package net.i2p.client.impl; /* * public domain */ import; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import net.i2p.I2PAppContext; import net.i2p.client.I2PSessionException; import net.i2p.client.I2PSessionListener; import net.i2p.client.I2PSessionMuxedListener; import net.i2p.client.SendMessageOptions; import net.i2p.client.SendMessageStatusListener; import; import; import; import; import; import net.i2p.util.Log; /** * I2PSession with protocol and ports * * Streaming lib has been modified to send I2PSession.PROTO_STREAMING but * still receives all. It sends with fromPort and toPort = 0, and receives on all ports. * * No datagram apps have been modified yet. * Therefore the compatibility situation is as follows: * * Compatibility: * old streaming -> new streaming: sends proto anything, rcvs proto anything * new streaming -> old streaming: sends PROTO_STREAMING, ignores rcvd proto * old datagram -> new datagram: sends proto anything, rcvs proto anything * new datagram -> old datagram: sends PROTO_DATAGRAM, ignores rcvd proto * In all the above cases, streaming and datagram receive traffic for the other * protocol, same as before. * * old datagram -> new muxed: doesn't work because the old sends proto 0 but the udp side * of the mux registers with PROTO_DATAGRAM, so the datagrams * go to the streaming side, same as before. * old streaming -> new muxed: works * * Typical Usage: * Streaming + datagrams: * I2PSocketManager sockMgr = getSocketManager(); * I2PSession session = sockMgr.getSession(); * session.addMuxedSessionListener(myI2PSessionMuxedListener, I2PSession.PROTO_DATAGRAM, I2PSession.PORT_ANY); * * or * * session.addSessionListener(myI2PSessionListener, I2PSession.PROTO_DATAGRAM, I2PSession.PORT_ANY); * session.sendMessage(dest, payload, I2PSession.PROTO_DATAGRAM, fromPort, toPort); * * Datagrams only, with multiple ports: * I2PClient client = I2PClientFactory.createClient(); * ... * I2PSession session = client.createSession(...); * session.addMuxedSessionListener(myI2PSessionMuxedListener, I2PSession.PROTO_DATAGRAM, I2PSession.PORT_ANY); * * or * * session.addSessionListener(myI2PSessionListener, I2PSession.PROTO_DATAGRAM, I2PSession.PORT_ANY); * session.sendMessage(dest, payload, I2PSession.PROTO_DATAGRAM, fromPort, toPort); * * Multiple streaming ports: * Needs some streaming lib hacking * * @author zzz * @since 0.7.1 */ class I2PSessionMuxedImpl extends I2PSessionImpl2 { private final I2PSessionDemultiplexer _demultiplexer; /* * @param destKeyStream stream containing the private key data, * format is specified in {@link PrivateKeyFile} * @param options set of options to configure the router with, if null will use System properties */ public I2PSessionMuxedImpl(I2PAppContext ctx, InputStream destKeyStream, Properties options) throws I2PSessionException { super(ctx, destKeyStream, options); // also stored in _sessionListener but we keep it in _demultipexer // as well so we don't have to keep casting _demultiplexer = new I2PSessionDemultiplexer(ctx); super.setSessionListener(_demultiplexer); // discards the one in super(), sorry about that... (no it wasn't started yet) _availabilityNotifier = new MuxedAvailabilityNotifier(); } /* * For extension by SubSession * * @param destKeyStream stream containing the private key data, * format is specified in {@link PrivateKeyFile} * @param options set of options to configure the router with, if null will use System properties * @since 0.9.21 */ protected I2PSessionMuxedImpl(I2PSessionImpl primary, InputStream destKeyStream, Properties options) throws I2PSessionException { super(primary, destKeyStream, options); // also stored in _sessionListener but we keep it in _demultipexer // as well so we don't have to keep casting _demultiplexer = new I2PSessionDemultiplexer(primary.getContext()); super.setSessionListener(_demultiplexer); // discards the one in super(), sorry about that... (no it wasn't started yet) _availabilityNotifier = new MuxedAvailabilityNotifier(); } /** listen on all protocols and ports */ @Override public void setSessionListener(I2PSessionListener lsnr) { _demultiplexer.addListener(lsnr, PROTO_ANY, PORT_ANY); } /** * Listen on specified protocol and port. * * An existing listener with the same proto and port is replaced. * Only the listener with the best match is called back for each message. * * @param proto 1-254 or PROTO_ANY (0) for all; recommended: * I2PSession.PROTO_STREAMING * I2PSession.PROTO_DATAGRAM * 255 disallowed * @param port 1-65535 or PORT_ANY (0) for all */ @Override public void addSessionListener(I2PSessionListener lsnr, int proto, int port) { _demultiplexer.addListener(lsnr, proto, port); } /** * Listen on specified protocol and port, and receive notification * of proto, fromPort, and toPort for every message. * @param proto 1-254 or PROTO_ANY (0) for all; 255 disallowed * @param port 1-65535 or PORT_ANY (0) for all */ @Override public void addMuxedSessionListener(I2PSessionMuxedListener l, int proto, int port) { _demultiplexer.addMuxedListener(l, proto, port); } /** removes the specified listener (only) */ @Override public void removeListener(int proto, int port) { _demultiplexer.removeListener(proto, port); } @Override public boolean sendMessage(Destination dest, byte[] payload) throws I2PSessionException { return sendMessage(dest, payload, 0, payload.length, null, null, 0, PROTO_UNSPECIFIED, PORT_UNSPECIFIED, PORT_UNSPECIFIED); } @Override public boolean sendMessage(Destination dest, byte[] payload, int proto, int fromport, int toport) throws I2PSessionException { return sendMessage(dest, payload, 0, payload.length, null, null, 0, proto, fromport, toport); } /** * @param keyUsed unused - no end-to-end crypto * @param tagsSent unused - no end-to-end crypto */ @Override public boolean sendMessage(Destination dest, byte[] payload, int offset, int size, SessionKey keyUsed, Set<SessionTag> tagsSent, long expires) throws I2PSessionException { return sendMessage(dest, payload, offset, size, keyUsed, tagsSent, 0, PROTO_UNSPECIFIED, PORT_UNSPECIFIED, PORT_UNSPECIFIED); } /** * @param keyUsed unused - no end-to-end crypto * @param tagsSent unused - no end-to-end crypto */ @Override public boolean sendMessage(Destination dest, byte[] payload, int offset, int size, SessionKey keyUsed, Set<SessionTag> tagsSent, int proto, int fromport, int toport) throws I2PSessionException { return sendMessage(dest, payload, offset, size, keyUsed, tagsSent, 0, proto, fromport, toport); } /** * @param keyUsed unused - no end-to-end crypto * @param tagsSent unused - no end-to-end crypto * @param proto 1-254 or 0 for unset; recommended: * I2PSession.PROTO_UNSPECIFIED * I2PSession.PROTO_STREAMING * I2PSession.PROTO_DATAGRAM * 255 disallowed * @param fromPort 1-65535 or 0 for unset * @param toPort 1-65535 or 0 for unset * @since 0.7.1 */ @Override public boolean sendMessage(Destination dest, byte[] payload, int offset, int size, SessionKey keyUsed, Set<SessionTag> tagsSent, long expires, int proto, int fromPort, int toPort) throws I2PSessionException { return sendMessage(dest, payload, offset, size, keyUsed, tagsSent, 0, proto, fromPort, toPort, 0); } /** * @param keyUsed unused - no end-to-end crypto * @param tagsSent unused - no end-to-end crypto * @param proto 1-254 or 0 for unset; recommended: * I2PSession.PROTO_UNSPECIFIED * I2PSession.PROTO_STREAMING * I2PSession.PROTO_DATAGRAM * 255 disallowed * @param fromPort 1-65535 or 0 for unset * @param toPort 1-65535 or 0 for unset * @param flags to be passed to the router * @since 0.8.4 */ @Override public boolean sendMessage(Destination dest, byte[] payload, int offset, int size, SessionKey keyUsed, Set<SessionTag> tagsSent, long expires, int proto, int fromPort, int toPort, int flags) throws I2PSessionException { payload = prepPayload(payload, offset, size, proto, fromPort, toPort); if (_noEffort) return sendNoEffort(dest, payload, expires, flags); else return sendBestEffort(dest, payload, expires, flags); } /** * See SendMessageOptions for option details. * * Always uses sendNoEffort for now. * * @param proto 1-254 or 0 for unset; recommended: * I2PSession.PROTO_UNSPECIFIED * I2PSession.PROTO_STREAMING * I2PSession.PROTO_DATAGRAM * 255 disallowed * @param fromPort 1-65535 or 0 for unset * @param toPort 1-65535 or 0 for unset * @param options to be passed to the router * @since 0.9.2 */ @Override public boolean sendMessage(Destination dest, byte[] payload, int offset, int size, int proto, int fromPort, int toPort, SendMessageOptions options) throws I2PSessionException { payload = prepPayload(payload, offset, size, proto, fromPort, toPort); //if (_noEffort) { sendNoEffort(dest, payload, options); return true; //} else { // unimplemented //return sendBestEffort(dest, payload, options); //} } /** * Send a message and request an asynchronous notification of delivery status. * * See I2PSessionMuxedImpl for proto/port details. * See SendMessageOptions for option details. * * @return the message ID to be used for later notification to the listener * @throws I2PSessionException on all errors * @since 0.9.14 */ @Override public long sendMessage(Destination dest, byte[] payload, int offset, int size, int proto, int fromPort, int toPort, SendMessageOptions options, SendMessageStatusListener listener) throws I2PSessionException { payload = prepPayload(payload, offset, size, proto, fromPort, toPort); long nonce = _sendMessageNonce.incrementAndGet(); long expires = Math.max(_context.clock().now() + 60*1000L, options.getTime()); MessageState state = new MessageState(_context, nonce, this, expires, listener); _sendingStates.put(Long.valueOf(nonce), state); _producer.sendMessage(this, dest, nonce, payload, options); return nonce; } /** * @return gzip compressed payload, ready to send * @since 0.9.14 */ private byte[] prepPayload(byte[] payload, int offset, int size, int proto, int fromPort, int toPort) throws I2PSessionException { verifyOpen(); updateActivity(); if (shouldCompress(size)) payload = DataHelper.compress(payload, offset, size); else payload = DataHelper.compress(payload, offset, size, DataHelper.NO_COMPRESSION); setProto(payload, proto); setFromPort(payload, fromPort); setToPort(payload, toPort); _context.statManager().addRateData("i2cp.tx.msgCompressed", payload.length); _context.statManager().addRateData("i2cp.tx.msgExpanded", size); return payload; } /** * @since 0.9.2 */ private void sendNoEffort(Destination dest, byte payload[], SendMessageOptions options) throws I2PSessionException { // nonce always 0 _producer.sendMessage(this, dest, 0, payload, options); } /** * Receive a payload message and let the app know its available */ @Override public void addNewMessage(MessagePayloadMessage msg) { Long mid = Long.valueOf(msg.getMessageId()); _availableMessages.put(mid, msg); long id = msg.getMessageId(); byte data[] = msg.getPayload().getUnencryptedData(); if ((data == null) || (data.length <= 0)) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.CRIT)) _log.log(Log.CRIT, getPrefix() + "addNewMessage of a message with no unencrypted data", new Exception("Empty message")); return; } int size = data.length; if (size < 10) { _log.error(getPrefix() + "length too short for gzip header: " + size); return; } ((MuxedAvailabilityNotifier)_availabilityNotifier).available(id, size, getProto(msg), getFromPort(msg), getToPort(msg)); } protected class MuxedAvailabilityNotifier extends AvailabilityNotifier { private final LinkedBlockingQueue<MsgData> _msgs; private volatile boolean _alive; private static final int POISON_SIZE = -99999; private final AtomicBoolean stopping = new AtomicBoolean(); public MuxedAvailabilityNotifier() { _msgs = new LinkedBlockingQueue<MsgData>(); } @Override public void stopNotifying() { synchronized (stopping) { if( !stopping.getAndSet(true)) { _msgs.clear(); if (_alive) { // System.out.println("I2PSessionMuxedImpl.stopNotifying()"); boolean again = true; while(again) { try { _msgs.put(new MsgData(0, POISON_SIZE, 0, 0, 0)); again = false; // System.out.println("I2PSessionMuxedImpl.stopNotifying() success."); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { continue; } } _alive = false; } stopping.set(false); } // stopping.notifyAll(); } } /** unused */ @Override public void available(long msgId, int size) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("no"); } public void available(long msgId, int size, int proto, int fromPort, int toPort) { try { _msgs.put(new MsgData((int)(msgId & 0xffffffff), size, proto, fromPort, toPort)); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {} if (!_alive && _log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn(getPrefix() + "message available but notifier not running"); } @Override public void run() { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug(getPrefix() + "starting muxed availability notifier"); _msgs.clear(); _alive=true; while (_alive) { MsgData msg; try { msg = _msgs.take(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.DEBUG)) _log.debug(" InterruptedException " + String.valueOf(_msgs.size()) + " Messages, Alive " + _alive); continue; } if (msg.size == POISON_SIZE) { // System.out.println(" POISONED"); break; } try { _demultiplexer.messageAvailable(I2PSessionMuxedImpl.this,, msg.size, msg.proto, msg.fromPort, msg.toPort); } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.error("Error notifying app of message availability", e); } } } } /** let's keep this simple */ private static class MsgData { public final int id, size, proto, fromPort, toPort; public MsgData(int i, int s, int p, int f, int t) { id = i; size = s; proto = p; fromPort = f; toPort = t; } } /** * No, we couldn't put any protocol byte in front of everything and * keep backward compatibility. But there are several bytes that * are unused AND unchecked in the gzip header in releases <= 0.7. * So let's use 5 of them for a protocol and two 2-byte ports. * * Following are all the methods to hide the * protocol, fromPort, and toPort in the gzip header * * The fields used are all ignored on receive in ResettableGzipInputStream * * See also ResettableGzipOutputStream. * Ref: RFC 1952 * */ /** OS byte in gzip header */ private static final int PROTO_BYTE = 9; /** Upper two bytes of MTIME in gzip header */ private static final int FROMPORT_BYTES = 4; /** Lower two bytes of MTIME in gzip header */ private static final int TOPORT_BYTES = 6; /** Non-muxed sets the OS byte to 0xff */ private static int getProto(MessagePayloadMessage msg) { int rv = getByte(msg, PROTO_BYTE) & 0xff; return rv == 0xff ? PROTO_UNSPECIFIED : rv; } /** Non-muxed sets the MTIME bytes to 0 */ private static int getFromPort(MessagePayloadMessage msg) { return (((getByte(msg, FROMPORT_BYTES) & 0xff) << 8) | (getByte(msg, FROMPORT_BYTES + 1) & 0xff)); } /** Non-muxed sets the MTIME bytes to 0 */ private static int getToPort(MessagePayloadMessage msg) { return (((getByte(msg, TOPORT_BYTES) & 0xff) << 8) | (getByte(msg, TOPORT_BYTES + 1) & 0xff)); } private static int getByte(MessagePayloadMessage msg, int i) { return msg.getPayload().getUnencryptedData()[i] & 0xff; } private static void setProto(byte[] payload, int p) { payload[PROTO_BYTE] = (byte) (p & 0xff); } private static void setFromPort(byte[] payload, int p) { payload[FROMPORT_BYTES] = (byte) ((p >> 8) & 0xff); payload[FROMPORT_BYTES + 1] = (byte) (p & 0xff); } private static void setToPort(byte[] payload, int p) { payload[TOPORT_BYTES] = (byte) ((p >> 8) & 0xff); payload[TOPORT_BYTES + 1] = (byte) (p & 0xff); } }