package org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.testcases; import org.jmlspecs.openjmltest.TCBase; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; public class flow extends TCBase { @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { // noCollectDiagnostics = true; // jmldebug = true; super.setUp(); } /** Forward reference from invariant is OK */ @Test public void testForwardReference() { helpTC("public class TEST { \n//@ invariant b;\n boolean b;}"); } /** Forward reference in model class */ @Test public void testForwardReference2() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml","public class A { }\n//@ model class B { int b = c; int c = 0; }\n\n"); helpTCF("","public class A { }" ,"/$A/A.jml:2: illegal forward reference",29 ); } /** Flow checks for model methods*/ @Test public void testModelMethod() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml","public class A { \n//@ model int m() {} \n}"); helpTCF("","public class A { int mm() {} }" ,"/ missing return statement",28 ,"/$A/A.jml:2: missing return statement",20 ); } /** Check on name of file - not particularly a flow check */ @Test public void testFileName() { helpTCF("","public class B { }" ,"/ class B is public, should be declared in a file named",8 ); } /** Check on name of file */ @Test public void testFileName3() { helpTCF("","public class A { } //@ model public class B {}" ,"/ class B is public, should be declared in a file named",37 ); } /** Check on name of file - not particularly a flow check */ @Test public void testFileNameModel() { helpTCF("","/*@ model public class B { } */" ,"/ class B is public, should be declared in a file named",18 ); } /** Flow checks for ghost fields */ @Test public void testGhostForwardReference() { addMockFile("$A/A.jml","public class A { \n//@ ghost int i = j; ghost int j; \n}"); helpTCF("","public class A { int ii = jj; int jj;}" ,"/ illegal forward reference",27 ,"/$A/A.jml:2: illegal forward reference",19 ); } /** Flow checks for quantified expression */ @Test public void testQuantifiedFlow() { helpTCF("","public class A { \n" +" public static void m() {\n" +" //@ ghost int n = (\\num_of int i; 0<i && i<5; n>i);\n" +"}}" ,"/ variable n might not have been initialized",49 ); } /** Flow checks for a non-executable quantified expression */ @Test public void testQuantifiedNonExFlow() { helpTCF("","public class A { \n" +" public static void m() {\n" +" //@ ghost int n = (\\num_of int i; ; n>i);\n" +"}}" ,"/ variable n might not have been initialized",39 ); } }