else if (tree.meth instanceof JCFieldAccess) datagroup = ((JCFieldAccess)tree.meth).name; pos = query.pos(); } else { datagroup = getAnnotationStringArg(query); pos = args.get(0).pos(); } boolean prev = jmlresolve.setAllowJML(true); Symbol sym = rs.resolveIdent(pos,env,datagroup,VAR); jmlresolve.setAllowJML(prev); if (sym instanceof VarSymbol) return (VarSymbol)sym; log.error(pos,"jml.no.such.field",datagroup.toString()); return null; } JmlTokenKind[] clauseAnnotations = new JmlTokenKind[]{ INSTANCE }; JmlTokenKind[] invariantAnnotations = new JmlTokenKind[]{ SECRET, INSTANCE }; JmlTokenKind[] noAnnotations = new JmlTokenKind[]{ }; public void checkTypeClauseMods(JCTree tree, JCModifiers mods,String where, JmlTokenKind token) { long f = 0; if (token != JmlTokenKind.AXIOM) f = Flags.AccessFlags | Flags.STATIC; long diff = utils.hasOnly(mods,f); if (diff != 0) log.error(tree.pos,"jml.bad.mods",Flags.toString(diff)); JCAnnotation a = utils.findMod(mods,tokenToAnnotationSymbol.get(INSTANCE)); if (a != null && isStatic(mods) ) { log.error(a.pos(),"jml.conflicting.modifiers","instance","static"); } attribAnnotationTypes(mods.annotations,env); switch (token) { case AXIOM: allAllowed(mods.annotations,noAnnotations,where); break; case INVARIANT: case REPRESENTS: allAllowed(mods.annotations,invariantAnnotations,where); break; default: allAllowed(mods.annotations,clauseAnnotations,where); break; } if (token != JmlTokenKind.AXIOM) { Check.instance(context).checkDisjoint(tree.pos(),mods.flags,Flags.PUBLIC,Flags.PROTECTED|Flags.PRIVATE); Check.instance(context).checkDisjoint(tree.pos(),mods.flags,Flags.PROTECTED,Flags.PRIVATE); } } /** Attributes a constraint clause */ public void visitJmlTypeClauseConstraint(JmlTypeClauseConstraint tree) { JavaFileObject old = log.useSource(tree.source); boolean prev = pureEnvironment; pureEnvironment = true; boolean prevAllowJML = jmlresolve.setAllowJML(true); long prevVisibility = jmlVisibility; try { // constraint boolean isStatic = (tree.modifiers.flags & STATIC) != 0; Env<AttrContext> localEnv = env; jmlVisibility = tree.modifiers.flags & Flags.AccessFlags; if (isStatic) localEnv.info.staticLevel++; ResultInfo prevResultInfo = resultInfo; resultInfo = new ResultInfo(VAL|TYP,Type.noType); attribExpr(tree.expression, localEnv, syms.booleanType); resultInfo = prevResultInfo; if (isStatic) localEnv.info.staticLevel--; checkTypeClauseMods(tree,tree.modifiers,"constraint clause",tree.token); if (tree.sigs != null) for (JmlTree.JmlMethodSig sig: tree.sigs) { if (sig.argtypes == null) { // FIXME - not implemented } else { sig.accept(this); Symbol s = sig.methodSymbol; if (s != null && s.isConstructor() && !isStatic) { log.error(sig.pos(),"jml.no.constructors.allowed"); } if (s != null && s.kind != Kinds.ERR){ if (s.owner != localEnv.enclClass.sym) { log.error(sig.pos(),"jml.incorrect.method.owner"); } } } } } finally { jmlVisibility = prevVisibility; jmlresolve.setAllowJML(prevAllowJML); pureEnvironment = prev; log.useSource(old); } } /** Attributes a declaration within a JML annotation - that is, a * model method, model type, or ghost or model field */ public void visitJmlTypeClauseDecl(JmlTypeClauseDecl tree) { JavaFileObject old = log.useSource(tree.source); boolean prevAllowJML = jmlresolve.setAllowJML(true); long prevVisibility = jmlVisibility; try { jmlVisibility = tree.modifiers.flags & Flags.AccessFlags; attribStat(tree.decl,env); } finally { jmlVisibility = prevVisibility; jmlresolve.setAllowJML(prevAllowJML); log.useSource(old); } } /** Attributes a initializer or static_initializer declaration */ public void visitJmlTypeClauseInitializer(JmlTypeClauseInitializer tree) { JavaFileObject old = log.useSource(tree.source); boolean prevAllowJML = jmlresolve.setAllowJML(true); try { // FIXME - test declarations within specs Env<AttrContext> localEnv = localEnv(env,tree); localEnv.info.scope.owner = new MethodSymbol(Flags.PRIVATE | BLOCK, names.empty, null, env.info.scope.owner); if (tree.token == JmlTokenKind.STATIC_INITIALIZER) localEnv.info.staticLevel++; if (tree.specs != null) attribStat(tree.specs,localEnv); } finally { jmlresolve.setAllowJML(prevAllowJML); log.useSource(old); } } /** Attributes a represents clause */ public void visitJmlTypeClauseRepresents(JmlTypeClauseRepresents tree) { boolean prev = pureEnvironment; pureEnvironment = true; JavaFileObject old = log.useSource(tree.source); boolean prevAllowJML = jmlresolve.setAllowJML(true); VarSymbol prevSecret = currentSecretContext; long prevVisibility = jmlVisibility; try { //attribExpr(tree.ident,env,Type.noType); // Do this by hand to avoid issues with secret jmlVisibility = tree.modifiers.flags & Flags.AccessFlags; Symbol sym = null; if (tree.ident instanceof JCIdent) { JCIdent id = (JCIdent)tree.ident; ResultInfo prevResultInfo = resultInfo; resultInfo = new ResultInfo(VAL,Type.noType); super.visitIdent(id); resultInfo = prevResultInfo; // FIXME - in finally block sym = id.sym; } else if (tree.ident instanceof JCFieldAccess) { // FIXME - this needs fixing attribExpr(tree.ident,env,Type.noType); sym = ((JCFieldAccess)tree.ident).sym; } else { attribExpr(tree.ident,env,Type.noType); // FIXME - error - not implemented } // FIXME check that sym and represents are both secret or both not attribAnnotationTypes(tree.modifiers.annotations,env); annotate(tree.modifiers.annotations,env); JCAnnotation a = findMod(tree.modifiers,JmlTokenKind.SECRET); boolean representsIsSecret = a != null; if (a != null && a.args.size() != 0) { log.error(a.args.get(0).pos(),"jml.no.arg.for.secret.represents"); } if (sym != null) { boolean symIsSecret = sym.attribute(tokenToAnnotationSymbol.get(JmlTokenKind.SECRET)) != null; if (symIsSecret != representsIsSecret) { log.error(tree.pos(),"jml.represents.does.not.match.id.secret"); } } if (representsIsSecret && sym instanceof VarSymbol) currentSecretContext = (VarSymbol)sym; Env<AttrContext> localEnv = env; //envForClause(tree,sym); if ((tree.modifiers.flags & STATIC) != 0) localEnv.info.staticLevel++; if (tree.suchThat) { attribExpr(tree.expression, localEnv, syms.booleanType); } else if (tree.ident.type == null) { // skip } else if (tree.ident.type.getKind() == TypeKind.ERROR) { // skip } else if (tree.ident.type.getKind() == TypeKind.NONE) { // ERROR - parser should not let us get here - FIXME } else { attribExpr(tree.expression, localEnv, tree.ident.type); } if ((tree.modifiers.flags & STATIC) != 0) localEnv.info.staticLevel--; checkTypeClauseMods(tree,tree.modifiers,"represents clause",tree.token); if (sym != null && !sym.type.isErroneous() && sym.type.getTag() != TypeTag.ERROR) { if ( isStatic(sym.flags()) != isStatic(tree.modifiers)) { // Note: we cannot use sym.isStatic() in the line above because it // replies true when the flag is not set, if we are in an // interface and not a method. Model fields do not obey that rule. log.error(tree.pos,"jml.represents.bad.static"); // Presume that the model field is correct and proceed if (isStatic(sym.flags())) tree.modifiers.flags |= Flags.STATIC; else tree.modifiers.flags &= ~Flags.STATIC; } if (!isModel(sym)) { log.error(tree.pos,"jml.represents.expected.model"); } if (env.enclClass.sym != sym.owner && isStatic(sym.flags())) { log.error(tree.pos,"jml.misplaced.static.represents"); } } // FIXME - need to check that ident refers to a model field } finally { jmlVisibility = prevVisibility; jmlresolve.setAllowJML(prevAllowJML); pureEnvironment = prev; log.useSource(old); currentSecretContext = prevSecret; } } /** This creates a local environment (like the initEnv for a variable declaration * that can be used to type-check the expression of a JmlTypeClause. It handles * static correctly. * @param tree * @return the new environment */ public Env<AttrContext> envForClause(JmlTypeClause tree, Symbol owner) { Env<AttrContext> localEnv = env.dupto(new AttrContextEnv(tree, env.info.dup())); localEnv.info.scope = new Scope.DelegatedScope(env.info.scope); localEnv.info.scope.owner = owner; //localEnv.info.lint = lint; // FIXME - what about lint? if ((tree.modifiers.flags & STATIC) != 0) // ||(env.enclClass.sym.flags() & INTERFACE) != 0) // FIXME - what about interfaces localEnv.info.staticLevel++; return localEnv; } /** Attributes the monitors_for clause */ public void visitJmlTypeClauseMonitorsFor(JmlTypeClauseMonitorsFor tree) { boolean prev = pureEnvironment; pureEnvironment = true; JavaFileObject old = log.useSource(tree.source); boolean prevAllowJML = jmlresolve.setAllowJML(true); long prevVisibility = jmlVisibility; try { jmlVisibility = tree.modifiers.flags & Flags.AccessFlags; attribExpr(tree.identifier,env,Type.noType); Symbol sym = tree.identifier.sym; if (sym.owner != env.enclClass.sym) { log.error(tree.identifier.pos,"jml.ident.not.in.class",sym,sym.owner,env.enclClass.sym); } else { // FIXME - should this be done elsewhere? specs.getSpecs((VarSymbol)sym).list.append(tree); } // static does not matter here - the expressions in the // list do not need to be static just because the identifier is for (JCExpression c: tree.list) { attribExpr(c,env,Type.noType); if (c.type.isPrimitive()) { log.error(c.pos,"jml.monitors.is.primitive"); } } } finally { jmlVisibility = prevVisibility; jmlresolve.setAllowJML(prevAllowJML); pureEnvironment = prev; log.useSource(old); } } /** Attributes the readable-if and writable-if clauses */ public void visitJmlTypeClauseConditional(JmlTypeClauseConditional tree) { JavaFileObject old = log.useSource(tree.source); boolean prev = pureEnvironment; pureEnvironment = true; boolean prevAllowJML = jmlresolve.setAllowJML(true); long prevVisibility = jmlVisibility; try { attribExpr(tree.identifier,env,Type.noType); Symbol sym = tree.identifier.sym; jmlVisibility = sym.flags() & Flags.AccessFlags; long clauseVisibility = tree.modifiers.flags & Flags.AccessFlags; if (clauseVisibility != 0 && clauseVisibility != jmlVisibility) { log.error(tree.identifier.pos,"jml.visibility.is.different",Flags.toString(clauseVisibility), Flags.toString(jmlVisibility)); } if (sym.owner != env.enclClass.sym) { log.error(tree.identifier.pos,"jml.ident.not.in.class",sym,sym.owner,env.enclClass.sym); } else { // FIXME _ should this be done elsewhere VarSymbol vsym = (VarSymbol)sym; JmlSpecs.FieldSpecs fs = specs.getSpecs(vsym); //if (fs == null) specs.putSpecs(vsym,fs=new JmlSpecs.FieldSpecs(tree.sym.)); fs.list.append(tree); } boolean isStatic = sym.isStatic(); if (isStatic) // ||(env.enclClass.sym.flags() & INTERFACE) != 0) // FIXME - what about interfaces env.info.staticLevel++; attribExpr(tree.expression, env, syms.booleanType); if (isStatic) // ||(env.enclClass.sym.flags() & INTERFACE) != 0) // FIXME - what about interfaces env.info.staticLevel--; } finally { jmlVisibility = prevVisibility; jmlresolve.setAllowJML(prevAllowJML); pureEnvironment = prev; log.useSource(old); } } /** Attributes a method-clause group (the stuff within {| |} ) */ public void visitJmlMethodClauseGroup(JmlMethodClauseGroup tree) { for (JmlSpecificationCase c: tree.cases) { c.accept(this); } } boolean forallOldEnv = false; /** Attributes for and old clauses within the specs of a method */ public void visitJmlMethodClauseDecl(JmlMethodClauseDecl tree) { JmlTokenKind t = tree.token; for (JCTree.JCVariableDecl decl: tree.decls) { if (decl instanceof JmlVariableDecl) { int wasFlags = 0; if (env.enclMethod.sym.isStatic()) { wasFlags = Flags.STATIC; // old and forall decls are implicitly static for a static method ((JmlVariableDecl)decl).mods.flags |= Flags.STATIC; // old and forall decls are implicitly static for a static method } forallOldEnv = JmlCheck.instance(context).staticOldEnv; JmlCheck.instance(context).staticOldEnv = wasFlags != 0; try { decl.accept(this); if (decl.sym == null) { if (toRemove == null) toRemove = new ListBuffer<>(); toRemove.add(tree); } } finally { JmlCheck.instance(context).staticOldEnv = forallOldEnv; forallOldEnv = false; if (env.enclMethod.sym.isStatic()) { ((JmlVariableDecl)decl).mods.flags &= ~Flags.STATIC; } } JCTree.JCExpression init = ((JmlVariableDecl)decl).init; if (t == JmlTokenKind.FORALL) { if (init != null) log.error(init.pos(),"jml.forall.no.init"); } else { if (init == null) log.error(((JmlVariableDecl)decl).pos,"jml.old.must.have.init"); } JCModifiers mods = ((JmlVariableDecl)decl).mods; if (utils.hasOnly(mods,wasFlags)!=0) log.error(tree.pos,"jml.no.java.mods.allowed","method specification declaration"); // The annotations are already checked as part of the local variable declaration //allAllowed(mods.annotations, JmlToken.typeModifiers, "method specification declaration"); } else { log.error(decl.pos(),"jml.internal.notsobad","Unexpected " + decl.getClass() + " object type in a JmlMethodClauseDecl list"); } } } // FIXME - test the name lookup with forall and old clauses protected Env<AttrContext> savedMethodClauseOutputEnv = null; /** This is an implementation that does the type attribution for * method specification clauses * @param tree the method specification clause being attributed */ public void visitJmlMethodClauseExpr(JmlMethodClauseExpr tree) { savedMethodClauseOutputEnv = this.env; switch (tree.token) { case REQUIRES: case ENSURES: case DIVERGES: case WHEN: case RETURNS: attribExpr(tree.expression, env, syms.booleanType); break; case CONTINUES: case BREAKS: // FIXME - what about the label attribExpr(tree.expression, env, syms.booleanType); break; case CALLABLE: // FIXME - should be implemented somewhere else break; default: log.error(tree.pos,"jml.unknown.construct",tree.token.internedName(),"JmlAttr.visitJmlMethodClauseExpr"); break; } savedMethodClauseOutputEnv = null; } public void visitJmlMethodClauseCallable(JmlMethodClauseCallable tree) { if (tree.methodSignatures != null) { for (JmlMethodSig sig : tree.methodSignatures) { visitJmlMethodSig(sig); } } } /** This is an implementation that does the type attribution for * duration, working_space, measured_by clauses * (clauses that have an expression and an optional predicate) * @param tree the method specification clause being attributed */ public void visitJmlMethodClauseConditional(JmlMethodClauseConditional tree) { if (tree.predicate != null) attribExpr(tree.predicate, env, syms.booleanType); switch (tree.token) { case DURATION: case WORKING_SPACE: attribExpr(tree.expression, env, syms.longType); break; case MEASURED_BY: attribExpr(tree.expression, env, syms.intType); break; default: log.error(tree.pos,"jml.unknown.construct",tree.token.internedName(),"JmlAttr.visitJmlMethodClauseConditional"); break; } } /** This is an implementation that does the type attribution for * a signals method specification clause * @param tree the method specification clause being attributed */ @Override public void visitJmlMethodClauseSignals(JmlMethodClauseSignals tree) { if (tree.vardef.name == null) { tree.vardef.name = names.fromString(Strings.syntheticExceptionID); } Env<AttrContext> localEnv = localEnv(env,tree); // FIXME - is this assignment needed? Why not elsewhere? tree.vardef.vartype.type = attribTree(tree.vardef.vartype, localEnv, new ResultInfo(TYP, syms.exceptionType)); attribTree(tree.vardef, localEnv, new ResultInfo(VAR, syms.exceptionType)); Type prev = currentExceptionType; currentExceptionType = tree.vardef.vartype.type; try { attribExpr(tree.expression, localEnv, syms.booleanType); } finally { currentExceptionType = prev; } } /** This is an implementation that does the type attribution for * a signals_only method specification clause * @param tree the method specification clause being attributed */ @Override public void visitJmlMethodClauseSigOnly(JmlMethodClauseSignalsOnly tree) { for (JCExpression e: tree.list) { e.type = attribTree(e, env, new ResultInfo(TYP, syms.exceptionType)); } // FIXME - need to compare these to the exceptions in the method declaration } protected void checkIfLocal(JCTree e) { if (e instanceof JCIdent && ((JCIdent)e).sym.owner instanceof MethodSymbol) { log.error(e,"jml.no.formals.in.assignable",e.toString()); } } /** This is an implementation that does the type attribution for * assignable/accessible/captures method specification clauses * @param tree the method specification clause being attributed */ @Override public void visitJmlMethodClauseStoreRef(JmlMethodClauseStoreRef tree) { for (JCTree e: tree.list) { attribExpr(e, env, Type.noType); checkIfLocal(e); } // FIXME - check the result } // FIXME - need JmlAttr implementation for CALLABLE clauses @Override public void visitJmlStoreRefListExpression(JmlStoreRefListExpression that) { for (JCTree t: that.list) { attribExpr(t,env,Type.noType); } if (!postClauses.contains(currentClauseType)) { log.error(that.pos+1, "jml.misplaced.token", that.token.internedName(), currentClauseType == null ? "jml declaration" : currentClauseType.internedName()); } result = check(that, syms.booleanType, VAL, resultInfo); } /** The JML modifiers allowed for a specification case */ JmlTokenKind[] specCaseAllowed = new JmlTokenKind[]{}; ListBuffer<JmlMethodClause> toRemove = null; /** This implements the visiting of a JmlSpecificationCase, initiating * a visit of each clause in the case, setting the currentClauseType field * before visiting each one. */ public void visitJmlSpecificationCase(JmlSpecificationCase tree) { JavaFileObject old = log.useSource(tree.sourcefile); Env<AttrContext> localEnv = null; Env<AttrContext> prevEnv = env; JmlTokenKind prevClauseType = currentClauseType; // Just in case there is recursion long prevVisibility = jmlVisibility; try { if (tree.modifiers != null) { attribAnnotationTypes(tree.modifiers.annotations,env); if (tree.token == null) { if (!utils.hasNone(tree.modifiers)) { log.error(tree.pos(),"jml.no.mods.lightweight"); } } else { long diffs = utils.hasOnly(tree.modifiers,Flags.AccessFlags); if (diffs != 0) log.error(tree.pos(),"jml.bad.mods.spec.case",Flags.toString(diffs)); Check.instance(context).checkDisjoint(tree.pos(),tree.modifiers.flags,Flags.PUBLIC,Flags.PROTECTED|Flags.PRIVATE); Check.instance(context).checkDisjoint(tree.pos(),tree.modifiers.flags,Flags.PROTECTED,Flags.PRIVATE); // "code" is parsed specifically and is not considered a modifier allAllowed(tree.modifiers.annotations,specCaseAllowed,"specification case"); } } if (tree.code && tree.token == null) { // Lightweight specs may not be labeled "code" log.error(tree.pos(),"jml.no.code.lightweight"); } // Making this sort of local environment restricts the scope of new // declarations but does not allow a declaration to hide earlier // declarations. Thus old and forall declarations may rename // class fields, but may not rename method parameters or earlier old // or forall declarations. if (enclosingMethodEnv != null) { // FIXME - change these back to dup()? localEnv = localEnv(env,enclosingMethodEnv.tree); } else { // For initializer declarations with specs localEnv = localEnv(env,enclosingClassEnv.tree); } env = localEnv; if (tree.token == null) { if (enclosingMethodEnv != null) jmlVisibility = enclosingMethodEnv.enclMethod.mods.flags & Flags.AccessFlags; else jmlVisibility = enclosingClassEnv.enclClass.mods.flags & Flags.AccessFlags; // FIXME - should this be the visibilty of the initializer block? } else { jmlVisibility = tree.modifiers == null ? 0 : (tree.modifiers.flags & Flags.AccessFlags); } if (tree.clauses == null) { // model program boolean oldPure = pureEnvironment; pureEnvironment = false; try { tree.block.accept(this); } finally { pureEnvironment = oldPure; } } else { toRemove = null; for (JmlMethodClause c: tree.clauses) { currentClauseType = c.token; c.accept(this); } if (toRemove != null) { for (JmlMethodClause mc: toRemove) { tree.clauses = Utils.remove(tree.clauses, mc); } toRemove = null; } } } finally { env = prevEnv; jmlVisibility = prevVisibility; if (localEnv != null) localEnv.info.scope.leave(); currentClauseType = prevClauseType; log.useSource(old); } } /** Visits a JmlMethodSpecs by visiting each of its JmlSpecificationCases */ public void visitJmlMethodSpecs(JmlMethodSpecs tree) { boolean prev = pureEnvironment; pureEnvironment = true; for (JmlSpecificationCase c: tree.cases) { // This check is put here rather than inside visitJmlSpecificationCase // so it is not checked for specification cases that are part of a // refining statement if (c.modifiers != null && tree.decl != null) { // tree.decl is null for initializers and refining statements long methodMod = enclosingMethodEnv.enclMethod.mods.flags & Flags.AccessFlags; long caseMod = c.modifiers.flags & Flags.AccessFlags; if (methodMod == 0 && enclosingMethodEnv.enclClass.sym.isInterface()) methodMod = Flags.PUBLIC; if (methodMod != caseMod && c.token != null) { if (caseMod == Flags.PUBLIC || methodMod == Flags.PRIVATE || (caseMod == Flags.PROTECTED && methodMod == 0)) { DiagnosticPosition p = c.modifiers.pos(); if (p.getPreferredPosition() == Position.NOPOS) p = tree.pos(); if (!enclosingMethodEnv.enclMethod.name.toString().equals("clone")) { JavaFileObject prevsource = log.useSource(c.source()); log.warning(p,"jml.no.point.to.more.visibility"); log.useSource(prevsource); } } } } c.accept(this); } pureEnvironment = prev; } // These are the annotation types in which \pre and \old with a label can be used (e.g. assert) private EnumSet<JmlTokenKind> preTokens = JmlTokenKind.methodStatementTokens; // These are the annotation, method and type spec clause types in which \old without a label can be used private EnumSet<JmlTokenKind> oldNoLabelTokens = JmlTokenKind.methodStatementTokens; { oldNoLabelTokens = oldNoLabelTokens.clone(); oldNoLabelTokens.addAll(EnumSet.of(ENSURES,SIGNALS,CONSTRAINT,DURATION,WORKING_SPACE)); } // FIXME - limit these to a method body Map<Name,Env<AttrContext>> labelEnvs = new HashMap<Name,Env<AttrContext>>(); public void visitLabelled(JCLabeledStatement tree) { Env<AttrContext> labelenv = env.dup(tree,env.info.dupUnshared()); labelEnvs.put(tree.label,labelenv); super.visitLabelled(tree); } protected Name currentEnvLabel = null; public void visitJmlMethodInvocation(JmlMethodInvocation tree) { JmlTokenKind token = tree.token; if (tree.typeargs != null && tree.typeargs.size() != 0) { // At present the parser cannot produce anything with typeargs, but just in case // one squeaks through by some means or another log.error(tree.typeargs.head.pos(),"jml.no.typeargs.for.fcn",token.internedName()); } // Env<AttrContext> localEnv = env.dup(tree, env.info.dup( env.info.scope.dup())); // // This local environment is for good measure. It is normally needed as // // a scope to hold type arguments. But there are not any of those for // // these JML methods, so it should not technically be needed. Env<AttrContext> localEnv = env; ListBuffer<Type> argtypesBuf = new ListBuffer<Type>(); boolean jmlstrict = JmlOption.isOption(context, JmlOption.STRICT); Type t = null; int n; switch (token) { case BSPAST: case BSOLD: case BSPRE: // The argument can be a JML spec-expression // Expect one argument, result type is the same type Name savedLabel = currentEnvLabel; n = tree.args.size(); if (!(n == 1 || (token != JmlTokenKind.BSPRE && n == 2))) { log.error(tree.pos(),"jml.wrong.number.args",token.internedName(), token == BSPRE ? "1" : "1 or 2",n); } if (token == BSPRE) { // pre if (!preTokens.contains(currentClauseType)) { log.error(tree.pos+1, "jml.misplaced.old", "\\pre token", currentClauseType.internedName()); t = syms.errType; } } else if (n == 1) { // old with no label if (currentClauseType == null) { // OK } else if (!oldNoLabelTokens.contains(currentClauseType)) { log.error(tree.pos+1, "jml.misplaced.old", "\\old token with no label", currentClauseType.internedName()); t = syms.errType; } } else { // old with label if (!preTokens.contains(currentClauseType)) { log.error(tree.pos+1, "jml.misplaced.old", "\\old token with a label", currentClauseType.internedName()); t = syms.errType; } } Name label = null; if (n == 2) { JCTree tr = tree.args.get(1); if (tr.getTag() != JCTree.Tag.IDENT) { log.error(tr.pos(),"jml.bad.label"); } else { label = ((JCTree.JCIdent)tr).getName(); } } // FIXME - is it possible for a variable to have a different type at a previous label? // label == empty ==> pre state; label == null ==> current state currentEnvLabel = label == null ? names.empty : label; if (n == 0 || t == syms.errType) { t = syms.errType; } else if (env.enclMethod == null) { // FIXME - what about types declared within methods // In an type clause attribExpr(tree.args.get(0), localEnv, Type.noType); attribTypes(tree.typeargs, localEnv); t = tree.args.get(0).type; } else { // in a method clause Env<AttrContext> oldenv = savedMethodClauseOutputEnv; if (oldenv == null) oldenv = enclosingMethodEnv; if (label != null) { Env<AttrContext> labelenv = labelEnvs.get(label); if (labelenv == null) { Log.instance(context).error(tree.args.get(1).pos(),"jml.unknown.label",label); } else { oldenv = labelenv; } } if (enclosingMethodEnv == null) { // Just a precaution Log.instance(context).error("jml.internal","Unsupported context for pre-state reference (anonymous class? initializer block?). Please report the program."); oldenv = env; // } Env<AttrContext> qOldEnv = oldenv; for (JmlQuantifiedExpr qexpr: quantifiedExprs) { qOldEnv = envForExpr(qexpr,qOldEnv); Scope enclScope = enter.enterScope(qOldEnv); for (JCVariableDecl decl: qexpr.decls) { // FIXME - do we need to do these checks? // if (chk.checkUnique(tree.pos(), v, enclScope)) { // chk.checkTransparentVar(tree.pos(), v, enclScope); enclScope.enter(decl.sym); // } } } attribExpr(tree.args.get(0), qOldEnv, Type.noType); attribTypes(tree.typeargs, qOldEnv); t = tree.args.get(0).type; Scope scope = qOldEnv.info.scope; for (JmlQuantifiedExpr qexpr: quantifiedExprs) { scope = scope.leave(); } } result = check(tree, t, VAL, resultInfo); currentEnvLabel = savedLabel; break; case BSMAX: // Expect one argument of type JMLSetType, result type Lock // FIXME - this should be one argument of type JMLObjectSet, result type is Object // The argument expression may contain JML constructs attribArgs(VAL, tree.args, localEnv, argtypesBuf); // We can't send in Lock as the requested type because Types does not know what to do with it - FIXME: perhaps make a JmlTypes that can handle the new primitives //attribTypes(tree.typeargs, localEnv); n = tree.args.size(); if (n != 1) { log.error(tree.pos(),"jml.wrong.number.args",token.internedName(),1,n); } if (n == 0) t = syms.errType; else { if (!tree.args.get(0).type.equals(JMLSetType)) { // FIXME - use isSameType or check? what about errors? log.error(tree.args.get(0).pos(),"jml.max.expects.lockset",JMLSetType,tree.args.get(0).type.toString()); } t = Lock; } result = check(tree, t, VAL, resultInfo); break; case BSTYPEOF : // Expect one argument of any type, result type \TYPE // The argument expression may contain JML constructs attribArgs(VAL, tree.args, localEnv, argtypesBuf); //attribTypes(tree.typeargs, localEnv); n = tree.args.size(); if (n != 1) { log.error(tree.pos(),"jml.wrong.number.args",token.internedName(),1,n); } t = jmltypes.TYPE; result = check(tree, t, VAL, resultInfo); break; // case BSNOTMODIFIED : // // Expect any number of arguments of any type, result type is boolean // // Can be used where an \old is used // // FIXME - JML wants this to be a store-ref list // if (!oldNoLabelTokens.contains(currentClauseType)) { // log.error(tree.pos+1, "jml.misplaced.old", "\\not_modified token", currentClauseType.internedName()); // t = syms.errType; // } // attribArgs(tree.args, localEnv); // attribTypes(tree.typeargs, localEnv); // n = tree.args.size(); // t = syms.booleanType; // result = check(tree, t, VAL, resultInfo); // break; case BSNONNULLELEMENTS : // The argument can be a JML spec-expression // Expect any number of arguments of any array type, result type is boolean { n = tree.args.size(); if (n != 1 && jmlstrict) { log.error(tree.pos(),"jml.wrong.number.args",token.internedName(),1,n); } for (JCExpression arg: tree.args) { Type argtype = attribExpr(arg, localEnv); if (!(argtype instanceof Type.ArrayType) && !argtype.isErroneous()) { log.error(arg.pos(),"jml.arraytype.required",token.internedName(),argtype.toString(),arg.toString()); } } result = check(tree, syms.booleanType, VAL, resultInfo); break; } case BSISINITIALIZED : // The argument is a type that is a reference type; the result is boolean // The argument may contain JML constructs { n = tree.args.size(); if (n != 1) { log.error(tree.pos(),"jml.wrong.number.args",token.internedName(),1,n); } for (JCExpression arg: tree.args) { Type argtype = attribExpr(arg, localEnv); if (!argtype.isNullOrReference() && !argtype.isErroneous()) { log.error(arg.pos(),"jml.ref.arg.required",token.internedName()); } } result = check(tree, syms.booleanType, VAL, resultInfo); break; } case BSTYPELC : // Takes one argument which is a type (not an expression); the result is of type \TYPE // The argument may contain JML constructs attribTypes(tree.typeargs, localEnv); n = tree.args.size(); if (n != 1) { log.error(tree,"jml.wrong.number.args",token.internedName(),1,n); } if (n > 0) { JCExpression arg = tree.args.get(0); attribTree(arg, localEnv, new ResultInfo(TYP, Type.noType)); if (!tree.javaType && arg.type.tsym.getTypeParameters().size() > 0 && !arg.type.isParameterized()) { log.error(tree,"jml.invalid.erasedtype",JmlPretty.write(arg)); } if (!tree.javaType) checkForWildcards(arg,arg); } t = jmltypes.TYPE; if (tree.javaType) t = syms.classType; Type saved = check(tree, t, VAL, resultInfo); addTodo(utilsClass); result = saved; break; case BSDISTINCT : // The result is boolean. // Case 1) All types are reference types // Case 2) Some or all are primitive - all must be convertible to // a common primitive type, including through unboxing attribArgs(VAL, tree.args, localEnv, argtypesBuf); //attribTypes(tree.typeargs, localEnv); boolean anyPrimitive = false; Type maxPrimitiveType = null; for (JCExpression arg : tree.args) { Type tt = arg.type; if (tt.isErroneous()) continue; if (tt.isPrimitive()) { anyPrimitive = true; } } if (anyPrimitive) for (JCExpression arg : tree.args) { Type tt = arg.type; if (tt.isErroneous()) { continue; } if (!tt.isPrimitive()) tt = types.unboxedType(tt); if (tt.getTag() == TypeTag.VOID) { // FIXME -error } else if (maxPrimitiveType == null) { maxPrimitiveType = tt; } else if (types.isConvertible(tt,maxPrimitiveType)) { // OK } else if (types.isConvertible(maxPrimitiveType, tt)) { maxPrimitiveType = tt; } else { // FIXME - error } } if (anyPrimitive) { for (JCExpression arg : tree.args) { Type tt = arg.type; if (tt.isErroneous()) continue; if (!tt.isPrimitive()) tt = types.unboxedType(tt); if (!types.isConvertible(tt,maxPrimitiveType)) { // FIXME - ERROR } } } result = check(tree, syms.booleanType, VAL, resultInfo); break; case BSFRESH : // The arguments can be JML spec-expressions // The arguments can be any reference type; the result is boolean attribArgs(VAL, tree.args, localEnv, argtypesBuf); //attribTypes(tree.typeargs, localEnv); for (int i=0; i<tree.args.size(); i++) { JCExpression arg = tree.args.get(i); if (arg.type.isPrimitive()) { log.error(arg.pos(),"jml.ref.arg.required",token.internedName()); } } if (!postClauses.contains(currentClauseType)) { // The +1 is to fool the error reporting mechanism into // allowing other error reports about the same token log.error(tree.pos+1, "jml.misplaced.token", token.internedName(), currentClauseType == null ? "jml declaration" : currentClauseType.internedName()); } result = check(tree, syms.booleanType, VAL, resultInfo); break; case BSREACH : // The argument can be a JML spec-expressions // Expects one argument of reference type; result is of type JMLObjectSet attribArgs(VAL, tree.args, localEnv, argtypesBuf); //attribTypes(tree.typeargs, localEnv); n = tree.args.size(); if (n != 1) { log.error(tree.pos(),"jml.wrong.number.args",token.internedName(),1,n); } else { JCExpression arg = tree.args.get(0); if (arg.type.isPrimitive()) { log.error(arg.pos(),"jml.ref.arg.required",token.internedName()); } } result = check(tree, JMLSetType, VAL, resultInfo); // FXME - needs to be a settype of Object break; case BSINVARIANTFOR : // The argument can be a JML spec-expression // Expects one argument of reference type or a typename; result is of type boolean n = tree.args.size(); if (n != 1 && jmlstrict) { log.error(tree.pos(),"jml.wrong.number.args",token.internedName(),1,n); } for (JCExpression arg: tree.args) { attribTree(arg, localEnv, new ResultInfo(TYP|VAR, Infer.anyPoly)); if (arg.type.isPrimitive()) { log.error(arg.pos(),"jml.ref.arg.required",token.internedName()); } else if (jmlstrict && treeutils.isATypeTree(arg)) { log.error(arg.pos(),"jml.ref.arg.required",token.internedName()); } } result = check(tree, syms.booleanType, VAL, resultInfo); break; case BSDURATION : case BSWORKINGSPACE : // The argument must be a Java expression // Expects one argument that is an arbitrary expression; result is of type long // Note: The JML reference manual puts constraints on the form of the expression; those seem to be unneeded // Note also: the argument is not actually evaluated (but needs to be evaluatable), // thus it may only contain Java constructs (FIXME - there is no check on that) attribArgs(VAL, tree.args, localEnv, argtypesBuf); //attribTypes(tree.typeargs, localEnv); n = tree.args.size(); if (n != 1) { log.error(tree.pos(),"jml.wrong.number.args",token.internedName(),1,n); } result = check(tree, syms.longType, VAL, resultInfo); break; case BSSPACE : // The argument may be a JML spec-expression // Expects one argument of reference type; result is of type long attribArgs(VAL, tree.args, localEnv, argtypesBuf); //attribTypes(tree.typeargs, localEnv); n = tree.args.size(); if (n != 1) { log.error(tree.pos(),"jml.wrong.number.args",token.internedName(),1,n); } // FIXME - there is no check that the argument is of reference type - can't this apply to primitives as well? result = check(tree, syms.longType, VAL, resultInfo); break; case BSNOWARN: case BSNOWARNOP: case BSWARN: case BSWARNOP: case BSBIGINT_MATH: case BSSAFEMATH: case BSJAVAMATH: // Expects one expression argument of any type; result is of the same type // FIXME - does this allow any JML spec-expression? // FIXME - the JMLb rules will require some numeric type promotions attribArgs(VAL, tree.args, localEnv, argtypesBuf); //attribTypes(tree.typeargs, localEnv); n = tree.args.size(); if (n != 1) { log.error(tree.pos(),"jml.wrong.number.args",token.internedName(),1,n); } if (n == 0) { t = syms.errType; } else { t = tree.args.get(0).type; } result = check(tree, t, VAL, resultInfo); break; default: ExpressionExtension ext = Extensions.instance(context).find(tree.pos,token,true); Type ttt = ext.typecheck(this,tree,localEnv); result = check(tree, ttt, VAL, resultInfo); break; case BSONLYCALLED: // FIXME - needs implementation case BSONLYASSIGNED: // FIXME - needs implementation case BSONLYACCESSED: // FIXME - needs implementation case BSONLYCAPTURED: // FIXME - needs implementation case BSNOTASSIGNED: // FIXME - needs implementation case BSNOTMODIFIED: // FIXME - needs implementation log.error(tree.pos,"jml.unknown.construct",token.internedName(),"JmlAttr.visitApply"); result = tree.type = syms.errType; break; } } protected void checkForWildcards(JCExpression e, JCExpression arg) { if (e instanceof JCWildcard) { log.error(e,"jml.no.wildcards.in.type",JmlPretty.write(arg)); } if (!(e instanceof JCTypeApply)) return; JCTypeApply t = (JCTypeApply)e; for (JCExpression ee: t.arguments) { checkForWildcards(ee,arg); } } /** This is overridden to check that if we are in a pure environment, * the method is declared pure. Also to make sure any specs are attributed. */ @Override public void visitApply(JCTree.JCMethodInvocation tree) { // Otherwise this is just a Java method application super.visitApply(tree); if (result.isErroneous()) return; Type savedResult = result; MethodSymbol msym = null; JCExpression m = tree.meth; Symbol sym = (m instanceof JCIdent ? ((JCIdent)m).sym : m instanceof JCFieldAccess ? ((JCFieldAccess)m).sym : null); if (sym instanceof MethodSymbol) msym = (MethodSymbol)sym; if (pureEnvironment && tree.meth.type != null && tree.meth.type.getTag() != TypeTag.ERROR) { // Check that the method being called is pure if (msym != null) { boolean isPure = isPureMethod(msym); if (!isPure && JmlOption.isOption(context,JmlOption.PURITYCHECK)) { log.warning(tree.pos,"jml.non.pure.method",utils.qualifiedMethodSig(msym)); } if (isPure && currentClauseType == JmlTokenKind.INVARIANT && msym.owner == enclosingClassEnv.enclClass.sym && !isHelper(msym) && utils.rac) { log.warning(tree.pos,"jml.possibly.recursive.invariant",msym); } } else { // We are expecting that the expression that is the method // receiver (tree.meth) is either a JCIdent or a JCFieldAccess // If it is something else we end up here. if (sym == null) log.error("jml.internal.notsobad","Unexpected parse tree node for a method call in JmlAttr.visitApply: " + m.getClass()); else log.error("jml.internal.notsobad","Unexpected symbol type for method expression in JmlAttr.visitApply: ", sym.getClass()); } // FIXME - could be a super or this call } if (msym != null) checkSecretCallable(tree,msym); result = savedResult; } /** This handles JML statements such as assert and assume and unreachable and hence_by. */ public void visitJmlStatementExpr(JmlTree.JmlStatementExpr tree) { if (tree.token == JmlTokenKind.COMMENT) { result = null; return; } boolean prevAllowJML = jmlresolve.setAllowJML(true); boolean prev = pureEnvironment; pureEnvironment = true; JmlTokenKind prevClauseType = currentClauseType; currentClauseType = tree.token; // unreachable statements have a null expression if (tree.expression != null) attribExpr(tree.expression,env,syms.booleanType); if (tree.optionalExpression != null) attribExpr(tree.optionalExpression,env,Type.noType); currentClauseType = prevClauseType; pureEnvironment = prev; jmlresolve.setAllowJML(prevAllowJML); result = null; // No type returned } public void visitLetExpr(LetExpr tree) { if (env.info.scope.owner.kind == TYP) { // Block is a static or instance initializer; // let the owner of the environment be a freshly // created BLOCK-method. Env<AttrContext> localEnv = env.dup(tree, env.info.dup(env.info.scope.dupUnshared())); localEnv.info.scope.owner = new MethodSymbol(BLOCK, names.empty, null, // FIXME - or'd other flags with BLOCK env.info.scope.owner); //if ((tree.mods.flags & STATIC) != 0) localEnv.info.staticLevel++; attribStats(tree.defs,localEnv); attribExpr(tree.expr,localEnv,Type.noType); Type resultType = tree.expr.type; if (resultType.constValue() != null) resultType = resultType.constType(null); result = check(tree, resultType, VAL, resultInfo); } else { // Create a new local environment with a local scope. Env<AttrContext> localEnv = env.dup(tree, env.info.dup(env.info.scope.dup())); attribStats(tree.defs,localEnv); attribExpr(tree.expr,localEnv,Type.noType); Type resultType = tree.expr.type; if (resultType.constValue() != null) resultType = resultType.constType(null); result = check(tree, resultType, VAL, resultInfo); localEnv.info.scope.leave(); } } /** This handles JML statements such as assert and assume and unreachable and hence_by. */ public void visitJmlStatementHavoc(JmlTree.JmlStatementHavoc tree) { boolean prevAllowJML = jmlresolve.setAllowJML(true); boolean prev = pureEnvironment; pureEnvironment = true; if (tree.storerefs != null) { for (JCTree e: tree.storerefs) { attribExpr(e, env, Type.noType); } } pureEnvironment = prev; jmlresolve.setAllowJML(prevAllowJML); result = null; // No type returned } boolean savedSpecOK = false; // FIXME - never read public void attribLoopSpecs(List<JmlTree.JmlStatementLoop> loopSpecs, Env<AttrContext> loopEnv) { savedSpecOK = false; if (loopSpecs == null || loopSpecs.isEmpty()) return; boolean prevAllowJML = jmlresolve.setAllowJML(true); boolean prev = pureEnvironment; pureEnvironment = true; for (JmlTree.JmlStatementLoop tree: loopSpecs) { JmlTokenKind prevClauseType = currentClauseType; currentClauseType = tree.token; if (tree.token == JmlTokenKind.LOOP_INVARIANT) { attribExpr(tree.expression,loopEnv,syms.booleanType); } else { attribExpr(tree.expression,loopEnv,syms.longType); // FIXME - what type to use } currentClauseType = prevClauseType; } pureEnvironment = prev; jmlresolve.setAllowJML(prevAllowJML); } /** This handles JML statements that give method-type specs for method body statements. */ public void visitJmlStatementSpec(JmlTree.JmlStatementSpec tree) { boolean prevAllowJML = jmlresolve.setAllowJML(true); JmlTokenKind prevClauseType = currentClauseType; currentClauseType = null; if (tree.statementSpecs != null) attribStat(tree.statementSpecs,env); currentClauseType = prevClauseType; jmlresolve.setAllowJML(prevAllowJML); } /** This handles JML declarations (method and ghost fields, methods, types) */ public void visitJmlStatementDecls(JmlTree.JmlStatementDecls tree) { boolean prevAllowJML = jmlresolve.setAllowJML(true); JmlTokenKind prevClauseType = currentClauseType; currentClauseType = tree.token; for (JCTree.JCStatement s : tree.list) { attribStat(s,env); } currentClauseType = prevClauseType; jmlresolve.setAllowJML(prevAllowJML); } /** This handles JML statements such as set and debug */ public void visitJmlStatement(JmlTree.JmlStatement tree) { // FIXME - need to test appropriately for purity boolean prevAllowJML = jmlresolve.setAllowJML(true); JmlTokenKind prevClauseType = currentClauseType; currentClauseType = tree.token; if (tree.statement != null) attribStat(tree.statement,env); currentClauseType = prevClauseType; jmlresolve.setAllowJML(prevAllowJML); } /** This handles JML primitive types */ public void visitJmlPrimitiveTypeTree(JmlPrimitiveTypeTree that) { JmlType type = that.token == JmlTokenKind.BSTYPEUC ? jmltypes.TYPE : that.token == JmlTokenKind.BSBIGINT ? jmltypes.BIGINT : that.token == JmlTokenKind.BSREAL ? jmltypes.REAL : null; if (type == null) { result = syms.errType; log.error(that.pos,"jml.unknown.type.token",that.token.internedName(),"JmlAttr.visitJmlPrimitiveTypeTree"); return; } that.type = type; that.repType = jmltypes.repType(that.pos(), type); attribType(that.repType,env); result = type; // if (utils.rac) { // result = type.repType.type; // that.type = result; // } } /** This set holds method clause types in which the \result token may appear * (and \not_assigned \only_assigned \only_captured \only_accessible \not_modified) */ public EnumSet<JmlTokenKind> resultClauses = EnumSet.of(ENSURES,DURATION,WORKING_SPACE); /** This set holds method clause types in which the \exception token may appear */ public EnumSet<JmlTokenKind> exceptionClauses = EnumSet.of(SIGNALS); /** This set holds method clause types in which the these tokens may appear: * \not_assigned \only_assigned \only_captured \only_accessible \not_modified */ public EnumSet<JmlTokenKind> postClauses = EnumSet.of(ENSURES,SIGNALS,DURATION,WORKING_SPACE,ASSERT,ASSUME); /** This handles expression constructs with no argument list such as \\result */ public void visitJmlSingleton(JmlSingleton that) { JmlTokenKind jt = that.token; Type t = syms.errType; switch (jt) { case BSLOCKSET: t = JMLSetType; break; case BSINDEX: t = syms.intType; if (loopStack.isEmpty()) { log.error(that.pos,"jml.outofscope",jt.internedName()); } else { that.info = loopStack.get(0).sym; } break; case BSVALUES: t = JMLValuesType; if (foreachLoopStack.isEmpty()) { log.error(that.pos,"jml.outofscope",jt.internedName()); } else { JCVariableDecl d = foreachLoopStack.get(0).valuesDecl; if (d == null) { log.error(that.pos,"jml.notforthisloop",jt.internedName()); } else { that.info = d.sym; } } break; case BSRESULT: JCTree.JCMethodDecl md = enclosingMethodEnv.enclMethod; JCTree res = md.getReturnType(); if (res == null || (!res.type.isErroneous() && types.isSameType(res.type,syms.voidType))) { log.error(that.pos+1, "jml.void.result"); t = syms.errType; } else { t = res.type; } if (currentEnvLabel != null) { log.error(that.pos, "jml.no.result.in.old"); } if (!resultClauses.contains(currentClauseType)) { // The +1 is to fool the error reporting mechanism into // allowing other error reports about the same token log.error(that.pos+1, "jml.misplaced.result", currentClauseType.internedName()); t = syms.errType; } break; case BSEXCEPTION: md = env.enclMethod; if (!exceptionClauses.contains(currentClauseType)) { // The +1 is to fool the error reporting mechanism into // allowing other error reports about the same token log.error(that.pos+1, "jml.misplaced.exception", currentClauseType.internedName()); t = syms.errType; } else { t = currentExceptionType; } break; case BSSAME: if (currentClauseType != REQUIRES) { log.error(that.pos,"jml.misplaced.same"); } t = syms.booleanType; // Check that this is only used in a requires clause and not in conjunction with anything else - FIXME break; case BSNOTSPECIFIED: t = syms.errType; // Use errType so it does not propagate error messages break; case BSNOTHING: case BSEVERYTHING: t = Type.noType; break; case INFORMAL_COMMENT: t = syms.booleanType; break; default: ExpressionExtension ext = Extensions.instance(context).find(that.pos,jt,true); Type ttt = ext.typecheck(this,that,env); result = check(that, ttt, VAL, resultInfo); break; // default: // t = syms.errType; // log.error(that.pos,"jml.unknown.type.token",that.token.internedName(),"JmlAttr.visitJmlSingleton"); // break; } result = check(that, t, VAL, resultInfo); } // public void visitJmlFunction(JmlFunction that) { // // Actually, I don't think this gets called. It would get called through // // visitApply. // result = that.type = Type.noType; // } public void visitJmlImport(JmlImport that) { visitImport(that); // FIXME - ignoring model } public void visitJmlBlock(JmlBlock that) { visitBlock(that); if (that.cases != null) { boolean isStatic = (that.flags & Flags.STATIC) != 0; if (isStatic) env.info.staticLevel++; try { that.cases.accept(this); } finally { if (isStatic) env.info.staticLevel--; } } } public void visitJmlBinary(JmlBinary that) { // FIXME - how do we handle unboxing, casting switch (that.op) { case EQUIVALENCE: case INEQUIVALENCE: case IMPLIES: case REVERSE_IMPLIES: attribExpr(that.lhs,env,syms.booleanType); attribExpr(that.rhs,env,syms.booleanType); result = syms.booleanType; break; case LOCK_LT: case LOCK_LE: attribExpr(that.lhs,env,syms.objectType); attribExpr(that.rhs,env,syms.objectType); result = syms.booleanType; break; case SUBTYPE_OF: // Note: the method of comparing types here ignores any type // arguments. If we use isSameType, for example, then Class // and Class<Object> are different. In this case, all we need // to know is that the operands are some type of Class. // FIXME - what about subclasses of Class attribExpr(that.lhs,env,Type.noType); Type t = that.lhs.type; boolean errorAlready = false; if (t.isErroneous()) errorAlready = true; else if (!t.equals(jmltypes.TYPE) && !t.tsym.equals(syms.classType.tsym)) { errorAlready = true; log.error(that.lhs.pos(),"jml.subtype.arguments",that.lhs.type); } attribExpr(that.rhs,env,Type.noType); Type tt = that.rhs.type; if (tt.isErroneous()) errorAlready = true; else if (!tt.equals(jmltypes.TYPE) && !tt.tsym.equals(syms.classType.tsym)) { errorAlready = true; log.error(that.rhs.pos(),"jml.subtype.arguments",that.rhs.type); } if ((t == jmltypes.TYPE) != (tt == jmltypes.TYPE) && !errorAlready) { log.error(that.rhs.pos(),"jml.subtype.arguments.same",that.rhs.type); } if (t != jmltypes.TYPE) that.op = JmlTokenKind.JSUBTYPE_OF; // Java subtyping result = syms.booleanType; break; default: log.error(that.pos(),"jml.unknown.operator",that.op.internedName(),"JmlAttr"); break; } result = check(that, result, VAL, resultInfo); } /** */ public void visitJmlLabeledStatement(JmlLabeledStatement that) { visitLabelled(that); } /** Attributes a LBL expression. Note that OpenJML allows an arbitrary * type LBL expression, e.g. (\lbl A expr) . This should report for the * label A the value of the expr, whatever its type. For the standard * lblpos and lblneg expressions, the expr must be boolean. */ public void visitJmlLblExpression(JmlLblExpression that) { if (!quantifiedExprs.isEmpty()) { // TODO _ COUld allow label expressions that do not contain quantified variables // FIXME - does not check set comprehension log.error(that.pos, "jml.lbl.in.quantified"); } Type t = that.token == JmlTokenKind.BSLBLANY ? Type.noType : syms.booleanType; attribExpr(that.expression, env, t); Type resultType = that.expression.type; if (resultType.constValue() != null) resultType = resultType.constType(null); result = check(that, resultType, VAL, resultInfo); } /** This makes a new local environment that allows adding new declarations, * but can see out into the enclosing environment; you need to call leave() * when you leave this scope to get rid of new declarations. * An initEnv for example, * does not allow new declarations, and a raw new Scope or method env will not inherit * the outer declarations. This is used in particular by quantified * expressions and set comprehensions. * @param that the expression that occasions this new scope * @param env the current env * @return the new env */ protected Env<AttrContext> envForExpr(JCTree tree, Env<AttrContext> env) { Env<AttrContext> localEnv; // We can't use a delegated scope - they are used for variable initializers // and don;'t accept any new variable declarations. Scope sco = env.info.scope; while (sco instanceof Scope.DelegatedScope) sco = ((Scope.DelegatedScope)sco).next; long flags = 0L; if (sco.owner.kind != MTH) { // Block is a static or instance initializer; // let the owner of the environment be a freshly // created BLOCK-method. localEnv = env.dup(tree, env.info.dup(sco.dupUnshared())); localEnv.info.scope.owner = new MethodSymbol(flags | BLOCK, names.empty, null, sco.owner); if ((flags & STATIC) != 0) localEnv.info.staticLevel++; } else { // Create a new local environment with a local scope. localEnv = env.dup(tree, env.info.dup(sco.dup())); // For this kind of scope, you have to eventually call // localEnv.info.scope.leave(); } // // Previous // Scope sco = env.info.scope; // // DelegatedScopes are created for a variable initialization // while (sco instanceof Scope.DelegatedScope) sco = ((Scope.DelegatedScope)sco).next; // Scope sc = sco.dup(sco.owner); // //sc.next = env.info.scope; // FIXME-FIXES - should this go back in? // Env<AttrContext> localEnv = env.dup(that, env.info.dup(sc)); //// Env<AttrContext> localEnv = env.dup(that, env.info.dup(sc.dupUnshared())); //// Env<AttrContext> localEnv = //// env.dup(that, env.info.dup(env.info.scope.dupUnshared())); return localEnv; } protected java.util.List<JmlQuantifiedExpr> quantifiedExprs = new LinkedList<JmlQuantifiedExpr>(); public void visitJmlQuantifiedExpr(JmlQuantifiedExpr that) { Env<AttrContext> localEnv = envForExpr(that,env); boolean b = ((JmlMemberEnter)memberEnter).setInJml(true); for (JCVariableDecl decl: that.decls) { JCModifiers mods = decl.getModifiers(); if (utils.hasOnly(mods,0)!=0) log.error(mods.pos,"jml.no.java.mods.allowed","quantified expression"); attribAnnotationTypes(mods.annotations,env); allAllowed(mods.annotations, JmlTokenKind.typeModifiers, "quantified expression"); utils.setExprLocal(mods); // if (utils.hasAny(mods,Flags.STATIC)) { // log.error(that.pos, // "mod.not.allowed.here", asFlagSet(Flags.STATIC)); // } // //if (Resolve.isStatic(env)) mods.flags |= Flags.STATIC; // FIXME - this is needed for variables declared in quantified expressions in invariants - will need to ignore this when pretty printing? memberEnter.memberEnter(decl, localEnv); decl.type = decl.vartype.type; // FIXME not sure this is needed } ((JmlMemberEnter)memberEnter).setInJml(b); quantifiedExprs.add(that); try { if (that.range != null) attribExpr(that.range, localEnv, syms.booleanType); Type resultType = syms.errType; switch (that.op) { case BSEXISTS: case BSFORALL: attribExpr(that.value, localEnv, syms.booleanType); resultType = syms.booleanType; break; case BSNUMOF: attribExpr(that.value, localEnv, syms.booleanType); resultType = syms.intType; // FIXME - int? long? bigint? break; case BSMAX: case BSMIN: attribExpr(that.value, localEnv, Type.noType); // FIXME - int? long? numeric? bigint? double? resultType = that.value.type; break; case BSSUM: case BSPRODUCT: attribExpr(that.value, localEnv, syms.longType); // FIXME - int? long? numeric? bigint? double? resultType = that.value.type; break; default: log.error(that.pos(),"jml.unknown.construct",that.op.internedName(),"JmlAttr.visitJmlQuantifiedExpr"); break; } result = check(that, resultType, VAL, resultInfo); if (utils.rac) { if (that.racexpr == null) createRacExpr(that,localEnv,resultType); // if (that.racexpr == null) { // System.out.println("NO QUANT"); // } } } finally { quantifiedExprs.remove(quantifiedExprs.size()-1); localEnv.info.scope.leave(); } return; } public boolean implementationAllowed() { return implementationAllowed; } public void createRacExpr(JmlQuantifiedExpr q, Env<AttrContext> localEnv, Type resultType) { /* The purpose of this method is to create a fully-qualified executable expression to use * in RAC. This is tricky. The primary JML quantified expression has already been attributed. * That declarations and the range and value expressions are reused in creating this RAC equivalent. * The problematic aspect is that one cannot attribute an expression twice and there is no check * to prevent re-attribution; re-attributing simple expressions causes no trouble, but the * reattribution logic can complain about, for example, duplicate declarations. Problems particularly * arise if the value subexpression of the quantified expression includes a a nested quantified * expression or method calls. * * So we construct our RAC expression carefully distinguishing between new portions and already * attributed portions. * * The general approach is to replace a quantified expression that returns a value of type TT with * an expression of this template: * new org.jmlspecs.utils.Utils.ValueTT() { * public TT value(Object args...) { ... expression ... } * }.value( ... args ... ) * The complicated aspect of this formula is that any subexpressions that do not depend on the * quantification variables have to be passed in as arguments. Also we want any new declarations * to be attributed by the regular attribution mechanism. So the general approach is to construct * the new part of the final expression (including new declarations), attribute it, and then * piece in the subexpressions from the JML quantified statement that were already attributed. * This approach means that the initial, unattributed expression has some holes in it that need * filling in later. */ JCStatement update = null; List<JCExpression> argslist = null; JCNewArray newarray = null; try { // If there is no range, we will not try to execute the expression if (q.range == null) { return; // FIXME - is this executable? } JmlTree.Maker F = factory; Type restype = q.type; // Result type of the expression // Attributed statements that return true or false JCReturn rettrue = F.Return(treeutils.trueLit); //F.Literal(TypeTag.BOOLEAN, 1).setType(syms.booleanType)); JCReturn retfalse = F.Return(treeutils.falseLit); //F.Literal(TypeTag.BOOLEAN, 0).setType(syms.booleanType)); // First assemble the portions that need attribution // FIXME - include bigint support, real? // Construct the fully qualified name of the class holding the methods we'll use JCExpression constructName = F.Ident(names.fromString("org")); constructName = F.Select(constructName, names.fromString("jmlspecs")); constructName = F.Select(constructName, names.fromString("utils")); constructName = F.Select(constructName, names.fromString("Utils")); TypeTag tag = restype.getTag(); String s = tag == TypeTag.INT ? "ValueInt" : tag == TypeTag.BOOLEAN ? "ValueBool" : tag == TypeTag.LONG ? "ValueLong" : tag == TypeTag.DOUBLE ? "ValueDouble" : tag == TypeTag.FLOAT ? "ValueFloat" : tag == TypeTag.SHORT ? "ValueShort" : tag == TypeTag.BYTE ? "ValueByte" : tag == TypeTag.CHAR ? "ValueChar" : "ValueInt"; Name className = names.fromString(s); constructName = F.Select(constructName, className); // methodName is e.g., depending on the result type, org.jmlspecs.utils.Utils.ValueBool JCVariableDecl initialDecl = null; JCVariableDecl valueDecl = null; JCVariableDecl firstDecl = null; ListBuffer<JCStatement> bodyStats = new ListBuffer<JCStatement>(); if (q.op == JmlTokenKind.BSFORALL || q.op == JmlTokenKind.BSEXISTS) { } else if (q.op == JmlTokenKind.BSNUMOF) { initialDecl = F.VarDef(F.Modifiers(0), names.fromString("_count$$$"), F.Type(restype), F.Literal(restype.getTag(),0).setType(syms.intType)); } else if (q.op == JmlTokenKind.BSSUM) { initialDecl = F.VarDef(F.Modifiers(0), names.fromString("_sum$$$"), F.Type(restype), F.Literal(restype.getTag(),0).setType(syms.intType)); } else if (q.op == JmlTokenKind.BSPRODUCT) { initialDecl = F.VarDef(F.Modifiers(0), names.fromString("_prod$$$"), F.Type(restype), F.Literal(restype.getTag(),1).setType(syms.intType)); } else if (q.op == JmlTokenKind.BSMAX || q.op == JmlTokenKind.BSMIN) { firstDecl = F.VarDef(F.Modifiers(0), names.fromString("_first$$$"), F.TypeIdent(TypeTag.BOOLEAN), F.Literal(TypeTag.BOOLEAN,1).setType(syms.booleanType)); initialDecl = F.VarDef(F.Modifiers(0), names.fromString(q.op == JmlTokenKind.BSMIN ? "_min$$$" : "_max$$$"), F.Type(restype), F.Literal(restype.getTag(),0).setType(restype)); valueDecl = F.VarDef(F.Modifiers(0), names.fromString("_val$$$"), F.Type(restype), null); } else { return; } if (initialDecl != null) bodyStats.add(initialDecl); if (valueDecl != null) bodyStats.add(valueDecl); if (firstDecl != null) bodyStats.add(firstDecl); JCBlock body = null; // We create a declaration of 'args' and add it to bodyStats so it is attributed, // because we need an identifier that references the args declaration to sprinkle // through the rewritten range and value expressions. Name argsname = names.fromString("args"); JCVariableDecl argsdef = F.VarDef(F.Modifiers(Flags.FINAL),argsname, F.TypeArray(F.Type(syms.objectType)),null); JCIdent argsID = F.Ident(argsdef.name); // argsdef is: Object[] args = null; // We'd like to reuse the declarations that are actually within the JML quantifier // expression. They are already attributed. But they seem to be attributed within // a different environment. For example, if they are used, complaints occur that they // are not final. Perhaps this can be worked around, but for now we create a // parallel set of declarations. These will be attributed here and the ids are // passed into the RACCopy.copy calls below, so that each identifier node is rewritten // to refer to the new declaration. Map<Symbol,JCVariableDecl> newdecls = new HashMap<Symbol,JCVariableDecl>(); Map<Symbol,JCIdent> newids = new HashMap<Symbol,JCIdent>(); for (JCVariableDecl v: q.decls) { JCVariableDecl newdecl = F.VarDef(F.Modifiers(0), v.name, v.vartype, null); JCIdent id = F.Ident(v.name); newdecls.put(v.sym,newdecl); newids.put(v.sym, id); } // We need to figure out the iterations that will occur within the body of the // RAC expression. That involves some manipulation of the List<JCVariableDecl> decls = q.decls; ListBuffer<JCExpression> args = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>(); JCExpression newvalue = JmlAttr.RACCopy.copy(q.value,context,decls,args,argsID,newids); JCExpression newrange = JmlAttr.RACCopy.copy(q.range,context,decls,args,argsID,newids); java.util.List<Bound> bounds = new java.util.LinkedList<Bound>(); JCExpression innerexpr = determineRacBounds(decls,newrange,bounds); if (innerexpr == null) { return; } // Here we create declarations that will be needed. These are // unattributed; they are attributed below, and then the attributed // declarations are used in the second phase of RAC expression construction. for (Bound bound: bounds) { JCExpression vartype = bound.decl.vartype; Name indexname = bound.decl.name; String var = indexname.toString(); JCVariableDecl indexdef = newdecls.get(bound.decl.sym); if (bound.decl.type.getTag() == TypeTag.BOOLEAN) { indexdef.init = F.Literal(syms.booleanType.getTag(),0); } else if (bound.decl.type.getTag() == TypeTag.CLASS) { // nothing } else { Name loname = names.fromString("$$$lo_" + var); Name hiname = names.fromString("$$$hi_" + var); bound.lodef = F.VarDef(F.Modifiers(0),loname,vartype,null); bound.hidef = F.VarDef(F.Modifiers(0),hiname,vartype,null); bodyStats.add(bound.lodef); bodyStats.add(bound.hidef); //indexdef = F.VarDef(F.Modifiers(0), indexname, vartype, F.Ident(loname)); indexdef.init = F.Ident(loname); } // indexdef.sym = bound.decl.sym; // indexdef.type = bound.decl.sym.type; bound.indexdef = indexdef; bodyStats.add(indexdef); } // Back to expressions that will need attributing. JCStatement retStandin = F.Return(F.Literal(restype.getTag(), 0)); bodyStats.add(retStandin); JCMethodDecl methodDecl = F.MethodDef( F.Modifiers(Flags.PUBLIC), names.fromString("value"), F.Type(restype), // result type List.<JCTypeParameter>nil(), // type parameters List.<JCVariableDecl>of(argsdef), // parameters List.<JCExpression>nil(), // thrown types body=F.Block(0,bodyStats.toList()), // body - more to be added later null); // default value utils.setJML(methodDecl.mods); methodDecl.mods.annotations = methodDecl.mods.annotations.append(utils.tokenToAnnotationAST(JmlTokenKind.PURE,0,0)); // FIXME- fix positions? // methodDecl is (RT is the result type): public RT value(Object[] args) { ... decls... } List<JCTree> defs = List.<JCTree>of(methodDecl); JmlClassDecl classDecl = (JmlClassDecl)F.AnonymousClassDef(F.Modifiers(0), defs) ; classDecl.specsDecl = classDecl; classDecl.typeSpecs = new JmlSpecs.TypeSpecs(classDecl); classDecl.toplevel = ((JmlClassDecl)enclosingClassEnv.enclClass).toplevel; JCNewClass anon = F.NewClass(null,List.<JCExpression>nil(),constructName,List.<JCExpression>nil(),classDecl); // anon.constructor = new MethodSymbol(0, names.init, syms.unknownType, syms.noSymbol); // anon.constructorType = syms.unknownType; // anon is, e.g., depending on the result type: // new org.jmlspecs.utils.Utils.ValueBool() { public boolean value(Object[] args) { ... decls... } } ListBuffer<JCExpression> standinargs = new ListBuffer<JCExpression>(); //F.TypeCast(Type.(syms.objectType), F.Literal(syms.objectType.tag,null)); // for (JCExpression ex: argslist) { // JCLiteral lit = F.Literal(ex.type.tag,0); // standinargs.add(lit); // } standinargs.add(F.Literal(TypeTag.INT,0)); newarray = F.NewArray(F.Type(syms.objectType),List.<JCExpression>nil(),standinargs.toList()); JCExpression call = F.Apply(List.<JCExpression>nil(),F.Select(anon,names.fromString("value")),List.<JCExpression>of(newarray)); // call is, e.g., depending on the result type: // new org.jmlspecs.utils.Utils.ValueBool() { public boolean value(Object[] args) {} }.value(null,null); // Need to fill in (a) the body of the method and (b) the araguments of the call q.racexpr = call; q.racexpr = treeutils.makeZeroEquivalentLit(q.pos, q.type); // Attribute the unattributed expression attribExpr(q.racexpr, localEnv, resultType); // This puts in the default constructor, which the check call does not //check(that.racexpr,resultType, VAL, resultInfo); // But this has the right environment // Now form the body of the expression from pieces that are already attributed. argslist = args.toList(); // argsID is aliased with nodes inside newvalue and newrange, so the following // assignments effectively attribute those nodes argsID.type = argsdef.type; argsID.sym = argsdef.sym; // Determine core computation // forall: if (range) if (!value) return false; // exists: if (range) if (value) return true; // numof: if (range) if (value) ++count; // sum: if (range) sum += value; JCStatement retStat; JCExpression cond = newvalue; if (q.op == JmlTokenKind.BSFORALL || q.op == JmlTokenKind.BSEXISTS) { if (q.op == JmlTokenKind.BSFORALL) { cond = treeutils.makeNot(cond.pos, cond); // cond = F.Unary(JCTree.NOT, cond).setType(syms.booleanType); // ((JCUnary)cond).operator = rs.resolveUnaryOperator(cond.pos(), JCTree.NOT, env, newvalue.type); } update = F.If(cond, q.op == JmlTokenKind.BSFORALL? retfalse : rettrue , null); retStat = q.op == JmlTokenKind.BSFORALL ? rettrue : retfalse; } else if (q.op == JmlTokenKind.BSNUMOF) { JCIdent id = F.Ident(initialDecl.name); id.setType(initialDecl.type); id.sym = initialDecl.sym; JCUnary op = (JCUnary)treeutils.makeUnary(id.pos, JCTree.Tag.PREINC, id); // JCUnary op = F.Unary(JCTree.PREINC, id); // op.setType(initialDecl.type); // op.operator = rs.resolveUnaryOperator(op.pos(),op.getTag(),env,op.arg.type); update = F.If(cond, F.Exec(op) , null); retStat = F.Return(id); // Is it OK to reuse the node? } else if (q.op == JmlTokenKind.BSSUM) { JCIdent id = F.Ident(initialDecl.name); id.setType(initialDecl.type); id.sym = initialDecl.sym; JCAssignOp asn = treeutils.makeAssignOp(Position.NOPOS, JCTree.Tag.PLUS_ASG, id, cond); // JCAssignOp asn = F.Assignop(JCTree.PLUS_ASG, id, cond); // asn.setType(initialDecl.type); // asn.operator = rs.resolveBinaryOperator(asn.pos(), asn.getTag() - JCTree.ASGOffset, env, asn.lhs.type, asn.rhs.type); update = F.Exec(asn); retStat = F.Return(id); // Is it OK to reuse the node? } else if (q.op == JmlTokenKind.BSPRODUCT) { JCIdent id = F.Ident(initialDecl.name); id.pos = Position.NOPOS; id.setType(initialDecl.type); id.sym = initialDecl.sym; JCAssignOp asn = treeutils.makeAssignOp(Position.NOPOS, JCTree.Tag.MUL_ASG, id, cond); // JCAssignOp asn = F.Assignop(JCTree.MUL_ASG, id, cond); // asn.setType(initialDecl.type); // asn.operator = rs.resolveBinaryOperator(asn.pos(), asn.getTag() - JCTree.ASGOffset, env, asn.lhs.type, asn.rhs.type); update = F.Exec(asn); retStat = F.Return(id); } else if (q.op == JmlTokenKind.BSMAX || q.op == JmlTokenKind.BSMIN) { JCIdent id = F.Ident(initialDecl.name); id.setType(initialDecl.type); id.sym = initialDecl.sym; JCIdent vid = F.Ident(valueDecl.name); vid.setType(valueDecl.type); vid.sym = valueDecl.sym; JCIdent fid = F.Ident(firstDecl.name); fid.setType(firstDecl.type); fid.sym = firstDecl.sym; JCBinary op1,op2; // FIXME - use treeutils here update = F.If((op1=F.Binary( JCTree.Tag.OR, (op2=F.Binary( ( q.op == JmlTokenKind.BSMIN ? JCTree.Tag.LT : JCTree.Tag.GT), F.Assign(vid, newvalue).setType(vid.type), id )).setType(syms.booleanType), fid )).setType(syms.booleanType) , F.Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of( F.Exec(F.Assign(id, vid).setType(id.type)), F.Exec(F.Assign(fid, F.Literal(TypeTag.BOOLEAN,0).setType(syms.booleanType)).setType(fid.type)) ) ), null); op1.operator = treeutils.orSymbol; op2.operator = rs.resolveBinaryOperator(op2.pos(),op2.getTag(), env, op2.lhs.type, op2.rhs.type); retStat = F.Return(id); } else if (q.op == JmlTokenKind.BSMIN) { JCIdent id = F.Ident(initialDecl.name); id.setType(initialDecl.type); id.sym = initialDecl.sym; JCIdent vid = F.Ident(valueDecl.name); vid.setType(valueDecl.type); vid.sym = valueDecl.sym; JCIdent fid = F.Ident(firstDecl.name); fid.setType(firstDecl.type); fid.sym = firstDecl.sym; JCBinary op1,op2; // FIXME - use treeutils here update = F.If( (op1=F.Binary( JCTree.Tag.OR, (op2=F.Binary( JCTree.Tag.LT, F.Assign(vid, newvalue).setType(vid.type), id )).setType(syms.booleanType), fid )).setType(syms.booleanType) , F.Block(0, List.<JCStatement>of( F.Exec(F.Assign(id,vid).setType(id.type)), F.Exec(F.Assign(fid, F.Literal(TypeTag.BOOLEAN,0).setType(syms.booleanType).setType(fid.type))) ) ), null); op1.operator = treeutils.orSymbol; op2.operator = rs.resolveBinaryOperator(op2.pos(),op2.getTag(), env, op2.lhs.type, op2.rhs.type); retStat = F.Return(id); } else { return; } JCStatement innerStatement = F.If(innerexpr, update, null); for (Bound bound: bounds) { JCVariableDecl indexdef = bound.indexdef; JCIdent indexid = newids.get(bound.decl.sym); indexid.sym = indexdef.sym; indexid.type = indexdef.type; Name indexname = indexdef.name; if (bound.decl.type.getTag() == TypeTag.BOOLEAN) { JCIdent idx = F.at(Position.NOPOS).Ident(indexname); idx.setType(indexdef.type); idx.sym = indexdef.sym; JCExpression neg = treeutils.makeNot(Position.NOPOS, idx); JCAssign asgn = treeutils.makeAssign(Position.NOPOS, idx,neg); JCStatement negate = F.at(Position.NOPOS).Exec(asgn); JCDoWhileLoop dowhilestatement = F.DoLoop( F.Block(0,List.<JCStatement>of(innerStatement,negate)), idx ); innerStatement = F.Block(0,List.<JCStatement>of(indexdef,dowhilestatement)); } else if (bound.decl.type.getTag() == TypeTag.CLASS) { JCEnhancedForLoop foreach = F.ForeachLoop( indexdef, bound.lo, innerStatement); innerStatement = foreach; } else { JCVariableDecl lodef = bound.lodef; JCVariableDecl hidef = bound.hidef; Name hiname = hidef.name; lodef.init = bound.lo; hidef.init = bound.hi; JCIdent id = indexid; JCExpression op = treeutils.makeUnary(Position.NOPOS,JCTree.Tag.PREINC, id); JCStatement inc = F.Exec(op); JCIdent hi = F.Ident(hiname); hi.sym = hidef.sym; hi.type = hidef.type; // FIXME - use treeutils JCBinary bin = F.Binary(bound.hi_equal ? JCTree.Tag.LE : JCTree.Tag.LT, id, hi); bin.operator = rs.resolveBinaryOperator(bin.pos(), bin.getTag(), env, id.type, hi.type); bin.setType(syms.booleanType); JCWhileLoop whilestatement = F.WhileLoop( bin, F.Block(0,List.<JCStatement>of(innerStatement,inc))); innerStatement = bound.lo_equal ? F.Block(0,List.<JCStatement>of(lodef,hidef,indexdef,whilestatement)) : F.Block(0,List.<JCStatement>of(lodef,hidef,indexdef,inc,whilestatement)); } } List<JCStatement> methodBody = initialDecl == null ? List.<JCStatement>of(innerStatement,retStat) : valueDecl == null ? List.<JCStatement>of(initialDecl,innerStatement,retStat) : List.<JCStatement>of(firstDecl,initialDecl,valueDecl,innerStatement,retStat); // Fill in missing pieces body.stats = methodBody; newarray.elems = argslist; } catch (Exception e) { // If there is an exception, we just abort trying to produce a RAC expression q.racexpr = null; } return; } protected static class Bound { public JCVariableDecl decl; public JCExpression lo; public JCExpression hi; boolean lo_equal; boolean hi_equal; JCVariableDecl indexdef; /*@Nullable*/JCVariableDecl lodef; /*@Nullable*/JCVariableDecl hidef; } /** If appropriate bounds can be determined for all defined variables, the method returns the * remaining expression and fills in the Bound list (first element is innermost loop); if appropriate * bounds cannot be determined, the method returns null. */ public JCExpression determineRacBounds(List<JCVariableDecl> decls, JCExpression range, java.util.List<Bound> bounds) { // Some current assumptions if (decls.length() != 1) return null; // FIXME - does only one declaration!!!!!! if (decls.head.type.getTag() == TypeTag.DOUBLE) return null; if (decls.head.type.getTag() == TypeTag.FLOAT) return null; if (decls.head.type.getTag() == TypeTag.BOOLEAN) { Bound b = new Bound(); b.decl = decls.head; b.lo = null; b.hi = null; bounds.add(0,b); return range; } else if (decls.head.type.getTag() == TypeTag.CLASS) { if (range instanceof JCBinary && ((JCBinary)range).getTag() != JCTree.Tag.AND) return null; JCExpression check = range instanceof JCBinary? ((JCBinary)range).lhs : range; if (!(check instanceof JCMethodInvocation)) return null; JCMethodInvocation mi = (JCMethodInvocation)check; if (!(mi.meth instanceof JCFieldAccess)) return null; JCFieldAccess fa = (JCFieldAccess)mi.meth; if (!fa.name.toString().equals("contains") && !fa.name.toString().equals("has")) return null; Bound b = new Bound(); b.decl = decls.head; b.lo = fa.selected; // FIXME - should check whether fa.selected is Iterable b.hi = null; bounds.add(0,b); return check == range ? check : // FIXME - could be set to true ((JCBinary)range).rhs; } try { // presume int JCBinary locomp = (JCBinary)((JCBinary)range).lhs; JCBinary hicomp = (JCBinary)((JCBinary)range).rhs; if (locomp.getTag() == JCTree.Tag.AND) { hicomp = (JCBinary)locomp.rhs; locomp = (JCBinary)locomp.lhs; } else if (hicomp.getTag() == JCTree.Tag.AND) { hicomp = (JCBinary)hicomp.lhs; } Bound b = new Bound(); b.decl = decls.head; b.lo = locomp.lhs; b.hi = hicomp.rhs; b.lo_equal = locomp.getTag() == JCTree.Tag.LE; b.hi_equal = hicomp.getTag() == JCTree.Tag.LE; bounds.add(0,b); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } return range; } public void visitJmlSetComprehension(JmlSetComprehension that) { // that.type must be a subtype of JMLSetType FIXME - not checked // that.variable must be a declaration of a reference type // that.predicate must be boolean // that.predicate must have a special form FIXME - not checked // result has type that.type // Generics: perhaps JMLSetType should have a type argument. // If so, then in new T { TT i | ... } // T is a subtype of JMLSetType<? super TT> (FIXME - is that right?) // T must be allowed to hold elements of type TT attribType(that.newtype,env); attribType(that.variable.vartype,env); attribAnnotationTypes(that.variable.mods.annotations,env); Env<AttrContext> localEnv = envForExpr(that,env); JCModifiers mods = that.variable.mods; utils.setExprLocal(mods); memberEnter.memberEnter(that.variable, localEnv); attribExpr(that.predicate,localEnv,syms.booleanType); localEnv.info.scope.leave(); if (utils.hasOnly(mods,0)!=0) log.error(that.pos,"jml.no.java.mods.allowed","set comprehension expression"); allAllowed(mods.annotations, JmlTokenKind.typeModifiers, "set comprehension expression"); result = check(that, that.newtype.type, VAL, resultInfo); } public String visibility(long f) { return f == 0? "package" : f==Flags.PUBLIC? "public" :f==Flags.PROTECTED? "protected" : "private"; } @Override protected Type checkId(JCTree tree, Type site, Symbol sym, Env<AttrContext> env, ResultInfo resultInfo) { if (checkingSignature) return sym.type; return super.checkId(tree, site, sym, env, resultInfo); } @Override public void visitIdent(JCIdent tree) { // if (tree.name.toString().equals("TestJava")) org.jmlspecs.openjml.Utils.stop(); long prevVisibility = jmlVisibility; JmlTokenKind prevClauseType = currentClauseType; try { // jmlVisibility = -1; // currentClauseType = null; // Visiting the ident itself in the super class should not need the // jmlVisibility. However, visiting the ident can trigger loading // and type-checking a whole new class - so we unset this field // in the mean time. super.visitIdent(tree); } finally { jmlVisibility = prevVisibility; currentClauseType = prevClauseType; } // The above call erroneously does not set tree.type for method identifiers // if the method failed to result, even though a symbol with an error // type is set, so we patch that here. See also the comment at visitSelect. if (tree.type == null) tree.type = tree.sym.type; Type saved = result; if (!justAttribute && tree.sym instanceof VarSymbol) { checkSecretReadable(tree.pos(),(VarSymbol)tree.sym); }// Could also be a method call, and error, a package, a class... checkVisibility(tree, jmlVisibility, tree.sym); result = saved; } protected void checkVisibility(DiagnosticPosition pos, long jmlVisibility, Symbol sym) { if (jmlVisibility != -1) { long v = (sym.flags() & Flags.AccessFlags); if (sym instanceof ClassSymbol) { // FIXME - the code below crashes for class symbols. What should we do? // FIXME - we also get this case for annotations on a clause } else { // if (tree.sym.toString().equals("defaults")) { // System.out.println("defaults");; // } JCModifiers mods = null; if (sym.owner != null && sym.owner.kind == TYP) { if (sym.kind == VAR) { VarSymbol vsym = (VarSymbol)sym; FieldSpecs sp = specs.getSpecs(vsym); if (sp != null) mods = sp.mods; } if (sym.kind == MTH) { MethodSpecs sp = specs.getSpecs((MethodSymbol)sym); if (sp != null) mods = sp.mods; } } if (mods != null && findMod(mods,SPEC_PROTECTED) != null) { v = Flags.PROTECTED; } if (mods != null && findMod(mods,SPEC_PUBLIC) != null) { v = Flags.PUBLIC; } } if (currentClauseType == JmlTokenKind.INVARIANT || currentClauseType == JmlTokenKind.CONSTRAINT) { // An ident used in an invariant must have the same visibility as the invariant clause - no more, no less // Is the symbol more visible? OK if the symbol is not a modifiable variable if (jmlVisibility != v && moreOrEqualVisibleThan(v,jmlVisibility) && sym instanceof VarSymbol && !utils.isExprLocal(sym.flags()) && !special(v,sym) && (sym.flags() & Flags.FINAL)==0 ) { log.error(pos, "jml.visibility", visibility(v), visibility(jmlVisibility), currentClauseType.internedName()); } // Is the symbol less visible? not OK if (jmlVisibility != v && !moreOrEqualVisibleThan(v,jmlVisibility) && !utils.isExprLocal(sym.flags()) && !special(v,sym)) { log.error(pos, "jml.visibility", visibility(v), visibility(jmlVisibility), currentClauseType.internedName()); } } else if (currentClauseType == JmlTokenKind.REPRESENTS) { //log.error(tree.pos,"jml.internal","Case not handled in JmlAttr.visitIdent: " + currentClauseType.internedName()); if (!moreOrEqualVisibleThan(v,jmlVisibility) && !special(v,sym)) { log.error(pos, "jml.visibility", visibility(v), visibility(jmlVisibility), currentClauseType.internedName()); } } else if (currentClauseType == JmlTokenKind.JMLDECL) { // FIXME - not sure what rules to apply to this case } else if (currentClauseType == JmlTokenKind.IN) { // In V type x; //@ in y; // identifier y must be at least as visible as x (i.e., as V) if (!moreOrEqualVisibleThan(v,jmlVisibility)) { log.error(pos, "jml.visibility", visibility(v), visibility(jmlVisibility), currentClauseType.internedName()); } } else if (currentClauseType == JmlTokenKind.ENSURES || currentClauseType == JmlTokenKind.SIGNALS) { // An identifier mentioned in a clause must be at least as visible as the clause itself. if (!moreOrEqualVisibleThan(v,jmlVisibility) && !special(v,sym)) { log.error(pos, "jml.visibility", visibility(v), visibility(jmlVisibility), currentClauseType.internedName()); } if (currentEnvLabel != null && enclosingMethodEnv.enclMethod.sym.isConstructor()) { if (!sym.isStatic()) log.error(pos, "jml.no.old.in.constructor", sym); } } else { // Default case // An identifier mentioned in a clause must be at least as visible as the clause itself. if (!moreOrEqualVisibleThan(v,jmlVisibility) && !special(v,sym)) { log.error(pos, "jml.visibility", visibility(v), visibility(jmlVisibility), currentClauseType.internedName()); } } } } // FIXME - not sure this is still needed boolean special(long v, Symbol sym) { if (sym instanceof TypeSymbol) return true; if (sym instanceof VarSymbol && sym.owner instanceof MethodSymbol) return true; // FIXME - not sure how to handle these various special names return sym.name.toString().equals("TYPE") || !(v != 0 || (!sym.name.equals(names._this) && !sym.name.equals(names._super) && !sym.name.equals(names.length) && !sym.name.equals(names._class))); } final static int order[] = { 2, 4, 1, 0, 3}; // package, public, private, -, protected static boolean moreOrEqualVisibleThan(long v1, long v2) { return order[(int)v1] >= order[(int)v2]; } @Override public void visitIndexed(JCArrayAccess tree) { super.visitIndexed(tree); Type saved = result; if (tree.indexed instanceof JCIdent && ((JCIdent)tree.indexed).sym instanceof VarSymbol) { checkSecretReadable(tree.pos(),(VarSymbol)((JCIdent)tree.indexed).sym); } else if (tree.indexed instanceof JCFieldAccess && ((JCFieldAccess)tree.indexed).sym instanceof VarSymbol) { checkSecretReadable(tree.pos(),(VarSymbol)((JCFieldAccess)tree.indexed).sym); } // FIXME - forbid everything else? result = saved; } protected void checkSecretCallable(JCMethodInvocation tree, MethodSymbol msym) { DiagnosticPosition pos = tree.meth.pos(); if (tree.meth instanceof JCFieldAccess) { // FIXME - really want this from pos to endpos, not from startpos to endpos pos = ((JCFieldAccess)tree.meth).pos(); } JmlSpecs.MethodSpecs mspecs = specs.getSpecs(msym); VarSymbol calledSecret = null; VarSymbol calledQuery = null; boolean calledPure = false; if (mspecs != null) { calledSecret = getSecretSymbol(mspecs.mods); calledQuery = getQuerySymbol(tree,mspecs.mods); calledPure = findMod(mspecs.mods,JmlTokenKind.PURE) != null; } if (currentQueryContext != null) { // query method - may call query methods for a contained datagroup // - may call secret methods for a contained datagroup // - may call open pure method if (calledSecret != null) { if (!isContainedInDatagroup(calledSecret,currentQueryContext)) { log.error(pos,"jml.incorrect.datagroup"); } } if (calledQuery != null) { if (!isContainedInDatagroup(calledQuery,currentQueryContext)) { log.error(pos,"jml.incorrect.datagroup"); } } if (calledSecret == null && calledQuery == null) { if (!calledPure) { log.error(pos,"jml.incorrect.datagroup"); } } } if (currentSecretContext != null && currentSecretContext != currentQueryContext) { if (calledSecret != null) { if (!isContainedInDatagroup(calledSecret,currentSecretContext)) { log.error(pos,"jml.incorrect.datagroup"); } } if (calledQuery != null) { if (!isContainedInDatagroup(calledQuery,currentSecretContext)) { log.error(pos,"jml.incorrect.datagroup"); } } if (calledSecret == null && calledQuery == null) { if (!calledPure) { log.error(pos,"jml.incorrect.datagroup"); } } } if (currentQueryContext == null && currentSecretContext == null) { // open method - may call query methods, but no secret methods if (calledSecret != null) { log.error(pos,"jml.open.may.not.call.secret"); } } } protected void checkSecretReadable(DiagnosticPosition pos, VarSymbol vsym) { // If the variable is local to the method, then secret/query rules do not apply if (vsym.owner instanceof MethodSymbol) return; JmlSpecs.FieldSpecs fspecs = specs.getSpecs(vsym); boolean identIsSecret = fspecs != null && findMod(fspecs.mods,JmlTokenKind.SECRET) != null; // Rules: // If method is open, then ident may not be secret // If method is query and we are in the method specs, then ident may not be secret // If method is query, then ident is open or is secret for the same datagroup // If method is secret, then ident is open or is secret for the same datagroup if (identIsSecret) { boolean prevAllow = ((JmlResolve)rs).setAllowJML(true); if (currentSecretContext != null && isContainedInDatagroup(vsym,currentSecretContext)) { // OK - we are in a secret context and the variable is in that context } else if (currentClauseType == JmlTokenKind.IN || currentClauseType == JmlTokenKind.MAPS) { // OK - this is the target of an in or maps clause - secrecy restrictions are checked there } else if (currentQueryContext != null && isContainedInDatagroup(vsym,currentQueryContext)) { // OK - we are in a query context and the variable in secret for that context } else if (currentSecretContext != null) { log.error(pos,"jml.not.in.secret.context",vsym.getQualifiedName(),currentSecretContext.getQualifiedName()); } else { // in open context log.error(pos,"jml.no.secret.in.open.context",vsym.getQualifiedName()); } ((JmlResolve)rs).setAllowJML(prevAllow); } } protected void checkSecretWritable(DiagnosticPosition pos, VarSymbol vsym) { // If the variable is local to the method, then secret/query rules do not apply if (vsym.owner instanceof MethodSymbol) return; JmlSpecs.FieldSpecs fspecs = specs.getSpecs(vsym); boolean identIsSecret = fspecs != null && findMod(fspecs.mods,JmlTokenKind.SECRET) != null; // Rules: // If method is open, then ident may not even be read // If method is query, then ident must be secret for the same datagroup // If method is secret, then ident must be secret for the same datagroup boolean prevAllow = ((JmlResolve)rs).setAllowJML(true); boolean error = false; if (currentSecretContext != null) { if (!identIsSecret || !isContainedInDatagroup(vsym,currentSecretContext)) { // ERROR - may not write a non-secret field in a secret context // ERROR - field is not in the correct secret context to be written log.error(pos,"jml.not.writable.in.secret.context",vsym.getQualifiedName(),currentSecretContext.getQualifiedName()); error = true; } } if (currentQueryContext != null && !error) { if (!identIsSecret || !isContainedInDatagroup(vsym,currentQueryContext)) { // ERROR - may not write a non-secret field in a secret context // ERROR - field is not in the correct secret context to be written log.error(pos,"jml.not.writable.in.secret.context",vsym.getQualifiedName(),currentQueryContext.getQualifiedName()); } } ((JmlResolve)rs).setAllowJML(prevAllow); } boolean justAttribute = false; protected void attributeGroup(JmlGroupName g) { // Note that this.env should be the class env of the environment in which the group name is being resolved if (g.sym == null) { // Possibly not yet resolved - perhaps a forward reference, or perhaps does not exist boolean prevj = justAttribute; justAttribute = true; boolean prev = JmlResolve.instance(context).allowJML(); JmlResolve.instance(context).setAllowJML(true); try { g.accept(this); } finally { JmlResolve.instance(context).setAllowJML(prev); justAttribute = prevj; } } } // Returns true if contextSym is contained (transitively) in the varSym datagroup protected boolean isContainedInDatagroup(@Nullable VarSymbol varSym, @Nullable VarSymbol contextSym) { if (varSym == contextSym) return true; JmlSpecs.FieldSpecs fspecs = specs.getSpecs(varSym); for (JmlTypeClause t: fspecs.list) { if (t.token == JmlTokenKind.IN) { // FIXME - relies on variable IN clauses being attributed before a method that uses them for (JmlGroupName g: ((JmlTypeClauseIn)t).list) { attributeGroup(g); if (varSym == g.sym) { // Explicitly listed in self - should this be allowed? (FIXME) continue; } if (g.sym != null) { // try again - if still null, it is because the datagroup mentioned in the // in clause is not resolvable - perhaps does not exist boolean b = isContainedInDatagroup(g.sym,contextSym); if (b) return true; } else if (g.selection instanceof JCIdent && ((JCIdent)g.selection).name == contextSym.name) { return true; // Not resolvable - return true to avoid additional errors later } else { return false; } } } } return false; } public boolean checkForCircularity(VarSymbol varsym) { Collection<VarSymbol> roots = new LinkedList<>(); return checkForCircularity(varsym, roots); } public boolean checkForCircularity(VarSymbol varsym, Collection<VarSymbol> roots) { if (roots.contains(varsym)) return true; roots.add(varsym); JmlSpecs.FieldSpecs fspecs = specs.getSpecs(varsym); for (JmlTypeClause t: fspecs.list) { if (t.token == JmlTokenKind.IN) { for (JmlGroupName g: ((JmlTypeClauseIn)t).list) { attributeGroup(g); if (g.sym == null) { continue; } if (g.sym == varsym) { // FIXME - should we waran about listing oneslef in an IN clause? } else if (checkForCircularity(g.sym,roots)) { return true; } } } } roots.remove(varsym); return false; } /** Attributes a member select expression (e.g. a.b); also makes sure * that the type of the selector (before the dot) will be attributed; * that makes sure that the specifications of members are properly * attributed when needed later in esc or rac. */ @Override public void visitSelect(JCFieldAccess tree) { // if (tree.name != null && tree.name.toString().equals("class")) { // int i = 0; // } if (tree.name != null) { // if (!tree.toString().startsWith("java") && !tree.toString().startsWith("org.")) { // if (tree.toString().endsWith(".buf")) Utils.stop(); // } super.visitSelect(tree); // if (tree.sym instanceof ClassSymbol) ((JmlCompiler)JmlCompiler.instance(context)).loadSpecsForBinary(null,(ClassSymbol)tree.sym); // The super call does not always call check... (which assigns the // determined type to tree.type, particularly if an error occurs, // so we fill it in if (tree.type == null) tree.type = result; } else { // This is a store-ref with a wild-card field // FIXME - the following needs some review attribTree(tree.selected, env, new ResultInfo(TYP|VAR, Infer.anyPoly)); result = tree.type = Type.noType; } Type saved = result; Symbol s = tree.selected.type.tsym; if (!(s instanceof PackageSymbol)) { ClassSymbol c = null; if (s instanceof ClassSymbol) c = (ClassSymbol)s; else c = s.enclClass(); if (c != null) addTodo(c); } if (tree.sym != null) checkVisibility(tree, jmlVisibility, tree.sym); // For selections that are fields with an enclosing class, we check whether it is readable // The check on the enclosing class omits fields such as .class if (tree.sym instanceof VarSymbol && tree.sym.enclClass() != null) { checkSecretReadable(tree.pos(),(VarSymbol)tree.sym); } // FIXME - what else could it be, besides an error? // if (tree.sym instanceof ClassSymbol) ((JmlCompiler)JmlCompiler.instance(context)).loadSpecsForBinary(env,(ClassSymbol)tree.sym); result = saved; } @Override public void visitTypeCast(JCTypeCast tree) { if (tree.clazz instanceof JmlPrimitiveTypeTree) { // FIXME - this needs to be expanded to include real and bigint and // arrays of such JmlTokenKind t = ((JmlPrimitiveTypeTree)tree.clazz).token; Type clazztype = attribType(tree.clazz, env); if (t == JmlTokenKind.BSTYPEUC) { chk.validate(tree.clazz, env); Type exprtype = attribExpr(tree.expr, env, Infer.anyPoly); // Only Class objects may be cast to TYPE // Compare tsym instead of just the thpe because the // exprtype is likely a Class<T> and syms.classType is a Class // or Class<?> if (exprtype.tsym == syms.classType.tsym) { result = check(tree, clazztype, VAL, resultInfo); } else { log.error(tree.expr.pos,"jml.only.class.cast.to.type",exprtype); result = tree.type = jmltypes.TYPE; } } else { // For now do no checking // FIXME Type exprtype = attribExpr(tree.expr, env, Infer.anyPoly); result = tree.type = clazztype; } } else { super.visitTypeCast(tree); } } /** Attrbutes an array-element-range (a[1 .. 2]) store-ref expression */ public void visitJmlStoreRefArrayRange(JmlStoreRefArrayRange that) { if (that.lo != null) attribExpr(that.lo,env,syms.intType); // FIXME - int or long or bigint if (that.hi != null && that.hi != that.lo) attribExpr(that.hi,env,syms.intType); // FIXME - int or long or bigint Type t = attribExpr(that.expression,env,Type.noType); if (t.getKind() != TypeKind.ARRAY) { if (t.getKind() != TypeKind.ERROR) log.error(that.expression.pos(),"jml.not.an.array",t); t = syms.errType; result = check(that, t, VAL, resultInfo); } else { t = ((ArrayType)t).getComponentType(); result = check(that, t, VAL, resultInfo); } } public void visitJmlStoreRefKeyword(JmlStoreRefKeyword that) { result = that.type = Type.noType; // FIXME - call check } // @Override // public void visitReturn(JCReturn that) { //// if (addRac && that.expr != null) { //// that.expr = make.Assign(make.Ident(resultName),that.expr); //// } // super.visitReturn(that); // } /** This is a map from token to Name. It has to be generated at runtime because * Names are dependent on the Context. It is supposedly a very fast * (i.e. array) lookup. The Names are the fully-qualified name of the type * of the annotation that represents the given modifier token. */ public EnumMap<JmlTokenKind,Name> tokenToAnnotationName = new EnumMap<JmlTokenKind,Name>(JmlTokenKind.class); /** A map from token to ClassSymbol, valid for tokens that have annotation equivalents. */ public EnumMap<JmlTokenKind,ClassSymbol> tokenToAnnotationSymbol = new EnumMap<JmlTokenKind,ClassSymbol>(JmlTokenKind.class); /** A Name for the fully-qualified name of the package that the JML annotations are defined in. */ public Name annotationPackageName; /** A Name for the fully-qualified name of the package that the JML annotations are defined in. */ public PackageSymbol annotationPackageSymbol; /** For the given context, initializes the value of packageName and the * content of the tokenToAnnotationName mapping; since Name objects are * involved and they are defined per context, this initialization must be * performed after a context is defined. * @param context the compilation context in which to do this initialization */ public void initAnnotationNames(Context context) { Names names = Names.instance(context); annotationPackageName = names.fromString(Strings.jmlAnnotationPackage); for (JmlTokenKind t: JmlTokenKind.modifiers) { if (t.annotationType == null) { // No class for this token, but we won't complain // The result is to silently ignore the token (TODO) } else { String s = t.annotationType.getName(); Name n = names.fromString(s); tokenToAnnotationName.put(t,n); ClassSymbol sym = ClassReader.instance(context).enterClass(n); tokenToAnnotationSymbol.put(t,sym); } } annotationPackageSymbol = tokenToAnnotationSymbol.get(JmlTokenKind.PURE).packge(); } /** Checks that all of the JML annotations present in the first argument * are also present in the second argument, issuing error messages if they * are not. * @param annotations a list of annotations to check * @param allowed the set of allowed annotations * @param place a description of where the annotations came from, for error messages */ public void allAllowed(List<JCTree.JCAnnotation> annotations, JmlTokenKind[] allowed, String place) { outer: for (JCTree.JCAnnotation a: annotations) { for (JmlTokenKind c: allowed) { if (a.annotationType.type.tsym.flatName().equals(tokenToAnnotationName.get(c))) continue outer; // Found it } // a is not is the list, but before we complain, check that it is // one of our annotations if (a.annotationType.type.tsym.packge().flatName().equals(annotationPackageName)) { // FIXME - change to comparing symbols instead of strings? JavaFileObject prev = log.useSource(((JmlTree.JmlAnnotation)a).sourcefile); log.error(a.pos,"jml.illegal.annotation",place); log.useSource(prev); } } } /** This checks that the given modifier set does not have annotations for * both of a pair of mutually exclusive annotations; it prints an error * message if they are both present; returns true if an error happened * @param mods the modifiers to check * @param ta the first JML token * @param tb the second JML token */ public boolean checkForConflict(JCModifiers mods, JmlTokenKind ta, JmlTokenKind tb) { JCTree.JCAnnotation a,b; a = utils.findMod(mods,tokenToAnnotationSymbol.get(ta)); b = utils.findMod(mods,tokenToAnnotationSymbol.get(tb)); if (a != null && b != null) { JavaFileObject prev = log.useSource(((JmlTree.JmlAnnotation)b).sourcefile); log.error(b.pos(),"jml.conflicting.modifiers",ta.internedName(),tb.internedName()); log.useSource(prev); return true; } return false; } public boolean checkForRedundantSpecMod(JCModifiers mods) { JCTree.JCAnnotation a; boolean result = false; if ((mods.flags & Flags.PROTECTED) != 0 && (a=utils.findMod(mods,tokenToAnnotationSymbol.get(SPEC_PROTECTED))) != null ) { JavaFileObject prev = log.useSource(((JmlTree.JmlAnnotation)a).sourcefile); log.warning(a.pos(),"jml.redundant.visibility","protected","spec_protected"); log.useSource(prev); result = true; } if ((mods.flags & Flags.PUBLIC) != 0 && (a=utils.findMod(mods,tokenToAnnotationSymbol.get(SPEC_PROTECTED))) != null ) { JavaFileObject prev = log.useSource(((JmlTree.JmlAnnotation)a).sourcefile); log.warning(a.pos(),"jml.redundant.visibility","public","spec_protected"); log.useSource(prev); result = true; } if ((mods.flags & Flags.PUBLIC) != 0 && (a=utils.findMod(mods,tokenToAnnotationSymbol.get(SPEC_PUBLIC))) != null ) { JavaFileObject prev = log.useSource(((JmlTree.JmlAnnotation)a).sourcefile); log.warning(a.pos(),"jml.redundant.visibility","public","spec_public"); log.useSource(prev); result = true; } return result; } /** Finds the annotation in the modifiers corresponding to the given token * @param mods the modifiers to check * @param ta the token to look for * @return a reference to the annotation AST node, or null if not found */ //@ nullable public JmlAnnotation findMod(/*@nullable*/JCModifiers mods, JmlTokenKind ta) { if (mods == null) return null; return utils.findMod(mods,tokenToAnnotationSymbol.get(ta)); } /** Returns true if the given modifiers includes model * @param mods the modifiers to check * @return true if the model modifier is present, false if not */ public boolean isModel(/*@nullable*/JCModifiers mods) { return findMod(mods,JmlTokenKind.MODEL) != null; } /** Returns true if the given symbol has a given annotation * @param symbol the symbol to check * @return true if the symbol has a given annotation, false otherwise */ public boolean hasAnnotation(Symbol symbol, JmlTokenKind t) { return symbol.attribute(tokenToAnnotationSymbol.get(t)) != null; } /** Returns true if the given symbol has a given annotation * @param symbol the symbol to check * @return true if the symbol has a given annotation, false otherwise */ public Attribute.Compound findAnnotation(Symbol symbol, JmlTokenKind t) { return symbol.attribute(tokenToAnnotationSymbol.get(t)); } /** Returns true if the given symbol has a model annotation * @param symbol the symbol to check * @return true if the symbol has a model annotation, false otherwise */ public boolean isModel(Symbol symbol) { // if (modelAnnotationSymbol == null) { // modelAnnotationSymbol = ClassReader.instance(context).enterClass(names.fromString("org.jmlspecs.annotation.Model")); // } return symbol.attribute(tokenToAnnotationSymbol.get(JmlTokenKind.MODEL))!=null; } // /** Returns true if the given symbol has a pure annotation // * @param symbol the symbol to check // * @return true if the symbol has a model annotation, false otherwise // */ // public boolean isPureClass(ClassSymbol symbol) { // return specs.isPure(symbol); //// TypeSpecs tspecs = specs.getSpecs(symbol); //// if (tspecs == null) return false; //// return findMod(tspecs.modifiers,PURE) != null; // } public boolean isPureMethod(MethodSymbol symbol) { for (MethodSymbol msym: Utils.instance(context).parents(symbol)) { MethodSpecs mspecs = specs.getSpecs(msym); if (mspecs == null) { // FIXME - A hack - the .jml file should have been read for org.jmlspecs.lang.JMLList if (msym.toString().equals("size()") && msym.owner.toString().equals(Strings.jmlSpecsPackage + ".JMLList")) return true; // FIXME - check when this happens - is it because we have not attributed the relevant class (and we should) or just because there are no specs continue; } boolean isPure = specs.isPure(symbol); if (isPure) return true; } return false; } /** Returns true if the given symbol has a pure annotation * @param symbol the symbol to check * @return true if the symbol has a model annotation, false otherwise */ public boolean isHelper(MethodSymbol symbol) { MethodSpecs mspecs = specs.getSpecs(symbol); if (mspecs == null) { // FIXME - check when this happens - is it because we have not attributed the relevant class (and we should) or just because there are no specs return false; } return findMod(mspecs.mods,JmlTokenKind.HELPER) != null || findMod(mspecs.mods,JmlTokenKind.FUNCTION) != null; // // if (symbol.attributes_field == null) return false; // FIXME - should have the attributes - this is necessary but why? // return symbol.attribute(tokenToAnnotationSymbol.get(JmlToken.HELPER))!=null; } public void addHelper(MethodSymbol symbol) { MethodSpecs mspecs = specs.getSpecs(symbol); if (mspecs == null) { // FIXME - check when this happens - is it because we have not attributed the relevant class (and we should) or just because there are no specs return ; } // FIXME - what if mspecs.mods is null Symbol ansym = tokenToAnnotationSymbol.get(JmlTokenKind.HELPER); Attribute.Compound a = new Attribute.Compound(ansym.type,List.<Pair<MethodSymbol,Attribute>>nil()); JCAnnotation an = factory.Annotation(a); an.type = ansym.type; mspecs.mods.annotations = mspecs.mods.annotations.append(an); return; } public boolean isFunction(MethodSymbol symbol) { MethodSpecs mspecs = specs.getSpecs(symbol); if (mspecs == null) { // FIXME - check when this happens - is it because we have not attributed the relevant class (and we should) or just because there are no specs return false; } return findMod(mspecs.mods,JmlTokenKind.FUNCTION) != null; } public boolean isImmutable(ClassSymbol symbol) { TypeSpecs mspecs = specs.getSpecs(symbol); if (mspecs == null) { // FIXME - check when this happens - is it because we have not attributed the relevant class (and we should) or just because there are no specs return false; } return findMod(mspecs.modifiers,JmlTokenKind.IMMUTABLE) != null; } public JCAnnotation hasAnnotation(JmlVariableDecl decl, JmlTokenKind token) { if (decl.specsDecl != null) { return findMod(decl.specsDecl.mods, token); } else { return findMod(decl.mods, token); } } /** Returns true if the given modifiers/annotations includes ghost * @param mods the modifiers to check * @return true if the ghost modifier is present, false if not */ public boolean isGhost(/*@nullable*/JCModifiers mods) { return findMod(mods,JmlTokenKind.GHOST) != null; } /** Returns true if the given modifiers/annotations includes static * @param mods the modifiers to check * @return true if the static modifier is present, false if not */ public boolean isStatic(JCModifiers mods) { return (mods.flags & Flags.STATIC)!=0; } /** Returns true if the given flags includes static * @param flags the modifier flags to check * @return true if the static modifier is present, false if not */ public boolean isStatic(long flags) { return (flags & Flags.STATIC)!=0; } public JCFieldAccess findUtilsMethod(String n) { Scope.Entry e = utilsClass.members().lookup(names.fromString("assertionFailure")); Symbol ms = e.sym; JCFieldAccess m = make.Select(utilsClassIdent,names.fromString("assertionFailure")); m.sym = ms; m.type = m.sym.type; return m; } public JCStatement methodCallPre(String sp, JCExpression tree) { // org.jmlspecs.utils.Utils.assertionFailure(); String s = sp + "precondition is false"; JCExpression lit = makeLit(syms.stringType,s); JCFieldAccess m = findUtilsMethod("assertionFailure"); JCExpression nulllit = makeLit(syms.botType, null); JCExpression c = make.Apply(null,m,List.<JCExpression>of(lit,nulllit)); c.setType(Type.noType); return make.Exec(c); } public JCStatement methodCallPost(String sp, JCExpression tree) { // org.jmlspecs.utils.Utils.assertionFailure(); String s = sp + "postcondition is false"; JCExpression lit = make.Literal(s); JCFieldAccess m = findUtilsMethod("assertionFailure"); JCExpression nulllit = makeLit(syms.botType, null); JCExpression c = make.Apply(null,m,List.<JCExpression>of(lit,nulllit)); c.setType(Type.noType); return make.Exec(c); } // public JCStatement methodCall(JmlStatementExpr tree) { // // org.jmlspecs.utils.Utils.assertionFailure(); // // JmlToken t = tree.token; // String s = t == JmlToken.ASSERT ? "assertion is false" : t == JmlToken.ASSUME ? "assumption is false" : "unreachable statement reached"; // s = tree.source.getName() + ":" + tree.line + ": JML " + s; // JCExpression lit = make.Literal(s); // JCFieldAccess m = findUtilsMethod("assertionFailure"); // JCExpression nulllit = makeLit(syms.botType, null); // JCExpression c = make.Apply(null,m,List.<JCExpression>of(lit,nulllit)); // c.setType(Type.noType); // return make.Exec(c); // } // // public JCStatement methodCall(JmlStatementExpr tree, JCExpression translatedOptionalExpr) { // // org.jmlspecs.utils.Utils.assertionFailure(); // // JmlToken t = tree.token; // String s = t == JmlToken.ASSERT ? "assertion is false" : t == JmlToken.ASSUME ? "assumption is false" : "unreachable statement reached"; // s = tree.source.getName() + ":" + tree.line + ": JML " + s; // JCExpression lit = make.Literal(s); // JCFieldAccess m = findUtilsMethod("assertionFailure"); // JCExpression c = make.Apply(null,m,List.<JCExpression>of(lit,translatedOptionalExpr)); // c.setType(Type.noType); // return make.Exec(c); // } /** Returns a string combining the file name and line number, for RAC error messages * @param source the file containing the source location being referenced * @param pos the character position within the file [TODO - 0 or 1-based?] */ public String position(JavaFileObject source, int pos) { JavaFileObject pr = log.currentSourceFile(); log.useSource(source); String s = source.getName() + ":" + log.currentSource().getLineNumber(pos) + ": JML "; log.useSource(pr); return s; } protected int loopIndexCount = 0; /** Attributes the specs for a do-while loop */ public void visitJmlDoWhileLoop(JmlDoWhileLoop that) { loopStack.add(0,treeutils.makeIdent(that.pos, "loopIndex_" + (++loopIndexCount), syms.intType)); attribLoopSpecs(that.loopSpecs,env); super.visitDoLoop(that); loopStack.remove(0); } java.util.List<JCIdent> loopStack = new java.util.LinkedList<JCIdent>(); java.util.List<JmlEnhancedForLoop> foreachLoopStack = new java.util.LinkedList<JmlEnhancedForLoop>(); public void visitJmlEnhancedForLoop(JmlEnhancedForLoop tree) { loopStack.add(0,treeutils.makeIdent(tree.pos, "loopIndex_" + (++loopIndexCount), syms.intType)); foreachLoopStack.add(0,tree); Env<AttrContext> loopEnv = env.dup(env.tree, env.info.dup(env.info.scope.dup())); try { // MAINTENANCE ISSUE: code duplicated mostly from the superclass //the Formal Parameter of a for-each loop is not in the scope when //attributing the for-each expression; we mimick this by attributing //the for-each expression first (against original scope). Type exprType = types.cvarUpperBound(attribExpr(tree.expr, loopEnv)); attribStat(tree.var, loopEnv); chk.checkNonVoid(tree.pos(), exprType); Type elemtype = types.elemtype(exprType); // perhaps expr is an array? if (elemtype == null) { // or perhaps expr implements Iterable<T>? Type base = types.asSuper(exprType, syms.iterableType.tsym); if (base == null) { log.error(tree.expr.pos(), "foreach.not.applicable.to.type", exprType, diags.fragment("type.req.array.or.iterable")); elemtype = types.createErrorType(exprType); } else { List<Type> iterableParams = base.allparams(); elemtype = iterableParams.isEmpty() ? syms.objectType : types.wildUpperBound(iterableParams.head); } } chk.checkType(tree.expr.pos(), elemtype, tree.var.sym.type); loopEnv.tree = tree; // before, we were not in loop! trForeachLoop(tree,tree.var.sym.type); // DRC - added attribStat(tree.body, loopEnv); attribLoopSpecs(tree.loopSpecs,loopEnv); // DRC - added result = null; // Type exprType = types.cvarUpperBound(attribExpr(tree.expr, loopEnv)); // savedSpecOK = true; // attribStat(tree.var, loopEnv); // chk.checkNonVoid(tree.pos(), exprType); // Type elemtype = types.elemtype(exprType); // perhaps expr is an array? // if (elemtype == null) { // // or perhaps expr implements Iterable<T>? // Type base = types.asSuper(exprType, syms.iterableType.tsym); // if (base == null) { // log.error(tree.expr.pos(), // "foreach.not.applicable.to.type", // exprType, // diags.fragment("type.req.array.or.iterable")); // elemtype = types.createErrorType(exprType); // } else { // List<Type> iterableParams = base.allparams(); // elemtype = iterableParams.isEmpty() // ? syms.objectType // : types.wildUpperBound(iterableParams.head); // } // } // chk.checkType(tree.expr.pos(), elemtype, tree.var.sym.type); // loopEnv.tree = tree; // before, we were not in loop! } finally { loopEnv.info.scope.leave(); loopStack.remove(0); foreachLoopStack.remove(0); } } /** Returns an unattributed expression tree that boxes the given * expression to the given type. It is the caller's responsibility to * be sure that the type of the expression argument is consistent with the * given target type. * @param e the expression to box * @param boxedtype the target type * @return the boxed expression */ public JCExpression autobox(JCExpression e, Type boxedtype) { factory.at(e.pos); //Type boxed = Types.instance(context).boxedClass(vartype).type; Name valueof = names.fromString("valueOf"); JCExpression s = factory.Select(factory.Type(boxedtype),valueof); s = factory.Apply(null,s,List.<JCExpression>of(e)); return s; } /** Returns an unattributed expression tree that unboxes the given * expression to the given type. It is the caller's responsibility to * be sure that the type of the expression argument is consistent with the * given target type. * @param e the expression to unbox * @param vartype the target unboxed type * @return the unboxed expression */ public JCExpression autounbox(JCExpression e, Type vartype) { factory.at(e.pos); String name = null; switch (vartype.getKind()) { case BYTE: name = "byteValue"; break; case BOOLEAN: name = "booleanValue"; break; case INT: name = "intValue"; break; case SHORT: name = "shortValue"; break; case LONG: name = "longValue"; break; case CHAR: name = "charValue"; break; case FLOAT: name = "floatValue"; break; case DOUBLE: name = "doubleValue"; break; default: log.error(e.pos,"jml.invalid.unboxing",vartype); return factory.Erroneous(); } Name value = names.fromString(name); JCFieldAccess s = factory.Select(e,value); s.type = vartype; // FIXME - no sym set? or is this a method type? JCMethodInvocation ss = factory.Apply(null,s,List.<JCExpression>nil()); ss.type = vartype; // FIXME - typeargs, varargselement ? return ss; } /** Translates an enhanced for loop into a traditional for loop so that * we have access to loop variables for use in invariants. * @param tree the enhanced for loop * @param vartype the type of the loop variable */ // Translating: T elem : e public void trForeachLoop(JmlEnhancedForLoop tree, Type vartype) { // vartype is T ; boxedVarType is T' which is the boxed type (if necessary) of T // Desugar the foreach loops in order to put in the JML auxiliary loop indices factory.at(tree.pos); // Sets the position until reset ListBuffer<JCStatement> stats = new ListBuffer<JCStatement>(); ListBuffer<JCExpressionStatement> step = new ListBuffer<JCExpressionStatement>(); // tree.indexDecl: int $$index$nnn = 0 Name name = names.fromString("$$index$"+tree.pos); tree.indexDecl = makeVariableDecl(name,syms.intType,zeroLit,tree.pos); tree.indexDecl.sym.owner = tree.var.sym.owner; factory.at(tree.pos+1); JCIdent ident = factory.Ident(tree.indexDecl.sym); JCExpressionStatement st = factory.Exec(factory.Unary(JCTree.Tag.PREINC,ident)); // ++ $$index; st.type = syms.intType; stats.append(tree.indexDecl); // stats gets int $$index$nnn = 0; step.append(st); // step gets ++ $$index$nnn; factory.at(tree.pos); Type boxedVarType = vartype; if (vartype.isPrimitive()) { boxedVarType = Types.instance(context).boxedClass(vartype).type; } Type elemtype = null; if (tree.expr.type.getTag() == TypeTag.ARRAY) { elemtype = ((ArrayType)tree.expr.type).elemtype; } else { elemtype = vartype; // FIXME - this should be the type returned by the iterator } { Name defempty = names.fromString("defaultEmpty"); JCFieldAccess sel = factory.Select(factory.Type(utilsClass.type),defempty); JCExpression e = factory.Apply(List.<JCExpression>of(factory.Type(boxedVarType)),sel,List.<JCExpression>nil()); // FIXME e.type = ? // e: Utils.<T'>defaultEmpty() int p = tree.pos; name = names.fromString("$$values$"+p); ClassType ct = new ClassType(JMLValuesType.getEnclosingType(),List.<Type>of(boxedVarType),JMLValuesType.tsym); tree.valuesDecl = makeVariableDecl(name,ct,e,p); tree.valuesDecl.sym.owner = tree.var.sym.owner; // tree.valuesDecl : JMLValuesType<T'> $$values$ppp = Utils.<T'>defaultEmpty(); stats.append(tree.valuesDecl); // // Add postconditions of defaultEmpty by hand // // assume $$values$ppp != null; // // assume $$values$ppp.length == 0; // JCExpression nn = factory.at(p).Binary(JCTree.NE, factory.Ident(tree.valuesDecl), nullLit ); // stats.append( factory.at(p).JmlExpressionStatement(JmlToken.ASSUME, Label.POSTCONDITION, nn)); // nn = factory.at(p).Select(factory.Ident(tree.valuesDecl), names.fromString("size")); // nn = factory.at(p).Apply(null,nn,List.<JCExpression>nil()); // nn = factory.at(p).Binary(JCTree.EQ, nn, zeroLit ); // stats.append( factory.at(p).JmlExpressionStatement(JmlToken.ASSUME, Label.POSTCONDITION, nn)); factory.at(tree.pos+2); Name add = names.fromString("add"); sel = factory.Select(factory.Ident(tree.valuesDecl),add); // $$values$ppp.add //sel.type = JCExpression ev = factory.Ident(tree.var); // elem if (vartype.isPrimitive()) ev = autobox(ev,boxedVarType); JCMethodInvocation app = factory.Apply(null,sel,List.<JCExpression>of(ev)); // $$values$ppp.add(autobox(ev)); [autoboxing only if necessary] //app.type = tree.valuesDecl.type; // FIXME _ check this // factory.at(tree.pos+3); JCAssign asgn = factory.Assign(factory.Ident(tree.valuesDecl),app); asgn.type = asgn.lhs.type; step.append(factory.Exec(asgn)); factory.at(tree.pos); } stats.append(tree.var); JCExpression cond = null; ListBuffer<JCStatement> bodystats = new ListBuffer<JCStatement>(); JCExpression newvalue; JmlStatementLoop inv = null; if (tree.expr.type.getTag() == TypeTag.ARRAY) { // Replace the foreach loop for (T t: a) body; // by // int $$index = 0; // final non_null JMLList $$values = Utils.<T'>defaultEmpty(); // T t; // for (; $$index < a.length; $$index++, $$values.add(t') ) { // check loop invariant // t = a[$$index]; // body // } JCExpression arraylen = factory.Select(tree.expr,syms.lengthVar); cond = factory.Binary(JCTree.Tag.LT,ident,arraylen); cond.type = syms.booleanType; newvalue = factory.Indexed(tree.expr,ident); // newvalue :: expr[$$index] // FIXME newvalue.type = ??? if (elemtype.isPrimitive() && !vartype.isPrimitive()) { newvalue = autobox(newvalue,vartype); } else if (!elemtype.isPrimitive() && vartype.isPrimitive()) { newvalue = autounbox(newvalue,vartype); } JCBinary invexpr = factory.Binary(JCTree.Tag.AND,factory.Binary(JCTree.Tag.LE,zeroLit,ident),factory.Binary(JCTree.Tag.LE,ident,arraylen)); invexpr.type = invexpr.lhs.type = invexpr.rhs.type = syms.booleanType; inv = factory.JmlStatementLoop(JmlTokenKind.LOOP_INVARIANT,invexpr); } else { // Replace the foreach loop for (T t: c) body; // by // int $$index = 0; // JMLList $$values = Utils.<T>defaultEmpty(); // Iterator<T> it = c.iterator(); // T t = null; // for (; it.hasNext(); $$index++, $$values.add(t)) { // t = it.next(); // body // } name = names.fromString("$$iter$"+tree.pos); ClassType ct = new ClassType(JMLIterType.getEnclosingType(),List.<Type>of(boxedVarType),JMLIterType.tsym); tree.iterDecl = makeVariableDecl(name,ct,nullLit,tree.pos); tree.iterDecl.sym.owner = tree.var.sym.owner; stats.append(tree.iterDecl); Name hasNext = names.fromString("hasNext"); JCFieldAccess sel = factory.Select(factory.Ident(tree.iterDecl),hasNext); cond = factory.Apply(null,sel,List.<JCExpression>nil()); // cond :: $$iter . hasNext() cond.type = syms.booleanType; Name next = names.fromString("next"); sel = factory.Select(factory.Ident(tree.iterDecl),next); newvalue = factory.Apply(null,sel,List.<JCExpression>nil()); // newvalue :: $$iter . next() // FIXME - newvalue.type = ??? } bodystats.append(factory.Exec(factory.Assign(factory.Ident(tree.var),newvalue))); // t = newvalue; // FIXME - assign types bodystats.append(tree.body); factory.at(tree.pos+1); Name sz = names.fromString("size"); JCFieldAccess sel = factory.Select(factory.Ident(tree.valuesDecl),sz); // FIXME sel.type ??? invexpr2.type JCExpression invexpr2 = factory.Apply(null,sel,List.<JCExpression>nil()); // invexpr2 :: $$values . size() JCBinary invexpr3 = factory.Binary(JCTree.Tag.AND,factory.Binary(JCTree.Tag.NE,nullLit,factory.Ident(tree.valuesDecl)),factory.Binary(JCTree.Tag.EQ,ident,invexpr2)); invexpr3.type = invexpr3.lhs.type = invexpr3.rhs.type = syms.booleanType; JmlStatementLoop inv2 = factory.JmlStatementLoop(JmlTokenKind.LOOP_INVARIANT,invexpr3); factory.at(tree.pos); JCBlock block = factory.Block(0,bodystats.toList()); block.endpos = (tree.body instanceof JCBlock) ? ((JCBlock)tree.body).endpos : tree.body.pos; JCForLoop forstatement = factory.ForLoop(List.<JCStatement>nil(),cond,step.toList(),block); JmlForLoop jmlforstatement = factory.JmlForLoop(forstatement,tree.loopSpecs); { ListBuffer<JmlStatementLoop> list = new ListBuffer<JmlStatementLoop>(); list.append(inv2); if (inv != null) list.append(inv); if (tree.loopSpecs != null) list.appendList(tree.loopSpecs); jmlforstatement.loopSpecs = list.toList(); } stats.append(jmlforstatement); JCBlock blockk = factory.Block(0,stats.toList()); blockk.endpos = block.endpos; tree.implementation = blockk; tree.internalForLoop = jmlforstatement; // tree.var = translate(tree.var); // tree.expr = translate(tree.expr); // tree.body = translate(tree.body); // result = tree; } // MAINTENANCE ISSUE: code duplicated mostly from the superclass public void visitJmlForLoop(JmlForLoop tree) { loopStack.add(0,treeutils.makeIdent(tree.pos, "loopIndex_" + (++loopIndexCount), syms.intType)); Env<AttrContext> loopEnv = env.dup(env.tree, env.info.dup(env.info.scope.dup())); savedSpecOK = true; attribStats(tree.init, loopEnv); if (tree.cond != null) attribExpr(tree.cond, loopEnv, syms.booleanType); loopEnv.tree = tree; // before, we were not in loop! attribLoopSpecs(tree.loopSpecs, loopEnv); // FIXME - should this be before or after the preceding statement attribStats(tree.step, loopEnv); attribStat(tree.body, loopEnv); loopEnv.info.scope.leave(); result = null; loopStack.remove(0); } public void visitJmlWhileLoop(JmlWhileLoop that) { loopStack.add(0,treeutils.makeIdent(that.pos, "loopIndex_" + (++loopIndexCount), syms.intType)); attribLoopSpecs(that.loopSpecs,env); super.visitWhileLoop(that); loopStack.remove(0); } public void visitJmlStatementLoop(JmlStatementLoop that) { attribExpr(that.expression,env); } public void visitJmlChoose(JmlChoose that) { // FIXME - fill in } public void visitJmlClassDecl(JmlClassDecl that) { // Typically, classes are attributed by calls to attribClass and // then to attibClassBody and attribClassBodySpecs, but local // classes do end up here. that.toplevel = (JmlCompilationUnit)enclosingClassEnv.toplevel; if (that.specsDecl == null) { // A local class is its own specification , so we fill in the // specification information. It might be nice to do this // earlier and avoid this check, but there is no convenient place // during parsing, and the Enter/MemberEnter steps do not handle // local classes. // There is also the case of anonymous classes in expressions that // in class specs (e.g. invariants) // if (enclosingMethodEnv == null && !isInJmlDeclaration) { // // Warn for non-local classes // log.error("jml.internal.notsobad","A non-local class's specsDecl field was unexpectedly null in JmlAtt.visitJmlClassDecl: " + that.name); // } that.specsDecl = that; that.typeSpecs = new JmlSpecs.TypeSpecs(that); } // boolean prev = isInJmlDeclaration; // if (implementationAllowed) isInJmlDeclaration = true; // try { visitClassDef(that); // } finally { // isInJmlDeclaration = prev; // } } public void visitClassDef(JCClassDecl tree) { // The superclass calls classEnter if the env is owned by a VAR or MTH. // But JML has the case of an anonymous class that occurs in a class // specification (e.g. an invariant), or in a method clause (so it is // owned by the method) if ((env.info.scope.owner.kind & (VAR | MTH)) == 0 && tree.sym == null) { enter.classEnter(tree, env); } super.visitClassDef(tree); } public void visitJmlCompilationUnit(JmlCompilationUnit that) { visitTopLevel(that); } @Override public void visitJmlMethodDecl(JmlMethodDecl that) { visitMethodDef(that); } public static class SpecialDiagnosticPosition extends com.sun.tools.javac.util.JCDiagnostic.SimpleDiagnosticPosition { String message; public SpecialDiagnosticPosition(String message) { super(-1); this.message = message; } } // FIXME - is this only ghost declarations // and don't the modifiers get checked twice - does the super.visitVarDef actually work? /** Attributes a variable declared within a JML spec - that is a ghost * variable declaration, along with checking any JML * annotations and specifications of the declaration. The super call * adds the declaration to the current scope. * @param that the AST node to attribute */ @Override public void visitJmlVariableDecl(JmlVariableDecl that) { JavaFileObject prevSource = null; try { if (that.source() != null) prevSource = log.useSource(that.source()); // If there is a .jml file containing the specifications, then just use those instead of the annotations in the // .java file. FIXME - really we should always be looking in the specs database, rather than modifying the ast JCModifiers originalMods = that.mods; JCModifiers newMods = originalMods; if (that.specsDecl != null) newMods = that.mods = that.specsDecl.mods; // FIXME - we should not need these two lines I think, but otherwise we get NPE faults on non_null field declarations attribAnnotationTypes(that.mods.annotations,env); annotate.flush(); for (JCAnnotation a: that.mods.annotations) a.type = a.annotationType.type; boolean prev = false; if (utils.isJML(that.mods)) { prev = ((JmlResolve)rs).setAllowJML(true); } if (that.vartype.type == null) attribType(that.vartype,env); // if (that.name.toString().equals("objectState")) Utils.stop(); ((JmlMemberEnter)memberEnter).dojml = true; visitVarDef(that); ((JmlMemberEnter)memberEnter).dojml = false; if (that.sym == null) return; // Duplicate to be removed // Anonymous classes construct synthetic members (constructors at least) // which are not JML nodes. FieldSpecs fspecs = specs.getSpecs(that.sym); // We do the checking of in and maps clauses after all fields and methods have been attributed //if (fspecs != null) for (JmlTypeClause spec: fspecs.list) spec.accept(this); if (!that.type.isPrimitive()) { JCAnnotation snullness; JmlTokenKind nullness = specs.defaultNullity(enclosingClassEnv.enclClass.sym); if ((snullness=utils.findMod(that.mods,nonnullAnnotationSymbol)) != null) { nullness = JmlTokenKind.NONNULL; } else if ((snullness=utils.findMod(that.mods,nullableAnnotationSymbol)) != null) { nullness = JmlTokenKind.NULLABLE; } else { Symbol s = (nullness == JmlTokenKind.NONNULL) ? nonnullAnnotationSymbol : nullableAnnotationSymbol; Attribute.Compound a = new Attribute.Compound(s.type,List.<Pair<MethodSymbol,Attribute>>nil()); that.sym.appendAttributes(List.<Compound>of(a)); JCAnnotation an = factory.at(that).Annotation(a); // FIXME - needs a position and a source - we should get the NonNullByDefault if possible ((JmlTree.JmlAnnotation)an).sourcefile = that.sourcefile; an.type = an.annotationType.type; that.mods.annotations = that.mods.annotations.append(an); snullness = an; } Symbol s = (nullness == JmlTokenKind.NONNULL) ? nonnullAnnotationSymbol : nullableAnnotationSymbol; if (that.sym.attribute(s) == null) { Attribute.Compound a = new Attribute.Compound(s.type,List.<Pair<MethodSymbol,Attribute>>nil()); that.sym.appendAttributes(List.<Compound>of(a)); } } // if (newMods != originalMods) for (JCAnnotation a: originalMods.annotations) { a.type = attribType(a,env); } // Check the mods after the specs, because the modifier checks depend on // the specification clauses being attributed that.mods = originalMods; if (!that.type.isErroneous()) checkVarMods(that); that.mods = newMods; if (utils.isJML(that.mods)) prev = ((JmlResolve)rs).setAllowJML(prev); // if (that.specsDecl != null) { // that.mods.annotations = that.specsDecl.mods.annotations; // } } finally { if (prevSource != null) log.useSource(prevSource); } } // These are here mostly to make them visible to extensions /** This is here also to do some checking for missing implementations */ @Override public Type attribExpr(JCTree tree, Env<AttrContext> env, Type pt) { Type type = super.attribExpr(tree,env,pt); return type; } public Symbol attribIdent(JCTree tree, JCCompilationUnit topLevel) { Symbol s = super.attribIdent(tree,topLevel); return s; } /** Attribute the arguments in a method call, returning a list of types; * the arguments themselves have their types recorded. */ @Override // FIXME _ why is this needed? public int attribArgs(int initialKind, List<JCExpression> trees, Env<AttrContext> env, ListBuffer<Type> argtypes) { return super.attribArgs(initialKind, trees, env, argtypes); } public int attribArgs(List<JCExpression> trees, Env<AttrContext> env, ListBuffer<Type> argtypes) { return super.attribArgs(Kinds.VAL, trees, env, argtypes); } /** Attribute the elements of a type argument list, returning a list of types; * the type arguments themselves have their types recorded. */ @Override public List<Type> attribTypes(List<JCExpression> trees, Env<AttrContext> env) { return super.attribTypes(trees,env); } boolean checkingSignature = false; public void visitJmlMethodSig(JmlMethodSig that) { Env<AttrContext> localEnv = env.dup(that.expression, env.info.dup()); List<Type> argtypes = that.argtypes != null ? super.attribAnyTypes(that.argtypes, localEnv) : List.<Type>nil(); List<Type> typeargtypes = List.<Type>nil(); // attribAnyTypes(that.typeargs, localEnv);// FIXME - need to handle template arguments Name methName = TreeInfo.name(that.expression); boolean isConstructorCall = methName == enclosingClassEnv.enclClass.sym.name; // ... and attribute the method using as a prototype a methodtype // whose formal argument types is exactly the list of actual // arguments (this will also set the method symbol). if (isConstructorCall) { // Adapted from Attr.visitApply // FIXME - may not be general enough Type clazztype = attribType(that.expression, env); ClassType site = new ClassType(clazztype.getEnclosingType(), clazztype.tsym.type.getTypeArguments(), clazztype.tsym); Env<AttrContext> diamondEnv = localEnv.dup(that); diamondEnv.info.selectSuper = false; diamondEnv.info.pendingResolutionPhase = null; //if the type of the instance creation expression is a class type //apply method resolution inference (JLS The return type //of the resolved constructor will be a partially instantiated type Symbol constructor = rs.resolveDiamond(that.pos(), diamondEnv, site, argtypes, typeargtypes); that.methodSymbol = (MethodSymbol)constructor.baseSymbol(); } else { // Adapted from Attr.visitMethodDef // FIXME - may not be general enough int kind = VAL; // FIXME - could also be POLY Type mpt = newMethodTemplate(Type.noType, argtypes, typeargtypes); localEnv.info.pendingResolutionPhase = null; boolean prev = checkingSignature; checkingSignature = true; Type mtype = attribTree(that.expression, localEnv, new ResultInfo(kind, mpt, chk.basicHandler)); checkingSignature = prev; Symbol sym = null; if (that.expression instanceof JCFieldAccess) { sym = ((JCFieldAccess)that.expression).sym; } else { // JCIdent sym = ((JCIdent)that.expression).sym; } if (sym instanceof MethodSymbol) that.methodSymbol = (MethodSymbol)sym; else { // Constructor ? // FIXME } } // // FIXME - need a better check that the expression is a constructor // // This won't even work if the method has the class name as a suffix // Name name; // Type classType; // if (that.expression instanceof JCIdent) { // name = ((JCIdent)that.expression).name; // classType = env.enclClass.type; // } else { // JCFieldAccess fa = (JCFieldAccess)that.expression; // name = fa.name; // if (fa.selected instanceof JCIdent && ((JCIdent)fa.selected).name == names._this) { // attribExpr(fa.selected,localEnv); // classType = fa.selected.type; // } else { // attribExpr(fa.selected,localEnv); // classType = fa.selected.type; // } // } // if (name.toString().equals(env.enclClass.name.toString())) { // Symbol sym = jmlresolve.resolveConstructor(that.pos(),localEnv, // env.enclClass.type, // argtypes, // typeargtypes); // that.methodSymbol = (MethodSymbol)sym; // } else { // Symbol sym = jmlresolve.resolveMethod(that.pos(), localEnv, name, argtypes, typeargtypes); // //Symbol sym = jmlresolve.findMethod(localEnv, classType, name, argtypes, typeargtypes,false,false,false); // // // If there was an error attributing the JmlMethodSig, then sym // // will not be a MethodSymbol //// if (!(sym instanceof MethodSymbol)) { //// jmlerror(that,"internal.error","No method found with the given signature"); //// } // that.methodSymbol = sym instanceof MethodSymbol ? (MethodSymbol)sym : null; // } } public void visitJmlModelProgramStatement(JmlModelProgramStatement that) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void jmlerror(int begin, int end, String key, Object... args) { log.error(new JmlTokenizer.DiagnosticPositionSE(begin,end-1),key,convertErrorArgs(args)); } public void jmlerror(JCTree tree, String key, Object... args) { log.error(new JmlTokenizer.DiagnosticPositionSE(tree.pos,tree.getEndPosition(log.currentSource().getEndPosTable())),key,convertErrorArgs(args)); } public Object[] convertErrorArgs(Object[] args) { Object[] out = new Object[args.length]; for (int i=0; i<args.length; i++) { Object a = args[i]; out[i] = a instanceof JCTree ? JmlPretty.write((JCTree)a) : a; } return args; } public static class RACCopy extends JmlTreeCopier { List<JCVariableDecl> decls; Names names = Names.instance(context); Symtab syms = Symtab.instance(context); ListBuffer<JCExpression> arguments; JCIdent argsID; Map<Symbol,JCIdent> newids; public RACCopy(Context context, List<JCVariableDecl> decls, ListBuffer<JCExpression> args, JCIdent argsID, Map<Symbol,JCIdent> newids) { super(context, JmlTree.Maker.instance(context)); this.decls = decls; this.arguments = args; this.argsID = argsID; this.newids = newids; } public static JCExpression copy(JCExpression that, Context context, List<JCVariableDecl> decls, ListBuffer<JCExpression> args, JCIdent argsID, Map<Symbol,JCIdent> newids) { return new RACCopy(context,decls,args,argsID,newids).copy(that,(Void)null); } public <T extends JCTree> T copy(T tree, Void p) { if (tree == null) return null; if (!(tree instanceof JCIdent)) { if (tree instanceof JCExpression) { JCExpression expr = (JCExpression)tree; if (RACCheck.allInternal(expr,decls)) { return tree; } if (RACCheck.allExternal(expr,decls)) { if (expr.type.getTag() != TypeTag.METHOD) { int n = arguments.size(); arguments.add(expr); JCExpression lit = M.Literal(TypeTag.INT,n).setType(syms.intType); JCExpression arg = M.Indexed(argsID,lit).setType(syms.objectType); arg = M.TypeCast(M.Type(expr.type),arg).setType(expr.type); return (T)arg; } } } } return (T) (tree.accept(this, p)); } @Override public JCTree visitIdentifier(IdentifierTree node, Void p) { JCIdent expr = (JCIdent)node; if (!(expr.sym instanceof Symbol.VarSymbol)) { //Method and class symbols can be internal or external return super.visitIdentifier(node,p); } // if (RACCheck.allInternal(expr,decls)) { // return expr; // } if (RACCheck.allExternal(expr,decls)) { int n = arguments.size(); arguments.add(expr); JCExpression lit = M.Literal(TypeTag.INT,n).setType(syms.intType); JCExpression arg = M.Indexed(argsID,lit).setType(syms.objectType); arg = M.TypeCast(M.Type(expr.type),arg).setType(expr.type); // M.Type sets its own type return arg; } Symbol n = expr.sym; JCIdent id = newids.get(n); if (id == null) { System.out.println("ERROR"); // FIXME } return id; // Include this for symmetry, but we acually should never get to this point // super.visitIdentifier(node,p); } @Override public JCTree visitJmlQuantifiedExpr(JmlQuantifiedExpr that, Void p) { return copy(that.racexpr); // List<JCVariableDecl> prevList = decls; // decls = decls.prependList(that.decls.toList()); // try { // JCExpression newrange = copy(that.range); // JCExpression newvalue = copy(that.value); // return M.JmlQuantifiedExpr(that.op, that.decls, newrange, newvalue); // } finally { // decls = prevList; // } } } public static class RACCheck extends JmlTreeScanner { public static class RCheckEx extends RuntimeException {} boolean checkInternal; List<JCVariableDecl> decls; public RACCheck(List<JCVariableDecl> decls) { this.decls = decls; } public static boolean allInternal(JCExpression expr, List<JCVariableDecl> decls) { try { RACCheck s = new RACCheck(decls); s.checkInternal = true; expr.accept(s); return true; } catch (RCheckEx e) { return false; } } public static boolean allExternal(JCExpression expr, List<JCVariableDecl> decls) { try { RACCheck s = new RACCheck(decls); s.checkInternal = false; expr.accept(s); return true; } catch (RCheckEx e) { return false; } } @Override public void visitIdent(JCIdent that) { Symbol n = that.sym; if (!(n instanceof Symbol.VarSymbol)) return; //Method and class symbols can be internal or external Iterator<JCVariableDecl> iter = decls.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { JCVariableDecl d = iter.next(); if (d.sym.equals(n)) { // identifier matches a quantifier declaration // so it is definitely internal //if (checkInternal) return; throw new RCheckEx(); } } // No matches found so the identifier is // definitely external if (checkInternal) throw new RCheckEx(); } @Override public void visitJmlSingleton(JmlSingleton that) { if (that.token == JmlTokenKind.BSRESULT) { // external if (checkInternal) throw new RCheckEx(); } } @Override public void visitJmlMethodInvocation(JmlMethodInvocation that) { if (that.token == JmlTokenKind.BSOLD || that.token == JmlTokenKind.BSPAST || that.token == JmlTokenKind.BSPRE) { // external if (checkInternal) throw new RCheckEx(); } } } @Override protected boolean isBooleanOrNumeric(Env<AttrContext> env, JCExpression tree) { if (tree instanceof JmlExpression) { if (tree instanceof JmlQuantifiedExpr) return true; // At least for current quantifiers: forall, exists, sum, prod, num_of if (tree instanceof JmlSingleton) { JmlTokenKind kind = ((JmlSingleton)tree).token; if (kind == JmlTokenKind.INFORMAL_COMMENT) return true; if (kind == JmlTokenKind.BSRESULT) { JCTree.JCMethodDecl md = enclosingMethodEnv.enclMethod; JCTree res = md.getReturnType(); TypeTag t = res.type.getTag(); if (t == TypeTag.BOOLEAN || t == TypeTag.INT || t == TypeTag.LONG || t == TypeTag.SHORT || t == TypeTag.CHAR || t == TypeTag.BYTE) return true; return false; } } jmlerror(tree,"jml.internal", "Unimplemented option in JmlAttr:isBooleanOrNumeric -- " + tree.getClass()); return false; } return super.isBooleanOrNumeric(env,tree); } public MethodSymbol makeInitializerMethodSymbol(long flags, Env<AttrContext> env) { JCTree tree = null; Env<AttrContext> localEnv = env.dup(tree, env.info.dup(env.info.scope.dupUnshared())); MethodSymbol msym = new MethodSymbol(flags | BLOCK | env.info.scope.owner.flags() & STRICTFP, names.empty, new Type.JCVoidType(), env.info.scope.owner); localEnv.info.scope.owner = msym; if ((flags & STATIC) != 0) localEnv.info.staticLevel++; return msym; } }