package net.i2p.router.web; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.text.Collator; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.i2p.kademlia.XORComparator; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; import net.i2p.router.TunnelPoolSettings; import net.i2p.router.crypto.FamilyKeyCrypto; import net.i2p.router.peermanager.DBHistory; import net.i2p.router.peermanager.PeerProfile; import net.i2p.router.tunnel.pool.TunnelPool; import net.i2p.router.util.HashDistance; import net.i2p.stat.Rate; import net.i2p.stat.RateAverages; import net.i2p.stat.RateStat; import net.i2p.util.ConvertToHash; import net.i2p.util.Log; import net.i2p.util.ObjectCounter; import net.i2p.util.Translate; import net.i2p.util.VersionComparator; /** * For debugging only. * Parts may later move to router as a periodic monitor. * Adapted from NetDbRenderer. * * @since 0.9.24 * */ class SybilRenderer { private final RouterContext _context; private final DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("#0.00"); private static final int PAIRMAX = 20; private static final int MAX = 10; // multiplied by size - 1, will also get POINTS24 added private static final double POINTS32 = 5.0; // multiplied by size - 1, will also get POINTS16 added private static final double POINTS24 = 5.0; // multiplied by size - 1 private static final double POINTS16 = 0.25; private static final double POINTS_US32 = 25.0; private static final double POINTS_US24 = 25.0; private static final double POINTS_US16 = 10.0; private static final double POINTS_FAMILY = -2.0; private static final double POINTS_BAD_OUR_FAMILY = 100.0; private static final double POINTS_OUR_FAMILY = -100.0; private static final double MIN_CLOSE = 242.0; private static final double PAIR_DISTANCE_FACTOR = 2.0; private static final double OUR_KEY_FACTOR = 4.0; private static final double MIN_DISPLAY_POINTS = 5.0; private static final double VERSION_FACTOR = 1.0; private static final double POINTS_BAD_VERSION = 50.0; private static final double POINTS_UNREACHABLE = 4.0; private static final double POINTS_NEW = 4.0; private static final double POINTS_BANLIST = 25.0; public SybilRenderer(RouterContext ctx) { _context = ctx; } /** * Entry point */ public String getNetDbSummary(Writer out) throws IOException { renderRouterInfoHTML(out, (String)null); return ""; } private static class RouterInfoRoutingKeyComparator implements Comparator<RouterInfo>, Serializable { private final Hash _us; /** @param us ROUTING KEY */ public RouterInfoRoutingKeyComparator(Hash us) { _us = us; } public int compare(RouterInfo l, RouterInfo r) { return HashDistance.getDistance(_us, l.getHash()).compareTo(HashDistance.getDistance(_us, r.getHash())); } } /** * A total score and a List of reason Strings */ private static class Points implements Comparable<Points> { private double points; private final List<String> reasons; /** @param us ROUTING KEY */ public Points(double points, String reason) { this.points = points; reasons = new ArrayList<String>(4); reasons.add(reason); } public int compareTo(Points r) { if (points > r.points) return 1; if (points < r.points) return -1; return 0; } } private static class PointsComparator implements Comparator<Hash>, Serializable { private final Map<Hash, Points> _points; /** @param us ROUTING KEY */ public PointsComparator(Map<Hash, Points> points) { _points = points; } public int compare(Hash l, Hash r) { // reverse return _points.get(r).compareTo(_points.get(l)); } } private void addPoints(Map<Hash, Points> points, Hash h, double d, String reason) { Points dd = points.get(h); if (dd != null) { dd.points += d; dd.reasons.add("<b>" + fmt.format(d) + ":</b> " + reason); } else { points.put(h, new Points(d, "<b>" + fmt.format(d) + ":</b> " + reason)); } } /** * The whole thing * * @param routerPrefix ignored */ private void renderRouterInfoHTML(Writer out, String routerPrefix) throws IOException { Set<Hash> ffs = _context.peerManager().getPeersByCapability('f'); List<RouterInfo> ris = new ArrayList<RouterInfo>(ffs.size()); Hash us = _context.routerHash(); Hash ourRKey = _context.router().getRouterInfo().getRoutingKey(); for (Hash ff : ffs) { if (ff.equals(us)) continue; RouterInfo ri = _context.netDb().lookupRouterInfoLocally(ff); if (ri != null) ris.add(ri); } if (ris.isEmpty()) { out.write("<h3>No known floodfills</h3>"); return; } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(4*1024); buf.append("<p><b>This is an experimental network database tool for debugging and analysis. Do not panic even if you see warnings below. " + "Possible \"threats\" are summarized at the bottom, however these are unlikely to be real threats. " + "If you see anything you would like to discuss with the devs, contact us on IRC #i2p-dev.</b></p>" + "<ul><li><a href=\"#known\">FF Summary</a>" + "</li><li><a href=\"#family\">Same Family</a>" + "</li><li><a href=\"#ourIP\">IP close to us</a>" + "</li><li><a href=\"#sameIP\">Same IP</a>" + "</li><li><a href=\"#same24\">Same /24</a>" + "</li><li><a href=\"#same16\">Same /16</a>" + "</li><li><a href=\"#pairs\">Pair distance</a>" + "</li><li><a href=\"#ritoday\">Close to us</a>" + "</li><li><a href=\"#ritmrw\">Close to us tomorrow</a>" + "</li><li><a href=\"#dht\">DHT neighbors</a>" + "</li><li><a href=\"#dest\">Close to our destinations</a>" + "</li><li><a href=\"#threats\">Highest threats</a>" + "</li></ul>"); renderRouterInfo(buf, _context.router().getRouterInfo(), null, true, false); buf.append("<h3 id=\"known\">Known Floodfills: ").append(ris.size()).append("</h3>"); double tot = 0; int count = 200; byte[] b = new byte[32]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { _context.random().nextBytes(b); Hash h = new Hash(b); double d = closestDistance(h, ris); tot += d; } double avgMinDist = tot / count; buf.append("<p>Average closest floodfill distance: " + fmt.format(avgMinDist) + "</p>"); buf.append("<p>Routing Data: \"").append(DataHelper.getUTF8(_context.routerKeyGenerator().getModData())) .append("\" Last Changed: ").append(new Date(_context.routerKeyGenerator().getLastChanged())); buf.append("</p><p>Next Routing Data: \"").append(DataHelper.getUTF8(_context.routerKeyGenerator().getNextModData())) .append("\" Rotates in: ").append(DataHelper.formatDuration(_context.routerKeyGenerator().getTimeTillMidnight())); buf.append("</p>"); Map<Hash, Points> points = new HashMap<Hash, Points>(64); // IP analysis renderIPGroupsFamily(out, buf, ris, points); renderIPGroupsUs(out, buf, ris, points); renderIPGroups32(out, buf, ris, points); renderIPGroups24(out, buf, ris, points); renderIPGroups16(out, buf, ris, points); // Pairwise distance analysis renderPairDistance(out, buf, ris, points); // Distance to our router analysis buf.append("<h3 id=\"ritoday\">Closest Floodfills to Our Routing Key (Where we Store our RI)</h3>"); buf.append("<p><a href=\"/netdb?caps=f&sybil\">See all</a></p>"); renderRouterInfoHTML(out, buf, ourRKey, avgMinDist, ris, points); RouterKeyGenerator rkgen = _context.routerKeyGenerator(); Hash nkey = rkgen.getNextRoutingKey(us); buf.append("<h3 id=\"ritmrw\">Closest Floodfills to Tomorrow's Routing Key (Where we will Store our RI)</h3>"); buf.append("<p><a href=\"/netdb?caps=f&sybil\">See all</a></p>"); renderRouterInfoHTML(out, buf, nkey, avgMinDist, ris, points); buf.append("<h3 id=\"dht\">Closest Floodfills to Our Router Hash (DHT Neighbors if we are Floodfill)</h3>"); renderRouterInfoHTML(out, buf, us, avgMinDist, ris, points); // Distance to our published destinations analysis buf.append("<h3 id=\"dest\">Floodfills Close to Our Destinations</h3>"); Map<Hash, TunnelPool> clientInboundPools = _context.tunnelManager().getInboundClientPools(); List<Hash> destinations = new ArrayList<Hash>(clientInboundPools.keySet()); boolean debug = _context.getBooleanProperty(HelperBase.PROP_ADVANCED); for (Hash client : destinations) { boolean isLocal = _context.clientManager().isLocal(client); if (!isLocal) continue; if (! _context.clientManager().shouldPublishLeaseSet(client)) continue; LeaseSet ls = _context.netDb().lookupLeaseSetLocally(client); if (ls == null) continue; Hash rkey = ls.getRoutingKey(); TunnelPool in = clientInboundPools.get(client); String name = (in != null) ? in.getSettings().getDestinationNickname() : client.toBase64().substring(0,4); buf.append("<h3>Closest floodfills to the Routing Key for " + DataHelper.escapeHTML(name) + " (where we store our LS)</h3>"); buf.append("<p><a href=\"/netdb?caps=f&sybil=" + ls.getHash().toBase64() + "\">See all</a></p>"); renderRouterInfoHTML(out, buf, rkey, avgMinDist, ris, points); nkey = rkgen.getNextRoutingKey(ls.getHash()); buf.append("<h3>Closest floodfills to Tomorrow's Routing Key for " + DataHelper.escapeHTML(name) + " (where we will store our LS)</h3>"); buf.append("<p><a href=\"/netdb?caps=f&sybil=" + ls.getHash().toBase64() + "\">See all</a></p>"); renderRouterInfoHTML(out, buf, nkey, avgMinDist, ris, points); } // Profile analysis addProfilePoints(ris, points); addVersionPoints(ris, points); if (!points.isEmpty()) { List<Hash> warns = new ArrayList<Hash>(points.keySet()); Collections.sort(warns, new PointsComparator(points)); buf.append("<h3 id=\"threats\">Routers with Most Threat Points</h3>"); for (Hash h : warns) { RouterInfo ri = _context.netDb().lookupRouterInfoLocally(h); if (ri == null) continue; Points pp = points.get(h); double p = pp.points; if (p < MIN_DISPLAY_POINTS) break; // sorted buf.append("<p><b>Threat Points: " + fmt.format(p) + "</b><ul>"); for (String s : pp.reasons) { buf.append("<li>").append(s).append("</li>"); } buf.append("</ul></p>"); renderRouterInfo(buf, ri, null, false, false); } } out.write(buf.toString()); out.flush(); buf.setLength(0); } private static class Pair implements Comparable<Pair> { public final RouterInfo r1, r2; public final BigInteger dist; public Pair(RouterInfo ri1, RouterInfo ri2, BigInteger distance) { r1 = ri1; r2 = ri2; dist = distance; } public int compareTo(Pair p) { return this.dist.compareTo(p.dist); } } private void renderPairDistance(Writer out, StringBuilder buf, List<RouterInfo> ris, Map<Hash, Points> points) throws IOException { int sz = ris.size(); List<Pair> pairs = new ArrayList<Pair>(PAIRMAX); double total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { RouterInfo info1 = ris.get(i); for (int j = i + 1; j < sz; j++) { RouterInfo info2 = ris.get(j); BigInteger dist = HashDistance.getDistance(info1.getHash(), info2.getHash()); if (pairs.isEmpty()) { pairs.add(new Pair(info1, info2, dist)); } else if (pairs.size() < PAIRMAX) { pairs.add(new Pair(info1, info2, dist)); Collections.sort(pairs); } else if (dist.compareTo(pairs.get(PAIRMAX - 1).dist) < 0) { pairs.set(PAIRMAX - 1, new Pair(info1, info2, dist)); Collections.sort(pairs); } total += biLog2(dist); } } double avg = total / (sz * sz / 2); buf.append("<h3>Average Floodfill Distance is ").append(fmt.format(avg)).append("</h3>"); buf.append("<h3 id=\"pairs\">Closest Floodfill Pairs by Hash</h3>"); for (Pair p : pairs) { double distance = biLog2(p.dist); double point = MIN_CLOSE - distance; if (point < 0) break; // sorted; if (point >= 2) { // limit display buf.append("<p><b>Hash Distance: ").append(fmt.format(distance)).append(": </b>"); buf.append("</p>"); renderRouterInfo(buf, p.r1, null, false, false); renderRouterInfo(buf, p.r2, null, false, false); } point *= PAIR_DISTANCE_FACTOR; String b2 = p.r2.getHash().toBase64(); addPoints(points, p.r1.getHash(), point, "Very close (" + fmt.format(distance) + ") to other floodfill <a href=\"netdb?r=" + b2 + "\">" + b2 + "</a>"); String b1 = p.r1.getHash().toBase64(); addPoints(points, p.r2.getHash(), point, "Very close (" + fmt.format(distance) + ") to other floodfill <a href=\"netdb?r=" + b1 + "\">" + b1 + "</a>"); } out.write(buf.toString()); out.flush(); buf.setLength(0); } private double closestDistance(Hash h, List<RouterInfo> ris) throws IOException { BigInteger min = (new BigInteger("2")).pow(256); for (RouterInfo info : ris) { BigInteger dist = HashDistance.getDistance(h, info.getHash()); if (dist.compareTo(min) < 0) min = dist; } return biLog2(min); } /** v4 only */ private static byte[] getIP(RouterInfo ri) { for (RouterAddress ra : ri.getAddresses()) { byte[] rv = ra.getIP(); if (rv != null && rv.length == 4) return rv; } return null; } private static class FooComparator implements Comparator<Integer>, Serializable { private final ObjectCounter<Integer> _o; public FooComparator(ObjectCounter<Integer> o) { _o = o;} public int compare(Integer l, Integer r) { // reverse by count int rv = _o.count(r) - _o.count(l); if (rv != 0) return rv; // foward by IP return l.intValue() - r.intValue(); } } private static class FoofComparator implements Comparator<String>, Serializable { private final ObjectCounter<String> _o; private final Collator _comp = Collator.getInstance(); public FoofComparator(ObjectCounter<String> o) { _o = o;} public int compare(String l, String r) { // reverse by count int rv = _o.count(r) - _o.count(l); if (rv != 0) return rv; // foward by name return, r); } } private void renderIPGroupsUs(Writer out, StringBuilder buf, List<RouterInfo> ris, Map<Hash, Points> points) throws IOException { RouterInfo us = _context.router().getRouterInfo(); byte[] ourIP = getIP(us); if (ourIP == null) return; buf.append("<h3 \"ourIP\">Floodfills close to Our IP</h3>"); boolean found = false; for (RouterInfo info : ris) { byte[] ip = getIP(info); if (ip == null) continue; if (ip[0] == ourIP[0] && ip[1] == ourIP[1]) { buf.append("<p><b>"); if (ip[2] == ourIP[2]) { if (ip[3] == ourIP[3]) { buf.append("Same IP as us"); addPoints(points, info.getHash(), POINTS_US32, "Same IP as us"); } else { buf.append("Same /24 as us"); addPoints(points, info.getHash(), POINTS_US24, "Same /24 as us"); } } else { buf.append("Same /16 as us"); addPoints(points, info.getHash(), POINTS_US16, "Same /16 as us"); } buf.append(":</b></p>"); renderRouterInfo(buf, info, null, false, false); found = true; } } if (!found) buf.append("<p>None</p>"); out.write(buf.toString()); out.flush(); buf.setLength(0); } private void renderIPGroups32(Writer out, StringBuilder buf, List<RouterInfo> ris, Map<Hash, Points> points) throws IOException { buf.append("<h3 id=\"sameIP\">Floodfills with the Same IP</h3>"); ObjectCounter<Integer> oc = new ObjectCounter<Integer>(); for (RouterInfo info : ris) { byte[] ip = getIP(info); if (ip == null) continue; Integer x = Integer.valueOf((int) DataHelper.fromLong(ip, 0, 4)); oc.increment(x); } List<Integer> foo = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (Integer ii : oc.objects()) { int count = oc.count(ii); if (count >= 2) foo.add(ii); } Collections.sort(foo, new FooComparator(oc)); boolean found = false; for (Integer ii : foo) { int count = oc.count(ii); int i = ii.intValue(); int i0 = (i >> 24) & 0xff; int i1 = (i >> 16) & 0xff; int i2 = (i >> 8) & 0xff; int i3 = i & 0xff; String sip = i0 + "." + i1 + '.' + i2 + '.' + i3; buf.append("<p><b>").append(count).append(" floodfills with IP <a href=\"/netdb?ip=") .append(sip).append("&sybil\">").append(sip) .append("</a>:</b></p>"); for (RouterInfo info : ris) { byte[] ip = getIP(info); if (ip == null) continue; if ((ip[0] & 0xff) != i0) continue; if ((ip[1] & 0xff) != i1) continue; if ((ip[2] & 0xff) != i2) continue; if ((ip[3] & 0xff) != i3) continue; found = true; renderRouterInfo(buf, info, null, false, false); double point = POINTS32 * (count - 1); addPoints(points, info.getHash(), point, "Same IP with " + (count - 1) + " other" + (( count > 2) ? "s" : "")); } } if (!found) buf.append("<p>None</p>"); out.write(buf.toString()); out.flush(); buf.setLength(0); } private void renderIPGroups24(Writer out, StringBuilder buf, List<RouterInfo> ris, Map<Hash, Points> points) throws IOException { buf.append("<h3 id=\"same24\">Floodfills in the Same /24 (2 minimum)</h3>"); ObjectCounter<Integer> oc = new ObjectCounter<Integer>(); for (RouterInfo info : ris) { byte[] ip = getIP(info); if (ip == null) continue; Integer x = Integer.valueOf((int) DataHelper.fromLong(ip, 0, 3)); oc.increment(x); } List<Integer> foo = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (Integer ii : oc.objects()) { int count = oc.count(ii); if (count >= 2) foo.add(ii); } Collections.sort(foo, new FooComparator(oc)); boolean found = false; for (Integer ii : foo) { int count = oc.count(ii); int i = ii.intValue(); int i0 = i >> 16; int i1 = (i >> 8) & 0xff; int i2 = i & 0xff; String sip = i0 + "." + i1 + '.' + i2 + ".0/24"; buf.append("<p><b>").append(count).append(" floodfills with IP <a href=\"/netdb?ip=") .append(sip).append("&sybil\">").append(sip) .append("</a>:</b></p>"); for (RouterInfo info : ris) { byte[] ip = getIP(info); if (ip == null) continue; if ((ip[0] & 0xff) != i0) continue; if ((ip[1] & 0xff) != i1) continue; if ((ip[2] & 0xff) != i2) continue; found = true; renderRouterInfo(buf, info, null, false, false); double point = POINTS24 * (count - 1); addPoints(points, info.getHash(), point, "Same /24 IP with " + (count - 1) + " other" + (( count > 2) ? "s" : "")); } } if (!found) buf.append("<p>None</p>"); out.write(buf.toString()); out.flush(); buf.setLength(0); } private void renderIPGroups16(Writer out, StringBuilder buf, List<RouterInfo> ris, Map<Hash, Points> points) throws IOException { buf.append("<h3 id=\"same16\">Floodfills in the Same /16 (4 minimum)</h3>"); ObjectCounter<Integer> oc = new ObjectCounter<Integer>(); for (RouterInfo info : ris) { byte[] ip = getIP(info); if (ip == null) continue; Integer x = Integer.valueOf((int) DataHelper.fromLong(ip, 0, 2)); oc.increment(x); } List<Integer> foo = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (Integer ii : oc.objects()) { int count = oc.count(ii); if (count >= 4) foo.add(ii); } Collections.sort(foo, new FooComparator(oc)); boolean found = false; for (Integer ii : foo) { int count = oc.count(ii); int i = ii.intValue(); int i0 = i >> 8; int i1 = i & 0xff; String sip = i0 + "." + i1 + ".0/16"; buf.append("<p><b>").append(count).append(" floodfills with IP <a href=\"/netdb?ip=") .append(sip).append("&sybil\">").append(sip) .append("</a></b></p>"); for (RouterInfo info : ris) { byte[] ip = getIP(info); if (ip == null) continue; if ((ip[0] & 0xff) != i0) continue; if ((ip[1] & 0xff) != i1) continue; found = true; // limit display //renderRouterInfo(buf, info, null, false, false); double point = POINTS16 * (count - 1); addPoints(points, info.getHash(), point, "Same /16 IP with " + (count - 1) + " other" + (( count > 2) ? "s" : "")); } } if (!found) buf.append("<p>None</p>"); out.write(buf.toString()); out.flush(); buf.setLength(0); } private void renderIPGroupsFamily(Writer out, StringBuilder buf, List<RouterInfo> ris, Map<Hash, Points> points) throws IOException { buf.append("<h3>Floodfills in the Same Declared Family</h3>"); ObjectCounter<String> oc = new ObjectCounter<String>(); for (RouterInfo info : ris) { String fam = info.getOption("family"); if (fam == null) continue; oc.increment(fam); } List<String> foo = new ArrayList<String>(oc.objects()); Collections.sort(foo, new FoofComparator(oc)); FamilyKeyCrypto fkc = _context.router().getFamilyKeyCrypto(); String ourFamily = fkc != null ? fkc.getOurFamilyName() : null; boolean found = false; for (String s : foo) { int count = oc.count(s); String ss = DataHelper.escapeHTML(s); buf.append("<p><b>").append(count).append(" floodfills in declared family \"<a href=\"/netdb?fam=") .append(ss).append("&sybil\">").append(ss).append("</a>\"</b></p>"); for (RouterInfo info : ris) { String fam = info.getOption("family"); if (fam == null) continue; if (!fam.equals(s)) continue; found = true; // limit display //renderRouterInfo(buf, info, null, false, false); double point = POINTS_FAMILY; if (fkc != null && s.equals(ourFamily)) { if (fkc.verifyOurFamily(info)) addPoints(points, info.getHash(), POINTS_OUR_FAMILY, "Our family \"" + DataHelper.escapeHTML(s) + "\" with " + (count - 1) + " other" + (( count > 2) ? "s" : "")); else addPoints(points, info.getHash(), POINTS_BAD_OUR_FAMILY, "Spoofed our family \"" + DataHelper.escapeHTML(s) + "\" with " + (count - 1) + " other" + (( count > 2) ? "s" : "")); } else if (count > 1) { addPoints(points, info.getHash(), point, "Same declared family \"" + DataHelper.escapeHTML(s) + "\" with " + (count - 1) + " other" + (( count > 2) ? "s" : "")); } else { addPoints(points, info.getHash(), point, "Declared family \"" + DataHelper.escapeHTML(s) + '"'); } } } if (!found) buf.append("<p>None</p>"); out.write(buf.toString()); out.flush(); buf.setLength(0); } private static final long DAY = 24*60*60*1000L; private void addProfilePoints(List<RouterInfo> ris, Map<Hash, Points> points) { long now = _context.clock().now(); RateAverages ra = RateAverages.getTemp(); for (RouterInfo info : ris) { Hash h = info.getHash(); if (_context.banlist().isBanlisted(h)) addPoints(points, h, POINTS_BANLIST, "Banlisted"); PeerProfile prof = _context.profileOrganizer().getProfileNonblocking(h); if (prof != null) { long heard = prof.getFirstHeardAbout(); if (heard > 0) { long age = Math.max(now - heard, 1); if (age < 2 * DAY) { // (POINTS_NEW / 48) for every hour under 48, max POINTS_NEW double point = Math.min(POINTS_NEW, (2 * DAY - age) / (2 * DAY / POINTS_NEW)); addPoints(points, h, point, "First heard about: " + _t("{0} ago", DataHelper.formatDuration2(age))); } } DBHistory dbh = prof.getDBHistory(); if (dbh != null) { RateStat rs = dbh.getFailedLookupRate(); if (rs != null) { Rate r = rs.getRate(24*60*60*1000); if (r != null) { r.computeAverages(ra, false); if (ra.getTotalEventCount() > 0) { double avg = 100 * ra.getAverage(); if (avg > 40) addPoints(points, h, (avg - 40) / 6.0, "Lookup fail rate " + ((int) avg) + '%'); } } } } } } } private void addVersionPoints(List<RouterInfo> ris, Map<Hash, Points> points) { RouterInfo us = _context.router().getRouterInfo(); if (us == null) return; String ourVer = us.getVersion(); if (!ourVer.startsWith("0.9.")) return; ourVer = ourVer.substring(4); int dot = ourVer.indexOf('.'); if (dot > 0) ourVer = ourVer.substring(0, dot); int minor; try { minor = Integer.parseInt(ourVer); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return; } for (RouterInfo info : ris) { Hash h = info.getHash(); String caps = info.getCapabilities(); if (!caps.contains("R")) addPoints(points, h, POINTS_UNREACHABLE, "Unreachable: " + DataHelper.escapeHTML(caps)); String hisFullVer = info.getVersion(); if (!hisFullVer.startsWith("0.9.")) { addPoints(points, h, POINTS_BAD_VERSION, "Strange version " + DataHelper.escapeHTML(hisFullVer)); continue; } String hisVer = hisFullVer.substring(4); dot = hisVer.indexOf('.'); if (dot > 0) hisVer = hisVer.substring(0, dot); int hisMinor; try { hisMinor = Integer.parseInt(hisVer); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { continue; } int howOld = minor - hisMinor; if (howOld < 3) continue; addPoints(points, h, howOld * VERSION_FACTOR, howOld + " versions behind: " + DataHelper.escapeHTML(hisFullVer)); } } private void renderRouterInfoHTML(Writer out, StringBuilder buf, Hash us, double avgMinDist, List<RouterInfo> ris, Map<Hash, Points> points) throws IOException { Collections.sort(ris, new RouterInfoRoutingKeyComparator(us)); double min = 256; double max = 0; double tot = 0; double median = 0; int count = Math.min(MAX, ris.size()); boolean isEven = (count % 2) == 0; int medIdx = isEven ? (count / 2) - 1 : (count / 2); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { RouterInfo ri = ris.get(i); double dist = renderRouterInfo(buf, ri, us, false, false); if (dist < avgMinDist) { if (i == 0) { //buf.append("<p><b>Not to worry, but above router is closer than average minimum distance " + fmt.format(avgMinDist) + "</b></p>"); } else if (i == 1) { buf.append("<p><b>Not to worry, but above routers are closer than average minimum distance " + fmt.format(avgMinDist) + "</b></p>"); } else if (i == 2) { buf.append("<p><b>Possible Sybil Warning - above routers are closer than average minimum distance " + fmt.format(avgMinDist) + "</b></p>"); } else { buf.append("<p><b>Major Sybil Warning - above router is closer than average minimum distance " + fmt.format(avgMinDist) + "</b></p>"); } } // this is dumb because they are already sorted if (dist < min) min = dist; if (dist > max) max = dist; tot += dist; if (i == medIdx) median = dist; else if (i == medIdx + 1 && isEven) median = (median + dist) / 2; double point = MIN_CLOSE - dist; if (point > 0) { point *= OUR_KEY_FACTOR; addPoints(points, ri.getHash(), point, "Very close (" + fmt.format(dist) + ") to our key " + us.toBase64()); } if (i >= MAX - 1) break; } double avg = tot / count; buf.append("<p><b>Totals for " + count + " floodfills: </b>MIN=" + fmt.format(min) + " AVG=" + fmt.format(avg) + " MEDIAN=" + fmt.format(median) + " MAX=" + fmt.format(max) + "</p>\n"); out.write(buf.toString()); out.flush(); buf.setLength(0); } /** * For debugging * * @since 0.7.14 */ private static double biLog2(BigInteger a) { return NetDbRenderer.biLog2(a); } /** * Countries now in a separate bundle * @param code two-letter country code * @since 0.9.9 */ private String getTranslatedCountry(String code) { String name = _context.commSystem().getCountryName(code); return Translate.getString(name, _context, Messages.COUNTRY_BUNDLE_NAME); } /** * Be careful to use stripHTML for any displayed routerInfo data * to prevent vulnerabilities * * @param us ROUTING KEY or null * @param full ignored * @return distance to us if non-null, else 0 */ private double renderRouterInfo(StringBuilder buf, RouterInfo info, Hash us, boolean isUs, boolean full) { String hash = info.getIdentity().getHash().toBase64(); buf.append("<table><tr><th><a name=\"").append(hash.substring(0, 6)).append("\" ></a>"); double distance = 0; if (isUs) { buf.append("<a name=\"our-info\" ></a><b>" + _t("Our info") + ": ").append(hash).append("</b></th></tr><tr><td>\n"); } else { buf.append("<b>" + _t("Router") + ":</b> ").append(hash).append("\n"); if (!full) { buf.append("[<a href=\"netdb?r=").append(hash.substring(0, 6)).append("\" >").append(_t("Full entry")).append("</a>]"); } buf.append("</th><th><img src=\"/imagegen/id?s=32&c=" + hash.replace("=", "%3d") + "\" height=\"32\" width=\"32\"> "); buf.append("</th></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\">\n"); if (us != null) { BigInteger dist = HashDistance.getDistance(us, info.getHash()); distance = biLog2(dist); buf.append("<b>Hash Distance: ").append(fmt.format(distance)).append("</b><br>"); } } buf.append("<b>Routing Key: </b>").append(info.getRoutingKey().toBase64()).append("<br>\n"); buf.append("<b>Version: </b>").append(DataHelper.stripHTML(info.getVersion())).append("<br>\n"); buf.append("<b>Caps: </b>").append(DataHelper.stripHTML(info.getCapabilities())).append("<br>\n"); String fam = info.getOption("family"); if (fam != null) buf.append("<b>Family: ").append(DataHelper.escapeHTML(fam)).append("</b><br>\n"); String kls = info.getOption("netdb.knownLeaseSets"); if (kls != null) buf.append("<b>Lease Sets: </b>").append(DataHelper.stripHTML(kls)).append("<br>\n"); String kr = info.getOption("netdb.knownRouters"); if (kr != null) buf.append("<b>Routers: </b>").append(DataHelper.stripHTML(kr)).append("<br>\n"); long now = _context.clock().now(); if (!isUs) { PeerProfile prof = _context.profileOrganizer().getProfileNonblocking(info.getHash()); if (prof != null) { long heard = prof.getFirstHeardAbout(); if (heard > 0) { long age = Math.max(now - heard, 1); buf.append("<b>First heard about:</b> ") .append(_t("{0} ago", DataHelper.formatDuration2(age))).append("<br>\n"); } heard = prof.getLastHeardAbout(); if (heard > 0) { long age = Math.max(now - heard, 1); buf.append("<b>Last heard about:</b> ") .append(_t("{0} ago", DataHelper.formatDuration2(age))).append("<br>\n"); } heard = prof.getLastHeardFrom(); if (heard > 0) { long age = Math.max(now - heard, 1); buf.append("<b>Last heard from:</b> ") .append(_t("{0} ago", DataHelper.formatDuration2(age))).append("<br>\n"); } DBHistory dbh = prof.getDBHistory(); if (dbh != null) { heard = dbh.getLastLookupSuccessful(); if (heard > 0) { long age = Math.max(now - heard, 1); buf.append("<b>Last lookup successful:</b> ") .append(_t("{0} ago", DataHelper.formatDuration2(age))).append("<br>\n"); } heard = dbh.getLastLookupFailed(); if (heard > 0) { long age = Math.max(now - heard, 1); buf.append("<b>Last lookup failed:</b> ") .append(_t("{0} ago", DataHelper.formatDuration2(age))).append("<br>\n"); } heard = dbh.getLastStoreSuccessful(); if (heard > 0) { long age = Math.max(now - heard, 1); buf.append("<b>Last store successful:</b> ") .append(_t("{0} ago", DataHelper.formatDuration2(age))).append("<br>\n"); } heard = dbh.getLastStoreFailed(); if (heard > 0) { long age = Math.max(now - heard, 1); buf.append("<b>Last store failed:</b> ") .append(_t("{0} ago", DataHelper.formatDuration2(age))).append("<br>\n"); } } // any other profile stuff? } } long age = Math.max(now - info.getPublished(), 1); if (isUs && _context.router().isHidden()) { buf.append("<b>").append(_t("Hidden")).append(", ").append(_t("Updated")).append(":</b> ") .append(_t("{0} ago", DataHelper.formatDuration2(age))).append("<br>\n"); } else { buf.append("<b>").append(_t("Published")).append(":</b> ") .append(_t("{0} ago", DataHelper.formatDuration2(age))).append("<br>\n"); } buf.append("<b>").append(_t("Signing Key")).append(":</b> ") .append(info.getIdentity().getSigningPublicKey().getType().toString()); buf.append("<br>\n<b>" + _t("Addresses") + ":</b> "); String country = _context.commSystem().getCountry(info.getIdentity().getHash()); if(country != null) { buf.append("<img height=\"11\" width=\"16\" alt=\"").append(country.toUpperCase(Locale.US)).append('\"'); buf.append(" title=\"").append(getTranslatedCountry(country)).append('\"'); buf.append(" src=\"/flags.jsp?c=").append(country).append("\"> "); } for (RouterAddress addr : info.getAddresses()) { String style = addr.getTransportStyle(); buf.append("<b>").append(DataHelper.stripHTML(style)).append(":</b> "); Map<Object, Object> p = addr.getOptionsMap(); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> e : p.entrySet()) { String name = (String) e.getKey(); if (name.equals("key") || name.startsWith("ikey") || name.startsWith("itag") || name.startsWith("iport") || name.equals("mtu")) continue; String val = (String) e.getValue(); buf.append('[').append(_t(DataHelper.stripHTML(name))).append('='); if (name.equals("host")) buf.append("<b>"); buf.append(DataHelper.stripHTML(val)).append("] "); if (name.equals("host")) buf.append("</b>"); } } buf.append("</td></tr>\n"); buf.append("</table>\n"); return distance; } /** * Called from NetDbRenderer * * @since 0.9.28 */ public static void renderSybilHTML(Writer out, RouterContext ctx, List<Hash> sybils, String victim) throws IOException { if (sybils.isEmpty()) return; final DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("#0.00"); XORComparator<Hash> xor = new XORComparator<Hash>(Hash.FAKE_HASH); out.write("<h3>Group Distances</h3><table><tr><th>Hash<th>Distance from previous</tr>\n"); Collections.sort(sybils, xor); Hash prev = null; for (Hash h : sybils) { String hh = h.toBase64(); out.write("<tr><td><a href=\"#" + hh.substring(0, 6) + "\"><tt>" + hh + "</tt></a><td>"); if (prev != null) { BigInteger dist = HashDistance.getDistance(prev, h); writeDistance(out, fmt, dist); } prev = h; out.write("</tr>\n"); } out.write("</table>\n"); out.flush(); RouterKeyGenerator rkgen = ctx.routerKeyGenerator(); long now = ctx.clock().now(); final int start = -3; now += start * 24*60*60*1000L; final int days = 10; Hash from = ctx.routerHash(); if (victim != null) { Hash v = ConvertToHash.getHash(victim); if (v != null) from = v; } out.write("<h3>Distance to " + from.toBase64() + "</h3>"); prev = null; final int limit = Math.min(10, sybils.size()); for (int i = start; i <= days; i++) { out.write("<h3>Distance for " + new Date(now) + "</h3><table><tr><th>Hash<th>Distance<th>Distance from previous</tr>\n"); Hash rkey = rkgen.getRoutingKey(from, now); xor = new XORComparator<Hash>(rkey); Collections.sort(sybils, xor); for (int j = 0; j < limit; j++) { Hash h = sybils.get(j); String hh = h.toBase64(); out.write("<tr><td><a href=\"#" + hh.substring(0, 6) + "\"><tt>" + hh + "</tt></a><td>"); BigInteger dist = HashDistance.getDistance(rkey, h); writeDistance(out, fmt, dist); out.write("<td>"); if (prev != null) { dist = HashDistance.getDistance(prev, h); writeDistance(out, fmt, dist); } prev = h; out.write("</tr>\n"); } out.write("</table>\n"); out.flush(); now += 24*60*60*1000; prev = null; } } /** @since 0.9.28 */ private static void writeDistance(Writer out, DecimalFormat fmt, BigInteger dist) throws IOException { double distance = biLog2(dist); if (distance < MIN_CLOSE) out.write("<font color=\"red\">"); out.write(fmt.format(distance)); if (distance < MIN_CLOSE) out.write("</font>"); } /** translate a string */ private String _t(String s) { return Messages.getString(s, _context); } /** tag only */ private static final String _x(String s) { return s; } /** * translate a string with a parameter * This is a lot more expensive than _t(s), so use sparingly. * * @param s string to be translated containing {0} * The {0} will be replaced by the parameter. * Single quotes must be doubled, i.e. ' -> '' in the string. * @param o parameter, not translated. * To translate parameter also, use _t("foo {0} bar", _t("baz")) * Do not double the single quotes in the parameter. * Use autoboxing to call with ints, longs, floats, etc. */ private String _t(String s, Object o) { return Messages.getString(s, o, _context); } }