package net.i2p.router.tunnel; /* * free (adj.): unencumbered; not under the control of others * Written by jrandom in 2003 and released into the public domain * with no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. * It probably won't make your computer catch on fire, or eat * your children, but it might. Use at your own risk. * */ import java.util.ArrayList; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import static junit.framework.TestCase.*; import; import; import; import; import; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; /** * Simple test to see if the fragmentation is working, testing the preprocessor, * FragmentHandler, and FragmentedMessage operation. * */ public class FragmentTest { protected static RouterContext _context; @BeforeClass public static void globalSetUp() { _context = new RouterContext(null); } @Before public void set() { _context.random().nextBoolean(); FragmentHandler.MAX_DEFRAGMENT_TIME = 10*1000; } protected TunnelGateway.QueuePreprocessor createPreprocessor(RouterContext ctx) { return new TrivialPreprocessor(ctx); } /** * Send a message that fits inside a single fragment through * */ @Test public void testSingle() { PendingGatewayMessage pending = createPending(949, false, false); ArrayList<PendingGatewayMessage> messages = new ArrayList<PendingGatewayMessage>(); messages.add(pending); TunnelGateway.QueuePreprocessor pre = createPreprocessor(_context); SenderImpl sender = new SenderImpl(); DefragmentedReceiverImpl handleReceiver = new DefragmentedReceiverImpl(pending.getData()); FragmentHandler handler = new FragmentHandler(_context, handleReceiver); ReceiverImpl receiver = new ReceiverImpl(handler, 0); byte msg[] = pending.getData(); try { pre.preprocessQueue(messages, new SenderImpl(), receiver); fail("should have thrown UOE"); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException expected){} } /** * Send a message with two fragments through with no delay * */ @Test public void testMultiple() throws Exception { PendingGatewayMessage pending = createPending(2048, false, false); ArrayList<PendingGatewayMessage> messages = new ArrayList<PendingGatewayMessage>(); messages.add(pending); TunnelGateway.QueuePreprocessor pre = createPreprocessor(_context); SenderImpl sender = new SenderImpl(); DefragmentedReceiverImpl handleReceiver = new DefragmentedReceiverImpl(pending.getData()); FragmentHandler handler = new FragmentHandler(_context, handleReceiver); ReceiverImpl receiver = new ReceiverImpl(handler, 0); byte msg[] = pending.getData(); try { pre.preprocessQueue(messages, new SenderImpl(), receiver); fail("should have thrown UOE"); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException expected){} } /** * Send a fragmented message, except wait a while between each fragment, causing * the defragmentation to fail (since the fragments will expire) * */ public void runDelayed() { PendingGatewayMessage pending = createPending(2048, false, false); ArrayList<PendingGatewayMessage> messages = new ArrayList<PendingGatewayMessage>(); messages.add(pending); TunnelGateway.QueuePreprocessor pre = createPreprocessor(_context); SenderImpl sender = new SenderImpl(); FragmentHandler handler = new FragmentHandler(_context, new DefragmentedReceiverImpl(pending.getData())); ReceiverImpl receiver = new ReceiverImpl(handler, 11*1000); byte msg[] = pending.getData(); boolean keepGoing = true; while (keepGoing) { keepGoing = pre.preprocessQueue(messages, new SenderImpl(), receiver); if (keepGoing) try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} } } public void runVaried() { for (int i = 0; i <= 4096; i++) { assertTrue(runVaried(i, false, false)); assertTrue(runVaried(i, true, false)); assertTrue(runVaried(i, true, true)); } } protected boolean runVaried(int size, boolean includeRouter, boolean includeTunnel) { PendingGatewayMessage pending = createPending(size, includeRouter, includeTunnel); ArrayList<PendingGatewayMessage> messages = new ArrayList<PendingGatewayMessage>(); messages.add(pending); DefragmentedReceiverImpl handleReceiver = new DefragmentedReceiverImpl(pending.getData()); TunnelGateway.QueuePreprocessor pre = createPreprocessor(_context); SenderImpl sender = new SenderImpl(); FragmentHandler handler = new FragmentHandler(_context, handleReceiver); ReceiverImpl receiver = new ReceiverImpl(handler, 0); byte msg[] = pending.getData(); boolean keepGoing = true; while (keepGoing) { keepGoing = pre.preprocessQueue(messages, new SenderImpl(), receiver); if (keepGoing) try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} } return handleReceiver.receivedOk(); } protected PendingGatewayMessage createPending(int size, boolean includeRouter, boolean includeTunnel) { DataMessage m = new DataMessage(_context); byte data[] = new byte[size]; _context.random().nextBytes(data); m.setData(data); m.setUniqueId(_context.random().nextLong(I2NPMessage.MAX_ID_VALUE)); m.setMessageExpiration(_context.clock().now() + 60*1000); Hash toRouter = null; TunnelId toTunnel = null; if (includeRouter) { toRouter = new Hash(new byte[Hash.HASH_LENGTH]); _context.random().nextBytes(toRouter.getData()); } if (includeTunnel) toTunnel = new TunnelId(_context.random().nextLong(TunnelId.MAX_ID_VALUE)); return new PendingGatewayMessage(m, toRouter, toTunnel); } protected class SenderImpl implements TunnelGateway.Sender { public long sendPreprocessed(byte[] preprocessed, TunnelGateway.Receiver receiver) { return receiver.receiveEncrypted(preprocessed); } } protected class ReceiverImpl implements TunnelGateway.Receiver { private FragmentHandler _handler; private int _delay; public ReceiverImpl(FragmentHandler handler, int delay) { _handler = handler; _delay = delay; } public long receiveEncrypted(byte[] encrypted) { _handler.receiveTunnelMessage(encrypted, 0, encrypted.length); try { Thread.sleep(_delay); } catch (Exception e) {} return -1; // or do we need to return the real message ID? } @Override public Hash getSendTo() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } } protected class DefragmentedReceiverImpl implements FragmentHandler.DefragmentedReceiver { private volatile byte _expected[]; private volatile byte _expected2[]; private volatile byte _expected3[]; private volatile int _received; public DefragmentedReceiverImpl(byte expected[]) { this(expected, null); } public DefragmentedReceiverImpl(byte expected[], byte expected2[]) { this(expected, expected2, null); } public DefragmentedReceiverImpl(byte expected[], byte expected2[], byte expected3[]) { _expected = expected; _expected2 = expected2; _expected3 = expected3; _received = 0; } public void receiveComplete(I2NPMessage msg, Hash toRouter, TunnelId toTunnel) { boolean ok = false; byte m[] = msg.toByteArray(); if ( (_expected != null) && (DataHelper.eq(_expected, m)) ) ok = true; if (!ok && (_expected2 != null) && (DataHelper.eq(_expected2, m)) ) ok = true; if (!ok && (_expected3 != null) && (DataHelper.eq(_expected3, m)) ) ok = true; if (ok) _received++; //"** equal? " + ok); } public boolean receivedOk() { if ( (_expected != null) && (_expected2 != null) && (_expected3 != null) ) return _received == 3; else if ( (_expected != null) && (_expected2 != null) ) return _received == 2; else if ( (_expected != null) || (_expected2 != null) ) return _received == 1; else return _received == 0; } } }