package net.i2p.router.networkdb.kademlia; import; import; import; import net.i2p.util.Log; import net.i2p.router.JobImpl; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; /** * Ask the peer who sent us the DSRM for the RouterInfos... * * ... but If we have the routerInfo already, try to refetch it from that router itself, * (if the info is old or we don't think it is floodfill) * which will help us establish that router as a good floodfill and speed our * integration into the network. * * Very similar to SingleLookupJob. * This was all in IterativeLookupSelector.isMatch() but it caused deadlocks * with OutboundMessageRegistry.getOriginalMessages() * at both _search.newPeerToTry() and _search.failed(). * * @since 0.8.9 */ class IterativeLookupJob extends JobImpl { private final Log _log; private final DatabaseSearchReplyMessage _dsrm; private final IterativeSearchJob _search; public IterativeLookupJob(RouterContext ctx, DatabaseSearchReplyMessage dsrm, IterativeSearchJob search) { super(ctx); _log = ctx.logManager().getLog(IterativeLookupJob.class); _dsrm = dsrm; _search = search; } public void runJob() { Hash from = _dsrm.getFromHash(); // dsrm.getFromHash() can't be trusted - check against the list of // those we sent the search to in _search if (!_search.wasQueried(from)) { if (_log.shouldLog(Log.WARN)) _log.warn(_search.getJobId() + ": ILJ DSRM from unqueried peer: " + _dsrm); return; } // Chase the hashes from the reply // 255 max, see comments in SingleLookupJob int limit = Math.min(_dsrm.getNumReplies(), SingleLookupJob.MAX_TO_FOLLOW); int newPeers = 0; int oldPeers = 0; int invalidPeers = 0; for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) { Hash peer = _dsrm.getReply(i); if (peer.equals(getContext().routerHash())) { // us oldPeers++; continue; } if (peer.equals(from)) { // unusual invalidPeers++; continue; } if (getContext().banlist().isBanlistedForever(peer)) { oldPeers++; continue; } RouterInfo ri = getContext().netDb().lookupRouterInfoLocally(peer); if (ri == null) { // Take it on faith that it's ff to speed things up, we don't need the RI // to query it. // Zero-hop outbound tunnel will be failed in ISJ.sendQuery() _search.newPeerToTry(peer); if (_search.getFromHash() == null) { // get the RI from the peer that told us about it // Only if original search used expl. tunnels getContext().jobQueue().addJob(new SingleSearchJob(getContext(), peer, from)); } else { // don't look it up as we don't have a good way to do it securely... // add to expl. queue to look up later? no, probably not safe either } newPeers++; } else if (ri.getPublished() < getContext().clock().now() - 60*60*1000 || !FloodfillNetworkDatabaseFacade.isFloodfill(ri)) { // get an updated RI from the (now ff?) peer // Only if original search used expl. tunnels if (_search.getFromHash() == null) { getContext().jobQueue().addJob(new IterativeFollowupJob(getContext(), peer, peer, _search)); } else { // for now, don't believe him, don't call newPeerToTry() // is IFJ safe if we use the client tunnels? } oldPeers++; } else { // add it to the sorted queue // this will check if we have already tried it // should we really add? if we know about it but skipped it, // it was for some reason? _search.newPeerToTry(peer); oldPeers++; } } if (_log.shouldLog(Log.INFO)) + ": ILJ DSRM processed " + newPeers + '/' + oldPeers + '/' + invalidPeers + " new/old/invalid hashes"); long timeSent = _search.timeSent(from); // assume 0 dup if (timeSent > 0) { getContext().profileManager().dbLookupReply(from, newPeers, oldPeers, invalidPeers, 0, getContext().clock().now() - timeSent); } _search.failed(_dsrm.getFromHash(), false); } public String getName() { return "NetDb process DSRM"; } }