package net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia; /* * free (adj.): unencumbered; not under the control of others * Written by jrandom in 2003 and released into the public domain * with no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. * It probably won't make your computer catch on fire, or eat * your children, but it might. Use at your own risk. * */ import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; public interface DataStore { public boolean isInitialized(); public boolean isKnown(Hash key); public DatabaseEntry get(Hash key); public DatabaseEntry get(Hash key, boolean persist); public boolean put(Hash key, DatabaseEntry data); public boolean put(Hash key, DatabaseEntry data, boolean persist); public DatabaseEntry remove(Hash key); public DatabaseEntry remove(Hash key, boolean persist); public Set<Hash> getKeys(); /** @since 0.8.3 */ public Collection<DatabaseEntry> getEntries(); /** @since 0.8.3 */ public Set<Map.Entry<Hash, DatabaseEntry>> getMapEntries(); public void stop(); public void restart(); public void rescan(); public int countLeaseSets(); /** * @return total size (RI and LS) * @since 0.8.8 */ public int size(); }