package net.i2p.router.startup; /* * free (adj.): unencumbered; not under the control of others * Released into the public domain * with no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; import net.i2p.util.FileUtil; import net.i2p.util.I2PSSLSocketFactory; import net.i2p.util.SecureFileOutputStream; import net.i2p.util.VersionComparator; /** * Migrate the clients.config and jetty.xml files * from Jetty 5/6 to Jetty 7/8. * Also migrate jetty.xml from Jetty 7/8 to Jetty 9. * * For each client for class org.mortbay.jetty.Server: *<pre> * Let $D be the dir that jetty.xml is in (usually ~/.i2p/eepsite) * Saves $D/jetty.xml to $D/jetty6.xml * Copies $I2P/eepsite-jetty7/jetty.xml to $D/jetty.xml, edited for $D * Copies $I2P/eepsite-jetty7/jetty-ssl.xml to $D/jetty-ssl.xml, edited for $D * Copies $I2P/eepsite-jetty7/jetty-rewrite.xml to $D/jetty-rewrite.xml * Copies $I2P/eepsite-jetty7/context/base-context.xml to $D/jetty.xml, edited for $D * Copies $I2P/eepsite-jetty7/context/cgi-context.xml to $D/jetty.xml, edited for $D * Copies $I2P/eepsite-jetty7/etc/* to $D/etc * Changes main class in clients.config *</pre> * Copies clients.config to clients.config.jetty6; * Saves new clients.config. * * Does NOT preserve port number, thread counts, etc. in the migration to 7/8. * DOES preserve everything in the migration to 9. * * @since Jetty 6 */ abstract class MigrateJetty { private static boolean _wasChecked; private static boolean _hasLatestJetty; private static final String OLD_CLASS = "org.mortbay.jetty.Server"; private static final String OLD_CLASS_6 = "org.mortbay.start.Main"; private static final String NEW_CLASS = "net.i2p.jetty.JettyStart"; private static final String TEST_CLASS = "org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server"; private static final String BACKUP_SUFFIX = ".jetty6"; private static final String BACKUP_SUFFIX_8 = ".jetty8"; private static final String JETTY_TEMPLATE_DIR = "eepsite-jetty9"; private static final String JETTY_TEMPLATE_PKGDIR = "eepsite"; private static final String BASE_CONTEXT = "contexts/base-context.xml"; private static final String CGI_CONTEXT = "contexts/cgi-context.xml"; private static final String PROP_JETTY9_MIGRATED = "router.startup.jetty9.migrated"; /** * For each entry in apps, if the main class is an old Jetty class, * migrate it to the new Jetty class, and update the Jetty config files. */ public static void migrate(RouterContext ctx, List<ClientAppConfig> apps) { if (ctx.getBooleanProperty(PROP_JETTY9_MIGRATED)) return; String installed = ctx.getProperty("router.firstVersion"); if (installed != null && VersionComparator.comp(installed, "0.9.30") >= 0) { ctx.router().saveConfig(PROP_JETTY9_MIGRATED, "true"); return; } boolean shouldSave = false; boolean jetty9success = false; for (int i = 0; i < apps.size(); i++) { ClientAppConfig app = apps.get(i); String client; String backupSuffix; if (app.className.equals(NEW_CLASS)) { client = "client application " + i + " [" + app.clientName + "] from Jetty 7/8 to Jetty 9"; backupSuffix = BACKUP_SUFFIX_8; } else if (app.className.equals(OLD_CLASS) || app.className.equals(OLD_CLASS_6)) { client = "client application " + i + " [" + app.clientName + "] from Jetty 5/6 " + app.className + " to Jetty 9 " + NEW_CLASS; backupSuffix = BACKUP_SUFFIX; } else { continue; } if (!hasLatestJetty()) { System.err.println("WARNING: Jetty 7 unavailable, cannot migrate " + client); continue; } if (app.args == null) continue; // remove quotes String args[] = LoadClientAppsJob.parseArgs(app.args); if (args.length == 0) continue; String xml = args[0]; File xmlFile = new File(xml); if (!xmlFile.isAbsolute()) xmlFile = new File(ctx.getAppDir(), xml); if (!xmlFile.exists()) { System.err.println("WARNING: XML file " + xmlFile + " not found, cannot migrate " + client); continue; } File eepsite = xmlFile.getParentFile(); boolean ok = backupFile(xmlFile, backupSuffix); if (!ok) { System.err.println("WARNING: Failed to backup up XML file " + xmlFile + ", cannot migrate " + client); continue; } if (app.className.equals(NEW_CLASS)) { // Do the migration of 8 to 9, handle additional command-line xml files too for (int j = 0; j < args.length; j++) { if (j > 0) { // probably jetty-ssl.xml xmlFile = new File(args[j]); ok = backupFile(xmlFile, backupSuffix); if (!ok) { System.err.println("WARNING: Failed to backup up XML file " + xmlFile + ", cannot migrate " + client); continue; } } boolean ok9 = migrateToJetty9(xmlFile); if (ok9) { System.err.println("WARNING: Migrated " + client + ".\n" + "Check the " + xmlFile.getName() + " file in " + eepsite + ".\n" + "Your old " + xmlFile.getName() + " file was backed up to " + xmlFile.getAbsolutePath() + BACKUP_SUFFIX_8); jetty9success = true; } } continue; } // Below here is migration of 5/6 to 9 File baseEep = new File(ctx.getBaseDir(), JETTY_TEMPLATE_DIR); // in packages, or perhaps on an uninstall/reinstall, the files are in eepsite/ if (!baseEep.exists()) baseEep = new File(ctx.getBaseDir(), JETTY_TEMPLATE_PKGDIR); if (baseEep.equals(eepsite)) { // non-split directory yet not an upgrade? shouldn't happen System.err.println("Eepsite in non-split directory " + eepsite + ", cannot migrate " + client); continue; } // jetty.xml existed before in jetty 5 version, so check this new file // and if it doesn't exist we can't continue File baseContext = new File(baseEep, BASE_CONTEXT); if (!baseContext.exists()) { System.err.println("WARNING: Cannot find new XML file template " + baseContext + ", cannot migrate " + client); continue; } String newPath = eepsite.getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar; ok = WorkingDir.migrateJettyXml(baseEep, eepsite, "jetty.xml", "./eepsite/", newPath); if (!ok) { System.err.println("WARNING: Failed to modify XML file " + xmlFile + ", cannot migrate " + client); continue; } // now we're committed, so don't check any more failure codes backupAndMigrateFile(baseEep, eepsite, "jetty-ssl.xml", "./eepsite/", newPath); (new File(eepsite, "contexts")).mkdir(); // ContextProvider scanner only looks for files ending in .xml so we can // back up to the same directory backupAndMigrateFile(baseEep, eepsite, BASE_CONTEXT, "./eepsite/", newPath); backupAndMigrateFile(baseEep, eepsite, CGI_CONTEXT, "./eepsite/", newPath); backupAndCopyFile(baseEep, eepsite, "jetty-rewrite.xml"); (new File(eepsite, "etc")).mkdir(); // No change from 6 to 7 File to = new File(eepsite, "etc/"); if (!to.exists()) WorkingDir.copyFile(new File(baseEep, "etc/"), to); backupAndCopyFile(baseEep, eepsite, "etc/webdefault.xml"); app.className = NEW_CLASS; shouldSave = true; System.err.println("WARNING: Migrated " + client + '\n' + "Check the following files in " + eepsite + ": jetty.xml, " + BASE_CONTEXT + ", and " + CGI_CONTEXT + "\n" + "Your old jetty.xml was backed up." + '\n' + "If you modified your jetty.xml to change ports, thread limits, etc, you MUST\n" + "edit it to change them again. Your port was reset to 7658."); } if (shouldSave) { File cfgFile = ClientAppConfig.configFile(ctx); boolean ok = backupFile(cfgFile); if (ok) { ClientAppConfig.writeClientAppConfig(ctx, apps); System.err.println("WARNING: Migrated clients config file " + cfgFile + " from Jetty 5/6 " + OLD_CLASS + '/' + OLD_CLASS_6 + " to Jetty 9 " + NEW_CLASS); } } if (jetty9success) ctx.router().saveConfig(PROP_JETTY9_MIGRATED, "true"); } /** * Migrate a jetty.xml file to Jetty 9. * Unlike above, where we just migrate the new install file over for Jetty 9, * here we modify the xml file in-place to preserve settings where possible. * * @return success * @since Jetty 9 */ private static boolean migrateToJetty9(File xmlFile) { if (xmlFile.getName().equals("jetty-jmx.xml")) { // This is lazy but nobody's using jmx, not worth the trouble System.err.println("ERROR: Migration of " + xmlFile + " file is not supported. Copy new file from $I2P/eepsite-jetty9/jetty-jmx.xml"); return false; } // we don't re-migrate from the template, we just add the // necessary args for the QueuedThreadPool constructor in-place // and fixup the renamed set call boolean modified = false; File eepsite = xmlFile.getParentFile(); File newFile = new File(eepsite, xmlFile.getName() + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".tmp"); FileInputStream in = null; PrintWriter out = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(xmlFile); out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new SecureFileOutputStream(newFile), "UTF-8"))); String s; boolean foundQTP = false; boolean foundSTP = false; boolean foundETP = false; boolean foundSCC = false; boolean foundHC = false; boolean foundSSCC = false; while ((s = DataHelper.readLine(in)) != null) { // readLine() doesn't strip \r if (s.endsWith("\r")) s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1); if (s.contains("Modified by I2P migration script for Jetty 9.") || s.contains("This configuration supports Jetty 9.") || s.contains("")) { if (!modified) break; // else we've modified it twice? } else if (s.contains("org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool")) { foundQTP = true; } else if (foundQTP) { if (!(s.contains("Modified by") || s.contains("<Arg type=\"int\">"))) { out.println(" <!-- Modified by I2P migration script for Jetty 9. Do not remove this line -->"); out.println(" <Arg type=\"int\">20</Arg> <!-- maxThreads, overridden below -->"); out.println(" <Arg type=\"int\">3</Arg> <!-- minThreads, overridden below -->"); out.println(" <Arg type=\"int\">60000</Arg> <!-- maxIdleTimeMs, overridden below -->"); modified = true; } foundQTP = false; } if (s.contains("<Set name=\"maxIdleTimeMs\">")) { // <Set name="maxIdleTimeMs">60000</Set> s = s.replace("<Set name=\"maxIdleTimeMs\">", "<Set name=\"idleTimeout\">"); modified = true; } else if (s.contains("<Set name=\"ThreadPool\">")) { // <Set name="ThreadPool">, must be changed to constructor arg out.println(" <!-- Modified by I2P migration script for Jetty 9. Do not remove this line -->"); s = s.replace("<Set name=\"ThreadPool\">", "<Arg>"); foundSTP = true; modified = true; } else if (foundSTP && !foundETP && s.contains("</Set>") && !s.contains("<Set")) { // </Set> (close of <Set name="ThreadPool">) // All the lines above have <Set>...</Set> on the same line, if they don't, this will break. s = s.replace("</Set>", "</Arg>"); foundETP = true; } else if (s.contains("org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio.SelectChannelConnector")) { s = s.replace("org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio.SelectChannelConnector", "org.eclipse.jetty.server.ServerConnector"); out.println(" <!-- Modified by I2P migration script for Jetty 9. Do not remove this line -->"); out.println(s); out.println(" <Arg><Ref id=\"Server\" /></Arg>"); out.println(" <Arg type=\"int\">1</Arg> <!-- number of acceptors -->"); out.println(" <Arg type=\"int\">0</Arg> <!-- default number of selectors -->"); out.println(" <Arg>"); out.println(" <Array type=\"org.eclipse.jetty.server.ConnectionFactory\"> <!-- varargs so we need an array -->"); out.println(" <Item>"); out.println(" <New class=\"org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnectionFactory\">"); out.println(" <Arg>"); out.println(" <New class=\"org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConfiguration\">"); out.println(" <Set name=\"sendServerVersion\">false</Set>"); out.println(" <Set name=\"sendDateHeader\">true</Set>"); out.println(" </New>"); out.println(" </Arg>"); out.println(" </New>"); out.println(" </Item>"); out.println(" </Array>"); out.println(" </Arg>"); modified = true; continue; // SSL starts here } else if (s.contains("org.eclipse.jetty.http.ssl.SslContextFactory")) { s = s.replace("org.eclipse.jetty.http.ssl.SslContextFactory", "org.eclipse.jetty.util.ssl.SslContextFactory"); out.println(" <!-- Modified by I2P migration script for Jetty 9. Do not remove this line -->"); out.println(s); // don't try to migrate from below, just generate a new list out.println(" <Set name=\"ExcludeCipherSuites\">"); out.println(" <Array type=\"java.lang.String\">"); for (String ss : I2PSSLSocketFactory.EXCLUDE_CIPHERS) { out.println(" <Item>" + ss + "</Item>"); } out.println(" </Array>"); out.println(" </Set>"); out.println(" <Set name=\"ExcludeProtocols\">"); out.println(" <Array type=\"java.lang.String\">"); for (String ss : I2PSSLSocketFactory.EXCLUDE_PROTOCOLS) { out.println(" <Item>" + ss + "</Item>"); } out.println(" </Array>"); out.println(" </Set>"); modified = true; continue; } else if (s.contains("org.eclipse.jetty.server.ssl.SslSelectChannelConnector")) { s = s.replace("org.eclipse.jetty.server.ssl.SslSelectChannelConnector", "org.eclipse.jetty.server.ServerConnector"); out.println(" <!-- Modified by I2P migration script for Jetty 9. Do not remove this line -->"); out.println(s); out.println(" <Arg><Ref id=\"Server\" /></Arg>"); out.println(" <Arg type=\"int\">1</Arg> <!-- number of acceptors -->"); out.println(" <Arg type=\"int\">0</Arg> <!-- default number of selectors -->"); out.println(" <Arg>"); out.println(" <Array type=\"org.eclipse.jetty.server.ConnectionFactory\"> <!-- varargs so we need an array -->"); out.println(" <Item>"); out.println(" <New class=\"org.eclipse.jetty.server.SslConnectionFactory\">"); out.println(" <Arg><Ref id=\"sslContextFactory\" /></Arg>"); out.println(" <Arg>http/1.1</Arg>"); out.println(" </New>"); out.println(" </Item>"); out.println(" <Item>"); out.println(" <New class=\"org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnectionFactory\">"); out.println(" <Arg>"); out.println(" <New class=\"org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConfiguration\">"); out.println(" <Set name=\"sendServerVersion\">false</Set>"); out.println(" <Set name=\"sendDateHeader\">true</Set>"); out.println(" </New>"); out.println(" </Arg>"); out.println(" </New>"); out.println(" </Item>"); out.println(" </Array>"); out.println(" </Arg>"); foundSSCC = true; modified = true; continue; } else if (foundSSCC && s.contains("<Set name=\"ExcludeCipherSuites\">")) { // delete the old ExcludeCipherSuites in this section do { s = DataHelper.readLine(in); } while(s != null && !s.contains("</Set>")); modified = true; continue; } else if (foundSSCC && s.contains("<Ref id=\"sslContextFactory\"")) { // delete old one in this section, replaced above modified = true; continue; } else if (s.contains("<Set name=\"KeyStore\">")) { s = s.replace("<Set name=\"KeyStore\">", "<Set name=\"KeyStorePath\">"); modified = true; } else if (s.contains("<Set name=\"TrustStore\">")) { s = s.replace("<Set name=\"TrustStore\">", "<Set name=\"TrustStorePath\">"); modified = true; // SSL ends here } else if (s.contains("class=\"org.eclipse.jetty.deploy.providers.ContextProvider\">")) { // WebAppProvider now also does what ContextProvider used to do out.println(" <!-- Modified by I2P migration script for Jetty 9. Do not remove this line -->"); s = s.replace("class=\"org.eclipse.jetty.deploy.providers.ContextProvider\">", "class=\"org.eclipse.jetty.deploy.providers.WebAppProvider\">"); modified = true; } else if (s.contains("<Set name=\"maxIdleTime\">")) { s = s.replace("<Set name=\"maxIdleTime\">", "<Set name=\"idleTimeout\">"); modified = true; } else if (s.contains("<Set name=\"gracefulShutdown\">")) { s = s.replace("<Set name=\"gracefulShutdown\">", "<Set name=\"stopTimeout\">"); modified = true; } else if (s.contains("org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConfiguration")) { foundHC = true; } else if (!foundHC && (s.contains("<Set name=\"sendServerVersion\">") || s.contains("<Set name=\"sendDateHeader\">"))) { // old ones for Server, not in HTTPConfiguration section, delete modified = true; continue; } else if (s.contains("<Set name=\"Acceptors\">") || s.contains("<Set name=\"acceptors\">") || s.contains("<Set name=\"statsOn\">") || s.contains("<Set name=\"confidentialPort\">") || s.contains("<Set name=\"lowResourcesConnections\">") || s.contains("<Set name=\"lowResourcesMaxIdleTime\">") || s.contains("<Set name=\"useDirectBuffers\">")) { // delete modified = true; continue; } out.println(s); } } catch (IOException ioe) { if (in != null) { System.err.println("FAILED migration of " + xmlFile + ": " + ioe); } return false; } finally { if (in != null) try { in.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} if (out != null) out.close(); } if (modified) { return FileUtil.rename(newFile, xmlFile); } else { newFile.delete(); return true; } } /** do we have Jetty 7/8/9? */ private static boolean hasLatestJetty() { if (!_wasChecked) { try { LoadClientAppsJob.testClient(TEST_CLASS, null); _hasLatestJetty = true; } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {} _wasChecked = true; } return _hasLatestJetty; } /** * Backup a file * @return success * @since Jetty 7 */ private static boolean backupFile(File from) { return backupFile(from, BACKUP_SUFFIX); } /** * Backup a file with given suffix * @return success * @since Jetty 9 */ private static boolean backupFile(File from, String suffix) { if (!from.exists()) return true; File to = new File(from.getAbsolutePath() + suffix); if (to.exists()) to = new File(to.getAbsolutePath() + "." + System.currentTimeMillis()); boolean rv = WorkingDir.copyFile(from, to); if (rv) System.err.println("Backed up file " + from + " to " + to); else System.err.println("WARNING: Failed to back up file " + from + " to " + to); return rv; } /** * Backup a file and migrate new XML * @return success * @since Jetty 7 */ private static boolean backupAndMigrateFile(File templateDir, File toDir, String filename, String fromString, String toString) { File to = new File(toDir, filename); boolean rv = backupFile(to); boolean rv2 = WorkingDir.migrateJettyXml(templateDir, toDir, filename, fromString, toString); return rv && rv2; } /** * Backup a file and copy new * @return success * @since Jetty 7 */ private static boolean backupAndCopyFile(File templateDir, File toDir, String filename) { File to = new File(toDir, filename); boolean rv = backupFile(to); File from = new File(templateDir, filename); boolean rv2 = WorkingDir.copyFile(from, to); return rv && rv2; } }