package net.i2p.router.tunnel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import net.i2p.router.util.CDQEntry; /** * Stores all the state for an unsent or partially-sent message * * @since 0.9.3 refactored from TunnelGateway.Pending */ class PendingGatewayMessage implements CDQEntry { protected final Hash _toRouter; protected final TunnelId _toTunnel; protected final long _messageId; protected final long _expiration; protected final byte _remaining[]; protected int _offset; protected int _fragmentNumber; protected final long _created; private List<Long> _messageIds; private long _enqueueTime; public PendingGatewayMessage(I2NPMessage message, Hash toRouter, TunnelId toTunnel) { _toRouter = toRouter; _toTunnel = toTunnel; _messageId = message.getUniqueId(); _expiration = message.getMessageExpiration(); _remaining = message.toByteArray(); _created = System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** may be null */ public Hash getToRouter() { return _toRouter; } /** may be null */ public TunnelId getToTunnel() { return _toTunnel; } public long getMessageId() { return _messageId; } public long getExpiration() { return _expiration; } /** raw unfragmented message to send */ public byte[] getData() { return _remaining; } /** index into the data to be sent */ public int getOffset() { return _offset; } /** move the offset */ public void setOffset(int offset) { _offset = offset; } public long getLifetime() { return System.currentTimeMillis()-_created; } /** which fragment are we working on (0 for the first fragment) */ public int getFragmentNumber() { return _fragmentNumber; } /** ok, fragment sent, increment what the next will be */ public void incrementFragmentNumber() { _fragmentNumber++; } /** * Add an ID to the list of the TunnelDataMssages this message was fragmented into. * Unused except in notePreprocessing() calls for debugging */ public void addMessageId(long id) { synchronized (this) { if (_messageIds == null) _messageIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); _messageIds.add(Long.valueOf(id)); } } /** * The IDs of the TunnelDataMssages this message was fragmented into. * Unused except in notePreprocessing() calls for debugging */ public List<Long> getMessageIds() { synchronized (this) { if (_messageIds != null) return new ArrayList<Long>(_messageIds); else return new ArrayList<Long>(); } } /** * For CDQ * @since 0.9.3 */ public void setEnqueueTime(long now) { _enqueueTime = now; } /** * For CDQ * @since 0.9.3 */ public long getEnqueueTime() { return _enqueueTime; } /** * For CDQ * @since 0.9.3 */ public void drop() { } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(64); buf.append("Message ").append(_messageId); //.append(" on "); //buf.append(TunnelGateway.this.toString()); if (_toRouter != null) { buf.append(" targetting "); buf.append(_toRouter.toBase64()).append(" "); if (_toTunnel != null) buf.append(_toTunnel.getTunnelId()); } buf.append(" actual lifetime "); buf.append(getLifetime()).append("ms"); buf.append(" potential lifetime "); buf.append(_expiration - _created).append("ms"); buf.append(" size ").append(_remaining.length); buf.append(" offset ").append(_offset); buf.append(" frag ").append(_fragmentNumber); return buf.toString(); } }